by King Key
“Pick me up in front of the hotel. Take me back to BizMart. I need a bodyguard.”
“Yes, ma’am!”
Gretel hung up and dialed Sidney’s room. “Got any good pictures that show Rich’s face clearly—but not mine?”
“Oh, yes. They’re lovely.”
“Good! Maybe we can print some at the office and save the rest in the camera.”
“I’ll take very good care of them.”
“I’ll bet you will. Oh, Sidney. Heads up: When you get ready to present the award to Kurt tonight, be ready for me to interrupt you. I’ll take the statue and make the presentation.”
“Fine with me.”
“I must check the Society bylaws. So, go ahead to the Constellation by yourself. Don’t come by for me. Just before I head over, I may do some entertaining.”
“I understand perfectly.”
Confident that her closing words would keep Sidney away from her suite, Gretel hung up, wrapped her mink stole around her shoulders, and sneaked out of her suite. She had just enough time to hurry over to the BizMart offices and return to make her appearance at the Vanguard Society reception before the awards ceremonies.
Gretel’s gut instincts told her she’d catch Kurt Merchant in his office at BizMart. She couldn’t wait to see his face when she bragged about making his life miserable because he lacked the discipline to learn humility, and she knew how to break his spirit. She enjoyed making men crawl, on general principles. Gretel hoped he’d be defiant. Then she’d slip the dagger in his heart: Kurt could submit to Gretel completely, and gratify her on her terms. Or she would demolish his career without any hint of giving him pleasure.
Humping Rich whetted her appetite. Gretel yearned so much to catch Kurt in his office that she could almost taste it. She would shaft him, physically, mentally, financially, and any other way that suited her whims, so that Kurt would always say nobody could screw him like Gretel.
She would avenge the time Kurt snubbed her at Chimera.
Chapter Ten
Kurt’s Visitor
Kurt waited in suspense to see who stood at his office door. Minutes seemed to pass, but rationally he knew that only seconds elapsed before his mystery guest stepped inside and flipped the switch to illuminate Kurt’s office. “We meet again,” Jessica announced.
Kurt’s surprise gave way to relief. Jessica’s melancholy eyes made him feel protective toward her. But just below the surface Kurt battled an edgy, self-destructive sexual urge to face Gretel, heatedly bicker with her, abruptly make up, and passionately make out with her. He recovered enough to say, “What a pleasant surprise.”
“Your presence is requested at the awards ceremony,” Jessica said with mock formality.
“Who sent you? Sidney?”
“Who said anyone sent me? We’ve got to talk, Kurt. When I noticed you weren’t at the awards ceremony, I figured you’d be in your office.”
“What do we need to talk about?”
“We both got fired. Let’s do some serious networking at the awards reception. Take some of my business cards. Give me some of yours to pass out to prospective leads.”
They swapped cards, and he put hers in his wallet. “How’d you figure I got fired?”
“Our appointments with Lila. That’s like a BizMart kiss of death, apparently. But, before we hash out our problems, let’s get to the ceremonies.”
“How do I look?”
She eyed him critically. “Not GQ material, but you’ll get by. Let’s take my car. I’m parked right outside.”
“Thanks,” he said, heading out.
“Shouldn’t you lock up?”
“Not expecting company,” he said. “I’ll be back later.” They continued talking while heading down the hall to the elevator. “So, how did your session with Dr. Krafft go?”
“No go,” she smiled. “She asked to hypnotize me, and I declined.”
“Why? It’s very relaxing.”
“I don’t trust her. Can’t put my finger on it.” Jessica reconsidered. “Well, she acted like she was coming on to me. Might have if I’d let my guard down.”
“You just met her. How do you know she’s a lesbian?”
“Maybe bisexual. I don’t know it. I just feel it.”
Kurt frowned. “She helped me because I trust her.”
“Did you see her license to practice psychiatry in Maryland?”
They stepped into the elevator.
“She showed me her MD,” Kurt said.
“Is that all?”
Kurt smiled drolly. “She wouldn’t show me her boobies or beaver. Maybe she is a lesbian.”
“God! Is that all men think about?”
“I took her word about her license.”
“I didn’t. And she wouldn’t show me her license. Said it was packed away.”
“Could be. Look, don’t destroy my faith in Dr. Krafft. She’s my crutch until I get back on my feet.”
The elevator stopped. “But you’re the Pacesetter of the Year. It’s all over town. You’re marketable. Kurt, forget what I said about Lila. I don’t know why I feel negatively about her. People usually call me Pollyanna.”
“Sure it isn’t Pagliacci? The tragic clown?” Kurt pushed the Door Open button. When she exited, Kurt fully noticed her physical allure for the first time. She wore a white, close-fitting gown with just a filmy black wrap on her shoulders to permit a full view of her slender, shapely figure.
Once they were both outside the elevator, her languid eyes turned fiery. “Don’t pull the amateur psychologist bit on me,” she said. “I just got fired, too, and I don’t need anyone calling me a clown.”
“Didn’t mean it that way,” he said. “Sorry I’m on edge. You’re right. We have to pull together. Help each other with contacts and job leads.” While they passed through the lobby, Kurt called to the security guard, “I’m going out for awhile. Be back later.”
“Did you see your other visitors? A real tall guy and a sexy blonde bombshell.” The guard approached them. Acknowledging Jessica, he said, “Excuse me, Miss. I didn’t mean to refer to the other lady as a sex object. But, Geez!”
“What were their names?” Jessica and Kurt asked, almost in unison.
“She called the guy Bruiser. As for the lady…” he trailed off.
“She gave you a snow job, and you didn’t get her name,” Jessica frowned.
The guard became defensive. “She said they were visiting BizMart, and they were expected. Surprised you didn’t see them, Mr. Merchant.”
“You’re surprised. I’m disappointed.” Looking at his watch, Kurt noticed the Vanguard ceremonies would begin soon. “Maybe next time,” he said.
“One more thing,” the security guard noted. “Bruiser, if that’s his real name, had a hardened look about him. I asked him if he had any weapons. The lady said, ‘Shouldn’t you tell him about your knife?’ He pulled out a Swiss Army knife. To me, that’s more of a utility than a weapon.”
“What do you make of it?” Kurt asked.
“Somebody who’s afraid of crossing the law.”
Outside, Jessica looked at him sharply. “You told me you weren’t expecting anyone.” Pointing a few yards away, she said, “I’m parked over there.” She led the way to a green, four-door Saturn.
“I didn’t invite anybody. Nobody said they were coming.” After Jessica got behind the wheel, Kurt got in on the passenger side. “Wonder if it was Gretel?”
“You’re obsessed with her.” Jessica drove away.
“Just staying alert. I hear she’s dangerous. She probably got Rich to fire you. What happened this afternoon?”
Jessica paused, as if gathering her words. “A woman barged in. Rich invited her into his office. She literally caught him with his pants down. When I saw him, I burst out laughing. Couldn’t help it. He fired me.”
“What a prick.”
“Rich is just a kid,” Jessica said. “He’s green. She took advantage of him.”
“How well do
you know Rich?”
Jessica took a deep breath and ignored Kurt’s question. “The woman had black hair. Could have been a wig. She wore sunglasses. Dowdy clothing.”
“Hmm. Gretel doesn’t favor the Goodwill school of fashion.”
“Why do you keep bringing her up?”
“She’s up to something. Rich says she’s a bitch. Judd Workman says she’s a bitch. And somebody’s determined to sabotage BizMart. I vote for the bitch.”
Jessica pulled into the parking area reserved for the Vanguard Society. She braked, shifted to Park, and turned the engine off. “Ready?” she asked. She took the keys from her ignition but remained seated. She braced herself for some cliché from Kurt, such as “I’m always ready.”
Instead, he said, “Let’s talk some more. Did you tell Casper what happened?”
“I asked him to consider keeping me on. He said he planned to fire me, anyway.”
“Wants to outsource marketing and public relations.”
“To Chimera.” Kurt frowned.
“Yeah, I think he mentioned them.”
“Damn! That had to be Gretel. She’s the CEO’s hatchet woman. But Gretel is a blonde. Not like the brunette you saw.”
Jessica averted her eyes from his. “Like I said, she could have been wearing a disguise. And her shoes. I almost forgot. Everything else looked so frumpy. But her pumps must have cost a hundred dollars.”
“I can’t prove it, but I’m convinced she enticed Casper into making some strange decisions. Bad choices, actually. But I can’t figure out why she’d go after Rich.”
“She might have the hots for him. Not that you’d notice, but he’s handsome.”
“Rich said Gretel wants to jump my bones.”
“Get outta town! I mean, Gretel would probably enjoy seducing you. But why would Rich bring it up in conversation?”
“Do you know Gretel?”
He waited a moment. “How well?”
“No, go back to the part when Rich mentioned Gretel’s designs on you. How did that come up in conversation??”
“We were talking about things that turn us on, like loose women and fetishes.”
“Do you have any?”
“No loose women. Plenty of fetishes. Women in shiny dresses. Satin, leather, latex—you name it.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” she grinned.
“Business first. After the ceremonies,” he suggested, “let’s go to Barnes and Noble. Have some coffee and thrash out what’s happening. By the way, are you related?”
“Why on earth would you ask that??”
“Your last name is Noble, as in Barnes and Noble.”
“Oh, them!” She appeared immensely relieved. “I wish! But, no, I’m not related to the venerable publisher or bookseller. Which store?”
“Inner Harbor.”
“Want me to drive?”
“Drop me off at my office so I can pick up my car. We can rendezvous at the store.”
Just then a black Mercedes screeched to a halt near them. A blonde in a gold dress, with matching gloves and pumps, jumped out and strode toward the gangplank of the Constellation as fast as her high heels would permit. She was wearing a mink stole. Her upswept hair made her look sophisticated—and more than a little bitchy. Kurt gawked openly and shamelessly at the spectacle of her gilded derriere, roiling temptingly while she marched up the gangplank.
“I believe you could describe her as a sexy bombshell,” Jessica said.
“Yeah,” Kurt agreed. “And I believe you could identify her as Gretel Fox.”
Chapter Eleven
Gretel Provokes a Kiss
Once on board the USS Constellation, Gretel slowed her pace to a ladylike gait. Spotting Judd Workman, with his hooknose and beady eyes, Gretel intended to devastate him by telling him he couldn’t save Kurt. But Judd escaped. Right or wrong, he believed he had to work hard to compensate for his homeliness. He always moved at a quick tempo, even in social settings. Even though he appeared a step or two slower than usual, he eluded Gretel. Too many people were mingling between Gretel and Judd to reach him without creating a scene. Besides, she’d handle him later, working her way up the lightweights to her sworn enemies.
So, Gretel turned her attention to “working the room.” Unfortunately, the ship’s configuration spread “the room” over numerous compartments. Ducking into the nearest one, Gretel gazed at the tall brunette with the dark blue eyes, mesmerizing a half dozen rapt listeners with her words of wisdom. Gretel and the brunette exchanged nods but didn’t approach each other.
Gretel homed in on Casper. He looked apprehensive when she approached. “She’ll see us!” he cautioned. Although it was November, Gretel noticed beads of sweat glistening on his dome.
“Your wife?” Gretel asked innocently. “Maybe you’re afraid I’ll see her. And tell her about our little high-de-ho this afternoon.”
“You wouldn’t dare!” His eyes opened wide.
“Sooner or later, Casper, you must choose. Settle for her. Or take a chance on earning my affection. And I do mean earning.”
“That’s no choice,” he complained. “What if I leave my wife and you reject me?”
Gretel took a martini from a passing tray and downed it in one gulp. “If you care for me, you’ll take that risk. Maybe I’ll find your sacrifice acceptable. If so, I’ll be the most delicious reward you’ll ever have. It’s your choice.”
“If you don’t accept my sacrifice, I’ll be left with a bitter taste.”
“Your place at eleven. Or else.” She walked away without waiting for a reply.
Sidney was osculating a pink lady more passionately than he’d ever kiss any real woman when Gretel approached. The empty glasses on the table beside him documented his proficiency, which could be credited to persistence rather than fast drinking. “How many is that?” Gretel asked.
“Don’t know.” The scholarly look of Sidney’s glasses failed to cover his tipsy, goofy expression. “They took away my other empty glasses a few minutes ago.”
“Stay sober enough to preside over the meeting. You’re representing Chimera when you address the Vanguard Society. And marketing us. Later, you can drink all you like.”
“Yes, Mommy.”
“Get a grip, Sidney.” She took the glass from his hand and put it on the table. “Unless you want me to take over Chimera.”
Sidney recognized the subtle threat in Gretel’s banter, and the thought jarred him. “You’re right again,” he sighed heavily. Turning to his small entourage, he said, “If you’ll excuse me, I must polish my speech.” Before he left, he whispered to Gretel, “Thanks. You saved me from embarrassing myself.”
Gretel scanned the room before dropping her glance quickly to avoid eye contact with anyone besides her chosen targets. The reception would end soon, and she planned to talk to Rich, Kurt, Jessica, and Judd before the official ceremonies. She walked briskly through the portal, into the narrow corridor leading to the next compartment.
Rich’s prominent shiner on the lids of his left eye made him easy to spot. Perfect! Gretel needed to rid herself of him after the ceremonies. She had too many men to juggle already. “You shouldn’t be here,” she said. “Look at your eye!” She took her compact from her purse and held it open for Rich to look in the small mirror.
“Yeah, it hurts, too.”
“I’m sorry. You really did become a man tonight.” She winked at him. For an instant, she considered calling Bruiser to pick Rich up. But even she didn’t have that much chutzpah. “Can you drive?” Gretel replaced her compact and left her hand in her purse.
“Sure. I drove over here.”
“Go back to my suite at the hotel. Here’s my key.” Starting toward the portal leading back to the corridor, Gretel handed Rich her hotel key.
He walked in step with her. “I hate to miss the presentations.”
“I’ll pick up your trophy for you and take it back to you. Like
a lioness bringing home dinner to her cub. But not until late tonight or early in the morning.” They approached the gangplank.
“Are you seeing someone else?” He stopped at the top of the gangplank. If he intended to rebel, all shreds of defiance dissolved when he looked into her eyes. “I don’t care,” he said. “Just so you come back to me. I need you.”
Gretel glanced around to make sure no one was watching or listening to them. “Play with yourself and pretend I’m bestowing my magic touch on you.”
“I’ll try,” he sighed. “I used to think nobody could do it like Nicole. But you’re the best! I’ll masturbate. And then you can mistressbate!”
“I like that! I won’t disappoint you. Stop at the supermarket on your way to the hotel. Get a steak and put it on your eye.”
“Does that really work?” He started down the gangplank.
“Don’t know. If it doesn’t, cook the steak and eat it. My suite has a stove.”
“You’re too much, Gretel!” he laughed.
“Just more than you can handle,” she acknowledged under her breath. Then she decided that she could put Bruiser to work after all.
She dialed his number. “Bruiser, drive over to the Constellation and park in Vanguard’s designated area. I’ll try to throw some meat to you.”
“I’m game!”
“Her name is Jessica Noble. She’s about my height, but not as well developed. I’ll try to send her down. The rest is up to you. Seduce her if you can, but don’t use force.”
“Thanks, Gretel. I’ll bet she’s attractive.” He paused. “But I really want you.”
“You can’t touch me. Not until you work your way back into my good graces. And there are no guarantees with Jessica. But if she doesn’t show, hang around. Sidney will need a ride. He’s high. And he’ll be plastered by the time we leave.”
“What a drop in quality!”
“Grow up!” She ended the call.
Entering the third compartment, Gretel spotted Jessica. But Jessica also saw Gretel and tried to evade her—a futile effort. Gretel, a cocktail circuit veteran, quickly maneuvered Jessica into a corner.
Gretel tried to hook Jessica quickly. “Rich just left.”