Assignment: Second Chances

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Assignment: Second Chances Page 21

by Honor James

  “Yeah, but Clara is a coder as well so that wouldn’t make a difference.” She moaned. “Oh, right there, Nathan.” She shifted so that she could move just a bit closer to Nathan. “That feels good, right there where you are rubbing.” Olivia smiled and closed her eyes again. “Who knows, maybe our kids will be able to play together.” They weren’t pregnant yet, but she wanted to be, soon. “Think we can start working on those babies, when I’m over this stomach bug, that is?”

  Both men were silent so long she ended up opening her eyes to look at them. They were staring at one another. After a moment they both looked down at her. “Are you sure you’re not pregnant?” Nathan asked quietly. “I don’t want to jump the gun here, or anything, but is it even remotely possible?”

  “I shouldn’t be. I mean I am a week late, but with the stress that I’m under that doesn’t mean anything. We’ve been using condoms. There haven’t been issues, right?” She had been very sleepy lately, but with the stomach flu that was pretty much par for the course. “There have been no condom mishaps, right?”

  “Not that we know of,” he said, and Lee was shaking his head. “But you never know if a condom is properly made. I’ve heard stories of condoms having holes poked in them, or just having one with a defect that wasn’t caught at any point. Yes we use a trusted brand with a good reputation, but weirder shit has happened. Like I said though, I might be reaching here, but it might be better to be safe than shocked.”

  “I don’t think that I am, but if it would make you boys feel better I’m happy to take a test. I think that there might be one left over from the dozen that Clara bought to test herself with.” It had been hilarious, Clara had tested herself time and time again to ensure that she was pregnant.

  Nathan looked to Lee and then back to her. “Might be an idea,” he said. Reaching out for her hand, he gave it a squeeze and leaned in to kiss her fingers. “Because while it might not be pregnancy, this may not be a stomach flu either given your stress level over the last year. Might be an idea to get into see your doc, sweetheart. Make sure it’s not something nasty like an ulcer.”

  “Oh lord I so don’t want to think about having an ulcer.” She got up and leaned in to give both men a smile and walked out of the room. Less than five minutes later Olivia stood in the door to the living room and looked at the test, then the men and then the test again. “Uhm.” She knew she was pale, her whole body felt a little chilled. “So I think that maybe you might need to switch condom brands in about ten months. Give or take that is.” She looked to each man and swallowed, hard. “Because someone’s failed.”

  Olivia looked at each man and turned the test to them. “Because we are pregnant, according to the two little lines here.” She held the small white plastic stick in her fingers and looked from man to man. She couldn’t tell who was more shocked in that moment, her or the men that were looking at her. “Lee?” She knew that of the two of them he would take it the hardest, with never knowing his first son and all. “Are you going to be okay with this?” Her mind began to race. She was trying to think of all the things she needed to do, what she needed to do in order to ensure that this child had the best possible chance at a healthy and long life. She didn’t think she could survive losing another child, not now. Not now that she knew real love with these two men.

  She continued to look at them for what felt like an eternity and her stomach pitted. They weren’t happy about this. The shock that they were in was a clear indication that they were unhappy with this turn of events. Well, too damn bad for them. She was about to say something when both men rose in that eerie way that they tended to move when on a mission. She found herself stepping back, not out of fear, but that deep primal feeling that was inside of every single being alive.

  Fight or flight, because they had the look of predators right now, pure and simple. “So, you are okay with being daddies?” she asked when her back hit the wall and Lee’s hand closed over her hip.

  He dragged her into his arms, wrapping her in a tight hug as he buried his face in her throat. Lee let out a shaky breath and tightened his hold on her. Lifting his head, he moved his hands to cup her face while staring down at her. “I love you, Vi,” he whispered softly. “I have no idea what to do though. I don’t think either of us do, so you are going to have to tell us what we need to do.”

  She could see Nathan peeking over Lee’s shoulder, bouncing on the balls of his feet. He finally rolled his eyes and gave Lee a push aside so he could scoop her up in his arms. With a kiss to her lips, he smiled. “I can’t wait,” he said quietly, giving her a gentle squeeze.

  Olivia smiled and hugged Nathan tightly. “I know, me too. I do, however, need to get to a doctor sooner rather than later,” she told him and then looked to Lee once more. “And the parentage of the child, do either of you care who is the father?”

  “Not in the least,” Nathan said.

  Lee shook his head while touching her cheek lightly. “It doesn’t matter, Olivia. I just want you to get an appointment set up sooner than later. I need to know that you are okay,” he told her. “Given what you’ve been through of late, it’s even more important than ever.”

  “I agree. I need to ensure that our child is safe as well. I will make an appointment with a specialist so that they can do a deep scan to ensure that our child’s heart is strong.” She needed to ensure that their child had the best possible chance at life that they had. She smiled and added, “So since we are already pregnant, there is no need for condoms any longer, right?”

  “Apparently not,” Nathan said with a chuckle. He gave her another kiss to her lips before stepping back slightly. “We should celebrate, go out, and have dinner or something like that. If everyone’s up for it of course.” He was looking at her when he said that.

  “I’m feeling up for dinner. Just nothing too spicy please. I could, however, go for a steak and potatoes. What do you think about that? No caffeine for me though, if I am pregnant then I need to take every single opportunity that I can to safeguard our child.”

  “We’ll go to that steak place you like,” he said. “Let me call and make a reservation. That way we can all have some time to get ready, and not miss out on some grade-A meat.” Another squeeze and Nathan went off to the kitchen whistling under his breath.

  When they were alone, Olivia looked to Lee. “I’m worried about you, Lee. With the loss of a child you never knew, are you going to be okay with this?” she whispered softly. “I didn’t mean to get pregnant, I really didn’t but I can’t say that I’m unhappy about it. I am happy, very happy. I’m having the child of one of the men that I love.” And secretly she prayed that it was Lee’s child. Even though she loved Nathan, she wanted the child to biologically be Lee’s, if only to help him heal somewhat.

  “I’ll be fine,” he said. Lifting a hand he cupped her cheek gently, and then wrapped his hand around her neck to pull her in closer to him. “I’m shocked, completely terrified, and yet excited all at the same time. My only worry is you, and the baby. That you are both healthy, and that you get everything and anything you need.”

  “Which is why I want to get in with a specialist sooner rather than later. Do you think that you can work your magic on getting us in with one of the doctors in question. I will make the calls, but you might have to ask your friends to perhaps help us get the appointment moved up?”

  “Don’t you need to be at a certain point in the pregnancy? I know you want to check the heart, but when is it actually developed?” Leaning back he frowned down at her. “I hate to tell you this, but I slept through most of biology class.”

  “Most defects occur in the first three months of pregnancy. The heart starts to form by week five, so the sooner that we start looking at our child in utero, the better.” She began to think about the things that she needed him to know about their child. “By the sixth week, the baby’s heart will be pumping blood through their system.” She licked her lips as she thought about the things she had learned. “So the soone
r that we are able to ensure that our child’s heart isn’t damaged, the better. If there is an issue we should be able to find a pediatric heart surgeon who would be able to operate while in utero.”

  “Okay, sweetheart. Whatever you want, we’ll get it done. You know that right?” At her nod, he pulled her close again to hold her tight. “I love you, Olivia. No matter what happens we’ll be right by your side through it.”

  “We have reservations in two hours,” Nathan called out.

  “Two hours gives us time to get cleaned up. Once that’s all over and done with we will be able to head on out, right?” She took a deep breath and looked to her men. “Now, it’s time to get cleaned up. I want to eat.” No time for them to have wild hot monkey lovin’ of course, but enough time to get cleaned up so that was a very good thing indeed. “Feed me my dear men and then you boys can figure out how to make an honest woman out of me. Deal?”

  Nathan’s eyes went huge at the last part, and he started to look like a fish out of water.

  “I think you’ve found a topic that freaks him out slightly,” Lee said quietly. He pressed a kiss to her temple. “Go rescue him while I grab a shower and a shave. We should leave a little early, it’s going to take us a bit to get across town at this time of day.”

  “Sounds good.” She gave Lee one more hug and then pulled away so that she could look at Nahan. “Does marrying me really make you that freaked out?” Her hands were on Nathan’s chest and moved up so that she could wrap her arms around his neck. “I do love you, you know that, right?”

  His arms wrapped around her automatically, and he nodded. “I love you too, Olivia. Marriage though, wow, uh, yeah,” he sputtered. She heard him swallow hard. “I’m going to need a little time to think on that one, and get used to the idea I think.”

  “It’s okay. I won’t force you into anything. I swear.” She took a deep breath and nodded. “I was able to be an unmarried mom once, I could do it again. The only difference is that this time I have both of you with me in this. Right?”

  He frowned down at her. “You want me to actually marry you?” he asked, sounding confused. “I mean I totally would, once I wrap my head around it, but what about Lee? There can only be one legally binding wedding. I’d have thought you’d want him to be that one instead, Olivia.”

  “Yes there can be only one legally binding marriage and I would like it to be Lee, but I would like for you to be as committed in a private ceremony that would bind the three of us if possible?”

  “Oh, okay, yeah that makes sense,” he nodded. Reaching up he tucked a bit of her hair behind her ear. “I’m in no way saying no, I’m not insane. I’m just asking for a little time to get my head wrapped around everything. It’s been one of those days, sweetheart, where there’s a lot coming in from all over to beat on my little caveman-sized brain.”

  “I understand. I still can’t believe that we are going to have a child.” She was still quite shocked, by far. “Together we will get through his, all of it. I’m not pushing any of you for anything. I will not force anything in our relationship, ever. I promise.”

  “Now, I need to go and take a bath so that I can be ready when you guys are ready to leave. Go, go and start getting ready so that we can go eat.”

  “Why don’t you go and grab a shower after Lee is out,” he suggested. “I’ve seen the amount of time it takes for you to get ready when you’re focused, I have a feeling it’ll take a little longer right now.” Leaning in he kissed her with a smile on his lips. “Go, I’ll jump in once you’re out and I’m guaranteed not to get my ass fried, or frozen.”

  “Sounds good.” She kissed Nathan’s cheek once more and then turned to walk away. She then began to dance off toward the shower, happiness evident in every step she took.

  * * * *

  Once Olivia was out of the room, Gordon waited impatiently for a moment until he heard the door shut on the other bathroom. Then he raced up the hall to the master bathroom. “We need to talk, now,” he said.

  Jacobs blinked at him and shrugged before waving him into the space. “What’s up?”

  “When are you planning on asking her to marry you?”

  The razor fell out of Jacobs’s hand. Cursing, the other man rescued it from the sink with a glare his direction. “Originally I was going to wait until after the trial and sentencing once we’d had a bit of time to settle back into a routine. Now things are a little more complicated, obviously. I’m not sure if I should right now,” he said.

  “Oh, you most definitely should right now. She’s worried about doing the unwed mother thing again,” Gordon told him. “The look on her face when she said it about broke my heart. She wants to be married, to you, and then to have a ceremony later for all three of us.”

  “Good to know,” Jacobs said quietly. He stared into the mirror for a time before moving the razor over his cheek. “I’m guessing she doesn’t know that you’re in here telling me about this.”

  “I may not be the quickest on the draw, Jacobs, but I’m not a fucking idiot. She would rip my balls off if she knew I was telling you this.”

  “Keep it that way,” he said. Jacobs looked his way, and Gordon gave a nod. “I have some plans to get to I think.”

  Letting out a breath, Gordon gave him another nod. “Sounds good.” Pushing a hand through his hair, he went back out into the bedroom to give the man some privacy. Hopefully Jacobs would get his ass in gear so that Olivia would stop looking so wounded.


  A week later....

  Olivia curled up on the oversized chair when they finally got home. She had been sick all morning, and at the doctor’s visit had puked again. Thankfully however, from what the doctor could see so far the baby was doing very well indeed. Thank God. Of course they would have to go back often to have ultrasounds made to ensure that there was no issue with the baby but she was good with that.

  She looked up when she saw Lee enter and smiled. “Hey honey. So are you doing okay? Seeing our baby like that?” It was still only a little bit of a blob, but that was okay, it was their child.

  Nodding he settled down on the arm of her chair, and reached over to brush his fingers to her forehead. “Yeah, I think I am,” he said. “It was a serious kick in the gut to see that little smear on the screen. It makes it all so real. Like it’s one thing to say you’re pregnant, but once the evidence is there it steps up to a whole new level.” Leaning over he kissed her temple gently. “Nathan’s getting you some chamomile tea.”

  “Love that man,” she said with a yawn. “The puking needs to end soon though because I puke then I’m exhausted.” She shifted a bit and smiled. “How about you sit in the chair and let me curl up in your lap?”

  “Of course,” he said. Getting to his feet he helped her up before taking her spot, and then helping her to curl into his lap. Lee grabbed a throw to tuck around her before he wrapped his arms around her body. “I hope you get over this puking portion too,” he told her. “I always thought I had a strong stomach, but seeing you sick like that had me damn woozy too.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said and closed her eyes. She relaxed against him and sighed. “This is perfect. So good. I could become used to having you holding me all curled up like this, love.” She already was. She was very attached to him. “I’m keeping you this time, Lee. I want you to know that.”

  “I’m keeping you too, Vi. No way in hell am I ever letting you get away from me this time around. If you’d get over the upset stomach I’d even be able to show you how I plan to do that. But it can wait a little longer, I suppose.”

  Nathan came out of the kitchen with a steaming mug. “I put in a little bit of honey, not a lot since I know you’re sensitive to sweets right now, but hopefully enough to help cut the bitterness of the chamomile.” He passed it to her carefully with a smile.

  “Thank you,” she said with a grin and took a sip of the tea. “So good,” she whispered and drank a bit more of the tea. “Already my stomach is feeling so much
better.” It was feeling calm, her stomach no longer was tossing and turning and instead was just settling. “Better. Much better.”

  Lee stroked her hair gently while she drank her tea. Nathan sat watching her though he occasionally shot Lee a look. Lee on the other hand ignored him except for twice when he shot him a frown with a small shake of his head.

  “Okay, what is going on, you two?” She finished the tea and passed the cup to Nathan only to curl up to Lee once again. “Spill it, boys. The two of you are hiding something so talk about it.”

  “Do you want some more?” Nathan asked. “Might give him the time to come up with a reason as to why he’s been delaying.”

  “I’m only delaying until she’s feeling well enough. I don’t want to just come out and, you know, while she’s not feeling well. Wouldn’t be very sporting of me,” Lee muttered.

  “Now you really have me curious. What wouldn’t be sporting of you Lee?” she demanded. “Because I have to tell you that right now you have me even more curious about what it is that the two of you have cooked up together.”

  “Oh, no, this is definitely all your buddy Jacobs, sweetheart.” Nathan was grinning now, one of those big grins with plenty of teeth.

  “Thanks, you’re so very helpful, Gordon.” Sighing Lee gave her a look, and then glanced to Nathan. “Can you go get it for me? Since not a damn thing has been exactly traditional up to this point, we might as well continue with it.”

  “Yup, I’m on it.” Nathan popped up from his seat on the coffee table and jogged off toward the master bedroom.

  “You are really killing me here. Come on. Talk to me, Lee.” She looked up into his eyes but he gave no indication of anything that was going on. He gave no indication of what it was that he had planned.

  Lee shook his head slightly even as Nathan came jogging back into the room. The other man gave her a grin, and moved out of her line of sight slightly. She was sure he was passing something off to Lee given their movements.


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