Chasing the Omega

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Chasing the Omega Page 6

by Jessica Edwards

  Chapter 9

  When I arrive at school the next morning, I wonder what kind of day is in store for me, hopefully it will be a straightforward day. I walk through the corridor to my English class to see Sam already there, on her phone. Again.

  'You're always on that thing.' I frown. Who could she possibly be speaking to?

  She puts her phone in her pocket and smirks. 'I'm casually stalking an acquaintance of ours.'

  'And who would that be? We've got a few of those recently.' I adjust the straps on my dungarees and put my hands in the pockets.

  'Bane obviously..' Sam gives me this look as if she's saying to me, 'who else could it have been?'

  'Okay here's a question....why?'

  'I think you know why,' Sam wiggles her brows.

  I roll my eyes, she can't be serious. 'Sam, you think that just because you've seen his genitals, you can stalk him?'

  Sam's eyes widen. 'Alice he is hung and I mean really hung. At this point, I don't even care about the fact that he turns into wolf.'

  I shake my head, look down at the other end of the corridor to see Ryder leaning against the lockers, looking in our direction.

  'I'm so gonna rock his world one day.' Sam takes out her phone again with a big smile on her face.

  'What exactly are you stalking him on?' I look back at her.

  Her eyes are glued to the phone. 'Everything.'

  I'm laughing by the time she finishes talking. 'You have a serious problem.'

  Sam shrugs. 'It's only wrong if he finds out.'

  'And when he does? Then what?' I arch my brow waiting for her answer.

  Sam shrugs. 'I'm not gonna apologise if that's what you wanna hear.'

  I shake my head and roll my eyes when I see Mr. Edmund advancing in our direction. He unlocks the door and places himself in front of the whiteboard.

  He looks at each person individually as they come into the classroom but stares coldly at the four who's last to enter the room.

  'Don't take your seats yet everyone. We're going to have a little change in the classroom today because I feel that the people in the back are not concentrating like they should be.' He crosses his arms and looks towards the back.

  'Right. Can I have Kellan come sit next to Alice in the front here, Sam move to the next desk please.' Kellan comes to sit next to me in the front. Our desk is in the middle with one desk on either side. Kellan nudges me in greeting, I smile in response.

  'Bane? Get your feet off the table now, I won't tell you again and come sit next to Sam please.' Mr. Edmund stands in front of Sam's desk, waits for Bane to sit down and leans into his face. 'I will not tolerate this kind of behaviour in my classroom Bane. I can easily fail you at the end of the year seeing that every test you've done you've managed to fail them all. Congratulations, your parents must be so proud.' Mr. Edmund leans down closer to him. ' Don't give me a reason to kick you out of my class because mark my words Bane I want you out. Failures are not welcomed in my classroom.'

  Mr.Edmund may think that no one can hear him but there's four wolves in here that can clearly hear him. I can hear clearly but I'm sitting close by. The rest of the class would think that Mr.Edmund's just giving Bane a warning but they don't know the real meaning of what's being said. What's gotten into him?

  When I look over at Bane I see that his jaw is tensed firmly and his eyes look deadly. I look him over and see that his fist is clenched tightly under the desk; out of sight. I look more closely to see blood dripping from inside his palm; caused by his razor sharp claws. I look up in panic hoping that Mr.Edmund hasn’t noticed but his attention has gone back to the classroom.

  He points to the back. 'Ryder and Silver in the front. Now. Liam and Luna go to the back.The middle row is fine as far as I'm concerned.' Mr. Edmund waits until everyone is seated and clears his throat.

  'Now I won't be able to stay for the rest of the lesson because a new student was in an incident here yesterday and I have to leave to speak with him. I don't know what happened but that person has been severely hurt, I'll be back as soon as possible.' He collects his things and heads for the door. 'I don't want anyone leaving this classroom under any circumstance. If I hear that any student has left this classroom, I will gladly mark every test paper of theirs an F.' He turns and leaves out the door without another word.

  As soon as the classroom door closes, everyone starts to talk amongst themselves. I hear Mr. Edmund's name mentioned several times. They're probably wondering the same thing as everyone else. What could’ve possible happened to make him leave?

  I look back at Bane to see his eyes are closed tightly, sweat knit his forehead and he's taking deep breaths. What's the matter with him? Sam is talking to someone behind her and I can hear behind me that Kellan's talking to Silver and Ryder.

  I slowly reach up with my hand and carefully place my hand on Bane's shoulder. The second it makes contact, his eyes immediately open and he growls as he stares motionless at me.

  'Bane?' I whisper.

  He stares at me but remains silent.

  I lean in closer. 'Bane?'

  It's quiet for a moment. 'I'' He grunts.

  'Do you need me to do anything? Do you need some air?'

  'One more word and I'll leave me the hell alone.' He growls and rushes out of the classroom so fast hardly anyone notices his absence.

  Leaning back in my seat, Kellan turns away from Ryder and Silver, I notice the three of them frowning when they realize that Bane is nowhere to be seen.

  'Where's Bane?'

  Ryder rounds my desk, leans down to me and snaps. 'What the hell did you say to him to make him run off like that?'

  I didn't expect this kind of response from Ryder. 'Excuse me? You think I'm the reason he's gone?'

  'You're the one who spoke to him last, I was watching you.' He snarls at me.

  Kellan sees the confused look on my face. 'It's not her fault.'

  Ryder takes one more look at me and storms out of the classroom.

  Kellan places his hand on my back comfortingly. Too bad I'm not up for a back rub. 'Don't take it seriously.'

  'He's trying to protect me?' I place my bag over my shoulder. 'What a load of shit.'

  'Alice, you okay?' Sam looks at me with worry etched on her face.

  'Yeah, I'll speak to you later.' I rush out of the classroom and out towards the back of the school to the empty football field.

  When I reach the field, I slowly take a deep breath, hold it and release it.

  There's no explaining my escape to Mr. Edmund if he ever finds out. Who am I kidding? He's never gonna know.

  I sit on the dry cut grass and look up at the sky. Being alone with my thoughts is actually quite peaceful, but I can't help but wonder who was hurt last night. Could it be someone that I know? but I hope that whoever got hurt isn't suffering too much. And Bane? I hope he shifts and never changes back. Never will I understand the reason he is the way that he is. The same goes for all of them except for Kellan. Since last night, I feel like I understand Kellan a lot better.

  It's still hard to believe that Anna was Ryder's sister. They looked nothing alike and yet I didn't have the pleasure of meeting her or getting to know her. From what I remember, Anna was nothing like Ryder, the complete opposite. I dread to think what happened when they found her body.

  Who would do such an animalistic thing?

  I must have been thinking really hard because I don't hear the person shouting my name from behind me. I turn around and from afar I see a lone figure standing on crutches. I squint my eyes to see who it is but it's too blurry to make out the person. I look around to see if it was my name that was being called but realize it's only me outside.

  I stand and walk towards the figure.

  When I come somewhat closer to the person. What I don't expect is for the person to be Max.

  What the hell?

  As I stand in front of Max, I'm completely speechless; his whole face
black and blue. His right cheek is badly bruised and his lips are twice the size of yesterday with nasty looking cuts on both sides of his lips. Not to mention that he's on crutches with god knows how many bruises underneath his clothes.

  'Hey you.' Max smiles at me. How can he smile beneath his beaten face.


  Max looks down at the ground. 'You noticed the face huh?'

  'It's kind of hard not to notice, and it's not just the face.' I gasp when I look down to see that his foot is in a cast. 'What happened to you?'

  He shrugs. 'Basketball's a rough sport and people get hurt.'

  I frown. Is he being serious? 'Not rough enough to look like this!?'

  Max says nothing.

  'Did....did someone do this to you?' Who would do this to a new student? It just doesn't make sense.

  Max laughs nervously. 'Of course not Alice. I told you what happened.'

  Why is a part of me not believing him?

  'Right. Basketball.' I place my hands in my pockets and look at him unconvincingly.

  'You don't believe me.' Max frowns. 'I don't know what to say.'

  'Max look at yourself! You've clearly been beaten up!' I shriek. 'Who would do such a thing to you?'

  Again Max says nothing.


  Max pauses for a second. 'I didn't wanna say anything.'

  'About what?'

  Max clears his throat and looks away from me. 'Something happened yesterday.'

  'At school?'

  He nods. 'When you left yesterday, I went into the changing rooms to change into my kit, and I heard the door closing a few minutes after I stepped in. Before I knew it I was jumped from behind and I couldn't defend myself being that I was outnumbered.'

  'Did you see who it was?'

  'Yeah.' He looks up at me. 'It was Ryder.'

  'What!?...Why would he do that?'

  Max shrugs. 'Look, don't worry about it. It's my problem not yours okay? I don't know the reason why it happened.'

  None of this makes sense to me. Why would Ryder target someone like Max?

  'I just don't understand why he'd do this to you.'

  Max chuckled. 'It's obvious isn't it? He wants me to stay away from you.'

  I can't help but roll my eyes. Ryder had no right to do this. 'Max...I don't know what to say other than I'm so sorry. Ryder and I are nothing to each other. I hope this doesn't interfere with our friendship.'

  'Of course it doesn't Alice. I just wanted to see you even though I look like shit.' Before I know it we're both laughing.

  After what feels like minutes of laughing I remember the notes I have for Max in my bag. I open it and grab my pink flowery folder.

  'I'm sorry I didn't give these to you yesterday. It was kind of a hectic day.'

  Max looks at the folder and frowns. 'What's this?'

  'My Biology notes that Mr. Thompson asked me to print out for you.'

  'Oh right. Thanks. ' He takes the folder and holds it.

  How is he going to hold the folder if he's on crutches?

  'You sure you can manage?'

  'I'm actually not staying, my mother's coming to pick me up.' He puts the folder under his arm and puts his hands on the handles.

  'Okay. Well I hope you get better and I'm really sorry about Ryder.'

  'Alice, you don't need to apologise on his behalf, besides he obviously sees me as a threat.' Max smirks.

  'Yeah I guess he does.' I chuckle. 'I'll see you soon Max.'

  'See ya.' He turns around and hobbles slowly out of the school.

  Watching him walk like that stirs something inside of me. It angers me that Ryder would do such a thing and to outnumber him. Did Kellan take part in this? For three wolves to take on one harmless innocent boy. What a bunch of monsters!

  I let my anger take over and rush to where the wolves might possibly be. Knowing Ryder he's probably outside on the basketball court, I know I'm right when I see three males practising passing the ball completely topless.

  Ryder stiffens when he sees me approaching. He walks towards me with the same snarling look he had pointed at me earlier, but it's time for Ryder to have a piece of my mind because I'm furious.

  When I reach him I don't think I just act. I slap him hard across the face that instantly causes my palm to sting.

  Ryder's face is beyond fury. 'What the fuck was that for!?'

  'You know damn well what that was for!' I point my finger right into his face.

  'What the hell are you talking about!' He spits.

  'Don't lie Ryder! Not to me!' My body is shaking with so much fury that I can barely look at him let alone seeing him without a shirt on.

  Ryder steps closer to me and I can hear him growling. 'You think I'd lie to you?'

  'Explain Max then! Why did you do it?'

  He looks taken aback.

  'I don't know what you're talking about.'

  I shove at his chest. A chest that is so unbelievably solid that he doesn't move.

  'Stop lying to me! You know exactly what you did to Max.'

  Ryder takes both of my hands and pins them behind my back. 'I've done nothing to him.'

  Bane and Kellan run towards us. They're both probably wondering what's keeping their Alpha, they both wear confused expressions.

  'Have you seen the state of him!?'

  'What's going on here?' Bane frowns.

  I try to struggle out of Ryder's hold but stop when I realise that he's too strong.

  'Let go of me!' He releases me.

  I look at each of them individually. 'Why did you do it?'

  Kellan frowns while Bane still looks confused. 'Alice, what are you talking about?'

  'Were you a part of this too Kellan?' I can't help but feel hurt that Kellan might've taken part in this. 'Max? The new guy? Ring any bells. You know, the guy you three beat up yesterday.'

  Neither of them say a word.

  'All three of you are unbelievable you know that? I didn't expect this from you Kellan, maybe from them but not you!' I can feel my anger rise when I hear Bane and Ryder growl. 'You disgust me.'

  I turn to leave but not before someone grabs ahold of my arm, I roll my eyes when I see it's Ryder.

  'You've had you're chance to speak, now it's my turn to talk.' He lets go of my hand instantly.

  He leans into me and brushes his lips over my ear. My whole body shivers as he whispers to me. 'Don't ever slap me again otherwise I'll have to do something about it. Now for beating up your precious friend? If I remember correctly me and Kellan we're at the diner right after you left yesterday. And for Bane?' Ryder shrugs. 'He doesn't give a shit about anybody but seeing as he doesn't know what the hell you're talking about then I guess you're at a loss here.' He turns away from me with Bane on his heels.

  Kellan remains looking at the ground. 'You really think we’d do something like that?'

  'Kellan, I don't know what to believe right now but if you saw the state Max is in then you wouldn't know what to think.'

  'Alice, we don't just go around beating people.'

  'Then how do you explain Max's injuries? Did you know that he's on crutches?' I gasp.

  Kellan's voice starts to rise. 'So you think that we did it? If you do then you obviously don't know who we are.'

  'Then why would he accuse you three and lie to me?'

  Kellan shrugs. 'You're asking the wrong person.’

  I remain silent.

  Kellan looks at me sympathetically, turns around and join the others on the court.

  Even though a part of me still thinks that Ryder had something to do with Max but Kellan does have a point. Maybe they had nothing to do with Max's injuries but then again, why would he lie to me in the first place?

  I'm shaking my head by the time I walk into the cafeteria. I see Sam straight away at the salad bar filling up her plate with lettuce and cucumber, she sees the fury on my face and walks straight to me.

  'Why do you look like you're about to kill someone?'

/>   'I'll tell you later after I've calmed down a bit.'

  'That bad?'

  'Yeah, would it be alright if I came over yours tonight. I'm gonna call in sick at work.’

  'You know by now that you're always welcome to come over. '

  After spending lunch with Sam, we part ways to the last lessons of the day leaving Sam with Math and French for me.

  When the bell chimes for the end of the lesson, students fill the corridors as they leave through the gargantuan doors of the school.

  I decide to wait for Sam next to her black Porsche and when I hear wolf whistles coming from the jocks, I know that Sam's nearby. When I see her approaching she rolls her eyes and shakes her head. 'Every fucking day.' Sam unlocks the car and we both get in.

  'You love it really.' I wink.

  Sam gives me the middle finger and starts the car.

  Chapter 10

  'You slapped him!?'

  Sam and I sit on her bed eating chocolates while watching Gossip Girl. Before we arrived at her house, I told her everything about Max and what he told me.

  'Yeah, and I don't regret it either. Is that bad?'

  Sam snorts. 'Are you kidding me, he had it coming.'

  'I just don't know who to believe.' I pick up a chocolate and shove it in my mouth.

  She shrugs. 'I mean, I can see where you're coming from. You've got Ryder who's an Alpha and has his own pack. We don't know what kind of pack they are and what they do or what they're capable of, but they don't really seem that bad. Yes they might have anger issues but I've never heard or seen them beat up a random person before. As for Max, we have no idea who he is or his history. I mean we just met him yesterday, and he seems like a genuinely nice guy but again we don't really know him.' Sam turns the TV volume down. 'We're at an impasse Alice.'

  I lie on my side and sigh. 'It just doesn't make sense! Why would Max say that Ryder, Kellan and Bane beat him up? Unless Ryder's a good liar and he's brainwashed his pack to believing that they didn't do it.'

  'Look, I think it's been a long day, we need to chill, not mention any boys and just watch Chuck Bass being sexy.'


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