Hard Case: Boxed Set Books 1,2 & 3 (John Harding Books)

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Hard Case: Boxed Set Books 1,2 & 3 (John Harding Books) Page 78

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  Not much doubt about that. “They’re planning on taking Maria and Lynn on a one way boat ride. All Dhamo has to do is get the drop on them outside the hotel, and have the boat fired up and ready to go. Do you think Lynn’s cover of Constance Madrid is blown?”

  “It’s possible. We know now Brannigan probably had his hand in on a couple of things that happened in Las Vegas. With the connections he has there, it would not be a stretch to picture him following up on any and all who had contact with you, especially after Al Diri died mysteriously. He would have passed the info on, but I’m not sure Dhamo would be a party to it.”

  This could work. “If we never want the Albanians to surface, what better place would there be than to take them on the boat?”

  “None,” Denny answered. “It’s a chancy trip though from where Dhamo makes his move to the boat. It’s a messy one, John. We can’t find out all their way stations in LA for the kidnapped girls without taking one or more of them alive.”

  “There is a thread of insanity winding through Washington D.C. that will eventually obliterate us,” Denny went on, staring at his shot glass. “That thread throws open the borders to criminal mafias from all over the world, potential terrorists, and illegal aliens subverting our economy. Most of the crap we can’t do a damn thing about. We are going to stop Dhamo.”

  Yep, Denny better take a cab tonight. “I believe you. I hope this thing with Maria works out for you. Maybe it’s not too late to have little Spawns.”

  I got another laugh from him on that line. If there was any way to make this parlay come out right, Denny would find it. I held up my shot glass to toast the real master.

  * * *

  Ermir Dhamo stood up as he saw Maria Brannigan walk into the barroom with a blond haired beauty he knew would be the infamous Constance Madrid his partner had warned him about. He was over six feet tall, late thirties, with his hair cut to light brown stubble, and his beard cut to match. Maria Brannigan, dressed in a black strapless evening gown extending to slightly above her knees, held out her hand to Dhamo. He grasped it with both of his.

  “It is good to see you, Maria. I appreciate very much you meeting me here. I thought perhaps we could walk along the pier. It is beautiful tonight, and far less cold than San Francisco. I am so sorry for the loss of your brother.”

  “Thank you. Ermir, I’d like you to meet my very good friend, Constance Madrid. Constance, this is Ermir Dhamo.”

  Lynn smiled slightly – a vague, but enchanting upturn, with eyes brightly intent on Dhamo’s face without blinking. She held out her hand to shake Dhamo’s strongly. “Maria tells me you have business dealings to discuss. Would you rather I wait at the bar?”

  She turned, gesturing at the very plush bar, her form fitting midnight blue, draped back, and thigh length gown moved along her body as if it were her skin. Dhamo hesitated, and then shook his head.

  “Please join us. Our business will not take long.” Dhamo looked up at the bartender for only a moment, and a waitress was at his side an instant later. “What will you ladies have? I would like some champagne. Will you join me?”

  After the champagne was served and toasted, Dhamo turned to Maria. “We have known each other a long time. Why did you decide to divest yourself of your brother’s port assets? They were very profitable.”

  Maria leaned forward with serious intent. “It was not an easy decision. I had come to notice many of my brother’s holdings worked at cross purposes, and sometimes in actual competition with each other. I no longer wanted anything under my control of a questionable nature. I am sorry this has caused you problems, Ermir, but I had to act in my best interest.”

  Dhamo leaned back. “It is then a done deal?”

  “I’m afraid so. I hope we can remain friends, and possibly be involved in a future business dealing we can both agree on.”

  “Yes, of course we can. This has been but a minor setback for me because of the suddenness of your divestitures. We will make other deals. What of you, Ms. Madrid? Have you any interest in the business sector?”

  Lynn leaned forward, one hand supporting her chin as she answered. “Unlike my friend, Maria, I have no interest in that area. I do have a team of pros who handle my holdings, and I monitor them closely, especially their results.”

  Dhamo chuckled. “That is very good management. Delegating to competent people is a must. I imagine they don’t last long with you if they are incompetent.”

  “I can make them last for days,” Lynn answered cryptically, enjoying the look of sudden tension on Dhamo’s face. It was at that moment Lynn knew her Madrid persona was blown. “I make them account for everything they’ve done, so the rest of my managers will know what to correct.”

  “Ah… yes, of course. Errors must be gone over with great care to prevent further damage,” Dhamo replied, his features relaxing again into a smiling countenance. “Why don’t we let the champagne chill while we take a walk along the pier? We can come back after a refreshing stroll and dine together.”

  Maria clasped Dhamo’s hand momentarily. “I really should be going, Ermir. Perhaps you could keep Constance company. I’m sure-”

  “Maria… we see each other so rarely,” Dhamo interrupted. “Please… let us walk together and talk of old times. I have many stories that will delight you involving your brother. He and I were very close.”

  “Stay for a while, Maria.” Lynn patted her friend’s shoulder. “Perhaps your appetite will improve after the walk.”

  Maria nodded. “Very well. I’m certain I have a few stories that will interest you about Terry too, Ermir. He was a very complex and many times bewildering man.”

  “Excellent.” Dhamo stood up, and his two guests stood with him. “Your brother was very generous to causes he believed in.”

  “Yes, Terrance Brannigan often supported causes he believed in.” Lynn grinned up at Dhamo as they walked out of the barroom. “Anything that was anti-American, traitorous, and harmful to our citizens, your Terry gave generously and often.”

  Lynn’s blunt comment had the desired effect on Dhamo. His mouth dropped open slightly as they cleared the exit in the direction of the Berkeley Marina nearby. Maria laughed, furthering Dhamo’s confusion.

  “It is the truth, Ermir,” Maria said. “My brother made a fortune beyond anyone’s imagination, because he lived in the United States. He was a genius, but a perverted one. Terry spent small fortunes trying to destroy the very country that made him one of the richest men in the world.”

  Dhamo’s features took on a cunning look, listening to Maria as they walked. He began looking around as they approached the pier, the many boats an impressive sight under the cloudless night sky. “It surprises me you would talk so openly now, Maria, but you never hinted at such a thing when Terry was alive. It does not however surprise me that you would hold such an opinion, Ms. Montoya.”

  Dhamo had been reaching under his coat as he spoke. He leaped sideways away from the women while pulling out a silenced Glock 9mm. Lynn grinned, seeing how much time it took him to pull it, and the elaborate holster pocket inside his jacket she glimpsed. Two hands grabbed Dhamo’s wrist, while a very dark arm curled around his neck. Only when Dhamo’s voice and breath were shut off, did Clint twist Dhamo’s wrist to the breaking point while extracting the weapon. A minute later, Dhamo’s hands were plastic tied behind his back.

  “Damn, Clint, he was like in slow motion. I could have done a vasectomy on him by the time he pulled that thing. Hey, Lucas… I think he’s turning blue.”

  Lucas eased up on his hold with a grin. A limousine rolled along next to the group. “His three partners are on the boat. Spawn and Case are watching them, so if you’ll look after our prize here, Clint and I will help round up our new addition to the West Coast Avengers’ fleet.”

  Lucas released the gasping Dhamo to Jesse Brown, who had emerged from the passenger front seat. “Do I have to ride in the back with Cruella Deville, Lucas?”

  That question drew laughter and
a slap on Jess’s shoulder by an outraged Montoya. Lynn ducked down and pointed at the laughing Devon Constantine behind the wheel. “I see you in there chortling away, Dev. I thought we were buds.”

  “We are, Cruella, get in.”

  “No knife tricks before we get him on the boat, Hon,” Clint piled on.

  “Definitely no cuttin’ while I’m in the back,” Jesse added. “Can we drop you somewhere, Ms. Brannigan.”

  “No, but thank you, Jess.” Maria had been laughing with the rest of them at her new BFF’s roasting. “Have a good trip.”

  “I thought you had my back, girlfriend,” Lynn called out after her as Maria walked away. “Shove him in, Jess, if that’s not too much to ask of your sensibilities.”

  “Yes, Ms. Deville,” Jess replied while stuffing the still gasping Dhamo into the back.

  Lynn slipped in next to Dhamo, patting his leg. She closed the rear door. “We are going to have some fun. I already took my seasick pills, so you don’t have to worry about me being uncomfortable while we’re going over the details of your slave ring down in LA. We’re going to need… well… like everything.”

  “I will tell you nothing!” Dhamo had his teeth clenched and his shoulders hunched as if already expecting a blow.

  Jesse patted Dhamo’s shoulder. “Take my advice, partner. Tell us everything before you get on that damn boat with Cruella. My friend, Dev, will record it. Cruella will get it out of you. Save yourself some pain, and spill it.”

  Lynn threw up her hands. “What the hell, Jess? Are you trying to ruin my cruise? Wait until he hears all the details from the voyage’s entertainment director: me. We’re going old school on this sea cruise, especially since Lucas is flying with Denny, Jafar, and Case. I’ll only have the Dark Lord and Clint with me. They don’t give a shit if the boat gets a little bloody.”

  “You’ll get nothing from me! I demand to be able to call my lawyer!”

  Dev and Lynn laughed appreciatively, but Jess leaned back with a heavy sigh. “Bon Voyage, meat. Sucks to be you.”

  Chapter Fourteen: Force of Arms

  We had eyes on the boat. It wasn’t in a perfect spot, but the fact Dhamo’s three partners were on board made up for it. After giving over responsibility for Dhamo to Lucas and Clint, The rest of us concentrated on the boat. Jafar actively monitored the entire area around us, and the likely exit out of the Double Tree. Clint and I cleared all potential sniper nests. I knew Denny didn’t want to take these guys in a firefight. The boat could get damaged enough to be unusable for our decoy LA trip we had decided on.

  “It is all clear, John. Lucas and Clint just took Dhamo. They’re securing him now.”

  “Any ideas yet?” Denny asked.

  “Let’s throw the kid in the water next to the boat. He can splash around like he’s drowning. Then we’ll rush ‘em when they come out to shoot him.” We could always count on Casey to add the comedic touch. Jafar was looking at him unhappily.

  “I was the bait last time. Let John be the bait.”

  “He’s too damn big,” Denny entered the conversation more for laughs than anything else. “Besides, John took the first hit in the hotel. He has a fight coming up.”

  “A little swim won’t hurt him.” Casey eyeballed me with a big smile. Prick.

  “That water’s like ice, you pelican.”

  Casey continued without compassion. “It has that real nice and easy low fantail entry to slip up on. You’ll be banging them around in seconds. They won’t know what hit them. Besides, you were Marine Recon. I thought you guys were tough.”

  “Oh, I get it. Delta’s the baddest outfit on the planet until they have to get their feet wet, huh Case?”

  “Are you going to get on with this, DS, or whine the rest of the night?”

  “Damn it!” My toes were curling up in protest before I even got my shoes off.

  “I’d say shoot it out and the boat be damned,” Denny said. “Unfortunately, Captain Ahab wants to be admiral of his own fleet. That means there will be hell to pay if the shootout gets a little wild.”

  “Oh no… we can’t have that. It’s okay though if I freeze my ass off, just so long as the boat’s okay for Admiral Ahab.”

  “I think you have outlined the situation perfectly, John.” Casey pushed me toward the end of the pier. “No use in putting off the inevitable. Let’s go. Man up.”

  * * *

  By the time I reached the Dhamo’s boat in my boxers, I was one cold reserve Recon Marine. I clung to the low fantail, slipping inch by inch up on the platform, listening intently. I could hear them conversing about whether to send someone in to check on Dhamo, but that was vetoed by the other two. I peeked inside the well-lighted interior. Man, it was nice inside. One had his back turned to me. The other two were facing me. All were seated with no guns in sight. That would make sense because they figured to simply collect two women for a forced cruise.

  It was over in seconds. I launched in through the open back, grabbing the guy with his back to me and ramming him into the one facing him. That left only the one on my left. He went for a gun in the cabinet next to him. An overhand right dropped him straight to the deck. In seconds, I was in the midst of my two other stunned boaters. I pretended it was ground and pound time. By the time Casey and Denny leaped aboard to help, with Clint and Lucas right behind them, the three Dhamo partners were no longer a threat.

  “What the hell, John?” Lucas is staring at me, his hands on hips. Then he gestures at the deck and the groaning crewmembers Casey and Clint were securing. “Did you have to get blood on my deck you big ape. You call yourself a Recon Marine. My God! In my day-”

  I wasn’t having any. “Shut your pie-hole, Ahab. I took this ship by force of arms. I claim it as is my bounty for my very own. Am I right maties?” Arrrrrhhh…”

  The rest immediately began gesturing and talking like pirates in Ahab’s face. A good time was had by all. Denny handed me my clothes. I went into one of the three swank heads on board and showered. That was heaven. By the time I came out, Jess and Dev were guiding the very reluctant Dhamo on board with Lynn trailing them. Jess and Dev also were hauling the big equipment bags we’d be taking with us. Jafar was last on board with two more bags. Clint ran over to Lynn, showing her the video of my claim to the boat at Ahab’s expense with Jafar, Dev and Jess looking over her shoulder. The four of them were laughing their asses off in moments, with Lynn pointing at Lucas.

  “You…you have to save that for Lora. Oh… my… God! That was a classic ace, John. Ahab… you got served, and I can’t think of anyone more deserving.”

  “You’d best watch that mouth of yours Cruella,” Lucas retorted. “I want my fleet in top condition. I hold you personally responsible for it to be spotless when you bring it back to its home port next to The Sea Wolf.”

  “Blow it out your ears, Ahab. John’s captain of this prize. How come you didn’t have any clothes on, Cap.”

  “He had to do a sea approach,” Clint explained.

  Lynn’s eyes widened. “Damn. You let them talk you into getting into the bay? No wonder you didn’t take any crap from Ahab. I’m glad you and Clint are piloting this cruise. I’d let you bunch do your own interrogating if I had Ahab yapping at me all the way to LA.”

  Lucas tried to hold his Captain Ahab glowering look of outrage, but lost it, chuckling and nodding his head. “You got that right, Cruella. I’d have you shipshape by the time we pulled into LA.” He looked around at the interior of the over fifty foot Aicon Flybridge yacht. “Man, this is a beautiful boat. I wish I was piloting her down the coast.”

  Lynn put an arm around Lucas’s shoulders. “You’re piloting The Sea Wolf on my honeymoon cruise, Ahab. You’ll be my personal valet, because otherwise, I’m afraid you won’t be able to recognize the master cabin after a few days.”

  I think I saw steam literally blow out of Lucas’s ears. He whipped around, clamping Lynn’s arms to her sides, and lifting her right off the deck, propelling her squealing toward t
he fantail. “Don’t like the bay temp huh, Cruella? I think a little immersion therapy would be in order.”

  “Clint!” Lynn screamed out, realizing she couldn’t do anything with her legs or arms to prevent what was happening. “Get Ahab, or the next time you get me, you’ll need a pill to get it up!”

  That threat amused Ahab along with the rest of us. He let her down. Lynn rubbed her arms plaintively. “I’m going to be bruised for weeks, you wanker. That wasn’t funny, Ahab. I thought you were really going to throw me in the damn bay.”

  Lynn put a hand down in the water, yanking it out with a shiver. She looked back at me. “John, you are one big dodo for letting them talk you into doing a polar bear in the bay. I bet it was Case, wasn’t it?”

  “Of course,” I admitted. “It did work, and now I have my own nifty boat. My toes will probably fall off tomorrow. You have a very strange look on your face. What’s up?”

  “I’m thinking I probably won’t have to bloody up the boat after all. I think using Lucas’s immersion therapy idea on these quacks will probably be all we’d need for info gathering.”

  “Now you’re using your head, Cruella.” Lucas put his seal of approval on the idea. “Hell, waterboarding was always a cleaner method.”

  The looks of horror on our Albanian mobsters’ faces were an indication we may be able to get the location of their slave dens more easily than I thought. “I like it.”

  Lynn crouched down to look at the Albanians. “Yep. I bet if I cut one up a little, and we drag his ass along for shark bait, the rest of them will want to help us out willingly.”

  “This is insane!” Dhamo didn’t like anything that was happening. To him and his partners, what they had seen so far must appear unreal as hell. “You have us in custody! We must be surrendered to the proper authorities! You cannot simply torture us!”

  Jess walked over and put a hand on Dhamo’s shoulder. “It’s a long way to LA, pal. I hope you wise up before Cruella drags you behind the fantail with your intestines hanging out.”


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