Assignment: Second Chances

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Assignment: Second Chances Page 16

by Honor James

  “Yeah, got your ass grounded, and mine for two weeks. Thanks again for that, Vi,” Lee said with a grin.

  “Actually you picked up the through and through from me,” Nathan said. “I said it twice around you, though the docs likely said it as well, I’m claiming this one as mine. At least it’s not a bunch of swear words like Jacobs got you hooked on.”

  “This is true. Lee did expand my vocabulary a great deal when we were kids.” Words she had used a lot when she was younger, especially when she went into labor. “Anyway, so what’s on our agenda today? Are one of you going to go and get us some videos to watch?” she asked hopefully.

  “You do know we can just rent them through my TV subscription, right?” Lee asked her. “It’s that funny little box there next to the TV that you can use the magic wand with the buttons to control. In there is this nifty little feature where you can choose any movie available to watch right here, right now.”

  “Ooh, fancy,” Nathan mocked. When she looked his way, he grinned and batted his lashes.

  “Smartass.” She muttered with a laugh. “They don’t have the newest movies though, right?” she asked as she cocked her head to the side. “Okay, well then I guess I will flip through that so that I can figure out what to watch next. By the way, I’m getting seriously bored with television. I’m not used to sitting still for so long.”

  “It should have the most recent ones on it,” Lee said. “Nothing in theatres, but anything that’s come out on DVD, Blu-ray, and so forth.” Leaning forward, he grabbed the remote and started everything up. He got it into the system, and then handed her the remote. “Pick whatever you want to watch.”

  “Thank you.” She took the remote from him and winked at him. “Just so that you know”—she moved so that she could kiss Lee’s cheek—“I am very happy to have you in my life, smarty pants and all.”

  “Good, ’cause you’re stuck with me now. Pick your movie while I go make some popcorn.” He got to his feet and paused. “Shit, that reminds me I need to get some more chocolate the next time I’m out. We’re running low.”

  “Yes, that would be good,” she said with a smirk. “Now, you do what you need to do while I find us a movie.” He would get her chocolate later, for now it was all good because she had enough for at least right now.

  “Be lucky I’ve been rationing you, otherwise it would be plain popcorn for you today.”

  Nathan shook his head. “He really should have planned better. What kind of Marine forgets the basics of female healing processes? Like really.” Finishing off his bowl, he pushed up from the sofa. “Do you want some water while I’m in there?”

  “Yes please. Water would be good, but will you grab one of the ones that I put in the freezer earlier?” She loved having her men there with her, but she also felt terrible because they had to be there instead of working as they likely wanted to do.

  “Copy that, ma’am,” he said to her. Tipping an imaginary cap, he gave her a wink before he sauntered off into the kitchen. “How the hell are we running out of chocolate? I thought we bought a shit load?” She snickered at the hissed questions Nathan threw at Lee.

  “We did. I think she’s getting up in the middle of the night and eating it all. If not for the stash I had up on the shelf I know she can’t humanly reach, we’d be out,” he muttered in reply. “Maybe it’s osmosis or something.”

  “Yeah, ’cause humans do that,” Nathan said in a dry tone. He came back out of the kitchen with a smile, and her partially frozen water bottle which he passed over to her.

  “I haven’t been getting up in the middle of the night and eating it. You would both know if I was.” Then again she had been sneaking it from time to time. “And if we are almost out, it’s your guy’s fault. It’s your fault because I haven’t been getting sex. Neither of you will make love with me and its killing me, so I’m compensating with chocolate for the two of you with me.”

  “Don’t go turning this around on us. We want to ensure there are no lasting effects. We’ve all suffered our fair share of concussions over the years, so we know there can, on occasion, be repercussions. It’s why we’re being cautious with you. Once we’re positive you’re beyond our own personal version of the danger zone, then all bets are off. So ensure you are taking all your vitamins, sweetheart. We have been, and we’ve been storing up a lot of sexual energy to release on you all in one hell of a go.”

  “That’s good but how long?” she demanded. “Because I have got to tell you, I’m in serious aching need for you right now. In a crazy, insane need for you. It’s really kind of sad that I have to get into the shower when you guys think I’m just cleaning up and masturbate just so I don’t attack you both in your sleep.”

  Nathan shot her a look that made her think he may have swallowed his tongue. He seemed to get himself righted quickly though. “Geez, Olivia. That is not something you should be just throwing out there like that.”

  “She divulging her shower-time activities?” Lee asked from the archway that led into the kitchen. At Nathan’s nod Lee rolled his eyes. “Like you didn’t know what she was up to in there. Given her less-than-subtle hints the last few days, I’d have been more stunned if she’d said she wasn’t doing that.”

  “So you see, I think that I’m pretty much over this danger zone time that you were thinking of.” She moved her hands up and down her chest and smirked. “I really would love it if you would both let go of your impressive control. I’m willing to give up on my chocolate-covered popcorn if you are willing to get naked with me.”

  Nathan whimpered while Lee shook his head and pointed a finger her way. “Behave. You still have a few more hours to get through. If we see no signs of anything amiss as of seven tonight, then we’ll jump your bones. Until then, behave,” he said again in that firm tone of his.

  “Gosh darn it.” She let out a breath and closed her eyes. “It’s a good thing that I love you as much as I do because I am aching with need for you both. I guess that it’s a good thing that we are going to watch a movie then, right?”

  “Very,” he said. “Do I need to get either of you an ice pack to cool off with, or are we good out here? And we’ll be watching a nice, boring, and very dull documentary to ensure no one gets any funny ideas.”

  “No I’m good.” She took a deep breath and nodded. “Okay, I’m ready. I’m calmed down. I really am. Let’s get this movie started so that we can get me calmed down.” She knew it was her, not so much them, at least she didn’t think it was them. She knew it was her because of how much she was aching right now.

  Pushing off the wall, Lee went back into the kitchen.

  Beside her, Nathan slouched down in his seat with a sigh. “He’s such a party pooper,” he mumbled. “I swear there are days I want to get him tested to see if he’s even human. Tell me it’s not just me noticing his freakish control.”

  “He really is.” She took a few deep breaths. “Yeah, but god, I love that control that he has. So much. If you hadn’t noticed it, I’m naturally submissive and when he gets that Dom voice going with me I swear it drives me absolutely wild.”

  “I have noticed that. You get all docile, and so ready to please. Now that’s a fucking turn-on if I say so myself.” Grinning at her, he shifted around to prop one leg up on the coffee table. “So unlike your usual self.”

  She snorted. “This is very true. I really am not much of a docile sort of woman but when it comes to being able to have you and Lee naked I’m more than willing to be docile.” It was more than that though. She would give up anything that Lee asked her to, all three of them knew that truth.

  Shooting her a knowing look he only smirked as Lee came out of the kitchen. He handed off the bowls of popcorn to Nathan, then to her, before he settled down on her other side with his own. “So, what did you pick to watch?”

  “Yeah, what are we going to watch?” She took a bite of her chocolate-covered popcorn and sighed. “Goodness, this is so good. You so haven’t lost your touch, Lee,” she
told him and shifted so that she could rest between both men, smiling when they both moved to be closer to her. Goodness she loved that about them, how they moved to surround her likely without even knowing it.

  Grabbing up the remote control, Lee got them into the movie selection on the TV box and then handed her the remote. “Lady’s choice since she’s needing a pick-me-up for the time being. For the record, dinner is a seven-course meal.”

  Nathan sat up so fast she was stunned he didn’t slide right off the sofa. “Tell me he’s joking?”

  “No, he’s not. It’s his way of prolonging things.” She did sigh however and added, “Although the last course, if it’s like the other two times we’ve done it, he’s eaten off of me.” A low moan escaped her lips before she knew what she was doing. “Is that what’s going to happen with the seventh course this time, Lee?”

  The look he slid her way was all the answer she needed. While the man might have scary control over his emotions, he always let her see through the mask he seemed to wear for the rest of the world. “Perhaps,” was all he said for Nathan’s benefit. “But I will say that it’s the dessert course, and there will be drizzles and whipped topping involved.”

  “Praise God.” She whimpered, again. Looking to Nathan she said, “Yes, you guys are going to eat dessert off of me. Thank freaking God.” She clicked the remote blindly to choose a movie. “He has the best ideas ever, doesn’t he?”

  Lee and Nathan both scrambled for the remote. Nathan managed to get it in hand and frantically was hitting the same button. Both men let out a breath when the movie she’d chosen stopped before getting going. “He definitely has some stellar ideas. His delivery timing needs work though.”

  Lee looked a little embarrassed. “Note to self, don’t tell her shit like that until after she’s picked the movie.”

  She turned to look at Nathan, and all he had to say was one word to make her understand their bizarre actions. “Clowns.”

  “Crapballs. Thank you.” She couldn’t even stand driving by one of the McDonald’s in town because that damn clown sat on a bench in front of the restaurant. “Okay, so it looks like we are instead going to watch a scary movie.” They had flipped it to a scary sci-fi movie. She could deal with that.

  “Anything’s better than dealing with you after you’ve spotted a clown, Vi,” Lee said. Settling back in next to her he gave her an apologetic look. “Sorry, love. I really should know better than to distract you like that.”

  “You got it started before my brain even clicked onto what was on the television so it’s not even an issue. Besides, I happen to really love it when you distract me like that. I think you both should distract me often. Please?”

  “I’ll consider it. For now you know what’s on the menu for tonight,” he said. “Which means you can now focus on the movie for the time being. And once we’re done the movie you can go grab a bath, throw on a robe, and then join us for dinner. It should give me enough time to put the last touches on the other six courses.”

  “Goodness gravy.” She would have to do all that she could to focus on the movie so that she wasn’t thinking of having her men making love with her. “I can’t want to be naked with you both again. Just so that you know.” She was teasing, slightly.

  “You have six courses to get through before the final one. So you’ll have to have some patience. Especially if everything actually turns out this time around.”

  “Geez, this sounds seriously elaborate and like I need to be in a tux,” Nathan said.

  “We don’t go that far, but she definitely gets a kick out of the seventh course. It’s always a battle for her to stay still for the first part of it until some of the pieces are eaten.”

  Olivia rolled her eyes and looked at Nathan. “It’s hard for me to sit through the six courses, naked with only a robe on. He claims it’s to teach me patience but I say that people don’t need patience, not when you can be making love or having straight-up hot sex instead. Right?”

  Nathan stared at her as he seemed to consider her words. “Well, I do see where he’s coming from. You can be rather impatient at times. One doesn’t chug a fine bottle of alcohol without first allowing it to breathe and reach optimal serving temperatures first. So why rush into something as exquisite as sex with you, sweetheart? And they do say that anticipation is part of the allure, also lending to the final moments, making them all the sweeter. On the other hand I’m also the sort that likes to just tear off the bits, throw you up on a counter, and fuck you until you can’t sit for a month.”

  “Heathens,” Lee muttered with a snicker.

  Olivia began to fan herself. “Right, okay so we need to shelve this conversation because right now I’m aching and I’m about to go and take another cold shower. We should stop.” She wasn’t even teasing. She was really ready to come from the words that these men were giving her. Damn their beautiful eyes.

  Olivia turned to stare at the television now, holding her hand up to stop conversation otherwise she was going to say to hell with the time that Lee told her she had to have. “Movie, shh,” she told both of them.

  Chuckling softly, Lee leaned in to kiss her cheek. “It’s only a few more hours, love. It will all be worth it, I promise.” He gave her another gentle kiss to her skin before drawing back into his own space while still sitting close enough to comfort her.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Olivia lay back on the table with the towel under her head as a pillow. She looked over to Lee and watched him as he watched her. She had to bite her lip when he tied her hands with the belt of her robe and secured it to the legs of the table so that she was stretched out fully for the men.

  She didn’t speak as Nathan lifted her head slightly to put the straps of the blindfold onto her head and gave him a smile before he pulled it down over her eyes. She felt both men’s hands on her ankles and spreading her wide for them, securing her legs apart now with something. She wasn’t sure what though since she was blindfolded now.

  Once she was completely bound and secured, she felt the dessert being laid out over her body and had to fight back the moan that she wanted to give. Instead she just let out a small whimper which was followed by, “Thank you, Sirs.”

  “Stay still until we say otherwise,” Lee told her. “This will feel a little warm, but let me know if it’s too warm for you, love.” A moment later she felt him drizzle something over her breasts in a slow looping pattern that continued down over her belly, and onto her pussy, thighs, and lower legs. She could hear him setting something down a moment before another drizzle came. This was a wiggle he put from neck to mid-calf. Then came the whipped topping that was cooler than her skin temperature, especially at that moment.

  “Thank you, Sir. I will tell you.” She ensured that he knew that she understood that she would tell him. The heated drizzle that touched her skin wasn’t hot, it was a nice warm feeling. “Oh my,” she whispered and licked her lips. “That feels perfect, thank you.”

  She listened as bowls were moved, and a few items she couldn’t identify by sound. Water ran briefly, and then she knew she was under both of their intense focus. “Remain still,” Lee warned her again. A hot tongue slid up her left side, slowly licking what she was assuming was some of the syrupy concoction Lee had drizzled over her.

  Lips smacked slightly. “Damn that’s good. The one is tart but with the sweetness of the other it balances them both out,” Nathan said.

  “Precisely the point. Olivia, would you like a taste of anything?” Lee asked her.

  “Anything that you will give me, Sir.” Olivia loved that they were eating off of her body but more than that she loved that they had bound her and blindfolded her. “You know what I like, I trust you.”

  Something was lifted off her hip, and then dragged up her body to her breast. “Open,” Lee told her. “Bite down slowly so I make sure you don’t get any of the stem, Vi.” A strawberry, she was guessing, from the texture rubbing against her tongue.

  She bit slowly,
the juices of the strawberry getting on her lips as she bit. The sensations still making her nipples tight from where he had rubbed the berry to the bead of her nipple. She hummed at the taste of the fudge and whipped cream that he had added to the strawberry. She chewed and then smiled. “Thank you, Sir, that’s delicious.”

  “You are very welcome, love.” A warm cloth lightly brushed over her lips to keep the juices from tracing down her face to her ears. It had happened once, but Lee made sure it never happened again. No one liked a sticky ear.

  “Okay, you have to tell me what that is,” Nathan said.

  “Try it,” Lee suggested.

  Something with a little more weight was lifted from around her bellybutton. It was a bit sticky too, and clung to her flesh until Nathan pulled it loose. “Damn, it tastes just like baklava,” he said.

  “It is, but my interpretation of it.”

  Another tongue slid along her skin. This one travelled over her rib cage, up the slope of her breast, and through the whipped cream melting on her nipple to tease the tight bud.

  She arched up as much as she could from the table to the mouth that was teasing her nipple. A low moan came unbidden from her. She had to bite her lower lip to stop from moaning more. “I would like a taste of the baklava, please?”

  “Open up.” This time it was Nathan that offered her the bite. Lee was still lapping at her breast slowly. The tiny sweet morsel was set on her tongue. Before Nathan could withdraw his fingers she closed her lips around them, and sucked lightly as he slowly drew them away. “Witch,” he breathed out in a husky tone.

  She just smiled and chewed on the treat she was given. She might be a witch, but she was the luckiest witch that was ever born. “I wouldn’t mind if you took a taste of the whipped cream and kissed me,” she suggested saucily and then rumbled in a near purr when Lee’s mouth closed over the tight peak of her nipple.


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