by C. P. Watson
“It was a mistake and you slipped, don’t make me sound so evil.”
“But you are evil.” I grinned and she wrapped her arm around my back before placing a kiss on the back of my shoulder.
“I love you.” She whispered making me turn to look into her eyes.
“I love you too.” I slipped down into the pool, the cool water wrapping around my body. “Come in babe, I’ll let you fondle me if you’re a good girl.”
“Okay I didn’t need to hear that.” I heard Grandpa’s voice and looked behind Ava to see him standing by the glass door.
Ava slipped into the pool and swam to the other end to avoid the awkwardness. ‘Bitch,’ I muttered as I pressed my lips together.
“Sorry grandpa.” I said lowering my gaze to my reflection in the pool.
“It’s okay dear, you girls be careful. I just stopped in to collect something, I’ll be heading out now.” I nodded and he walked back into the house.
I then saw Midnight strolling passed the door and into the kitchen. I guessed he was hungry.
I turned to Ava and swam over to her before splashing water in her face. “What was that for?”
“I just like it when you’re wet.” I grinned as she copied my actions.
WE WERE IN THE living room, Ava was on her computer and I was finishing up some homework. “What are you doing Miss Reese?” Looking at how her glasses were perched upon her nose was so sexy.
“None of your business, teacher stuff.”
“Is that the way you talk to your girlfriend?” She looked at me and sighed.
“It’s a test, okay?” I nodded and walked over to her.
“When is it for?”
“I can’t tell you that.” I frowned.
“Oh come on, it’s not like I am looking at the questions.”
“Then why are you so close to me.” I crossed my arms over my chest offended.
“I am no cheater.”
“I’m not saying that, just go back to what you were doing.” She brushed me off and continued her work.
“You are being mean.” She groaned and looked back at me.
“I don’t mean to be,” her face softened. “I’m just trying to get this done, be a good girl and do your homework.” I rolled my eyes.
“Fine.” I walked back over to where I was sitting before and picked up my notebook.
“Don’t give me attitude young lady.” I arched my brow and huffed.
“So you are my mother now?” I grumbled.
“Only in the bedroom honey.” She winked at me and I scrunched up my nose.
“I rather stick to the normal names if you don’t mind. I will never in a million years refer to you as my mother in the bedroom.”
“You say so now, wait till you are screaming ‘mommy’ on top of your lungs.”
“Oh fuck you.” She chuckled and went quiet for a few minutes.
“I was just fucking with you sweetheart.”
“Yeah right,” I muttered as I closed my notebook and placed it into my backpack.
“What happened to your satchel?” She questioned.
“Remember Emily stomped all over it.”
“Oh yeah, that bitch is going to make me break her limbs.” She threatened.
“It’s okay, girls like her always learn that karma’s a bitch.”
“I won’t tolerate anyone bullying you, it makes my blood boil.” She said making me smile.
“It’s hot when you get all feisty for me.”
“I’ve been through my own ‘Emily’ back in high school, and you don’t deserve that.” She placed her laptop down on the couch and rubbed her temples with the pads of her fingers.
“Don’t stress yourself over it babe, it doesn’t affect me so don’t let it affect you.” She did not respond so I walked over and knelt down in front of her. “Soon I’ll be out of there anyway.” She frowned at that and looked at me.
“And you’ll go off to college.” She muttered making my heart clench in my chest.
“We still haven’t discussed how we are going to make that work have we?” She shook her head, the uneasiness between us evident. “Then let’s talk about it.” She bit down on her upper lip and slipped off the couch to sit next to me.
“We have weekends, I could visit you sometimes and you can visit me too.”
“Is that enough?” She shrugged.
“It will have to be.” I pressed my lips together knowing that I had to tell her about Oxford.
“I got accepted into Oxford.” I said guilt pooling in my stomach for some reason.
“Oh yeah?” She said giving me a genuine smile. “That’s great baby, are you going to go?” She asked, her smile flattering.
“No, it’s too far away.” I mumbled.
“But it’s what you wanted.”
“Yeah but I always knew I could never, plus tuition will be so expensive, I rather just stay in the States with you.”
“Are you sure about that?”
“Yes, I knew a long time ago that I wouldn’t, so don’t think I am giving it up because of you.”
She sighed, “if that’s your choice, then okay.” I knew she was relieved but tried not to show it.
“I should get back to setting the test.” She said hopping up back onto the couch.
“Where’s Midnight?” She picked up her laptop and placed it onto her lap.
“Cats sleep most of their lives, he is probably in a corner taking a nap.” I sighed not knowing what to do with myself.
I would have taken a run but I was just not in the mood lately.
Taking out my scrapbook from my bag, I turned to a blank page. I took out a pencil before I began I write something random.
“HEY BABY, WHAT ARE you doing?” I did not respond and just kept on writing. “I see you are busy.” She said and took a seat next to me, trying to look at what I was writing.
After a few minutes of her just reading along as I wrote, I looked up at her and saw a big smile upon her lips. “What do you think?” She leaned closer and pecked me on my lips.
“It’s beautiful, just like you.” She whispered.
“As if.” I scoffed referring to both my beauty and my writing.
“Your words make me want to…”
“No need to finish that sentence.” I interrupted her.
“Awe why? I had something naughty in mind.”
Yeah, I predicted that.” I said rolling my eyes.
Are you psychic now?” I gave her a goofy smile and she gave me a smirk in return.
“Does it have to do with us being naked?” She placed her hand over her mouth in amazement.
“You really are psychic.” I chuckled and shoved her arm, making her slip off the couch and onto the floor.
I intentionally rolled off of the couch and onto the floor next to her, my elbow nudging her in the stomach making her squeal.
We both burst out into a fit of laughter and as we turned onto our sides to look at each other, our laughter subsided.
Looking into her stunning grey eyes, that very moment I knew, that I could not see myself without her. She had made a place in my heart, one that would never fade away with time, and her intense reciprocation of our locked eyes made me realize that she felt the same way.
I intertwined my fingers with hers and we continued to just absorb the moment, drinking in the love and understanding that we found with each other.
“I love you.” She whispered breaking the silence, her soft features expressing sincerity and compassion.
“I love you too.” She smiled as the words slipped through my lips, my chest filling with a warm, tingling sensation, making my body in need of her soothing embrace.
Slipping my arm over her body, I rested my head upon her chest, and my legs mingled with hers. She kissed my forehead, the happiness enveloping both of us in a blissful moment, in which I did not even think about letting her go.
GRANDPA CAME HOME NOT too long after, resulting in our cuddling to come to an end. I refilled Midnight’s bowls while Ava and Grandpa prepared for dinner, my task being much less difficult.
“Hey Meme, did you have a good nap?” I cooed as he sauntered into the kitchen and over to his bowl of water. He meowed not even looking at me.
I took a seat at a kitchen stool as I looked at the two work their way around the kitchen.
“I wonder where Marie stored the waffle maker. I have been looking for it since this morning.” My grandfather said, making me realize that I had not seen the housekeeper in a few days.
“What happened to her?” I questioned curiously.
“I gave her some time off, her daughter just had a baby, and she wanted to spend some time with her family.”
“She’s such a sweet woman.” Ava said as she grabbed a few ingredients from the fridge.
“Kay, can you take out the trash please?” Grandpa asked and I pressed my lips together.
I nodded and hopped off of my seat. Walking over to the garbage bin, I pressed my foot on the lever to open the lid and lifted the bag up before making one swift knot.
“Make sure it’s tied properly, I don’t want garbage falling out.” Grandpa insisted making me second guess my actions. I examined the knot and it was perfectly secured.
Walking out of the kitchen and the front door, I threw the bag into the dumpster outside of the house.
I then took a moment to look at the yard and indulge in the cool afternoon breeze.
I really did miss my grandmother at those moments, where I would look at the things she loved and could almost imagine her being there right next to me.
“Babe?” I heard Ava’s voice and turned to see her leaning against the opened front door’s frame.
“Hey.” I rubbed the back of my neck and sighed.
“You okay?” I slowly nodded making her walk over to me. “The yard’s beautiful, isn’t it?” She smiled and stood next to me. “It always lifts my mood in the morning, the beauty of it all.” She looked at me as if she was not talking about the yard anymore.
“I miss her.” I whispered and kicked the invisible dust in front of me.
“I miss her too.” She brushed her arm against mine and sighed.
“You two were close?” I asked biting down on the inside of my cheek.
“Yeah, she was like the grandmother I never had.” I inhaled deeply wanting to touch her and kiss her but we were outside.
“Think she would have guessed that we would have ended up together?” She shrugged and stuck the tips of her fingers into her back pockets.
“She thought I was straight.” She inhaled deeply, her black hair gently flaring in the air because of the wind.
“I was never secretive about my sexuality.” She nodded and looked up into the fading blue sky.
“That’s one thing that I admire about you.” She said making me smile.
“At first everyone thought it was a phase but in time they accepted it.”
“You think my mom will come around like yours did?” I pressed my lips together and tilted my head to the side.
“Does Kylie love Ava?” She looked at me, her distinct pools watering onto the shore of her delicate cheeks.
“You know how to cheer me up don’t you?” A small smile spread across her lips as she wiped away a tear from each side of her face with the tips of her fingers.
“She’ll come around, I mean she did ‘experiment’ in the past.”
She chuckled, her chest lightly heaving up and down. “Your mom thought that mine is bisexual.” She shook her head.
“She probably is, but she’s faithful to your dad.” I said making her nudge me in the shoulder.
“She can’t be if she has a problem with me being gay.” She let out a deep breath and moved her hair from blowing against her face.
“I don’t know, only she can explain her reasons.” I grazed my hand against hers. “Let’s go inside, don’t think about that too much.” She forced a smile and nodded.
The next day, I once again woke up into the arms of the woman I loved, her soft breaths fanning against my skin, which giving me goosebumps. Looking at her, I saw that she was already awake and just staring at me. “Good morning beautiful.” She whispered followed by a yawn escaping her lips.
“You were staring at me while I slept?” She kissed my cheek, her lips lingering against my skin for a few moments.
“Just for a few minutes, you look like an angel while you snore.”
“I don’t snore.” I opposed making her giggle.
“If you say so.” She nuzzled her head into the crook of my neck.
“Bitch.” I grumbled.
“If we were in prison I’d happily be your bitch.” She whispered huskily into my ear.
“You’re too much.” I slipped my hand beneath her neck and wrapped it around her bare back, so that she could snuggle closer into me.
“You are so warm.” She mumbled placing the palm of her hand beneath my shirt to touch my stomach.
“You are topless.” I noticed, which made her nudge me with her knee.
“Isn’t that supposed to be a good thing?”
“I never said that it is not.” I snickered and kissed the top of her head.
“Oh, well then, it’s a good time to tell you that I don’t have on any underwear.”
“Really? And why not?” She shrugged. “Trying to initiate something?”
“Actually I just got out of the shower and instead of getting dressed I came back to bed to snuggle with you.”
“If you say so.” I mumbled making her move her hand further up my shirt.
“Okay, maybe I had different intentions.” She admitted. “How much persuasion would it take for you to allow me to go out with my friends tonight?”
“You don’t have to persuade me, you did not even have to ask me.”
“Yeah I know but there is one more thing.” I looked at her and she sighed. “My friends want you to come along.”
“Why?” I scooted away from her a little so that I could turn on my side.
“I don’t hang out with them much anymore, but it’s my friend Laura’s birthday, and she said to bring along ‘the hot chick’.”
I furrowed my brows, “the hot chick?”
“Ignore her use of words, so what do you say?” She gave me an exaggerated smile.
“Do I have to?”
“No, but it might be fun, and I do want you to meet them.” I pressed my lips together and thought for a moment.
“Do they know that you’re gay?” She shook her head.
“No, I would tell them now since I am coming out, but that might draw suspicion towards us, it’s best for the town to think that I’m straight.”
“Okay.” I said, knowing that it was for the best until I graduated at least. “I’ll go, and you can get dressed, I don’t want compensation for doing something for my girlfriend.”
“But… but…” She frowned. “I want you to play with me.” I moved her hair away from her face and smiled.
“You want me to play with you, or do you want me to lick you?” She sank her teeth into her bottom lip obviously intrigued.
“What is your girlfriend going to say if she finds out about us?” I arched my brow in question then realized it was part of role-play.
“She can join us but I want your pussy all to myself.” I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer.
IT WAS AROUND 1:00 in the afternoon by the time we finished getting ready. We had to meet Ava’s friends at Lauren’s house for 1:30. The reason why they were getting together so early was unknown to me.
Grandpa dropped us off, since he was heading out as well, and I found that I was getting more nervous by the minute. As we entered the house, Lauren letting us in, Ava hugged and wished her a ‘Happy Birthday’ and I did the same as well before Ava introduced us to each other.
We walked int
o the house and into the living room where the rest of her friends were mingling. “Alexander is taking me out for dinner later.” Lauren told Ava. “And since I really wanted to hang with my girls, I had to schedule our ‘let’s get drunk’ bash early.” She explained and I assumed that Alexander was her boyfriend.
“I’m not getting wasted Lauren, you know alcohol does not agree with me.” Lauren rolled her eyes.
“Ava, I thought you weren’t coming.” A blonde petite girl said.
“Oh good you brought her.” A redhead squealed making my eyebrows furrow. “I am Brianna.” She said stretching her hand out for me to take.
“I’m Kylie.” I said placing my hand in hers.
“Oh I know your name, my god, you are even more beautiful than I thought.” She said smiling widely.
“Brianna you are scaring the girl,” the blonde looked at me apologetically. “I’m Olivia.” She said and pulled me into a hug.
“Would you like a drink? We all have been doing shots since we got here.” Brianna said as she headed over to the liquor table in the room.
“I don’t think I should drink.”
“You’re a senior, that’s more than legal.” Olivia scoffed and Ava placed her hand on my shoulder.
“Enjoy yourself.” She whispered before she walked over to the table to help Brianna.
“Okay, so I know I told you guys not to get me any presents.” Lauren said and looked at us one after the other.
“I still got you a gift though.” Olivia said.
“Yeah I know Olivia, but I told you not to so you still have to do what I want.”
“What do you want?”
“No.” Ava said making me look at her. “I already told you that I am not playing that game.”
“But you have to, it’s my birthday.” She retorted.
“I can’t, my student is here, that is very inappropriate.” I rolled my eyes.
’‘I doubt Kylie’s a prude.” She looked at me. “Kylie?”
“What game are you talking about?”
“Strip Blackjack.” I shrugged and directed my gaze towards Ava. “Oh come on, it’s just for my birthday.”