Wild Wolf

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Wild Wolf Page 20

by Jennifer Ashley

  “He is pretty good-looking,” Misty said without turning around. “I can understand why Andrea is madly in love with him.”

  “He’s Feline. She’s Lupine. It’s wrong. Of course, she’s got Fae blood in her, which probably messed with her head.”

  Misty stacked the clean plates in the drying rack and started scrubbing down the griddle. “I know you’re thankful they came and helped. You’re just being a shit. You can’t not be one.”

  “It’s traditional with me.”

  Graham leaned on the counter next to her. If he came up behind her, he’d bend her over, lift her skirt, and do her right there. To hell with dignity.

  Misty cleaned, rinsed, and dried the griddle and rested the heavy thing back on the stove. It was the kind that stretched across burners, using the stove beneath to heat it. She washed her hands, dried them on the towel, then hung the towel neatly on the towel ring that had come with the house.

  “What did you want to say, Graham?” Misty asked. “If you’re going to meet with Eric, I need to get back to my store. I have a ton of things to do.” She let out her breath. “I hate to leave you alone, but Eric can take care of you. Sean looks pretty capable too. I’m going to try to find Ben, and ask him again about curing you. I should have Reid talk to him with me—”

  “Misty, would you stop?” Graham thrust his hand over Misty’s mouth. She looked up at him over his large fingers, indignant. “First, your brother went to your store with Xavier, plus I sent Shifters to help out. You don’t need to worry about it. Second, you’re not talking to that Ben person without me there—who the hell knows who he is? Third, I need you here.”

  And now Misty was getting mad again. She moved her head so she could speak. “No, you need to go with Eric. If we both work on this problem today, we can pool our information later.”

  But that would mean Misty not being here when Graham got back. “You have to stay,” he said. “I mate-claimed you.”

  Misty’s eyes widened. “You what?”

  “Mate-claimed. It means—”

  “I know what it means. I’ve hung around Shifters long enough.” Misty spun away from him, her skirt swishing. “It means you’re saying you want me to be your mate and do the ceremonies. And have me live with you and have your kids—cubs.” Misty ran out of breath and stopped. “Are you insane? I know everyone expects you to mate with a wolf Shifter. One of your wolves even tried to attack me, remember?”

  “And she’ll be disciplined. Things are different now.”

  “What things? No, they’re not.”

  Graham looked into Misty’s stubborn eyes and knew the truth. Everything was different. His life had changed the moment Misty had turned to him on the barstool at Coolers and asked, You a Shifter?

  “I’ve been lying to myself,” Graham said. “I thought I could keep it cool with you, go out with you for the fun of it, to enjoy being with you. Then say good-bye when I chose a mate. But I can’t. Letting you go is something I can’t do. All right?”

  When Graham had mate-claimed Rita, she’d nearly passed out in shock that the son of a clan leader had chosen her, then she’d recovered and thanked him for the great honor.

  Misty only stared at him and didn’t look honored at all. “You can’t change your mind like that.” Her voice was shaky. “I know your Shifters won’t shrug it off and say, Oh well, our great leader knows best. They’ll fight you.”

  “I’m prepared for that.”

  “I’m so glad. What about me?” Misty pressed her hands to her chest. “I’ll have to fight too. That Shifter woman—Jan—who tried to attack me, was very angry. And her Collar didn’t go off, so that won’t slow her down, will it? And what about the other women who hope they can be with someone so high in Shiftertown? I’ve learned a lot about Shifters since I started dating you. You’re a good catch, apparently, and they’re not going to step aside so I can have you.”

  Graham gave her a growl. “What you don’t understand is that I’m alpha. They do what I say.”

  “And what you don’t understand is how someone not alpha thinks. Sure, they’ll obey you—until they can figure out a way to get rid of me, permanently. Or replace you with someone who will do what they want.”

  “And you don’t understand how leaders get chosen. I have to die before another one takes my place.”

  “Exactly my point.”

  Graham started to say that would never happen, but he stopped. Of course, it could happen. Challenges for leadership had occurred a lot in the wild—not to Graham, but to others. It happened less often now, but Collars were gradually coming off and some Shifters were hoping for changes. Liam Morrissey had fought his own father and won, thus replacing him as leader. Dylan Morrissey was a hard man with a lot of experience, so Liam besting him said something.

  Graham didn’t think any of the Lupines here could win against him, but now Graham had been spelled by a Fae.

  “They’re not going to kill me,” Graham said, trying to keep his voice steady. “Eric won’t let them.”

  Then again, when Graham had arrived here last year, he’d been a total shit to Eric. But Graham had been fighting to keep his position, fearing Eric would force him out. Graham couldn’t stand the thought of having to be a kiss-ass, so he’d been a dickhead instead. Had Eric forgiven Graham enough to help him stand against his angry Shifters? Graham wasn’t sure.

  “And anyway,” Misty said. “We should figure out this Fae problem first.”

  “No, I want to do this mating now, before the Fae problem kills me.” Graham started to reach for Misty then forced himself not to touch her. “I want you mated to me, to know we’re bound. Don’t you think that will make me stronger?”

  “No, I think it will be more distracting. Having to learn to integrate our lives, plus trying to get your Shifters to go along with it, will take a lot of work. Throw in trying to find a cure for this spell—that’s lot to put on your plate.”

  “Damn it!” Graham’s roar burst out. “What distracts me is seeing you around, with your gorgeous legs, and your lips I want to suck on, and your scent driving me wild. The touch of a mate heals—did you know that? It’s why you’re up and walking around today. Andrea’s cure wasn’t working until I took it away from her and dosed you myself. I need you. Even if we get rid of this Fae, not being with you is killing me.”

  He faced her, his hands clenched. Misty’s lips were parted, red and kissable.

  “Graham, I want to be with you too,” she said in a rush. “But I don’t want to make things hard for you.”

  “Well, too late. I’m already hard for you.” Graham grabbed her hand and pressed it against the front of his jeans. “This is what you do to me, every time I look at you.”

  “That’s just lust.” Misty didn’t move her hand, which warmed his blood. “Wanting. I want you too.” She smiled a little, and Graham’s frenzy skyrocketed.

  Graham gripped her shoulders. “I need you. It’s killing me. Don’t refuse the claim. Please, don’t leave me alone. Again. Please.”


  The please shot into Misty’s heart.

  Graham was glaring at her, looking more angry than filled with love. His fingers bit into her shoulders, his grip desperate.

  Don’t leave me alone. This from a man who found it hard to admit he needed anything. Or anyone.

  Misty lifted her hand away from his jeans, where his long and formidable cock waited. She remembered the feel of it against her tongue, the warm taste of it. She touched his arm, resting it on one of the flame tattoos.

  “Graham,” she whispered.

  “Don’t walk away from me, Misty. I’m going to die.”

  “I won’t let you,” Misty said.

  Graham let out a sound like a groan. His grip grew harder still as he yanked her to him and brought his mouth down on hers.

  The kisse
s he’d given her before had been powerful, but Misty now realized he’d been holding back a little to keep from hurting her. He’d played games with her, stopping himself from doing what he’d meant to.

  Not this time. The holding back had gone. Graham had Misty against the wall in the space of two seconds. He held her solidly, his mouth on hers, while he pushed up her skirt and yanked down her underwear.

  The cool of the room’s air touched her bare skin, except where Graham covered her, his body hot. More than hot. His skin was feverishly warm, dangerously so.

  The rough of his jeans brushed her thighs, while one of his hands held her shoulder, the other, her waist, lifting her from the wall and against him. All the while Graham kissed her, his mouth opening hers without respite.

  Misty ran her hands along his bare shoulders, his muscles hard under his sleek skin. Down his arms, over the firm round of his biceps, to the smoother skin of the tatts. To his back, to feel the flat of his lower back and the waistband of his jeans. Dipping inside to the warm flesh of his buttocks.

  Graham broke the kiss. “Run now if you want,” he said, voice harsh. “I won’t be able to stop if you don’t go. Not today.”

  Misty debated a half second. But she couldn’t fool herself. She wanted Graham, wanted this, wanted him forever. She shook her head. “I’m staying.”

  Graham said nothing. No triumph, no smile of conquest. The only thing in his eyes was need.

  Graham tugged at the button of his jeans then his zipper. The jeans flowed off, over his bare buttocks to the floor. He stepped out and kicked them away, naked in his kitchen with sunshine pouring through the windows.

  He was a beautiful man. Perfectly formed. Life had scarred his face and body, but the whole of him sang.

  Graham had Misty up against the wall again. He hooked her leg over one arm, stretching her up, opening her wide. He lifted her with his other arm around her hips, looking down into her eyes as he slid the tip of his cock inside her.

  Misty’s eyes widened. Graham was large, his firm tip already pushing her open. She drew in a long breath, her body tightening. She wrapped her legs around his, her skirt draping them both, her bare feet on his thighs.

  Graham lifted her higher, holding her steady, as he slid a little more inside. Misty’s breath gave out. She tilted her head back, meeting the wall, opening her lungs for air.

  Graham kissed her chin. “You are so beautiful.”

  Graham’s whisper echoed what he’d said the night they’d drunk tequila and roses, looking for a way to end the Fae’s spell. This morning, sober, he looked at Misty and said the same words.

  Misty touched his face. Graham’s eyes drifted closed as he slid the rest of the way inside her.

  Fully inside her. Graham drove high, his large cock invading her. Her body gripped it, instinct overriding coherent thought.

  He held her like that a moment, she against the wall, he straight up inside her.

  Then Graham lifted her into his arms, holding her on him. He turned in a slow circle in the kitchen, looking into her eyes, the sunshine dancing on them. They were whole, together. One.

  Misty felt him solidly inside her, pressing her in pleasure. She shuddered, her hips wanting to rock, but in the tight position, they could do nothing but be still and be joined. And that was no bad thing.

  Graham kissed her. He said words between the kisses, but she didn’t understand them. Soft little words of tenderness, or so she thought. Misty ran her hands through his short hair, smiling into his face. The warmth of the sun, the heat of Graham’s body, the stiffness inside her, were the most wonderful things she’d ever felt. She’d longed to be this Shifter’s lover since the first night he’d kissed her and changed her world forever.

  Another turn around the middle of the floor, Graham’s strong body holding them, then another and another. Dizzy joy, circling with the man Misty had been falling in love with, joined with him at last.

  Graham slid his hands over her back, up under her tank top, pulling her to him for another kiss.

  His last slow turn brought them to the table, bare now, since Misty had cleaned up. Graham supported her back as he laid her down on the table, the length of it taking Misty’s body.

  Graham slid her hips to its edge, the two of them still connected. Misty glimpsed where his large cock disappeared high into her body, before Graham drew back, exposing the dark length of it. He was wet and slick from being inside her, still hard for her.

  A moment, a glance, and then Graham slid back inside. He nestled there for half a second, then drew out, then in again. Then again, faster this time.

  His thrusts increased, one after the other, beautiful friction. Misty propped herself on her elbows so she could watch Graham, his hands on her hips, drive into her. Wild feeling like music took away her thoughts.

  She knew nothing but warm sunshine, Graham firm and thick inside her, pulsing hard joy into her. The scents of cinnamon and sugar, syrup and frying pancakes lingered in the room. The mouthwatering scent of food and the feeling of Graham twined together, one layering over the other.

  Misty lifted her hips, her eyes half closing, while Graham continued thrusting into her. He was sweating, body glistening in the sunlight. The tatts moved on his arms, flames curling around muscle.

  “You are so beautiful.” Graham’s words were hoarse. “Nothing else matters when I look at you.”

  Graham. Misty tried to say his name, but her tongue didn’t work. She was gone on feeling, pleasure, glory. Her hips bumped the table, and she reached to twine her fingers around his wrists.

  Back and forth, rocking, silent now but for the sounds of him going in and out, the creak of the table, the faraway laughter of cubs playing in the common yard behind Graham’s house. There was so much life here, always movement, laughter, joy.

  Joy. It wound up inside Misty and spilled out. A dark wave of feeling picked her up and washed her away, the room spinning around her as it had when Graham had turned with her.

  Graham grunted. His hips moved faster and faster, his grip on her tight. He pumped into her in a frenzy, sweat dripping from him, his head back. He was a wild man, huge and strong. This was more raw than making love—this was pure, animal-like sex.

  Graham’s thrusts came even faster, Misty lost in the friction of it. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move. A scream came from her throat, echoing against Graham’s shout.

  Graham slammed into her one last time, groaning, his seed scalding inside her. His hips started moving again, the rhythm pounding, his hands sliding on her hips, slick with sweat.

  He opened his eyes, his last shout of pleasure dying down into a groan. “Misty,” he said. “Goddess, help me.”

  Graham lifted her again, gentler this time, and gathered her into his arms. Her legs went around his hips, he still inside her.

  He turned with her in another circle, slower now, Graham kissing her with warm lips. He held her close, the fire gone from his eyes, a dark glow taking its place.

  “Mate,” Graham whispered. “Mine.”

  Misty touched his hair and kissed his lips, drifting on a cushion of happiness.

  • • •

  Graham carried Misty upstairs to his bedroom, where she’d lain in so much pain. Someone—probably Misty herself—had already stripped the bed, leaving the plain mattress ready for clean sheets.

  Graham laid her down, stripped the rest of her clothes from her, parted her legs, and slid inside her again. He was not done sexing her. Not by a long way.

  Misty lifted her body to meet his. She wasn’t a shy virgin—she liked sex, and she wanted Graham. Graham felt no triumph over this. It was just . . . right.

  Goddess, she was beautiful. He couldn’t help saying it. Her round breasts, tipped with dusky nipples, tightened as he loved her. Sweet plumpness he could sink his fingers into, her brown hair spread across his pillow.
And her eyes, lovely liquid brown eyes, watching him without fear or shame. Eyes a man could drown in.

  He pressed inside her, unable to slow his thrusts. He wanted her fast and hard, again and again. The mating frenzy. Sex until they couldn’t walk, until she was heavy with his cub.

  Something tightened inside Graham. He wanted her to bear his cubs. Craved it. If they had to stay in this bedroom and screw for days until then . . . Oh well.

  Too soon, Graham came. Misty groaned with her own pleasure, she pouring heat over his cock.

  The pain he’d had since he’d drunk the Fae water hadn’t left him, but Misty around him let it recede. The mating frenzy broke through it, swelling Graham’s cock again. More.

  Misty laughed as Graham started thrusting again. She looked tired and spent, but he couldn’t stop.

  He lay down on her and rolled with her so Misty was on top of him. Graham liked things this way, where he could look up at her, her eyes heavy with pleasure, and cup his hands over her breasts while she rode him.

  Face-to-face on their sides was good too, Misty’s leg wrapped around his, Graham pumping into her. Again and again, Graham loved her, in every position he could think of. Misty laughed, pleaded that she needed to rest, and laughed again. Every time, she came with him, her body growing more and more pliant.

  The sun was moving to the west when Misty dropped into sleep, not waking when Graham kissed her cheek. His mating frenzy was still high—he was a male Shifter in his prime who hadn’t had sex in many months—but he had some compassion. He let her sleep, dressing himself and walking outside to the heat of the late afternoon.

  “You done with sex?” Dougal asked, appearing from the green behind the house and falling into step with him. “Took you long enough.”

  “I’ll never be done with it,” Graham said. He walked along slowly, a bit chafed, but that would be gone by the time he went back into the house. Shifters healed quickly. “Mating frenzy won’t let me be.”

  “Eric is looking for you. You need to go talk to the Collar-making Fae.”


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