Hard Case: Boxed Set Books 1,2 & 3 (John Harding Books)

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Hard Case: Boxed Set Books 1,2 & 3 (John Harding Books) Page 16

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  “Pick the chair up and sit down, Tim. Move toward Tess and I start carving.”

  Tolver’s eyes widened even more than they were before when he noticed my knife. He fumbles the chair up with shaky hands and sits down. I pick up the duct tape from Tess’s coffee table they used to bind her. Sure, I hear Tess making whiney sounds of indignation through the tape. I’m not stupid. I could beat Tolver into the carpet first or take a chance on him pulling off the unimaginable while I rush to Tess’s side like a lovesick puppy. I want some info so I decide on the third option – secure the prisoner first.

  “Put your hands behind your back, Timmy. Don’t make any sudden moves or you’ll force me to practice unlicensed surgery – not a good choice.”

  “You’ll kill me… I…” Tolver starts to stand up.

  I drop the duct tape and motion him to keep coming. “Yeah, okay… come get some. You have a slight chance if you do what I say to survive this encounter intact. Stand up and I’m going to make you wish you were never born.”

  Tolver sat down and put his hands behind his back. I taped them together before doing a few duct tape loops around his chest and chair. With a quick binding of each ankle to the respective chair leg, my prisoner was secure. Duct tape is so handy. The hostage takers had luckily only bound Tess’s wrists behind the chair back, finishing with one strip over her mouth. I sliced her wrists free.

  “I’ll let you work the tape off your mouth, Tess.”

  She quickly pulled free of the tape on her wrists. With tentative fingers, she groaned while pulling the duct tape from over her mouth. Duct tape seals a mouth really well but removing it’s a bitch. Tess glared at me the whole time like I took her hostage. Funny about victims - when they think they’re safe, suddenly nitpicking the method of their rescue leaps to the forefront in their minds. Before Tess can launch into the Harding rescue critique I give her the wave off.

  “Did Timmy here or his partner, the now deceased Viktor, hurt you?”

  “What do you care? You didn’t even-”

  “Because if they hurt you,” I cut her off patiently, “I will break a few things on Timmy just so he knows there are consequences for everything.”

  Tess eyeballed her very subdued hostage taker with an appraising glare I liked. Tolver looked at her with pleading eyes which I guess tilted Tess toward mercy. I’ll have the final say on that one though. She took a deep breath while standing and stretching out her cramped limbs.

  “The big one Tasered me when I answered the door. They duct taped me without roughing me up any. Why didn’t you free me first… you dispassionate ape?”

  “Let me check for you.” I gave Tolver a very rough inspection turning up a Taurus 9mil under his shirt in the back and 9 inch stiletto knife from his right front pocket. Tess was duly impressed.

  “Sorry, John.”

  “Forget it.” I smiled at Tolver with new respect. “You’re not as dumb as I thought, Timmy. If you’d have reached for either of these we wouldn’t be having this nice conversation.”

  “I…I watched the YouTube video with Alexi, Viktor and Mikhail. You moved faster than my wife’s father could think. I am not even as fast as he is.”

  “It saved you a hurtin’. Alexi doesn’t know about this, does he?”

  Tolver shook his head no, eyes on the floor. Tess went into the kitchen and came back with a glass full of ice filled with a brown liquid I knew wasn’t Dr. Pepper. She sat down on the sofa and began sipping it.

  I waited until she was comfortable before continuing. “Let me see if I have this scenario figured out, Timmy. You and Viktor compared notes about respective grievances with me. Viktor thought up a way to scare the crap out of Tess while using her to lure me here. What then - Taser me walking through the door and take us both for a cement shoe swim in the ocean? Everyone wins – you somehow feel better over that elementary school bullshit, Viktor gets payback for his beat-down, and Alexi is none the wiser. That about it?”

  Tolver glanced up at me in surprise halfway through my supposition. He nodded, staring forlornly at the floor again. I scanned the room again. Tolver wasn’t out of the woods yet. “Tess, where’s Midnight?”

  “Locked in my bedroom. He started using my sofa as a scratching pad.”

  I chuckled. Okay, all house inhabitants were alive and well. I turned back to Tolver. “I sure hope Alexi’s daughter loves the shit out of you, Timmy. The old man ain’t going to take kindly to you and Viktor doing improvisation behind his back.”

  Tolver’s head bobbed up in terror. Ah oh, I think Timmy may not be sure how much Maria cares for him. “Please… please don’t call him. I have money. I can-”

  My laughter cut him off. Even Tess smiled. I shook my head with what I thought was an endearing smile of compassion. “What the hell makes you think I’m going to let you write this script with the old man? A couple other geniuses wanted me to cross your father-in-law. Not going to happen. Give me his private number. You’re the Father of his Granddaughter. Hopefully for you, that will mean something if Maria decides you’re expendable.”

  Tolver mumbles out Fiialkov’s number while I get my phone out. A few seconds later I hear the old man’s gruff voice. “This is John Harding. We have a situation.”

  “We have a situation?” Fiialkov sounds less than convinced of the we part.

  I fill him in on the facts which he listens to without interruption.

  “You left Tim alive. Did you think to bargain with me for him, Mr. Harding? I might have bargained for Viktor.”

  I laughed and could hear him chortling a little too. “Nope. This is just a courtesy call. Timmy is yours free of charge but I’d rather not have to dispose of Viktor. If you’re not interested in Timmy, I’ll dispose of them both.”

  “I will come with two of my men. How shall I approach?”

  “Straight on. I’ll be watching for you.”

  “I apologize for what I know must have been a terrifying experience for Ms. Connagher. You have my word nothing like this will ever happen again. I am not comfortable with owing favors but if I can be of service to you in the future perhaps you will allow me to repay your kindness. I have it on good authority you will be watching out for a high profile visitor. If you’ll allow me, I may be able to add some intelligence not available through regular channels.”

  Damn it! Is there anything this Russian ‘Godfather’ doesn’t have his fingers into? Done is done. I might as well get what I can out of it. “Thank you, Alexii. That would be more than enough to repay me for this incident. See you soon.”

  I cut Tolver free. “C’mon Timmy, we’re going outside to wait for Alexii. Relax in here Tess. I’ll send my young protégé in from the car.

  “You had Jafar help you?”

  “He was never in danger.” I called my helper and told him to park in front of the house. I took Tolver outside and gestured Jafar out of my Chevy. “Wait inside with Tess, J. Some people are coming over to collect our two visitors. Say nothing to the redhead. ‘I don’t know, Ms. Connagher’ is always a good response.”

  “Okay, John. Is everything over now?”

  “I think so but tomorrow’s a new day, right Timmy?”

  “Alexi will maim me for this,” Timmy replied as I shooed Jafar along. “Putting him in debt to you is the same as stabbing him in the back.”

  “I doubt he’ll rearrange much on you. Your daughter would notice. For the record, you’re lucky you didn’t mess with Tess. You better steer clear of the family business genius. Stick with your day job. What do you do for a living anyway?”

  “I work as a plumber for one of the old man’s construction businesses.”

  “Good. Offer to work this off for any price Alexi wants if he’ll consider it.”

  Tolver grimaced. “He’ll work me like a slave. Maria will never let me off the hook.”

  “Sounds like it’s time for a lifestyle change. Be the best you can be – best plumber, best husband, and most of all, best Dad. They say those that can�
��t do should teach, so teach your Daughter how to be respectful of others. Take comfort in being alive with all your major organs intact. Final piece of advice – don’t ever cross my path again.”

  Five minutes later a familiar black Expedition parked behind my Chevy. Two men jumped out. One was another old buddy, Mikhail Rowan. He and his companion kept their hands where I could see them.

  “Viktor’s in the backseat.” I opened the door for them. They eased the room temperature Russian out of the Chevy and into the Expedition, following him without comment. Fiialkov got out and walked over. He pointed a finger in Tolver’s direction.

  “You owe me much. Thank God little Mishy loves you and Maria doesn’t wish to start over.” He waves Tolver to silence when Timmy starts to speak. “Where are you parked?”

  “Around the corner.”

  “Drive to my place. We’ll follow. Go sit in your car until we leave.”

  Tolver jogged toward his car. Fiialkov smiled at me and shrugged. “Family. You are much more than what you appear, John. I checked with some of my sources and found out you have traveled extensively. The people who tell me things say rumors exist of a man knowledgeable with languages who fits your description being in the general area overseas where a target of opportunity has ceased to exist. You have many skills other than fighting in the street.”

  Boy, Denny’s really going to like this news. Fiialkov’s not getting his info off the Internet. “What can I say, Alexi? I get bored. I don’t suppose you’d like to share who these sources are, would you?”

  “I don’t think so, John. We can come to an agreement though. I don’t want terrorists blowing up stuff here either. It might be my stuff. I admit I am guessing somewhat. You are watching a young woman famous for anti-terrorist leanings and speaking out. Also, I have heard a very dangerous entity might be in the area who wishes everyone harm.”

  I’m making a few guesses myself now. “You have friends at Interpol.”

  Fiialkov’s eyebrows rise slightly, accompanied by a slight glance away he can’t take back. He smiles. “Not just a pug.”

  “I would welcome any intelligence from anyone, Alexi. I imagine you’ve been told about the visit I had from my two old fight promoter friends.”

  “Yes, of course.” Fiialkov waves a hand in dismissal. “I knew you were too smart for those conmen. I’m surprised you agreed to fight on their ticket though.”

  I’m surprised he knows about it already. “You did tell me I couldn’t fight on your ticket.”

  “Or in this area… but no matter… competition can be exhilarating. Getting a sponsoring role in the matches locally has been a goal of mine. If Bonasera and Alexander had been more amenable to a partnership none of this unfortunate business about throwing fights would have come up. I have another proposition for you to consider, John. What would you say to a rematch with my man Rankin in a UFC bout?”

  Interesting, and far too close for my tastes with Government Inc. I decide to fish in these waters for the moment – Interpol buddies or not, this kind of coincidence will make Denny mental. I can hardly wait to tell him. “We’re both banned from the mixed martial arts circuits, me because of an accident, Rankin because he’s an asshole.”

  Fiialkov chuckled. “You have a rather corrosive way of putting things. I believe I can fix those problems if you’re interested. UFC people are on a constant lookout for controversial matches. It has become much like ancient Rome recently, the bloodier, the better. Rankin has been the best prospect I’ve had. If he had been under my wing when he started, my influence would have tempered his actions that ended in his being banned. I had hoped to use his win over you to obtain his reentry into MMA or UFC.”

  “How’s he doing anyway?” As if I cared.

  “Van will need three months minimum before he can train effectively. You upset my UFC plans considerably. Perhaps I could offer you a contract to replace him.”

  “I have a handler, Alexi. Let’s keep our relationship on a more friendly basis.”

  “Very well. Thank you for sparing my idiot son-in-law. Although I’m sure Viktor had much to do with this stupid idea, it would have been very difficult dealing with Tim’s death.”

  “Tim was smart enough not to harm Ms. Connagher.”

  “Yes, I am sure that is the only reason I received a call. I will be in touch if I hear anything of value to you. Good evening, John. Give my proposal about UFC some thought.”

  “I will, Alexi. Other than trading some information or conducting fight business how about we stay out of each other’s way for a time, okay?”

  Fiialkov laughed and waved his assent before getting into his vehicle. I watched them drive away without my sixth sense screaming setup in my brain. I entered Tess’s house with some reluctance. My inner alarm may not be buzzing over Fiialkov now but it definitely started chirping on my way into the house. Jafar sat with Tess in the kitchen. He looked up at me in relief. Tess glanced up a little blearily. She appeared to be about three sheets into the wind. Being taken hostage has that effect on people.

  “You did very well, J. Go out to the car. I’ll be along shortly.”

  Jafar remembered his manners before leaving so quickly it appeared he was fleeing the scene of a crime. He turned and waved awkwardly at Tess. “I’m glad you’re okay, Ms. Connagher. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, Jafar. Thanks for your help.”

  After Jafar left I sat down opposite Tess. Sometimes all the wishin’ and hopin’ in the world can’t ever repair what happens to us when life takes a sharp turn of sorts. I could tell in Tess’s face the turn we had dealt with tonight may have been a little too sharp. She wanted to fire at me with all guns blazing. Her eyes didn’t look dulled by alcohol in the slightest. Tess’s pressed together lips twitched slightly with the impulse to string a few hurtful accusations my way, but reason won out. Tess leaned back away from the table, tension easing slightly from her features.

  “I guess this was about… both of us?”

  “It was mostly about me. Fiialkov didn’t know about it. There will be no more Russian involvement in anything. I can’t say hanging around with me is particularly safe though.”

  “Small doubt about that. You didn’t happen to trade my hostage taking for a favor from Fiialkov by any chance, did you John?”

  I don’t blame Jafar for wanting to cut and run. This could get ugly. I’m about ready to pull the pin on a few word grenades after that question. It’s not like I didn’t explain the dangers involved when she decided to play middleman for Strobert and Government Inc. Playing the innocent caught up in a vicious world because of her violent friend card plucked the wrong chord on my harp. The look on my face sobered Tess up a bit. When I saw a softening around her eyes, I bit back the response that would have ended our friendship forever. I stood up. Time to go.

  “Would you like a ride somewhere, Tess? I don’t imagine staying here after-”

  “I’ll be fine, John. Like you said, the danger’s past. A couple more of these…” she held up her shot glass, “and I’ll be right as rain.”

  “Call me if you need anything. Best to lock up tight after I leave no matter what. Do you have a gun?”


  I held up the 9mm Ruger from under my shirt. I kept Timmy’s Taurus 9mm with me. I didn’t kill him tonight but that didn’t mean I wouldn’t frame him without blinking an eye if I had to. After showing her how to jack a round into the chamber, remove the clip and clear the chamber, we went over basic safety rules. Once Tess worked the safety and practiced what I showed her a dozen times it was time for me to go. I’d been responsible for enough damage tonight.

  “I’m sorry about what I said, John. That was stupid.”

  “It’s been a long day and night for you, Tess. Don’t worry about it. I wish my crystal ball for danger worked better. Remember to keep a round in the chamber with safety on. Bring the weapon up to firing position like I showed you, click safety off, and squeeze the trigger with the first pad of you
r trigger finger. Don’t drink anymore. Guns and alcohol don’t mix but this is a special circumstance. No more to drink though, okay?”

  “I understand.”

  “Goodnight, Tess.” I started for the door.

  “I still want to be partners.”

  Nodding my head with a grin, I glanced back on my way to the door. “Does this mean the weddings off and I can date your sister?”

  I kept heading for the door, hearing first a gasp of indignation and then laughter.

  “Payback’s a bitch, Harding!”

  “So I’ve been told.”

  Jafar waited for me to say something when I eased into the passenger front seat. I got nothin’. He started the car and we drove in silence to the house.

  Chapter Thirteen: Unlikely Terrorist Connection

  Next morning my workout began at five in the morning when I felt like punching something. Jafar peeked in at me around seven holding up a cup of coffee. This kid was better than a butler. Sweat poured off me in accompaniment to the throbbing from my ribs. Pain, my old friend - back to keep me company with gentle reminders of my fallibility. Jafar grinned at me as I took the cup out of his hand with a nod of thanks.

  “I said nothing to Ms. Connagher although she threatened me with bodily harm after my third ‘I don’t know, Ms. Connagher’.”

  “Well done, young Jedi. Take the Chevy to school. The keys are on the table. Keep the cell-phone on you. I need to confer with the rest of my crew for tonight’s escort gig. Try to keep your mind on school and not daydreaming about young Samira.”

  Jafar snorted disdainfully as we walked to the kitchen. “Do you think I am a Cylon Robot from space? I will daydream all day long about tonight and still get A’s. I am the man.”


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