Star One: Neutron Star

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Star One: Neutron Star Page 10

by Raymond L. Weil

  He also wondered how many other people knew about the messages from Farside. Ty had a feeling that Steve’s secret would be out much sooner than he thought. For the time being, he decided, it would be best to let the Grays think it was the Jupiter mission that he was in command of.

  “Well, I hope she can help,” Julie said, sighing deeply. “I could use Teela’s monitoring abilities in the ecological habitats right now. My people are being pushed to the limit waiting for Steve to return her back to full duty.” Julie stared thoughtfully over at Jennifer Stone, hoping she could solve the problem with Teela.

  Christy and Julie had talked briefly about Jennifer the day before. Christy had helped Steve pick out the young brunette for the job on Star One. Someone needed to get Teela back under control, and quickly.

  For the last several months, the AI’s curiosity had gone overboard. In addition, Teela had become slightly unpredictable at times. People were getting nervous about trusting the AI’s answers to important research questions. Christy had felt that Jennifer, with her impressive qualifications, was just right for the job. Christy also mentioned that Jennifer should fit in well with the other station personnel.

  Julie knew that Teela had started asking questions about everyone and everything. There seemed to be no limit to her curiosity, and no subject was off limits. It was still a big mystery as to how the AI had become sentient. No other AI had ever managed to do so to this degree. What was so different about her programming that had caused the station’s AI to become self-aware? With Jennifer’s background in AI programming, Julie knew that Christy and Steve were optimistic for her dealing with Teela. The AI was too valuable to the station for it to be out of control much longer.

  Turning back to her husband and Ty, she listened to their conversation about the Jupiter mission. She could tell that Ty seemed to be bothered by something and was keeping it bottled up inside. Julie had known him long enough to know when he was hiding something. She also knew better than to try to pry it out of him. When he wanted to talk about it, he would.


  Jennifer and Kathleen were just trying the baked salmon they had both ordered when, without any warning, all the lights in the restaurant blinked out, putting them in near darkness. The music suddenly blared loudly and switched to some of the loud, popular music so preferred by the younger crowd back down on Earth.

  “Not again,” protested Kathleen, slamming her fork down on the table and nearly spilling her drink. An extremely frustrated look crossed her face in the remaining dim light.

  Jennifer could see that the lights outside in the concourse were still on, as well as in the shops across the way. The only lights that seemed to be out were those in the restaurant.

  “What’s going on?” she whispered, worriedly. She carefully put down her fork, nervously looking around in the near gloom of the restaurant.

  The restaurant was just dimly lit. No one seemed to be panicking or extremely worried about the loss of the lights and the sudden change in the music. Jennifer did notice a few upset faces, and she thought she could hear someone in the kitchen area swearing in what sounded like French at the sudden loss of light.

  “It’s one of Teela’s little pranks,” spoke Kathleen, sounding exasperated. “She does this occasionally to see how people will react. Sometimes it’s the lights, water changing from hot to cold in the shower, equipment starting up on its own, you never know what to expect. Fortunately, most of her pranks are quite harmless and no one has ever gotten hurt. However, it can be very aggravating at times. I can’t believe she did this with you in the restaurant!”

  Nodding to herself, Jennifer noted in her mind this peculiar behavior of Teela’s. “Teela is a breakthrough in AI technology. Human behavior is a big mystery to her,” she murmured, drumming her left hand fingers gently on the table, lost briefly in thought.

  “I know that everyone wants these little incidents to stop,” Kathleen said, looking over at Ty and the Grays. The three seemed to be talking about something important, as they all had serious looks on their faces.

  Jennifer realized that this strange behavior of Teela’s was something she definitely needed to talk to the AI about tomorrow, when she officially started her new job. “Our reactions to these situations are what she must be using to learn about human emotions and behavior. I can’t believe how far she has gone with this. How long has this type of conduct been going on?”

  “I’m glad you find this interesting,” Kathleen replied sourly, reaching for her glass of tea setting next to her partially eaten salmon. “It’s been going on for the past several weeks and seems to be occurring more frequently. I know that several of the programmers have talked to Teela about it, but it seems to have had little effect. I know that Andre is at his wit’s end with her. I just hope that you can talk her into ending all these little pranks before someone gets hurt.”

  The lights suddenly returned to normal, and the music switched back. Everyone in the room continued as if nothing had happened.

  “We’ll see,” replied Jennifer, picking her fork back up to sample the baked salmon and enjoying the rich taste in her mouth. “I’m sure this behavior of Teela’s can be corrected once we fully understand her reasoning behind it.”

  Jennifer took another bite of the baked salmon. It was delicious. She had never tasted this blend of spices before. Jennifer knew that she would have to set up a rigorous exercise program if she came here often. Of course, that was something she was used to and, from the facilities she had seen earlier, it shouldn’t be a problem.

  “Teela and I will certainly have some long conversations about this and her other behavior,” Jennifer continued after taking a sip of her tea. “To me, Teela acts a lot like a child wanting attention. I wonder if anyone has ever considered that? Much of her behavior is like that of a teenager going through adolescence. Since she only recently came into being, this may be a learning stage for her.”

  “Then she needs a good spanking,” commented Kathleen, looking over at Jennifer with a slight twinkle of amusement in her eyes. “I hope you can figure something out soon.”

  “We have no experience dealing with a truly intelligent AI,” Jennifer replied, thoughtfully. “This is all new territory. I have a few ideas that may stop the pranks and help with the situation. I’ll see what I can do tomorrow.” Taking a bite of the baked potato, Jennifer didn’t recognize the cheese that covered it. It had a rich, tangy taste that was out of this world. “I also don’t think a spanking in this situation will work very well.”

  Jennifer’s gaze unconsciously wondered back to Commander Erin, wondering what his company would be like. He was very attractive. Like the commander, her life had been full of study and ambition, leaving little time for members of the opposite sex. The two at least had something in common in that area.

  Kathleen noticed Jennifer’s look and briefly pondered the implications. Ty could be in for some interesting times if Jennifer’s faraway look meant anything. She had never succeeded in more than enticing Ty into a few casual dances now and then. No matter how hard she tried, he was not the seducible type.

  Kathleen wondered sometimes if she came on too strong. She wasn’t one to hide her feelings about what she wanted out of a date. None of the other women on the station had ever succeeded either. Jennifer had the necessary body assets, and as bright as she was reported to be, could possibly give Ty a good run for his money.


  Ty and the Grays had finished their meal and were enjoying some casual after dinner conversation when Jensen made an appearance. The short Jensen, who was almost bald and slightly overweight, apologized profusely for the inconvenience the loss of the lights may have caused. He was extremely embarrassed that Teela had played one of her aggravating pranks when some of his most valued customers were in his restaurant.

  “These problems with the computer are starting to affect my customers,” he said, waving his hands excitedly and talking in his stylish French accent. “How can my chefs
be expected to prepare an exquisite meal for my customers if these pranks continue? Only yesterday, the temperature in one of my ovens mysteriously increased, and the roasted duck we were preparing turned into burned duck,” he finished emphatically.

  “I promise to talk to the commander about it,” responded Ty, knowing how Jensen took immense pride in the meals he served.

  “Thank you,” Jensen replied, pleased that Ty was going to speak with Commander Larson.

  “The commander has hired a new programmer to straighten Teela out. Hopefully these little occurrences will stop shortly,” Ty said, hoping Jennifer could solve their Teela problem.

  “Don’t worry, Daryl,” Julie said compassionately, smiling at the man. “This meal was great, and everyone understands that Teela is a little out of control. No one blames you for these little inconveniences. Also, for the new fruit vegetable drink we were going to add to the menu we should probably cut the Jalapeno peppers in half if John’s reaction is any indication.”

  “Jalapeno peppers,” croaked John, eyeing the fruit drink in the half-full glass before him in horror. No wonder his tongue and throat had felt like they were on fire.

  Ty burst out laughing, realizing why John had been drinking so much water. Sometimes these dinners with Julie and John were particularly entertaining. It had helped to take his mind off the neutron star threat. Ty knew there would be few evenings like this one after tonight.

  Jensen nodded thoughtfully and ambled toward the back, only to return a moment later with a beaming smile and a bottle of red wine. “I ordered several cases of this special wine for my favorite customers,” he said, pouring each of them a generous glass.

  Ty could tell instantly that John preferred the rich wine over the fruit vegetable drink. He finished his glass off rather quickly and Jensen, smiling, refilled it.

  “This bottle is on the house,” Jensen said happily, seeing that they liked it. He set the bottle down on the table with a flourish and walked back toward his kitchen.

  Ty watched Jensen walk toward the back, passing next to the table where Kathleen and Jennifer were sitting. Ty had noticed, out of the corner of his eye that Jennifer had been watching them occasionally. He was sure that Kathleen was rapidly filling her in on life aboard Star One.

  Jennifer made him feel curious. He had read several of her research papers on AI technology. He knew that she was their best bet to get Teela back under control. If this danger from the neutron star was real, Teela would be invaluable in the coming months. Standing up, he excused himself from the Grays, saying he would be back shortly.

  Kathleen and he had danced on occasion, but that was as far as he had allowed it to go. She was a terrific dancer and fun to be with, but she just wasn’t his type. Kathleen was a little too aggressive most of the time, and the outfits she liked to wear off duty were highly enticing. She also had no qualms about pressing her body up close and being extremely suggestive with her dance movements. Walking over to the table where the two women were sitting, he noticed amusedly that Jennifer’s eyes widened in surprise.

  “Hi, Kathleen,” he said, plopping down in the empty chair between the two women and turning to Jennifer with a broad smile. “I just wanted to come over and see how your first day on the station is going. I hope you enjoyed your flight earlier.”

  Jennifer felt a little nervous tingle as she tried to smile back and tried vainly to keep the quiver out of her normally calm voice. “I enjoyed the trip up immensely. It was quite an experience! So far, my first day has been very interesting, thanks to Kathleen.”

  “I hope she has given you the grand tour of the station,” Ty said, continuing to smile.”

  “Oh, yes,” replied Jennifer, relaxing some. It was surprising how quickly she was starting to feel more at ease in his presence. “I’ve seen a lot today, and from what Kathleen has been telling me, I still have a lot more to see.”

  “By the way, Kathleen, don’t try sitting Jennifer up with all the eligible bachelors on the station,” Erin teased with a wink of his left eye, letting his gaze drop briefly to her partially exposed breasts and then back up to her face. From her impish, pleased smile Ty knew that Kathleen had noticed the quick glance.

  “I wouldn’t do that,” Kathleen replied, innocently.

  “Julie has been telling me about those new plant samples you brought up from Earth and the potential they have,” Ty continued. “She promised John and me a grand tour of the entire agricultural ring tomorrow if nothing comes up. She is very excited about some of the progress the two of you have been making setting up the different agricultural sections.” Standing back up, Ty nodded with a friendly smile to the two women. “Jennifer, don’t believe everything Kathleen says about me, she has a tendency to exaggerate sometimes.”

  “Just leave your fishing rods at home this time,” Kathleen said teasingly, referring to the little fishing escapade she had mentioned to Jennifer earlier.

  Turning slightly red, Ty recalled their narrow escape to the elevator with Julie running behind them on their interrupted fishing excursion. Julie had confiscated all of their fishing equipment she could find.

  Turning to Jennifer, he said, “I’ve read several of your research papers and found some of the theories you propose quite intriguing. I hope you can solve our Teela problem. You will definitely need a lot of luck there.” With a casual wave of his hand, he walked back to his table.

  “Interesting,” Kathleen said to herself, smiling.

  “What?” responded Jennifer, looking over at Kathleen.

  “I think you and Commander Erin are going to be seeing more of each other; a lot more,” Kathleen said with a twinkle in her eyes. “I don’t ever remember Ty going out of his way like that to introduce himself to someone. Most of the time you have to drag him out on the dance floor, even though he is a very good dancer.”

  “He was just curious about Teela, that's all,” responded Jennifer, feeling slightly embarrassed. “I’m sure he is just as concerned about getting her back online as everyone else seems to be.”

  The two women finished their meal talking about what life on the station was like and what all there was to do. Jennifer managed to slip in several questions about Ty. The man had piqued her curiosity. She found out that he didn’t date much, was dedicated to his career, and that when you could get him to open up, according to Kathleen, he could be a lot of fun.


  Erin and the Grays finally returned to their quarters. Julie and John both had found it humorous the way Ty had checked out the new AI programmer. They had tried before to match him up on numerous occasions with eligible women. Most of the time he found an excuse to avoid the blind dates. On several occasions, though, Julie had refused to take no for an answer. However, this time it looked as if he might be sitting himself up on his own. They would have to keep their eyes open to see how this developed.

  Entering their quarters, the two checked on their kids; both were sleeping soundly. Teela was an excellent babysitter. At least in that regard she was still functioning properly. Julie had more plans for later, as John found out when she finally came to bed in her new red gown. She had picked the sexy gown out, with Kathleen’s help, earlier in the week.

  John had been gone for several days, and in a few moments, they were lost in a warm, passionate embrace. Kathleen could certainly choose the right clothes, Julie decided with a pleased smile.


  As Jennifer fell asleep that night, her last waking thoughts were of Commander Erin. Men usually didn’t affect her that way, and she felt slightly uneasy at her attraction to the man. I hardly know him yet, she thought, as she drifted off into a deep, sound sleep.

  Chapter Four

  Steve was in Main Control, waiting patiently for a reply from Tim McPhryson. He could see that Margaret Sullivan, the trim young communications officer, was busily decoding a message from Earth she had just received. Her computer contained several secure encryption codes that were used for high priority messages. Steve
hoped fervently that the message Margaret was decrypting now was the one they had been waiting for. Time was running out to get the neutron star mission launched. Every day they delayed risked Senator Farley finding out what was going on. Once that happened, it would be a brand new ball game.

  Sullivan looked over at Steve and nodded her head slightly, indicating that it was indeed the message. Rising quickly, she came over and handed Steve the decoded printout from her computer.

  “Thanks, Margaret. I was hoping we would receive this message on your shift,” Steve remarked with a friendly nod. Margaret was by far their best communications officer and extremely dependable. She was also a very friendly young woman.

  “No problem, Commander,” replied Margaret with a smile. “That message was at the highest encryption level. It must be very important. I hope it’s the one you were waiting for.” Margaret turned and returned to her communications station. She was expecting several routine messages shortly from Tycho City.

  Glancing at the message, Steve breathed a heavy sigh of relief. McPhryson had gotten the president’s approval. The mission was a go! Leaning back in his command chair, Steve’s eyes automatically checked the duty stations around the large room. He viewed the busy activity, knowing how professional and dedicated his people were. He just hoped that they were up to the new challenge he was about to throw at them. In just a few weeks, their lives would change forever when news of the neutron star became common knowledge. For many, it would be devastating when they realized the full ramifications of what lay in their future.

  Steve knew it would be necessary to brief a number of key personnel on what was about to happen with the Jupiter Probe. Crewmembers in Main Control, the Space Platform, and perhaps others would have to be brought in. Mentally he began going over the people that needed to be informed first. He wanted to keep everything under wraps for as long as possible. Steve knew that the more people that knew what was going on, the more likely it was for the information to leak out.


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