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Hard Case: Boxed Set Books 1,2 & 3 (John Harding Books)

Page 86

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  “It was Dev that suggested the triangle choke.” I gave credit where it was due while sliding half my Beam in smooth as silk.

  “I’m not taking any credit.” Dev pantomimed my sidekick to the amusement of the entire bar. “The Destroyer comes out for the round, all happy because he just needs to survive for them to win a crooked decision. John here plays the over confident sap until Jack Korlos orders them to engage. The Dark Lord streaks at the very surprised Destroyer, and launches a full bore sidekick to his forehead. The Destroyer slams into the cage and drops face first before DL delivers a field goal kick to his already hurt rib. Since I read lips, I was watching real close. John snakes The Destroyer into a triangle choke, makes him gag, and whispers ‘tap out or die’. The big bad tapped out.”

  Wild applause greeted Dev’s very entertaining rendition of the last fight moments. It was all good to me. I turned to our audience. “Then The Destroyer’s crew rush out to cause trouble. Dev and Jess clocked at least four of them.” I lifted my Beam double. “Here’s to Tommy, Dev, Jess, and Jafar, the best damn corner crew ever.”

  Everyone toasted us at my prompting. I had a nice buzz on and feeling fine. The aches had receded, and the birdie chirps from The Destroyer’s head blows had diminished to only a few whistling reminders. The closeness of Lora drove me wild. The adrenaline, testosterone, or whatever was raging through me. Then a gang of idiots flowed through the entrance like acid rain on a four leaf clover. They had guts walking into a cop bar. The leader, a six footer with short black beard and immaculately dressed walked up into my face. Before he could do me European style closeness I put a hand in his chest.

  “That’s close enough, buddy. My wife’s here and I don’t want her to get jealous.”

  The bar erupted in laughter, but to his credit, my incoming nitwit smiled. “I am sorry to disturb you, John Harding. We would like to speak with you outside where it would be quieter.”

  I’m intrigued. “Okay… I can spare a few moments. You do know if you try any crap on me I will rip your head right off your neck, right?”

  That statement got his intention. He backed away with hands up in placating form. “That is not our intention, John Harding.”

  “Okay. You and I go out and talk. Any of your entourage moves, and my crew will take them out. Agreed?”

  He hesitated, but shook his head in agreement. “Of course, we are not here to cause trouble. I wish to make you an offer I would like held in secrecy. I would of course also like your manager, Mr. Sands, to hear our offer.”

  Tommy shrugged. “I’ll listen.”

  I patted Lora’s hand and walked out through the side entrance with Tommy. Our negotiator followed us after making a gesture for his mob to stay put. Outside, he held out his hand. Tommy and I shook it.

  “I am Athan Kalif. I am one of the shareholders in a business group contracting the fights in Dubai, and manage The Syrian Slayer. Our fighter, Demetrius Subotic, whom you defeated fairly tonight, also is under contract with us. We do not wish to be at odds with you and your manager, Mr. Sands. Alexi Fiialkov, thanks to your unexpected win tonight, has a sizeable interest in our corporate enterprise. He would like for us to be better acquainted.”

  I traded confused looks with Tommy. I think I was getting the gist of it. “Seems okay so far. Tommy and I are independent contractors. Knowing a connection like yours, with ties to the UFC would be very helpful, especially when a fight card happens in Dubai. I assume you would like our consideration in fighting other fighters under contract to your corporate group.”

  Kalif looked relieved. “Yes, that is exactly it. We have a very good piece of information our new associate, Mr. Fiialkov, told me would be very useful to you. We have been paying protection money to the Sinaloa Cartel to allow unrestricted access to our oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. Mr. Fiialkov thinks you may be able to end the Cartel’s extortion.”

  Okay, now I’m really zoned in on this. “I may have a contact that can help with that. What information can you give me for pursuing an interdiction with the Cartel?”

  “During our last run in with them, we were able to electronically tag the vessel they used in their latest extortion run on us. We know which platform they’re using to carry out their forays into the Gulf. We would have given the information to your government, but we were afraid they would do nothing, and the information would be leaked about our involvement. The Cartel owns so many people we were unsure how to proceed. Mr. Fiialkov told me your contact is beyond reproach, and if the Cartel’s pirate base can be destroyed without repercussions dealt to our group, you would be the one to give the information to.”

  “You have come to the right place, Mr. Kalif.”

  “Good.” Kalif handed me a small flash memory card. “The information and pictures of their platform are on there. They murdered the crew that obtained and sent the pictures, and blew up their boat. They believe they are still safe there. The same vessel we tagged has made numerous runs from the platform since those pictures were taken six months ago.”

  “What do we have to do for our part in this bargain?” Tommy knew it was important, but he knew this guy wasn’t here to be a Good Samaritan.”

  “We would only ask special consideration for Mr. Harding to fight one of our contracted fighters, if we are able to get another UFC fight program in Dubai soon.”

  I held out my hand. “Done deal.”

  Kalif shook my hand. “Excellent. I will let you return to your celebration. Congratulations on a very intense fight. I have fired Demetrius’s fight crew. Their idiotic plan was a disgrace. When we fight again here in Oakland, there will be local judges and referee – Mr. Korlos if he is available.”

  “Good choice, Sir. Nice meeting you. I will keep you informed through Mr. Fiialkov of our progress in this other matter.”

  “Thank you. Goodnight.”

  Tommy and I watched Kalif go back inside.

  “Is that the same deal Jafar was working on when we were training on The Lora?”

  “Yeah, it is. This may be the safety factor we needed. The location of their extortion racket complicates matters. We were hoping for a base that could be hit by a drone. We can’t do that with even an abandoned oil platform, let alone a working one.”

  “I’m glad things might work out for you brother. Let’s get back in. You’re bringing me down, Denny-light buzz-killer.”

  “Very funny. I hope they don’t heal up Demi for a return match in Dubai. I figured if I ever had to face him again it’d be with a gun.”

  “That would be my suggestion,” Tommy replied, leading the way back inside. “If the UFC takes a close peek at tonight’s fight vid, I doubt they would sanction Subotic. My guess is it will go viral on the Internet though with people clamoring to see a rematch.”

  Just what I need. “Maybe I could get Jafar to attach a virus to anyone clicking on it.

  Tommy chuckled. “That would also be my suggestion.”

  Inside, Denny was sitting with Lora at the bar. The Spawn of Satan can sense any vibration in the Force, good or bad. “It was all good, guys. Enjoy the drinks. We’re eating shortly, do get your buzz on now. I am.”

  Denny wisely hopped over on a stool next to Tommy, while I took the one in between my bride and Spawn. I turned first to Lora. She grabbed my hand and kissed it.

  “Take care of business. I already know you’re going away shortly.”

  “True. Tonight, however, will be one of legend.”

  “No can do, Dark Lord. Al will be coming home with us.”

  “You’ll just have to be quiet, or I can seal off your mouth if you prefer.”

  Lora’s features achieved that wanton look of anticipation I love to see. “Okay… but gag me. I don’t want that smartass daughter of mine playing me tomorrow morning.”

  “Whatever it takes, baby,” I whispered. “One piece of business, and then it’s just you and me after I get a little sustenance.”

  “No hurry. I’m here all night. You want s
hort time, Marine?”

  Oh Lord have mercy, did I want a short time tryst. “You’re killing me, Lora,” I whispered with intensity. She leaned in against me, her hand seeking out how much she was killing me.

  “Oh my! It feels like you may have to double the gag tonight.”

  I grabbed her shoulders carefully, because whatever I’d been experiencing tonight was shooting through me like a shot of adrenaline. “Calm down. Nothing on earth is going to stop our private celebration. Let me talk to Denny for a moment.”

  Lora smiled slowly, leaning back as I released her. “I’ll be here.”

  My hands tightened into fists. It was going to be extremely difficult keeping the upcoming meeting of wild animals quiet… but exquisite in silence. I felt up to the challenge. Turning to Denny, I saw him smiling as he kept his eyes on the bar while sipping his drink. “Those gentlemen you probably noticed out here run the corporate bunch with an in to the UFC. They contracted The Slayer fights and rebuilt the old warehouse here. Tonight they lost a chunk of their operation to Alexi. He sent them here with this nice piece of the Gulf of Mexico puzzle.”

  I handed him the memory chip. “Guys died getting that to this new partner of Fiialkov, Athan Kalif. Run it with Jafar, and double check everything with Laredo and Clint. It could be the most cloaked trap of all time, or a straight forward trade, with business profit at the back of it.”

  Denny took the memory chip and held up his shot glass. “As usual, I missed not only a hell of a fight, but one very productive connection to our Cartel problem. This is why we do this, John. Interconnecting entertainment threads, law enforcement, and a boat all our wishes can come true on.”

  I drained the double Beam Marla set in front of me. “This is all good, but we have to be careful. I trust Alexi Fiialkov implicitly, but his job is to direct windfalls to us, not interpret them. I’m with you about moving fast and furious. It’s the only way we’ve stayed ahead of the game so far. We have a week to work this, Denny. Let’s be careful and do it right.”

  “Agreed. This has been one hell of a night, John. I never thought-”


  I dropped my head in buzz loss. It was the Big O… of course. The parade marched down Main Avenue with all the brass, woodwinds, and drums wildly setting the tempo of job well done, but then a canker-sore of monumental size halted it. By the time I recovered and looked around, I started laughing. There was the Big O with Lynn’s knife at his throat, my crew covering his men, and the Oakland Police Department corralled momentarily by Earl and Enrique.

  I stood up and walked over where Lynn was chastising the very astute Big O. “This is not a good time for you, idiot!

  “You will have to fight me now, Harding!” The Big O talked around the very sharp blade Lynn held at his neck. “You cannot duck me any longer!”

  I waved Lynn off, and grabbed Big O by the ear. It shocked him. By the time he realized I had him, he couldn’t do anything without losing his ear. I yanked him toward the parking lot with everyone who knew me trying to intercede. I waved them all off. “This ain’t about all of you. Me and O are going to negotiate out in the parking lot. I’m sick of his crap.” His bunch were in good hands. The O had pissed me off for the last time. Even Lora stayed inside. She knew this was not about her in any way, shape or form. Any interference from her would be counterproductive.

  When we reached the side lot, I released the Big O. I waved him on.

  “Listen asshole. I’m sick of you and everything about you! You ain’t getting any shot at me except right here… right now. Come get some.”

  The Big O rubbed his ear while giving me the wave off. “I do not fight for free. Your tricks will not work on me. I could have beaten The Destroyer. I was cheated!”

  I laughed. “He kicked your ass you big pansy. Tonight… I kicked his ass. I’ve been drinking. I’ve been celebrating. You want a piece, come and get it, or get down on your knees in front of everyone, and beg for mercy!”

  Oh baby, did I have him. He looked around at the silent audience of barkeeps, police officers, and deadly killers. The Big O had crossed the line, and by his features, he knew it. He stripped down to his waist, and held up his hands.

  “I will kill-”

  I was done talking. It didn’t matter what the hell he intended to say. I Gronked him with the left hook I thought should have knocked out The Destroyer, and at least three people in the front row in tonight’s fight. The Big O shot backwards unconscious into the crowd. I waited while he remained snoring on the pavement. I signaled my crew to release his guys. They stumbled over, some a little worse for wear. Jafar nodded to me, meaning he had already catalogued them.

  “I guess O was waiting for the referee to give him a start. Take Big O, and get the fuck out of here. We have all your names, addresses, and pictures now. Pray to God you don’t show up on our radar again. It will be the last anyone ever sees of you.” Man, was I sick of that guy. His entourage got him up and on his way. Jafar picked up his discarded clothing and handed them to one of his guys. Earl Taylor came over.

  “We took a vote and decided we didn’t really see what just happened.”

  “Thanks Earl. The Big O’s been yanking my chain for too long. The idiot showing up here made me mental.”

  “Just a warning though, ‘Rique took a vid of it and uploaded to YouTube already.”

  “Damn it!” I looked over at Earl’s partner. He and a small group of PD were watching and laughing at something on his iPad. I bet I knew what it was. ‘Rique glanced up at me, and waved.

  “C’mon back in, John,” Denny said. “We’ll sip one more and get that sour look off your face.”

  “That will take at least two, but you’re right.” My gang filed in around me as I walked back to the side entrance.

  “Why didn’t you throw that left at Bigfoot?”

  “I did, Case. He smiled and scratched his head like a mosquito had bitten him.”

  “No shit? Don’t fight that guy again.”

  “I’ll tell you one thing: I’m through fighting anyone tonight.” Lora was waiting for me of course when I stomped back into the bar. “Sorry. That couldn’t be avoided.”

  She smiled. “Will he live?”

  “Yeah, but only because there were too many witnesses. We’re going to have a couple more.” Marla brought over my pick-me-ups with a grin.

  “That was entertaining, Champ. I’m glad I upgraded the security cameras. Don’t worry, I didn’t upload it.”

  “My buddy, ‘Rique beat you to it, Mar. Thank you.”

  Tommy, Dev, and Jess moved to a semicircle around us while Denny and Jafar conferenced, probably concerning the chip. My other cohorts were gathered around the very popular ‘Rique, watching the recently uploaded Big O downfall.

  “Hell of a left, brother,” Dev said. “You blew off a nice payday there.”

  “We would have had to give eight to one odds, Dev. The only thing we might have gotten is a nice upfront fee.”

  “John’s right,” Tommy agreed. “Too much risk, and no gain, especially with a UFC shot on the horizon.”

  Jess laughed. “I don’t know, T. It didn’t look like there would have been much risk.”

  “I didn’t mean the outcome. I meant we can’t afford another dead guy. DL here is having too many control issues.

  That statement got a big laugh, including from my wife.

  “I told the guys about our new Dubai connection,” Tommy said. “Is it possible to have a match without a side mission?”

  “Possible, T, but unlikely.” No use in pretending Denny wouldn’t tack something on. “I wouldn’t mind a return to Las Vegas.”

  “I vote Vegas,” Lora chirped in.

  “I’m with Lora. That arena at the Mandalay was like going off world,” Jess agreed.

  “The accommodations anywhere we go are fantastic, but I agree with Jess on the Mandalay Bay arena,” Dev added. “I vote with Lora. By the way, Jess and I want in on the Voyage of the Damned
we’ve been picking up signals on.”

  “Sorry, Dev, that cruise is booked. I need you guys here with Lora and Tommy. I’m having Samira stay with Lora until we get back. I want you guys all on a hotline with Lora while I’m away.”

  “I didn’t want to go anyway,” Jess said. “I don’t mind a boat with you swimming alongside it and me holding a fishing pole. Dev’s been watching too many war movies lately. We’ll keep everyone safe here.”

  Dev chuckled, smacking Jess on the shoulder. “Okay, brother, we’ll keep everyone safe on the home front, but I’m teaching these two how to swim while you’re gone.”

  “Get someone to film it, Dev,” I urged. “I want video evidence of those lessons.”

  “I tol’ you, my people don’t swim,” Jess reiterated his position on swimming.

  “I am your people.”

  “Not anymore.”

  We were all laughing at Jess de-blacking Dev when the rest of the crew came over.

  “Tomorrow’s Saturday, DL,” Lynn announced. “We’re all leaving for Tahoe. Clint’s finally making an honest woman out of me before the cruise. We’ll take a couple stretch limos with drivers. We’ll pop down to Carson City and pick up a marriage license. Lucas is the best man, Lora will be my bridesmaid, Al will be my flower girl, and everyone else will be family. It’ll be a couple days up at a first class hotel with gambling and meals.”

  “Wow!” That actually sounded like a hell of an idea. “We’re in.”

  Denny Buzz-Kill chirped in with one caveat. “It will have to be a working jaunt for our computer geeks. We’ll need Clint, Laredo, and Jafar continuing to solidify our plans.”

  “Agreed,” Clint said. “We also have to iron out some things for the honeymoon cruise. For one, I need to know who wants to volunteer to clean up after Cruella Deville onboard ship.”

  And then the fight started.

  Chapter Twenty: Battle Stations

  We were indeed a strike force. This mission incorporated Laredo and our new air wing, the recently purchased Global 6000. Laredo even came up with some nonsense quote for over our audio system to make it seem like we were those ‘Criminal Minds’ guys. I had co-piloted because I was the only one with flight experience. It wasn’t as nice as being in the back with my team. Laredo’s funny though, and he was good company. Besides, he let me fly for a while, so that I could practice some maneuvers while we had our travelers belted in. My flying practice only lasted until Lynn threatened to rush the cockpit and slit both our throats. I made a mental note to confiscate all weapons before takeoff from now on.


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