Auf'd (The Belinda & Bennett Mysteries, Book Two)

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Auf'd (The Belinda & Bennett Mysteries, Book Two) Page 2

by Amy Saunders

  "Do you have the list of designers?" Belinda said to Brooke. Brooke nodded and fumbled over the organizer. Belinda wasn't quite prepared for its weight and sunk into her knees a little when she grabbed it.

  "Can I help?" Bennett said. Belinda opened the organizer, flipping to try and find the chart of designers and their stations. Bennett watched curiously. "Why don't you have this on a computer?" He leaned over her, assessing the thick organizer. "It would save time."

  Belinda found the laminated piece of paper and they started sifting through the garment bags. "You can help me with that later. For now, I need to focus on getting these garment bags sorted out." Belinda called off names and they got to work sorting the pieces and setting them up in each designer's station. Checking things twice, Brooke ran out to tell the designers they could come in and check their work. If everything was copasetic, they could call in their assistants and models and get to work.

  Belinda checked the time on her phone as the designers paraded back in. Less than an hour. She took a deep breath.

  A thin guy with square glasses trailed Brooke. "Caleb's lost his designer. Is it okay if he takes a look at the garments?"

  Belinda glanced up from her to-do list, passing the organizer back to Brooke. "Sure thing." She paused. "But where's April?"

  Caleb shook his head, shifting back and forth on his feet. "That's just it. I don't know and we're low on time."

  Belinda smiled grimly, automatically waking up her phone again. They had a minute less than they did before. "Yes, we are. Go check out everything and then maybe you can hunt up April." Caleb nodded emphatically and scurried off. Belinda took a deep breath and looked back at Bennett and Bruno. "Thanks for the extra hands. That went a lot faster with your help." She smiled.

  Bennett surveyed her bulky organizer again and scratched his jaw. "With your–"

  Belinda raised her eyebrows like she knew what he was about to say.

  "Mobile cupcake boutique," Bennett emphasized dramatically. Belinda nodded approval. "You could use a better way to stay organized."

  Belinda was certain he was about to make a suggestion, or, rather, just tell her what she needed to do.

  "We should go shopping for a tablet," he continued. "You need something mobile but with power."

  "Are we still talking about tablets?" Bennett arched his eyebrows and Belinda bit her lip. "Sorry. You were saying..."

  "I'm taking you shopping–"

  "For something mobile with power. Gotcha." Belinda grinned and pecked him on the chin. "I'm sorry for teasing, but my head's not on my cupcake boutique right now."

  "Then we'll talk about it over dinner."

  "Tomorrow night when we're both done with this." Belinda really wanted to kiss him, but they were starting to get an audience as things returned to full-speed, and the river of people threatened to separate them for good. "Talk to you after?"

  Bennett gave her thumbs-up and disappeared behind a group of models herding backstage. Belinda sighed, counting down until tomorrow night. She'd looked forward to it all week as they hadn't gone out since the weekend before last. They'd both been too crazy and exhausted from preparations for the show. But it was just a mere hours away from done now, so she could get back to what really mattered: Bennett and her cupcake boutique.

  Chapter 2

  Once the crowd settled backstage as everyone hustled to finish before showtime, Belinda stood on her toes to try and locate an old schoolmate. The show featured up and coming designers, including an old friend Belinda recommended.

  Once high school ended and Kori moved on to fashion design school in New York while Belinda's family picked up roots temporarily after the Mark Nichols tragedy, they simply lost touch. But Belinda had been privileged to know-her-when and was excited to see her.

  After apologizing for the umpteenth time trying to not trip her way there, Belinda and Kori squealed and hugged and hopped up and down. They went back and forth exchanging compliments and admiring each other's clothes and how good they both still looked.

  "So here we are," Kori said, hands on hips, bracelets jangling as they slid down her arm. "Right back where we started."

  Belinda made an exaggerated appraisal of their surroundings. "Really? We started out backstage at a big runway event? Where did they expect us to go from there?"

  Kori laughed while helping a model position an intricate top around her torso. "I was so excited when I heard you'd be here." She smiled. "I knew you'd end up doing something fun. You just can't resist a good time."

  Belinda was mesmerized as Kori deftly made a last minute alteration to a sequined halter top. "Is it always like this right before a show?"

  "More or less," she said with her teeth clenched over the thread to break it. Kori looked up at Belinda from her bent over position. "Everyone always claims they need a sabbatical by the time it's over." She harrumphed. "But I don't. Doing a show always wires me up to create."

  Caleb crashed into their zone, eyes frenzied and sweat beads forming on his forehead. "Have either of you seen April?" His mouth smacked together like he could use some water.

  Kori didn't even visually acknowledge him, but kept on with her final alterations. "The only thing that I've seen, hon, are boobs and butts."

  "She's still gone and it's almost time!" Caleb's breathing came in shallow gasps.

  Kori rolled her eyes.

  "I'll help you search," Belinda said quickly. Caleb adjusted his glasses, looking a little more relaxed. "And I'll get reinforcements." She took his arm, leading him away. "We'll take care of this." She patted his shoulder, hovering a little above his head in her heels.

  She called Bennett to ask for help in the search for April Arteau and had Caleb go question other people while Belinda got on the phone with Brooke and had her scope the outside. Belinda took a detailed scenic tour of the backstage.

  Consumed with finding April, Belinda was unaware of the stampede coming up behind her until the corner of a cardboard box cover stabbed her in the back of the arm. She yelped, glaring at her assailant, who breezed past her.

  "Sorry!" the woman said, not even turning her head. Belinda rubbed the sore spot and scrunched up her nose. She was fleshy back there, but still.

  "Stupid assistants," a man said next to her, shaking his head. Belinda turned to meet the Caribbean blue eyes of Sawyer Gallen. Another designer she'd only met briefly. "None of us pay enough attention this close to the start of the show." He smiled. "You seem like you're looking for something...or someone. Can I help?"

  "Only if you know where one April Arteau have got to."

  Sawyer's sculpted brows arched even more than they did naturally and he leaned in conspiratorially. "How intriguing."

  Not really. "I don't mean to be rude, but we are frighteningly close to showtime."

  Sawyer saluted, flashing a smile, and she watched him saunter away in his gray pants and vest, wondering why he wasn't in the same mental state as the rest of the designers and their assistants. But with minutes ticking by, Belinda didn't have time to worry about it.

  After a futile search, she reconvened at April's station to find Caleb huddled in conference with Brooke.

  "I told you, I don't–" Caleb glanced up, nudging Brooke in the arm.

  Before Belinda could even ask, Brooke shook her head. "April's still MIA."

  Belinda nodded, sucking in shallow breaths. This was all a little more stress than she wanted.

  Caleb adjusted his glasses. "What do we do?"

  Belinda sighed, checking her phone. Mrs. Sykes was nowhere to be seen or heard from. Guess the executive decision was all on Belinda. "We'll adjust the line up and put April last. Just be ready to go. Whether she gets back in time or not." She checked their worried faces, and just hoped April showed up.

  Belinda zigzagged from station to station to tell everyone their new places in the line up, leaving a lot of gaping mouths and half-uttered curses in her wake. Finishing that ordeal, she ushered the first line of models toward the stage
entrance, the designer still clutching the hem of a skirt almost up until she walked on stage.

  One by one, designers got checked off the list until they reached the last person. April Arteau. Belinda hit a feather on the floor and hydroplaned into her station. "You're next!" She scanned the faces, only finding Caleb. "No April?" She was breathing out, but couldn't breathe in.

  Caleb shook his head, rolling the life out of one of the dresses.

  "Are you ready to go?" Belinda squeaked.

  He shook his head more fervently.

  "Too late. Come on!" Belinda waved them all forward, including the poor girl trying to get around Caleb and his lint roller.

  Belinda patted Caleb's back when the last model strutted down the runway, telling him to breathe, then having to push him on stage in place of April for the final walk. They came back, and Caleb disappeared, probably to throw up or sob or pass out. That's what Belinda would want to do after that.

  Mrs. Sykes gave a short speech after a final applause for the designers, thanking various people and supporters and mentioning the whole reason why they were there to begin with—to raise money for autism research and awareness. It seemed like a random cause for Mrs. Sykes to take up, but it did bring in a lot of support from some wealthy community leaders.

  Belinda stood off to the side of the stage, reviewing her notes for her speech and silently repeating them, trying to keep from shaking as her moment approached. Finally, she realized Mrs. Sykes was holding out her arm in her direction and she snapped to, walking on stage without really feeling her legs move.

  Mrs. Sykes beamed at her and took a step back as she approached the mic, daring to look out at the faces watching her. Victoria waved from the front, putting her a little more at ease though Belinda still felt sick.

  She took a deep breath and started talking, not really hearing the words she said. As she tried to focus on the other half of the stage, and not just Victoria or her notes as she thanked a slew of people who helped with the fundraiser, she saw several sets of eyes shift to the other side of the stage. Belinda stopped mid-word as she followed their eyes to the person who had staggered onto the opposite end of the platform.

  Belinda looked across the stage at Caleb, who held out his hands toward her like a child expecting his mama to pick him up. She put her hand over the mic and leaned in his direction. "What's wrong?"

  "I found April," he choked out, then swayed on his legs and collapsed. Belinda's notes parachuted out of her hands, the blood rushing to her head drowning out the outbursts of the audience.

  "Are you hurt?" She knelt next to him and cradled Caleb's head. She scanned him for signs of injury, but he'd blacked out, his eyelids fluttering.

  She thought about dragging him backstage, but to her relief, Bennett materialized and lifted Caleb single-handedly, practically throwing the assistant over his shoulder with one arm. He carried him backstage where hundreds of people weren't gaping at them.

  They rounded a corner, Belinda sticking to Bennett's back, and he placed Caleb on the floor. Belinda ripped a jacket off a model and tucked it under Caleb's head. She met Bennett's eyes as he bent down next to her. Bruno created a barricade around them.

  "What happened?" Belinda whispered, her stomach knotting while she waited for his answer.

  Bennett placed his mouth by her ear. "I think Caleb found your missing designer." He sighed. "She's dead. And I don't think it's from natural causes. The police are en route."

  Belinda sucked in a breath. April was dead?

  Caleb started to come to, his eyes gazing out listlessly.

  "Are you okay?" Bennett said to Belinda. "I need to go meet the police."

  Belinda nodded, meeting his gaze to reassure him. He kissed her forehead and left, leaving Bruno with orders not to let anyone bother them. Belinda stroked Caleb's hair, trying to calm her own nerves as well.

  Caleb's mouth moved and his words barely reached Belinda's ears. She bent toward his mouth to hear him. "There's no pink jacket," he said.

  That was an odd first thing to say after passing out. But maybe it was the stress from earlier combined with finding his boss dead. "It's okay, Caleb."


  "No, Caleb. It's Belinda." She peeked behind her. Where was Bennett?

  Caleb lifted his head as much as possible, gripping Belinda's hand with more strength than she expected. "I need to talk to Riley."

  "Okay, Caleb. We'll see if we can get him..." Bennett reappeared with paramedics and police, drowning her out.

  Belinda stuck with Caleb, now wrapped in a blanket, sitting on the edge of the ambulance. He was more mobile, but just as dazed and kept repeating that he needed to talk to Riley, but then seemed confused when she asked who Riley was. She wondered if he knew what he was saying, or if he was just in shock.

  Once Caleb was on his way to the hospital, Belinda reluctantly joined the designers and others herded onto the lawn to clear the backstage. The mood was solemn and quiet. Quite the contrast to earlier.

  Detective Jonas Parker, Belinda's friend, and his uniformed associates rounded up the audience on one side of the runway while all the backstage visitors were guided to the opposite side. It felt strange being divided up like that, but it probably made things easier and more organized for the police. Belinda strained to see Victoria, but the crowd was too thick and Victoria too short.

  "So what happened to her?" Kori whispered. Earlier, a whisper might as well have been mouthing the words, but now Belinda could hear her clearly.

  "I don't know," she said. "But I do know why we couldn't find her."

  Kori arched an eyebrow. "Caleb found her. And I thought he would have a nervous breakdown before."

  Belinda shot her a castigating look. "I think you would too if you found someone you knew dead."

  "I guess." Kori didn't look convinced.

  "I can't believe nobody found her sooner with all of these people lingering around."

  Kori shrugged. "You saw how distracted everyone was before the show."

  Sawyer made eye contact with Belinda over people's heads and fought his way over. "I see you've met Sawyer," Kori said dryly. Kori moved closer so she could direct her words to Belinda without everyone else hearing her. "This is the part where I tell you to run. Fast. Far. And forever."

  Kori backed away just in time for Sawyer to approach from Belinda's side.

  Sawyer's eyes looked like two blue flames now. He had helped keep the rest of the herd quiet and orderly backstage until the police arrived. After watching Sawyer react as the news spread of April's death, Belinda felt certain they were close on some level, but other than his anger, he wasn't letting it show.

  "Are you okay?" he said. "I saw you looking after Caleb."

  "Don't worry about me." Belinda wrung her hands. Once she had a moment to think, her stomach turned to knots. But she wasn't about to divulge that to him.

  Sawyer squeezed in closer, scrutinizing her from the toes up. As if she didn't feel tense already. Finishing with the top of her head, he nodded. "So, are you okay?"

  Belinda blinked. Was it that obvious?

  She felt isolated standing there with two people she didn't know that well. She knew Kori, of course, but only casually at this point. What she wanted was someone she was truly familiar with. The sight of Bennett coming down the backstage stairs behind Jonas lifted her spirits. She followed his head until they both stopped in front of one of the guarding officers. The officer turned toward their group.

  "Belinda Kittridge?" he yelled. Belinda raised her hand eagerly, and grabbing Kori's arm led her, and Sawyer unintentionally, toward the edge of the group.

  Jonas smiled. Belinda was a refreshing sight in all this madness. Bennett came to the fore, his eyes strained with worry and relief at the same moment. Until Sawyer stepped out next to Belinda. Even with the tight quarters, he was still way too close to her for Bennett's taste.

  But she didn't even notice Sawyer. The anxiety she'd held down the past hour or
so bubbled up with her relief at seeing the two of them, and Belinda threw her arms around Bennett's neck. She squeezed him quickly and let go, but Bennett's hand lingered on her waist so she wouldn't drift out of his reach. Sawyer didn't appear the least bit fazed, but Kori's eyes informed her that she would have to tell all as soon as they were alone. Then Kori looked Jonas over, batting her eyes. Jonas suppressed a smile as she leaned into one hip, showing off her curves.

  Bennett guided Belinda toward the security tent with his hand still on the small of her back, Jonas taking the lead.

  "Excuse me! Ms. Kittridge!" A youngish woman ran toward them with a microphone in hand and a cameraman on her heels. Literally. She came to a halt right in front of them and caught her breath, straightening out her suit jacket, and plastered on a big smile.

  Belinda recognized her from the nightly news and tried to smile back, though she really just wanted to get out of there.

  "As one of the organizers of this event," the reporter went on without missing a beat, "would you answer a few questions? You were on stage when it happened, right?"

  Belinda glanced at Jonas for interference, but he shrugged. Pfft. Some help, Detective. She drew herself up and smiled. "Sure."


  Belinda wrinkled her nose at her perkiness. Hardly.

  Just as the camera started rolling, Jonas and Bennett pulled away in tandem, abandoning her. She wanted to protest, but it was too late. She patted down the skirt of her dress, doing a discreet boob check to make sure she wasn't giving a free show, and moistened her lips.

  "You were on stage when the young man who found the body wandered out," the reporter said. "Would you tell us what happened?"

  Belinda straightened her back and wrapped her hands in front of her, ignoring the ache in the balls of her feet. "I was giving a speech. Well, not really a speech exactly. Just saying some words to everyone who attended...the fundraiser. That's what we're doing here..." Bennett cleared his throat as he and Jonas exchanged looks over her head. Belinda clasped her hands, taking that as her cue that she needed to stop.


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