Romance: The Lion's Chosen Mate: BBW Lion Shifter Romance Standalone (Hunky Shifters Book 1)

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Romance: The Lion's Chosen Mate: BBW Lion Shifter Romance Standalone (Hunky Shifters Book 1) Page 4

by Ashley Hunter

  "Really?" Webster looked down her body with a heated expression before looking at her with hooded eyes. "I thought you were as light as air."

  Cadence snorted.

  "Don't flatter me. I carry a lot of weight."

  She tried to move away but felt Webster's arms tightened around her, gently pressing her into his erection.

  "In all the right places and you carry it well. Don't let anyone say otherwise."

  Cadence rolled her eyes.



  Cadence felt like her heart was about to pound out of her chest. She licked her lips and Webster's eyes zeroed in on her mouth. His nostrils flared again and he growled, his eyes becoming hot. Cadence's body reacted and she felt her nipples hardening, pressing against his chest.

  Webster's arms shifted around her and he lowered his head. He was going to kiss her. For a moment Cadence wanted him to. But then reality set in rapidly and she pushed Webster away, blushing to the roots of her hair.

  "I need to get sorted for tomorrow and rest up." She fumbled for her keys and managed to open the door. She barely looked at Webster as she stepped inside. "Thanks for helping me. Twice."


  "I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Mr Webster."

  Cadence shut the door in his face and leant against it, eyes closed. She couldn't believe what had just happened. Jasper Webster, billionaire businessman, had been turned on by her, lowly Cadence Steel. That should have been empowering that she could have an effect on a gorgeous specimen like that.

  But all it did was terrify her with the intensity. If she went anywhere near him beyond work reasons, she was going to burst into flames and nobody would be able to put her out.

  Chapter 4: Satisfying Every Whim

  Jasper was angry. He had been so close to kissing Cadence and he had blown it. Cadence had run away like a frightened rabbit. She acted like she didn't want his touch.

  But her body had responded to his and he could feel her heart racing against his chest. The dilation of her pupils had also given her away; she was attracted to him as he was to her. And she fought it.

  That was frustrating. After two attacks on her in the space of an hour, he could understand her skittishness around him but it irked him that she shrank away from him completely. She refused to even entertain him.

  With his attitude around her, he couldn't really blame her. But his lion was constantly roaring, wanting to claim his mate. It was all he could do not to grab her and throw her onto his desk before he ripped her clothes off. He wanted her with a fierceness that threatened to get out of control. His lion didn't like waiting.

  Neither did Jasper. But he wasn't going to go his usual way. Cadence had to come to him.

  Now he was tired of waiting. He was going to jump in and take what he had and see what happened. If she slapped his face and threatened to sue, he would find a way to sort it. If she accepted him...

  His cock was hard as a rock when someone knocked at his door. The scent that drifted in told Jasper his mate was on the other side of the door. He didn't look up as he typed up an email.

  "Come in."

  He heard the door open and close but didn't look up. Footsteps came across the carpet and there she was, standing before his desk. Paper rustled and a see-through plastic file was laid at his elbow.

  "My assignment, Mr Webster."


  He heard her huff and slump into the chair. Jasper took his time finishing the email, sending it before he turned away. His breath caught in his throat when he saw Cadence sitting in her chair, her hair slicked back and tied in a chignon.

  She was wearing a blue t-shirt that hugged her breasts and a denim skirt that finished mid-calf. Black knee-high boots finished off the ensemble. Cadence had something about skirts that Jasper found endearing. She was very feminine, very sophisticated. She carried her body well.

  And that turned Jasper on.

  Swallowing, he looked away and reached for the article he had assigned to Cadence. He had set her something that was simple enough but he wasn't interested in how she had presented it; he just wanted an excuse to get her back in his office.

  For what he had in mind, he had purposefully kept the blinds closed. In the next few minutes, he would lock the door. Mattie had told everyone no one was to disturb him unless the blinds were open so there was no chance of someone walking in on them.

  Jasper took a look over the article. It was good, a lot better than the ones he had previously seen of hers. She had gone to a lot of effort over it. When she wasn't focusing on her work to expose shifters as mean monsters, she could turn out a really good piece.

  If only she knew the half of it.

  Jasper read to the end and dropped the file on his desk, focusing on Cadence.

  "This is all wrong." He said gruffly. "You've gone the wrong way about it completely."

  Cadence's eyes widened. She looked genuinely shocked.

  "What? But I followed the brief exactly as you described!" She protested.

  "Well, I didn't want this." Jasper stood up. "You're in trouble, Miss Steel."

  He watched as Cadence's bottom lip trembled and she closed her eyes as she took a moment. Jasper felt bad; he didn't want to make her cry. But he needed a reason to keep her close and this was the only way he could think of.

  It would involve his little kitty-kat bringing out her claws but it would be worth it.

  Cadence opened her eyes, looking up at him with barely contained sadness. Tears brimmed and threatened to fall.

  "Do you want me to pack up my things now?" She asked.

  "I don't want you to pack up your stuff." Jasper walked over to the door, locking it with a flick of his fingers. He leant against the door, hands in his pockets, watching Cadence's eyes widen when she realized what he had done. "I want you in here. Now. Working as my assistant."

  Cadence looked confused. Then realization dawned and her eyes narrowed.

  "You what?"

  "I'm in need of an office and personal assistant." Jasper's voice lowered to a husky tone. "And when I say personal, I mean personal."

  He didn't really need a personal assistant - he had never needed one - but this was a way to keep Cadence close. It might not be the best way to go about things but he wanted - no, needed - her to be next to him. He didn't care what anyone thought. Right now all he cared about was having Cadence.

  Cadence stood. Her sadness had melted away and anger was radiating off her. He had offended her somehow but he stood his resolve.

  "You want me to become a glorified secretary?"

  "Pretty much. You work with me and learn from me. By the end of...I don't know...a month, you'll be hammering out the right things easily without thinking."

  It normally took him less than a week to seduce a woman but Cadence was important. She was special. Jasper needed more time. And as he was going to be here six weeks, he didn't have much room to work with.

  Cadence advanced on him, her hands clenched at her sides.

  "If you think I'm going to fetch your suits from the cleaners, get coffee and answer the phone for you, you've got another thing coming." She jabbed a finger into his chest. "No way, Webster."

  Jasper had kept his control until she touched him. She touched him voluntarily. With a growl, he grabbed her round the waist and turned, pinning her against the door. Cadence squeaked and her hands ended up flat against his chest. Her eyes were wide but the pupils were so dilated they were taking over the beautiful blue. Jasper bent his head until their mouths were inches apart.

  "You haven't heard the best part of the deal yet."

  "W-What are you doing?"

  Cadence's heart was beating hard. Jasper could hear it in his head. He moved his mouth to her neck and pressed a firm kiss to the fluttering pulse on her neck.

  "You have to do what I say." He whispered, licking at her pulse and feeling Cadence shudder under his hands. "Everything that I say. And it will be for your plea
sure, not mine."

  "You're mad if you think I'm doing anything with you." Cadence hissed.

  But Jasper felt her body arching into him, her breasts pushing against his chest and her hips rubbing against his cock. He pulled back and threaded his hand around her chignon, making her look at him.

  "Look me in the eye, then." He said. "Look me in the eye and deny that you have any sort of feelings towards me."

  They were both breathing hard, the sexual tension between them so heavy Jasper could feel it weighing down on him. He was starting to sweat from the heat that sizzled in the air. Cadence looked from his eyes to his mouth, licked her lips, and looked back up at him. She swallowed as her hands went up around his neck.

  "I want to smack you; do you know that?"

  "Sounds like a fun idea." Finally getting his answer, Jasper pressed Cadence against the door, letting go of her hair and running his hand down her back. "But wait until later."

  Then - finally - he kissed her. His intention had been to go slow and soft, allow her to get used to him first. But Cadence wasn't interested in that. She went straight from zero to a hundred in three seconds, rubbing her body against his, and Jasper knew he was in trouble. If she was this passionate, he was going to lose control pretty fast.

  He pried her mouth open with his lips and drove his tongue inside, tangling with hers as he angled his head for better penetration. Cadence whimpered and clutched at his shoulders, reaching up on her tiptoes to get closer. She was so responsive and gave it as good as she got. Jasper had figured she was passionate underneath her mask. Now he was getting a good look at what his mate was really like.

  His hand ran down her back to her backside, giving it a firm squeeze that had Cadence moaning into his mouth. Moving his hand further down, he dragged her skirt up until it bunched around her thighs. Hitching one of her legs to wrap around his hip, Jasper pushed his hand between them and rubbed her clit through her panties.

  That had the desired effect. Cadence gasped, her gasp swallowed by his mouth, and she bucked against his hand. Jasper wanted to rip her panties off, open his jeans and shove his cock into her pussy.

  She was wet, her panties already soaked, and he knew she would feel hot and tight. But he kept himself in check; this was for her pleasure, not for his. He wanted her pliant in his arms, begging for more. He wouldn't take it unless she wanted it.

  Cadence was writhing in his arms, her hips moving against his hand. She was incredibly responsive, more so than he thought. Already she was getting close to coming.

  He could feel her body shivering as the pressure built up inside her and rubbed at her nub harder, thrusting his cock against her center and wishing her panties and his jeans were out the way.

  He could feel when Cadence orgasmed. Her cry was muffled as he swallowed it with his mouth, kissing her fiercely, and she clutched at him tight enough to leave bruises. But Jasper didn't let up, making her ride it out until she was shaking in his arms. Only then did he take his hand away from her clit and lower her leg to the ground, dropping the skirt back into place.

  Jasper held onto her as she got her balance back, his heart pounding furiously. That had had him almost coming in his jeans like a teenager. His beast threatened to take over and he had to shove it back, telling it to stay put.

  "Like I said," He whispered in her ear. "It's not just my whims and pleasures you'll be satisfying. I'll also be satisfying you."


  Cadence was flying. She had just experienced the most amazing orgasm in her life. Previous bed partners didn't even compare and Webster hadn't even penetrated her. Just having him touch her, kiss her and run his hands all over her body had Cadence's body going into overdrive.

  The man certainly knew how to kiss. And he certainly knew what set her off. Cadence's head was still spinning from the fierce attack.

  It was only when she came down from her high that she realized what Webster had done. He had seduced her and made her climax in the office, inches away from nosy reporters. He had used her body against herself to make her putty in his hands.

  She pushed away from him and leant against the wall.

  "You bastard." She snarled.

  Webster raised an eyebrow, looking mildly amused at her reaction.

  "What are you so angry about? That was probably the best orgasm you've had in your life."

  Cadence knew her flushed face would give her away. She clenched her fists and resisted the urge to punch him.

  "I'll rephrase. You arrogant bastard. What gives you the right to do that to me?"

  "I didn't see you complaining a moment ago."

  Webster turned and walked back to his desk. He faced her and leant back, arms folded across his broad chest. The damn man didn't look like he had been involved in an illicit fumble. Only the sight of his cock pressing up against his trousers told Cadence he wasn't as unaffected as he was making out.

  "Answer the damn question, Webster."

  "What gives me the right? Because I'm your boss and you are to do as I say. And if I want to make you come, then I will." Jasper's eyes darkened and he growled. "You look fucking gorgeous when you come, Cadence."

  Cadence was thrown by that. No one had commented on how she looked when she climaxed. Webster seemed to know which buttons to press to get her going again. She gritted her teeth.

  "I never said you could."

  "You did. Just not with words."

  He took a deep breath and let it out. Cadence realized that he was shaken by their encounter. Her eyes narrowed.

  "Got you shaken, have I?" She sneered. "Didn't think a fat girl could make you react like that?"

  Webster looked up at her, his eyes wide. His eyes changed to gold, obliterating the brown, and back again. Cadence stared. What had just happened?

  "You're not fat, Cadence." Webster looked shocked at the idea. "I've never considered you as fat. If you must know, I love your curves. Too much." He swallowed. "And yes, you have shaken me. That was more intense than I realized."

  He loved her curves? Cadence wondered what had happened to the man who had belittled her and forced her to do an assignment he was unhappy with. She was used to that man; at least she knew where she stood.

  But after last night when he had carried her to her door, holding her like the most precious thing in the world, Cadence was confused. Jasper Webster was a mass of contradictions. He couldn't seem to make up his mind whether to be mean to her or fuck her.

  She looked down at his crotch. His cock was tenting his trousers and from what she could tell, it was a huge cock hidden underneath. But Webster hadn't touched himself. He had touched her, gotten her off. Why hadn't he followed through and had his pleasure?

  "How come you're not doing anything to yourself?"

  Webster shifted with a wince. Evidently, he was uncomfortable.

  "This was about you, not me."

  Cadence decided to have a little fun. She obviously had an effect on him; maybe she could tease him a little.

  She sauntered towards him. Webster's eyes darkened and the gold flashed but he didn't move. Cadence reached the desk and placed her hands on his chest, grinning slyly up at him.

  "Then maybe I'll return the favor."

  She slowly went onto her knees, running her hands down his chest, over his stomach, to his groin. Just rubbing her palms over his cock told Cadence she was dealing with something bigger than she had had before. Her panties were already soaked and her pussy was demanding to be filled. But Cadence wasn't going to do that.

  She had something a bit more interesting in mind.

  With nimble fingers, she undid his trousers, lowering the zipper slowly. Pulling Webster to standing with her hands on his hips, Cadence gave a quick tug and his trousers and boxers went down, stopping halfway down his thighs. His cock sprang out and bumped against her cheek.

  Cadence grasped him in her hand and gave him a slow pump, pulling back the foreskin. He was easily the biggest man she had been with. Her mouth watered as she look
ed at it. She leant forward and licked round the head, swirling her tongue over the crown. Webster groaned.

  "Shit, Cadence."

  She could feel him reaching for her but Cadence pulled back, giving him a look that had him stopping from touching her.

  "Keep your hands on the desk." She ordered.

  Webster grinned and leant back, placing his hands flat on the desk. Cadence looked back at his cock, which was starting to leak from the tip. She licked it up and then, without warning, sucked his cock into her mouth.

  Webster gasped and his hips thrust into her mouth but Cadence held his hips firm against the desk, pinning him down, as she pumped him into her mouth, hollowing out her cheeks. She hadn't given head very much but when she did, her sexual partners had been in high praise.

  Jasper Webster wouldn't know what had hit him.

  Webster moaned and pumped his hips in time with her mouth, his motions becoming jerked. Already he was close to climaxing. Cadence paid close attention to this, fondling his balls and drawing more of his cock into her mouth. He tasted good but this wasn't about making him feel good.

  When she felt him about to explode, Cadence pulled away, standing up and stepping back. Webster's head had been thrown back, his eyes closed and a look of exquisite pain on his face. He opened his eyes when he realized that she had moved away and stared at her in stunned amazement.

  "What the...? Why did you stop?"

  "That was to pay you back for forcing an orgasm out of me." Cadence undid her chignon and began to gather it up again, pinning it perfectly even with her hands shaking. "If you think you're setting the rules when it comes to sex, think again. I can get you so pent up, you'll explode without even touching yourself."

  Webster stood up. He didn't bother to pull up his trousers, his cock hard and proud pointing at her. Cadence squeezed her thighs together. She wanted to feel that cock inside her but this was not the time.

  Webster swallowed. He looked in pain, surprise etched in his features.

  "So this is...revenge?"

  "Absolutely." Cadence checked that her chignon was in place and adjusted her clothes. "If you need me, I'll be at my desk." She glanced down at his cock again with a grin. "And you'd better get yourself dressed. Can't have you exposing yourself to the rest of the world, can we?"


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