
Home > Other > Forgiveness > Page 2
Forgiveness Page 2

by Orla Monet

  You leaned back on your left forearm, your right hand falling behind my head, guiding me to however you wanted by the roots of my hair. My own hands rested on top of your thighs, trying to push back as you forced me to take you deeper.

  “You will not fight me little girl. You asked for this remember? Don’t be ungrateful now.”

  Your grasp was painful as you pulled on my roots, ramming the back of my head onto you again and again. I tried my best to relax my throat, to focus on my breathing, but your ferocity gave little leeway for any of that. You wanted my mouth, and you were a man who always got whatever he wanted.

  Tears were filling my eyes as I looked up at you, humming a few grunts to get your attention back on to me. As your eyes met mine, you loosened your grip slightly, allowing me a brief respite from your large cock.

  Emboldened with the ferocity of your passion, I took my mouth off you. I blew cool air onto the wet mess I left behind, only making you groan out a frustrated laugh. Your lips formed a grin that flooded warmth straight between my legs.

  I took you back in, gliding my tongue up and over your veined shaft. Your hands found their way back to my hair, pushing me down once more with no time for adjustment. My throat began to burn as you shoved yourself further in. Moans of desperation building but no room to escape.

  “That’s it sweetheart, take it all like a good little girl. I bet you’re feeling extra special right now aren’t you?” You teased me, your voice raspy and deep and delicious.

  At the pace you were setting, it wasn’t long before I could feel your muscles twitch underneath my tongue. Your grunts coming out quickly as you fell back onto the bed, knowing me to be more than capable of finishing you off.

  I felt it before I tasted you. The warm liquid spurting to the back of my throat in gushing bursts, the overflow oozing wetly against my tongue. You strained to look at me, your orgasm prolonging as you looked at me with your come frothing around the sides of your mouth. Swallowing you back, I revelled in your taste against my tongue, making sure to lick up every last drop as it continued to spill from your tip.

  Licking up the sides of your veined manhood, I decided to take a risk, helpless against my own ego and wanting to rile you up yet again. Baring my teeth with a teasing smile, I grazed them lightly against your veined and aching skin.

  You lurched forward, grabbing a hold of my face harshly with your deft fingers. Your eyes looked wild when they met mine, your own teeth dazzling bright against the animalistic smile you were wearing. An arrogant laugh came up from your throat as you pulled out of my mouth and slapped me across the face. The impact was not exactly hard, but it wasn’t exactly soft either.

  You knew what you were doing. You wanted me to feel you, to be reminded of your strength, your power, your dominion. You wanted to make me think twice about going against you again. But as I began to laugh in your face— taunting you— you knew that I didn’t quite get the memo.

  “Watch yourself little girl,” you warned, your voice as icy as your eyes.

  “Make me,” I countered back, garnering another slap across my cheek, your hand exhibited far more strength this time than the last.

  “Christ…you missed me that bad. You know, if you want something princess, you need to ask for it, I can be a rather busy man.”

  “Am I being bad daddy? Maybe you need to… punish me?” I said coquettishly, hoping that it would be enough to get some more delight from you… and I was right.

  Another slap. One that was hard enough to move my face even with your other hand holding my chin firmly in place.

  You tightened your left hand even more so around my jaw, as you brought your head in closer, forcing me back up straight to sit upon my knees.

  “I said you had to ask for it sweetheart. Now tell me… what is it that you want?”

  Shivers ran down my spine as you looked at me. It pooled the warmth of my own desire down my core. With your hand still tight around my chin, your thumb traced the line of my bottom lip. Granting you access to me, you pulled in your digit. I held your thumb between my teeth as I sucked. After a few seconds, I pulled you out with a pop, kissing the tip of your thumb between sentences.

  “You. I want you. And I want this hand…. And I want marks all over my body to remind me of you, in case you were to leave me again. I want to be yours daddy. Only yours. I want you to make me yours.”

  “Ask and you shall receive princess. Come on, get up, lay down on the bed and let daddy take care of me.”

  I giggled enthusiastically at you. I grabbed on to your outstretched hands as you helped me stand. You kept me stable upon my stiffened legs and joints. You moved me against the edge of the bed, laying me down on my stomach, spreading my legs apart with your foot. I shifted my hips upwards with your hands to force my ass in the air.

  “Count them out for me little girl,” you said before you brought your hand down onto my bare backside. The sting of the impact instinctually tensing my muscles.

  “One,” I moaned out, trying my best to wiggle my hips to bring some friction onto my aching cunt.

  When your hand came down again onto the opposite cheek, I groaned out from the pain, each subsequent slap being counted out through gritted teeth.

  “Nine–oh god…nineteen. Please daddy,” I begged, trying to find the strength to move one of my hands underneath my stomach between my legs, stopping when I felt your gentle caress trace over the reddening bruises on my arse.

  “Yes, my little girl?” you asked back, the smile audible in your voice.

  “Help me daddy–please.”

  Given the position I found myself in, I had no qualms over the shameful way I begged for you. I couldn’t be bothered to think of what I must have looked like, sounded like— not now, whilst you were in front of me, whilst I needed you as desperately as I did. All I could think about was the budding fiery sensation building aggressively within my core, there was nothing else to me in the world. I needed you, and I didn’t care what I had to do to get you.

  One more slap rang down on my skin, forcing a choking gasp out from my throat as I struggled for breath. Before I could count it off, you forced two fingers into my sopping cunt, thumbing my clit with small circles. With your other hand you held me down, stopping any chance I had of pushing back on your fingers to bring you deeper. When You removed your fingers so soon after shoving them in, I cried out actual tears, struggling against your strong hand on my back as I tried to grab on to you.

  Your mumbled moans became muffled as you brought your two fingers to my lips. I sucked upon them joyously, eagerly, swirling my tongue against you. When you took your fingers back, you replaced them with your lips, kissing me passionately and biting down onto my bottom lip.

  “Oh, how I love you my sweet little girl. Always so good for me. I’m sorry for not giving you the attention you deserve princess but let me right that wrong now. Does that sound good angel?”

  “Oh God, yes daddy, yes it does,” I moaned out in a breathless whisper, too preoccupied by the thought of your cock deep inside of me to register the words ‘I love you’.

  From the corner of my eye, I watched you stroke yourself with one hand, whilst you stroked my back with your the other. Tingles radiated from your fingers where they connected with your skin. In return, I arched my back up to meet your touch. I wiggled my hips eagerly, a desperate groan rolling off my tongue as I heard and watched you spit onto your cock. You held yourself against my entrance for a few excruciating moments.

  “Is this what me want little girl? Hmm? Is this what you’ve been waiting for ever since I’ve been away? My cock here inside of you? For me to fuck you?”

  You slowly began pushing in, exhibiting impressive control considering how easy it would have been to just slide right into my sopping cunt.

  “Yes! God daddy please, please let me feel you. I want to feel all of you, please!” I cried out loudly, my breaths coming out in short, hard pants— as if I were a bitch in heat.

you’ll feel me sweetheart. You’ll feel me tomorrow, and the day after that, and the next day. You won’t be able to spend a second this next week without feeling me.”

  Trailing off, you pushed in, sinking deeply into me with a guttural groan. You wasted no time as you began pounding into me from behind, your balls slapping against my ass from your vigorous thrusts. Even though I was on my stomach, the ferocity with which you fucked me sent me bouncing on the plush mattress. My gands gripped tightly around the bed sheets. I tried to push back against you. Needing you deeper— harder. Needing everything you had in every single way you could give it.

  You were grunting loudly behind me, digging your hands into the skin of my hips hard enough to bruise me even more. Your fingernails left large half-moons all over my waist.

  You knew I was close; hell, you knew I was close long before you were even inside of me. My body tensed up from the minute I had walked through the door, desperate and yearning for some relief.

  One of your large hands moved across my back as my upper body started writhing beneath you. Bending slightly on your knees, you changed the angle of your thrusts— gasping audibly at how my body clenched around you as a response. My screams were filling the room as you kept hitting me from behind, the sounds bouncing on the walls as I came around you. The violent pulses of my orgasm roaring through my body to every single one of my nerve endings. You did not let up, your thrusts were never waning, even as I clenched and yelped around you.

  I was struggling with your arms behind me to touch you, to feel you in some way, to ground myself back down to you. With my hand splaying wildly behind my back, above me, you grabbed one. Using your grip on my hand, you flipped me over, sliding out of me far more easily than you slid in. You held me tight against your chiselled chest, quickly finding your way back into my cunt and resuming your pace. With one hand holding my weakened body, you used your other to hold my face up to look at me, demanding that I keep my eyes on your as you fucked me.

  Despite your previous confession, there seemed to be no love in the way that you claimed my body. Your darkened pupils bared no affectionate glow toward me but only a possessive dominance. You fucked me like I were your toy, one of your dolls, but it didn’t matter, so long as you were mine.

  “Oh god daddy,” I moaned out. A soft exhale that was but a whisper in your dimmed bedroom. A pledge of submission that echoed loudly off the walls, reverberating back to your ears and to your cock.

  You moved to kiss me, your lips hard and rough against me as your rhythm became more erratic. Your legs started to shake underneath you. You took everything you had to offer me— my breath, my moans, my tears, which had begun to spill from my eyes, from both the exertion and the delicious painful pleasure I was experiencing in that moment.

  Pulling away from me gruffly, you brought your hand back down onto my face— the unexpected slap dragging my attention back onto you, from the transfixed haze I were falling in.

  “Look at me princess. I want you to watch my face as I cum inside of you. Keep them open little girl.” You said through strained grunts, trying your best to starve off your own undoing as you waited for me. Your free hand grabbed a hold of one of mine, pushing it down to where our bodies met, knowing even in my blissed-out stupor my primal instincts for pleasure would take over.

  Without seemingly any conscious effort, I started manipulating the hot bud at the apex of my thighs, bringing me closer and closer to the edge of another orgasm. You were practically drooling as you watched. Your eyes shifting down from mine to the spot where our bodies met— watching me as I desperately pinched and rubbed against my swollen clit. My body practically limp and lifeless were it not for your arms holding me up.

  The warm pool inside my core suddenly became a flash flood as you wrapped my legs around your waist, granting yourself access to drive even further into my body. You held me tightly as I convulsed around you, your eyes wild as they forced and maintained contact with my own. Frantically thrusting into me, you suddenly stilled, milking around my walls. Despite how high I was, I was still able to savour the feeling of your warm seed jolting within me, still able to notice and feel the way your body twitched inside me as you came.

  “Christ girl, fucking hell,” you groaned out.

  You fell forwards on top of me, our spent bodies collapsing down on the edge of the bed. Your teeth bit down onto my shoulder as you finished coming inside of me, grunts quietly subsiding as soon as you kissed your way up to my lips.

  “You’re mine. All mine,” you murmured gently into my lips, your body still attached to my own. “And I’ll make sure I never question that again my sweet girl. Daddy’ll always take care of you.”

  “Thank you, sir. I’m sorry for before, I shouldn’t have yelled at you the way I did. Forgive me?”

  “There’s nothing to forgive, I should be the one apologizing. I took you for granted. But I’m going to make up for it now sweetheart…if you’ll let me.”

  “I don’t think I can go again daddy…” I trailed off; my voice as coy as it could be. My hands finding your hair and gently massaging your scalp with my nails.

  “Oh yes you can my girl, you can’t deny a man seeking forgiveness, can you? Plus, my tongue has missed you, am I’m fairly confident you’ve missed it as well.”

  “Well I guess if me put it like that…”

  Using what strength, I had left, I tried to push your head down, meeting resistance from your much stronger body.

  “Give me a minute princess you’ve worn me out just then. I’ll start my atonement soon don’t you worry.”




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