Auf'd (The Belinda & Bennett Mysteries, Book Two)

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Auf'd (The Belinda & Bennett Mysteries, Book Two) Page 27

by Amy Saunders

  "You know what you need?"



  Belinda laughed. "You have a bad habit of modesty."

  "You have a bad habit of getting in trouble."

  Well, she could hardly argue with that in light of recent events. "We'll straighten out your business problems," she said firmly. Her name and connections were going to prove their worth. Belinda was saving him this time.

  Bennett shrugged it off, clearly done with that topic. "I'm taking you out to dinner," he said, wrapping his arm around her.

  "Right now? Tonight?" Belinda panicked. Her blonde waves were pulling free of her updo and her dress was wrinkled from the scuffle with Kori. Not to mention her lack of mental preparedness for an actual date at that moment.

  Bennett guided her back into her seat. "No. Tomorrow."

  Belinda sank back into the bench in relief.

  "We're going to La Lune," Bennett said.

  La Lune. Belinda's stomach flipped. La Lune was a restaurant just off the main strip in downtown. It wasn't a flashy place, but it was serious. Dan had proposed to Victoria at La Lune, and they'd celebrated there after learning Victoria was having a baby. And Belinda's parents had been there more than once for anniversaries. La Lune was not a casual dating restaurant. It was the kind of restaurant you would take a date when you meant business. And if there was one thing Bennett Tate meant, it was business.

  "Well, I'm glad you let me in on our plans." Belinda smirked, her tone not quite projecting the playfulness she intended.

  "I was supposed to ask you earlier than this, but things got...tangled." Bennett's eyes were somber, changing into that liquid metal color they turned so often in her presence. "I'm not taking any chances, and if you'd like more time or prefer to go somewhere else, I'll change our reservations."

  Reservations? Oh, my. Belinda's stomach flipped again. "Oh, no. I love La Lune. They make a fantastic pork chop." Well, that sounded completely pedestrian, but it was true.

  Some of the seriousness faded from his gaze. "I hope it won't destroy your current dietary restrictions."

  Belinda looked at him askance. "Men are not authorized to tease women about their eating habits or weight. Or age. Unconditionally. But, no. It will not affect my being able to wear my bridesmaid dress with confidence because there is no amount of dessert-abstaining that could save me now."

  "You're probably right."

  Belinda gawked. "Watch it, gray-eyed eagle, or I will start pinching you like I do Kyle."

  Something in Bennett's eyes suggested that he might like it if she did pinch him. Well, until he learned to behave, she wouldn't dare indulge him.

  Chapter 29

  Belinda did a slo-mo three-sixty in front of the mound of kittens in the middle of her bed Monday night. She was getting ready for her date with Bennett. At La Lune. Butterflies swarmed her stomach again as they had periodically throughout the day.

  Poseidon, the name Kyle bestowed upon the boy-kitten, stood ready for action apart from his sisters, mewing at her with his wide eyes. "I can't pick you up, you know. I just got dressed." She scratched under his chin, grinning as he shut his eyes to drink it up. "Kyle?"

  "Yes?" he called from his nest downstairs.

  "You need to come up here and collect the kittens so they don't go flying from the loft." There was just an open railing and Belinda worried one of them would take a dive.

  "Uh...okay. Aren't you already sort of up there?"

  "I just got dressed for my date. I don't want cat hair all over me."

  She heard Kyle grumble and soon he was bounding up the stairs two at a time. "Come on, guys. You can hang out with me tonight." He managed to bundle all four in his arms, and appraised his sister. "Not bad, sis."

  She spun around again. "Is it La Lune worthy?"

  "What you really want to know is, is it Bennett Tate worthy?" Kyle grinned. "I'd say yes."

  "You don't think it's too much?"

  Kyle rolled his eyes. "Like I'd know. You look good."

  She'd decided to go with her Sexy Outfit from the fateful inn scenario with a change of accessories to freshen it up.

  "Why do you always treat me like I'm another girl?" Kyle strolled back downstairs and deposited his brood on the couch.

  "What else am I supposed to do?" she said from her loft. "I don't have a sister."

  "I thought that's why you have Victoria."

  "Victoria can't be here all the time." Belinda bounced downstairs with shoes and clutch in hand. She might actually be completely ready to go when Bennett got there. It had to be some sort of record.

  "I guess no one can." Kyle twisted his mouth to the side, thoughtfully patting Poseidon. Belinda had trouble picturing that name for that sweet face, but it had grown on her.

  "What are you talking about?" Belinda dropped her shoes and clutch near the door and came to sit by him on the couch. The blue tarp over the bashed-in window billowed and snapped like a sail. Kyle's face had gone serious, and that only happened under special circumstances.

  He looked at her through strands of golden brown hair. "Mom and Dad will come back eventually," he said, his eyes trained on the kitten. "I've just been thinking about what I want to do. You know I've seen Mark's dad lately, and he suggested I go with his crew to Australia this coming winter."

  Mark Nichols' father owned a sailing yacht, among other boats, and growing up around him had had a huge impact on Kyle's love of sailing.

  That explained Kyle's disappearances to the Portside Harbor Marina lately. He must've been chatting with Mr. Nichols. "Are you thinking about it?"

  Kyle nodded, his eyes bright.

  Belinda smiled, brushing the hair off his forehead as tears pricked her eyes at the thought of him leaving. She'd gotten used to living with him again. It was easy, comfortable. But she also wanted him to finally live out his dream.

  "Are you about to cry?" he said. "Cuz Bennett just pulled in and you're wearing mascara."

  Belinda laughed. "Cry? Over not having to step over your dirty clothes or clean up dust and dirt all the time?" She shook her head, forcing the tears to stay put. "No way."

  Kyle grinned, but his eyes were more serious. "I'd miss you, too."

  Belinda swallowed. "It's a great opportunity, though. I think you should consider it."

  "Seriously? You're not just saying that?"

  "I'm not just saying it. You were meant to be on the water, Kyle. I'm sorry all your plans didn't work out, but this could be a chance to do what you've always talked about—sail around the world." It's the only thing he'd ever really wanted, and she wanted it for him.

  Excitement colored his cheeks. "I feel alive every time I think about it. You really think it's a good idea?"

  A door slammed and Belinda pushed off her seat. "I think Mark's father understands you. You should think about it." She didn't want to be sullen when she opened the door to Bennett, so she forced a big smile. It would be good for Kyle. But the thought of him leaving did make her sad. Like he said, though, that wasn't until later. They had the whole summer at least.

  Kyle waved as Belinda shut the door behind her, the four kittens surrounding him, holding him hostage so he didn't leave before she got back from her date.

  ~ * ~

  Belinda stepped across the threshold of La Lune in her Sexy Outfit with her arm dangling through Bennett's. Despite his previous complaint to Jonas about said outfit, Bennett looked pleased as punch when she came out of the carriage house, and had no qualms about admiring her at every opportunity on the ride over.

  They walked through the burgundy and dark wood dining room, glowing from wall sconces and candles, and sat in the back of the restaurant in one of the curtained annexes. Belinda always thought it would be fun to have dinner in one of those and she was finally getting her wish. It was cozy and intimate and all of Belinda's previous jitters returned as she sat down. She cursed the atmosphere for making her nervous; the butterflies had calmed down on the ride over, but came back
with full force now.

  "I think I've located the world famous pork chops." Bennett flipped his menu over for Belinda to see.

  Belinda bit her lip and went to studying the menu herself. All of her quips and comebacks died as soon as she sat down in that little corner of La Lune. She had nothing in her brain worth vocalizing, so she went over the menu item by item. Fortunately, she didn't go there often so it was practically all new to her. She glanced up at Bennett, also lost in reading the menu. It was an exciting piece of culinary literature.

  A piece of red thread, probably from the fringe along the edge of the curtain, had gotten tangled in his dark hair. Belinda reached across the table to pluck it off and knocked over the votive candle, which rolled onto his cloth napkin and lit it on fire. As flames licked up the material, Belinda panicked and hurled her glass of water at them.

  Some of the water and ice made it onto the napkin, but most of it landed on Bennett's face.

  Belinda's mouth opened in horror. "I'm so...I'm so sorry." Second time in a week she'd hurled liquid at him.

  Bennett stared at her from across the table, a trickle of water pooling on the tip of his nose.

  Belinda held out her napkin, and he wrapped his hand around her arm.

  "Belinda Kittridge," Bennett said, his gray eyes piercing hers, "you are the most adorable creature I've ever come in contact with. And if being with you means I need to wear a wet suit, then so be it."

  Belinda blinked her fawn eyes, then dabbed at Bennett's nose and chin, his eyes smiling back at her.

  "I don't know why I'm so nervous tonight." She finished drying him off and set the napkin aside.

  Bennett adjusted his jacket. "It's my hair. It has that effect on people." Belinda giggled and Bennett cracked a smile. "Do you need more time to look?"

  Belinda shook her head. "I'm going to get the pork chops. Looking at the menu is too dangerous." She fidgeted with her fork. "I think it's all the smashing and bashing in my head from the last several days. It's messed up my groove." Belinda rolled her eyes. "I need to thank Jonas for his insight on the hardwood floor samples though. I picked the one that he did and my mother was delighted. Family catastrophe averted."

  "And your dress fitting? That's over, isn't it?"

  Belinda smirked. "That crisis is also averted. It turned out to be a decent experience to my total surprise."

  "You do tend to overdramatize things."

  "I do not." Belinda gave that a second thought. "Oh, alright. I do."

  Bennett wagged a finger in her direction. "That surprised me."


  "You asked me earlier what about you surprised me and the overdramatizing daily events is it."

  Belinda widened her eyes. "That's the best I get? I'm melodramatic?"

  "Well, you told me to pick something that surprised me, and earlier you were mad that I couldn't come up with anything."

  Belinda scrunched her nose up. "You and your not forgetting anything."

  "Earlier it was 'you and your honesty.'"

  Belinda grinned. "It will always be you and something, so you may as well get used to it."

  As long as she smiled at him that way, Bennett thought he could handle it. "I know one thing you won't reprimand me for."

  "What's that?"

  "I'm taking one of the kittens."

  Belinda's cheeks glowed in the candlelight. "You are?"

  "I know how you get attached to things, but four is too many." He clasped his hands on the table. "This way, you can see her whenever you like."

  "Aw, Bennett. Which one?"

  "The all gray one and I seemed to hit it off the other day."

  Belinda smiled. "How appropriate. She matches your eyes."

  Bennett cocked his head. "I hadn't thought about that, but I guess you're right."

  She leaned forward, everything now feeling right in the world. What a change from just a few days ago! "She'll be a good match for you. She's on the quiet side and likes to take off on her own. But don't get me wrong. If you don't pet her, she gets very vocal."

  "Like you."

  Belinda's mouth gaped. "I have no idea what you mean by that, sir."

  Bennett arched his brow. "You know very well what I mean by that."

  "Pfft." She swung her head. If her hair had been down, it would have gone flying behind her head. "Cheeky to the last, aren't you?"

  "Would you want me any other way?" Bennett took her hand, smirking as she tipped her nose up. "Well, would you?"

  Belinda caressed his hand with her thumb, giving the question a second's thought. She had no idea why, but that had always been one of his most charming attributes. Figure that out. But she hated admitting it. It would only encourage him. "I think you already know the answer."

  Bennett smiled. "Evasive. I like that."

  "I think I've earned the right."

  He kissed her hand. "I agree."

  "And don't you forget it."

  They made it through appetizers, the main course, and dessert without damaging any more table settings. As their evening concluded, Bennett walked her back to the carriage house, taking his time. She could hear the TV inside so Kyle was still up. They stood a little ways from the door, the power of conversation escaping the both of them once more. Belinda had already said how much she enjoyed the pork chops about three times and refused to repeat it again, so she just smiled.

  "Did you enjoy it?" Bennett said.

  She thought he was asking about the pork chops, which she thought she'd covered thoroughly already. "Did I enjoy what?"

  "The kiss on stage. Did you enjoy it?"

  Belinda felt her breath catch in her lungs. "Yes."

  Bennett moved in closer than he already was, popping her space bubble, and slipped his arms around her waist. A breeze from the water brushed over them and she could just make out the softness in Bennett's eyes in the glow of the door light. "Good."

  Belinda held her breath as her lips met his and she wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers sinking into his hair while he squeezed her tighter. Crisis averted.

  ~ *~

  The Belinda & Bennett Mysteries

  Cliffhanger (Book One)

  Drive-Bye (Book Three)

  Other Titles by Amy Saunders


  The Jester's Apprentice

  Dead Locked

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  Visit for more info about the series and my other novels. Plus, keep up-to-date with the series on the Belinda & Bennett Facebook page.

  If you enjoyed Auf'd, please leave a review on Goodreads or wherever you purchased your copy. Every little bit helps! Thanks!

  About the Author

  Amy Saunders is a mystery lover with a soft spot for humor and romance - and the ocean. So it's appropriate that her first series encompasses all of these elements. She's also the author of three standalone mysteries and one short story. Learn more about Amy and her books at her website.




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