Love Found a Way (Hell Yeah! Book 0)

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Love Found a Way (Hell Yeah! Book 0) Page 25

by Sable Hunter

  “I’m sorry, T,” she said again. “I just wanted to show you that you wouldn’t lose your temper.”

  He jerked upright. “So, this is a test?”

  “Not for me, for you.” Glory was frantic to make him understand.

  T-Rex frowned at her, moving right into her space, looming over – big, powerful, and…angry. “For me?”

  “Yes. For you.” Glory stood her ground. “I wanted you to get so angry at me that you would…”

  “What? This?” He clamped hard fingers around her wrist and yanked her to him. She fell against him, braced against his solid broad chest.

  “No, T.” She wasn’t fighting him, but she didn’t know what to expect.

  “Yes, Glory.” Hauling her up into his arms, he carried Glory to the bed. Lowering himself on top of her, he clamped his thighs around hers and gently moved both hands over her head to hold them with one of his own.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, not afraid, but unsure of what he wanted her to feel.

  “Reacting to your little experiment.” He was reacting, in more ways than one. His ready-for-business-appendage was already engaged. There was no use trying to negotiate, dicks are powerful persuaders. Boners always win.

  Glory was having her own problems. Even as Glory’s heart threatened to beat out of her chest, she became ultra-aware of the heat of T’s body. She almost burned at his touch. “It’s not an experiment if one of us is sure of the outcome,” she said bravely. “This was a demonstration.”

  Shifting above her, he made sure she felt his erection, getting longer and harder between them. “So, is that what happened to my truck? Did you wreck it just so we could evaluate my response?”

  “No!” Glory struggled. “I wouldn’t do that? I wouldn’t deliberately hurt you or anything of yours.”

  An epiphany slammed into his brain like a meteor. He wouldn’t deliberately hurt her either. Could he trust it? Was this truth? Or just wishful thinking? “You wouldn’t?” Glory didn’t know it, but this game she was playing with him hurt.

  “No, I wouldn’t.” Even through their clothes, she could feel him. Her body responded to his heat, to his intense stare. The longer they maintained eye contact, the harder he became. And then he moved… “Oh, Glory be,” she hissed when he nudged her in the exact right spot, rubbing against the pearl of her desire, sending a zing of pleasure straight from her sex to all points beyond.

  “I think that’s my line, Hudson.”

  He flexed his hips again. With the same perfect move, he thrust his hips and gave her another thrill. A throbbing began between her legs and white hot pleasure rippled through her, even more powerful than before. “T, what are you doing?”

  “Showing you what happens when you push me too far.” He brought one hand down, giving her a strict order. “Don’t move.”

  Glory tensed, trembling, as his big hand glided over her breast, his fingers sinking into her soft flesh. He rubbed his thumb over her aching nipple, teasing the tender bud with a slow caress. “I don’t want to move,” she said, hesitantly. Despite the layers of her bra and top, Glory could feel his touch like she was naked. Tingles of awareness pulsed along every nerve ending. Beneath his big palm, her nipples swelled and beaded. Glory closed her eyes, a whimper escaping her lips. “Do you want to make love?”

  “I’m doing what I want to do.” T replaced his fingers on her nipple with his mouth. Suckling her through her clothes, pulling, nipping.

  Glory couldn’t help but respond. She didn’t even attempt to pretend that she didn’t want him. “Let’s take our clothes off,” she suggested, needing things to feel normal.

  “No need,” he murmured, beginning to rock against her – back and forth – holding most of his weight off her, using just enough pressure to give her pleasure and let her know he was undoubtedly in charge. “Feel good?”

  “You know it does,” Glory strained to open her legs wider, needing more contact, more friction. Her dress had ridden up and the silky fabric of her panties was a fragile barrier against the denim clad steel as he moved against her. She knew she was soaking, so ready and eager for him, she also knew there would be a wet spot on his jeans.

  T wasn’t thinking – he was acting, reacting. Dry-humping Glory, when he knew she’d welcome his cock inside her. He tried to stay aloof, which was hard to do when he was on top of her, rubbing his dick between her legs. And when he felt her soft lips on his neck, kissing and licking him, he gave in to what they both needed. Tilting his head, he captured her lips, pushing his tongue in her mouth and letting it tangle with hers.

  Glory lifted her hips as much as she could, craving more contact, needing just a little bit more… She knew, on some level, that T was punishing her. This knowledge didn’t negate the fact that what he was doing felt amazing. “More,” she whispered. “Give me more.”

  With his dick straining against his jeans, he held himself up on one arm, undoing the top three buttons of her dress. Jerking the sides apart, he flipped open the front clasp of her white bra. Without saying a word, he ate her up with his eyes, licking his lips in anticipation of what he was about to do. Keeping her head on the mattress, Glory raised her chest, offering her breasts to him. He accepted her overture, bending his head to suck on her nipples, laving them, licking them, feeding both of their hungers.

  “I need you, T,” Glory whimpered, so near an orgasm that she was shivering.

  “Want me, Glory, but don’t need me.” He tried to stay aloof, he tried to be strong. “Fuck!” Raising up, he unzipped his pants, freeing his cock. Locking his gaze to hers, he reached between her legs and pushed the material of her panties aside. When it didn’t stay in place, he huffed out a frustrated breath. “Hold your panties out of the way.” As she obeyed him, he stroked his cock.

  On fire, Glory did as she was told, spreading her legs, making room for him. “I love when you’re inside me.”

  The only answer T-Rex gave her was covering her body with his own. She hooked her arms around his neck and clung to him, pressing her breasts to his chest. Taking her mouth, he drank from her lips, tasting the love she had for him in her kiss. A pang of longing hit him square in the chest. Ignoring it, he reached between them and took his cock in hand, guiding it to probe at her opening. As the head slid through her silky folds, he moaned. As always, she was tight and slick, he braced himself for pleasure, knowing that joining with her was the closest thing to heaven he’d ever felt.

  Glory held him tighter, biting her lip as he thrust his way deep into her pussy. “I’ll never get tired of this, never.”

  Again, he said nothing, just surrendered to the demands of his body. Jerking his hips, he took her – stroking – desperate to bury every fuckin’ inch of his cock as deep in her pussy as he could get it. She hooked her ankles behind his hips and squeezed him like a vise, just the way she knew he liked it. Helpless but to give her everything she wanted, he surged into her – in and out, in and out, burying his cock to the hilt over and over.

  “T!” Glory cried, her voice hoarse, her fingernails biting into his skin.

  With every stroke, he unleashed his desire, so hard and forceful that the bedsprings squeaked in protest. He relished the gasps and groans coming from her lips. Bliss streaked through his body like fire. There was no way he was going to last. Being with Glory was so addictive. When he was alone, he’d craved sex, but this was more. As much as he tried to deny it, he wanted this woman with a fierce longing – just this woman, no other. As he possessed her, pleasure unraveled his brain, reprogramming his responses and expectations. As much as he might try to deny it – Glory Bee Hudson was changing him.

  Underneath him, Glory tensed, her muscles contracting, tightening around him. Her fingers dug into his shoulders, her thighs clamped around his hips, and her pussy milked his weeping cock for all it was worth.

  “Fuck, I’m cumming,” he groaned.

  Needing for her to finish with him, T found her clit with his thumb and rubbed it. When he did,
she shattered in his arms, her whole body jerking, her head tossing from side to side.

  “Cum, Glory, cum for me!”

  Glory could do no less than what he asked. She tensed, her body bowed, and she cried his name as hard as she could. “T!”

  T-Rex held her as she climaxed with her whole body. The pleasure of fucking her paled next to watching and feeling her explode for him. At her response, he submitted to the pleasure, letting the awe of their union wash over him like a river. With harsh pants and words of wonder, he emptied himself into her, yielding his heart and hope to something that could never be.

  Clutching him tight, she tried to hold onto him. But when his breathing eased, he moved off her, coming to rest on his back next to her.

  “T?” Glory whispered, turning on her side to face him. “I’m sorry.”

  He knew what she meant. Letting out a harsh breath, he covered his eyes. “I don’t like to be manipulated, Glory. Don’t try to make me or this into something it’s not. Okay?”

  “I wasn’t…” Glory began, then hesitated. “I was just trying to prove that you…that we…”

  “Well, don’t.” His voice was harsher this time. “Your attempts don’t change anything.”

  “But look at everything I did.” She touched his shoulder. “I made you mad, but you didn’t, you wouldn’t…”

  “I wish I could give you a guarantee, but I can’t, Glory.” His voice was barely above a whisper.

  “I’m not asking for a guarantee, T. None of us knows what the future holds.”

  “Exactly.” He sat up in the bed, his back to her. “And since I can’t know the future, all I can do is learn the lessons of the past.” Rising, he left her alone in the bed.

  For the first time since coming to live with T, Glory slept alone.


  When Glory awoke, she smelled bacon frying. Taking a deep whiff, she expected the aroma to make her stomach growl. Instead, she felt a bit sick. “It’s a good thing I’m going to the doctor today, I’m tired of this crap,” she grumbled to herself. At least, she hoped T still planned on letting her borrow his truck. After last night, she couldn’t be sure.

  A good stretch was in order and Glory’s hands came up and over her head, her torso twisting to the left. The sound of crinkling paper caught her ear.

  “What’s this?”

  Beside her on the bed was an envelope. Just like the one she’d found in her drawer while unpacking her things, her name was emblazoned across the face. She opened it and found the note inside.

  You’re cute when you snore. T.

  As mortified as she was that he had heard her snore, Glory counted her blessings that he’d forgiven her enough to leave her a note. She proceeded to dress quickly, noticing his shoes had been returned to their proper order. She assumed his sock drawer was back up to code also. The whole idea made her smile. Knowing what they stemmed from, some people might find his quirks weird, Glory found them endearing.

  “Here I am,” she announced as she joined him. In spite of their disagreement and him sleeping on the couch, T seemed fine the next morning. He stood at the stove with grease sizzling in a pan. As an apology formed on her lips, she had to admit she was a little nervous. “T, about last night, I want to apologize again.”

  “No need.” He set a plate of bacon and eggs on the table in her usual spot. “Dig in. And here are the truck keys. The tank is full of gas. Revel is picking me up in a few minutes.”

  “Aren’t you going to eat?” she asked, her stomach protesting a bit at the sight of the food in front of her.

  “I already did.” He watched her eat, taking note that she used the same hand to pick up her glass as she did to use her fork. “While you’re at the doctor today, don’t forget to have him look at that arm.”

  “It’s not necessary,” she pointed out. “I’m sure it’s fine.”

  He gave her a pointed stare, which she promptly ignored. Glory refused to point out how her funds were limited. Even though she’d been saving her money, she didn’t know if what she’d stashed back would even cover her prescriptions. Restocking the store ate up most of her profits, things seemed to go up every week. She’d also pitched in with the groceries, refusing to live off T.

  “About last night…” T began and Glory jerked her head up, surprised that he’d bring it up.

  “What about last night?” she asked, not even giving him a chance to finish.

  T blew out a long breath. Saying he was sorry was never easy. “I apologize if I frightened you.”

  Glory searched his face, seeing the guilt written on his features. “You didn’t scare me, T.” Yes, she’d experienced about half a second of trepidation, but nothing like he was imagining. “I love it when you get all badass and dominant. I’m tired of being good, T. I want to be bad with you.”

  T shook his head. “I don’t know what to do with you, I really don’t.” He leaned in and stole a kiss. “You be safe today. I’m going out to meet Revel.”

  “Okay, see you tonight. I’ll put out some steaks for supper and we can cook them on the grill. Okay?”

  “Sounds good.”

  She watched him leave, grateful that she hadn’t messed everything up with her meddlesome ways.


  New Iberia’s free clinic was nearly empty when Glory arrived. Luckily, they’d had an opening when she called. After checking in with the receptionist and filling out all the necessary paperwork, she took a seat in one of the ancient red and black plastic chairs lining the wall of the waiting room. Across from her sat a timid looking woman with a ruddy complexion. They exchanged a polite, if not uncomfortable smile. The woman was there with a young boy. Glory put the child’s age at around five and the little rascal was a ball of energy. He was squirming in his mother’s lap while they waited, trying to free himself so he could get down to play with a box of building blocks sitting under a table scattered with magazines directly beside Glory.

  She picked up an old Cosmo and leafed through it while she waited. Up at the reception desk, the two women behind it had a conversation, dropping their voices every so often when they shared an especially juicy tidbit of gossip. On more than one occasion, Glory thought they might be talking about her. She could imagine the ladies sharing opinions on how she’d been shacking up with T out there on the bayou and all the naughty, yet delicious, things they were probably doing to and with each other over the past weeks. “Quit, being silly,” she chided herself. “I’m almost a stranger here. These folks don’t know who I am.”

  The woman across from Glory busied herself with her phone and the boy took the opportunity to break from his mother’s grasp. Wiggling free, he slid off her lap and ran for the blocks. She made a half-hearted attempt to stop the boy, but quickly got back to her phone when she observed him go to his knees and pull the box of blocks out.

  Glory watched him play for a moment, his head of wispy, blond hair flopping around as he moved. What a joy it must be to have a little cutie like this around the house. Seeing the wonder in the boy’s eyes as he discovered something new. Teaching him things and watching him grow. Despite Glory being painfully aware of her own situation, the sight of the small boy playing about brought an audible sigh to her lips.

  Glory vowed years ago not to let time slip through her fingers, not to let a day go to waste because of her condition. She fully intended to live, love, and laugh until her dying breath. But…sometimes her lot in life seemed especially unfair, especially when she considered that she’d never know the joy of holding her own child in her arms. Glory kept her eyes on the boy, yet in her mind she was imagining an entirely different scene. How wonderful it would be if she and T could be a regular couple and have a baby of their own.

  “Stop it!” Glory said out loud, then covered her mouth. She needed to quit talking to herself. Instead of refilling her prescriptions, the doctor would be sending her off for a psychiatric evaluation.

  Still…she couldn’t help but dream. She was no different from
other women. A future and a family with the man she loved was her heart’s greatest desire.

  Too bad she wouldn’t be getting what she wanted.

  Life had dealt her a harsh hand. Sad to say, T seemed to have been placed at the table with the same sadistic dealer. She knew the nightmare T endured had left him emotionally scarred. He was living with the mistaken assumption he was a danger to others. When he’d told her to be wary of him, she hadn’t known what to think, but the longer she’d been around him, the more she’d come to understand that the only thing she needed to be wary of was getting licked to death by Buford.

  Rex Allen Beaumont, Jr. was a true gentleman – a kind, compassionate man who she’d trust with her life.

  During her failed presentation of evidence, Glory had tried to show him in every way she could think of that he was wrong. And his only reaction had been to give her a spectacular orgasm. She knew she could be annoying, once she got something on her mind, she was worse than a bloodhound on the scent of a possum. It was a crying shame his mother had convinced him he was like his father. The whole situation just made her blood boil. A mother is supposed to protect her child, build him up, not tear him down. What broke her heart the most, was that he’d had a vasectomy because he was afraid of what he might do to a child if he’d been lucky enough to have one. And any child in the world would be lucky to have T for a daddy. She could tell he longed for a family, for a child of his own. She’d seen him with the children at the shelter, they’d flocked to him and climbed all over him and he’d been amazing. Her gentle giant. He deserved a child of his own, even if he had to adopt someday.

  Glory stared at the floor, thinking about T. Even if he couldn’t see it, they were a pair. A couple of misfits. She was an ailing vagabond with an uncertain future. Closing her eyes, she concentrated on how thankful she should be. What she was sharing with T-Rex was a gift sent from heaven. She loved spending time with him, and making love with T was something she wouldn’t have missed for the world. Heck, she would’ve risked it all for the chance to know what it was like to hold him tight, to fly apart in his arms. Like she did last night…


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