Love Found a Way (Hell Yeah! Book 0)

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Love Found a Way (Hell Yeah! Book 0) Page 40

by Sable Hunter

  “Okay. I hope he’ll like Thomas.” Glory didn’t need much persuading, she went to sleep easily and slept deeply while he drove. T glanced over at her every few minutes, as if he was making sure she was still there. He knew they had a long way to go and some serious conversations before this was settled – but tonight he was just going to be thankful that she was back where she belonged.

  With him.

  …“Hey, baby. We’re here.”

  Glory opened her eyes and it was a few quick seconds before she realized she was with T. “Where are we?”

  “At Revel and Harper’s. I need to get Buford and let them know you’re okay.”

  He came around to help her out. “Do they know?”

  Clasping her hand, he gave it a squeeze. “That you left? Yea, I was scared. I came here first to tell them and ask if they’d dog-sit.”

  “Oh, okay.” She held onto his hand as they climbed the steps to Wildwood. The hour was late, but Revel said they’d wait up.

  “Glory, T-Rex! You made it safely!” Apparently, Harper had been watching out the window. When she opened the door, Buford bounded out to greet them. Barks. Howls. Bays. The dog let it be known he was thrilled to see them both.

  “I’m so glad you’re back,” Harper hugged her. “How do you feel?”

  “Happy,” was Glory’s only reply and apparently just the one her friend wanted to hear.

  “We’re going to have so much fun, Glory Bee. Our babies will be born just a few weeks apart. They’ll grow up together!”

  As Glory and Harper bonded, entering Wildwood to check out the room that would be the nursery, Revel approached T-Rex. “Everything okay?”

  “It will be,” T muttered, hoping what he said was true. “Thanks for covering for me at work, I need one more day.” He didn’t explain, not now. And Revel didn’t ask.

  “Not a problem, you’ve got it.”

  “Thank you, Revel. I appreciate you more than words can say.” Lowering his voice a bit, he asked, “hey, you haven’t seen anything weird in the swamp, have you?”

  “Like what? I saw a black panther the other day, a young one, about a half mile down by the bayou.”

  “Not a panther. I don’t know what it is, something was messing around the house before I left to find Glory. Early in the morning, I’ll check and see if it’s been around again.”

  “Are you finding footprints?” Revel asked, interested.

  “No, but some things have been moved. Things that are out of Buford’s reach. Little things that only I would notice, like the rake being turned upside down and my tools being rearranged in the shed. The most disturbing thing was finding the axe stuck in one of the posts at the corner of the porch. Not even a bear would do something like that.”

  “But no footprints,” Revel mused. “Very strange. I’ll keep my eyes open.”

  “Yes, has to be a two-footed predator, one smart enough not to leave any tracks.”

  “What about Dubois, he isn’t out of jail, is he?”

  “Jimmy? Not that I know of, something I’ll definitely check into now that Glory’s home and everything settles down.”

  “Good, I’ll be glad to have you at work again. We’ve got some work to do on the Bayou Bridge Pipeline proposal. Some environmentalist groups are putting together information in tune with the North Dakota Pipeline protest. The same company owns both projects.”

  Watching Glory follow Harper down the stairs toward them, he answered her little wave with one of his own. “Well, you know how I feel.” T always voted to preserve the environment as much as possible without endangering the welfare of the population.

  “T-Rex?” Glory called as she came toward him, a smile shining on her beautiful face. “I want to cook dinner for Revel and Harper next Friday night. That’s okay, isn’t it?”

  T knew they still had a very serious discussion to get through. Still, he wasn’t about to tell her no and embarrass her in front of their friends. “Sure, that sounds good.”

  “Marvelous!” Harper seemed to be as thrilled as Glory. “Oh, wait! I knew it would be late when you got here, so I fixed some sandwiches for you.” She ran to the kitchen and returned with a basket.

  “Thanks, Harper. Revel.” She hugged them both. After saying their goodnights. T helped Glory into his truck and loaded up his dog. For a few seconds, they experienced madness, until Thomas figured out Buford wasn’t going to eat him.

  Upon arriving at home, Glory’s eyes roved around. Even though it was dark, she hungrily took in every detail. “It feels like I’ve been gone forever.”

  “Yea, to me too.” T hurried around to help her out. Instead of allowing her to walk, he picked her up. “Come on, boy,” he called his dog as the hound headed to the rear of the house. “How do you feel?” he asked Glory, who was carrying a slightly disturbed Thomas.

  “Just tired.”

  Her admission worried T. She still didn’t know that he knew about her problem. Tonight, wasn’t the night to make that confession, but he could still take care of her. “As soon as we get a bite to eat, we’ll hit the hay.” He carried her in, deposited her on the couch with a kiss, then returned to the truck for the food Harper prepared for them.

  While T was gone, Thomas learned where the food and water bowls were and how to use the pet door, which could no longer be referred to as a ‘doggie’ door. Buford hurried around the house, checking to make sure nothing had changed since he’d been gone. Glory felt the same way, her eyes roving around, noticing T’s things weren’t as neat as normal. When T had set out to find her, he’d left his home in disarray. No matter, she’d have it up to par in no time.

  “I’m back.” T announced as he came through the door. When he put the basket on the table, he seemed to become aware of the clutter surrounding them. He chuckled. “If you need evidence that I was worried about you and missed you, the state of this place is proof enough.”

  Glory rose to help him with the food.

  “I can handle it, go sit down.”

  “I want to help,” she protested. Needing to do something, she poured them both a big glass of milk, then sat down at her usual place. “How did you find me?”

  T joined her at the table. “Eat.”

  Glory obeyed, but after a while she pushed for an answer. “Aren’t you going to tell me?”

  “I picked up a clue here and there. Long story.”

  “What aren’t you saying?” Glory pressed, worried.

  “I think we’ve both kept our share of secrets, haven’t we?” He met her gaze, noting the set of her stubborn little chin. “Heck. Fine. When I left here, I went to a bar and got drunk.”

  “Oh, no!” Glory instantly felt a tremendous sense of guilt. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Look. Stop. This wasn’t your fault.” T wouldn’t have her thinking it was. “The bartender recognized me and called Danny, my sponsor. I almost got into a fight, I almost fucked things up…but I didn’t. I spent the night at Danny’s house, then came home to talk to you.” He swallowed, his eyes unseeing as he remembered how he’d felt when he came back to find her gone. “I freaked out when you weren’t here.” He left his chair and went to kneel at her feet. “I want to apologize to you. I was hurt. I was scared. I was angry at the whole sad situation, but I never intended for you to leave.”

  “But you said…”

  “Yes.” He laid his head in her lap. “I said it, but I didn’t mean it. I didn’t think you’d actually go. I expected to come back and talk all of this out with you.”

  Glory stroked his hair. “It’s okay. I’m just glad you came after me at all.”

  T didn’t say anything and she was shocked to feel his big body shaking. “Oh, T-Rex, it’s all right.” Leaning down, she hugged him. “Take me to bed. I need to hold you.”

  Her request was immediately granted. He swept her up in his arms and carried her to their room. After tenderly readying her for bed, she slept in his arms all night long.


  “No, y
ou aren’t going to work. Absolutely not.” T-Rex held the back of Glory’s sleep shirt, effectively immobilizing her, even as her feet tried to keep moving. “Neither one of us is going to work today.”

  Glory sensed something was up. “Why not?” She turned around and into his arms. “I can understand my not opening the shop, but why would you miss another day of work?” As they’d lain in bed together that morning, he’d told her of his journey, how he’d gone from town to town looking for her. How he’d found her by piecing together clues he’d received from Mrs. Watson, Lauren Middleton, his friends at AA, and the people she’d met along the way. Glory couldn’t believe how everything had worked together for good.

  She just prayed fate would continue to be kind.

  “We need to talk.”

  Glory felt her stomach sink. Those four words never bode well. “Talk? About what?” T led her back to bed, sitting and pulling her down next to him. “What’s this about, T?” Surprisingly, she was feeling good today. Hopeful. No morning sickness. Her fatigue was manageable and her heart seemed to be beating right along.

  “When you left and I was searching for any clue to where you’d gone - - I found your empty pill bottles.”

  “You did?”

  “Yes. I saw the name of your doctor and I got on the computer and researched the drugs.”

  Glory said nothing. She kept her eyes down, praying the conversation wasn’t heading where she feared.

  “I talked to both of your doctors, Glory. I know about your condition and the risks you face.”


  T waited for her to say more, when she didn’t, he tightened his arm around her. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Glory felt her spirit folding up, like the petals of a night blooming flower reacting to the harsh direct light of a too bright sun. “I didn’t want…”

  “Don’t you think this was important enough to be honest with me? You should have told me about your PAH a long time ago.”

  “I didn’t want you to treat me differently,” she whispered.

  T felt his spirit ache. “You deserve to be treated differently. Do you know what it would do to me if something happened to you?”

  “I know, the same way I’d feel if something happened to you.” She wrapped her arms around him. “But everything’s different now.”

  “No, it isn’t different, sweetheart. The doctor’s say you may not survive if you have the baby.”

  “Yes. I know.” Her voice was so small, he almost couldn’t hear her.

  T went to his knees by the bed, his arms pulling her close. “Glory, I can’t lose you.”

  She hugged him back, her chest felt like it was being pressed in a vise. “You won’t.”

  “I can’t risk it, I just can’t, don’t ask me to give you up,” he begged her.

  “Don’t ask me to give up our baby.” Her voice cracked under the strain. “Please, T.”

  T felt helpless. “I want this baby, I do. But I want you a thousand times more,” he told Glory what he’d once admitted only to himself.

  As T-Rex held her, he felt Glory’s small body jerk. She completely broke down, sobbing so hard he was afraid she’d shatter in his arms. “Please, T. Please. I can’t. This baby is part of you. I can’t kill it. I just can’t.”

  Glory was crying so hard, T-Rex was afraid she’d hurt herself. “Stop, love. Stop.” He sat back on his heels and wiped her cheeks with his thumbs.

  “If this hurts you too much, T. I can go.”

  “God, no!” T exclaimed. “I want every second with you I can get. Every second.”

  “I love you so much,” she muttered. “I love this baby too. I want…I want it all.”

  T cradled her close. He could see that there was no way that Glory would ever agree to terminate the pregnancy. She was committed to this. And he was committed to her – it was as simple as that. “All right, baby. All right. We’ll face this together.”

  Glory tried to stop crying, hiccupping a sob. “Promise?”

  “I promise.” As T held onto Glory he made a decision. If she was adamant about having this baby, then he was going to move heaven and earth to insure she survived.


  Glory sat up on the couch when she heard the knock at the front door. “They’re here!”

  “I’ll get it.” T placed a hand on her stomach. Her feet had been in his lap as Glory rested on the couch. “You stay here and rest.”

  Glory laid back down on the couch with a smile. She knew she’d be up on her feet as soon as he turned his back, but she liked him taking care of her and insisting she rest. The last week had been idyllic. After their big discussion, T had accepted her decision. Now, he was doing everything in his power to make this as easy on her as possible.

  Heading for the door, T put a smile on his face. He intended to be brave, for Glory’s sake. This didn’t mean he was accepting what the doctors viewed as her fate. Hell, no. Those small-town quacks didn’t know everything. He’d contacted Lily and together they were searching for a specialist for Glory and her baby.

  But for now, Glory wanted to live as normal a life as possible.

  And by damn, as much as was in his power, he was going to do his best to make it so.

  Even if it meant he subjected himself to baby diapering lessons taught by his macho best friend.

  Greeting his friends with a smile, T opened the door. “Good to see you, Harper. Come in.”

  Harper was all smiles. “Thank you, T-Rex. We’re glad to be here.”

  As Harper moved past him, T’s eyes focused on what his best friend man was holding out to him. “Oh, my god!” He took a Cabbage Patch Doll out of Revel’s hands and held it up to the side of Revel’s face. “The baby arrived early and he looks just like you.”

  Harper snatched the doll out of T’s big hand. “Hey. Be careful with Emma Jean. I’ve had her for years and I brought her adoption papers to prove it.” She cradled the doll in her arms, toeing off her shoes to be comfortable.

  “Adoption papers for a doll, now I’ve heard it all.” T ushered them in.

  “It’s true.” Revel confirmed his wife’s claim. “I’ve seen them firsthand. They’re laminated. I suggested she rent a safety deposit box for such valuable legal documents, but she insists on keeping them in her top drawer.”

  Harper whacked her husband on the arm. “Now, you just hush. Don’t be giving away my secrets. My Grandma Clotilde gave that doll to me.” Her eyes lit up when she spotted Glory standing just behind T. “Now get out of my way, you big lug.” She did her best to push T to the side, but he was too much man to move. “I need to go see my pregnancy buddy.”

  Glory and Harper embraced. “We’ll be resting on the couch and checking out nursery themes online,” Glory told the men. “Oh, this is gonna be good,” she whispered to Harper as they headed to the living room.

  T opened his mouth to say something as the women sat down, but Revel placed a hand on his shoulder. “I don’t know about yours, but mine is hormonal. Whatever you were about to say, I wouldn’t. Here, take these.” He took the box of Pampers out from under his arm and handed it to T.

  T studied the box. “Jesus. Sixty-two? You sure you brought enough?”

  “Trust me. You’re gonna need em.”

  “Gonna need em?”

  “I don’t want to spoil the surprise or anything, but if I know my wife, you’ve got something coming your way in the next few days.”

  “Now, I’m nervous,” T admitted, looking down at the baby doll and diapers. Today he was focused on fun and friendship, yet in the back of his mind, he couldn’t help but pray that he’d never have to face any of this without his Glory.

  Revel glanced back over at the two women. “Join the club.”

  “I’m watching you two.” Harper eyed her big, hunky husband from the couch. She squinted her eyes at him, as if she knew what the men were talking about.

  Revel felt the warning in his wife’s eyes. Harper knew he knew her
well and she did have a surprise for her friends and the last thing she wanted was for her husband to ruin it.

  T and Revel stood at the kitchen table looking down at Emma Jean.

  “Shouldn’t we smear the butt with pudding or something?” T asked.

  Revel gave his friend a sideways look. “Helllllll no! That little girl in the living room would kill the both of us if we made a mess of her Emma Jean.” They both looked up and into the other room. Glory and Harper were having a blast talking and laughing on the couch. “She’s got whips and chains brother. And she knows how to use them.”

  T turned to look at his friend. “Oh yeah?” A smirk overtook his face. “Give me all the dirty details.”

  Revel snickered. “You wish.” He flipped the top of the diaper box open. “Go get a towel.”

  “Towel? What’s that for?”

  “You need to make it a habit.”


  Revel stepped back from the counter. “Changing a baby can be a messy proposition, my friend.”

  “Isn’t that what the baby wipes and all the other stuff is for?”

  “All I know is what I’ve heard, so I plan on keeping a towel on hand for myself.”


  “Apparently, baby boys like to let it fly with the firehose when you’re changing them and I personally want to be prepared. Now go get the damn towel. Might as well start building those habits early.”

  “Good grief,” Harper said to her pregnant counterpart on the couch. “The only thing that would make this better, is if we had a glass of wine.”

  The women were turned around in their seats, watching their men try to navigate the baby changing ritual.

  Revel slapped at T’s hand, giving him hell for doing something wrong.

  “This is so sexy,” Harper cooed.

  Glory simply nodded her head in agreement. “They’re like an old married couple.”

  They both had a chuckle watching T and Revel bicker over the process.

  Over the next few hours, they enjoyed one another’s company. Glory presided over her dinner party with grace. T was so proud of her. They all knew she could cook, but this was the first time she’d hosted friends to a spread of food that would rival any fine restaurant in New Orleans – prime rib, roasted fingerling potatoes, green beans almandine, and chocolate soufflé.


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