McKenzie Cousins Box Set Four: Books Ten, Eleven, Twelve

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McKenzie Cousins Box Set Four: Books Ten, Eleven, Twelve Page 4

by Lexi Buchanan

  I searched his eyes and found nothing but truth as I let out a nervous breath. “I’ve never known anyone like you.”

  “That’s good. Like, really good!”

  I huffed out a surprised laugh. “Or confident.”

  He shook his head. “I’ve told you before, I’m not that confident around you. You mean something to me. It’s been building for months. Although, I wouldn’t wish the crash on anyone, there is part of me that’s glad it happened. It brought us together.”

  “Dylan?” I snapped.

  He stared at me in surprise.

  “Take me back to our room and get me hot and sweaty.”

  He paused and stayed unmoving.

  “I mean—” Had I seriously misjudged and made a fool of myself?

  Dylan shook his head and grabbed my hand. “Let’s go.”

  He pulled me to my feet, tossed some money onto the table and got me outside in a matter of seconds.

  We’d only taken a few steps when he pulled me to a stop, turned and slipped his hands under my jacket. “I need you,” he mumbled, and pressed our bodies together. There was no way I could miss the arousal behind his zipper. Then his mouth covered mine hungrily, hard and insistent. I tasted chocolate and desire on his tongue, and his kiss sent my belly into a wild pulse of arousal.

  His mouth brushed mine as he spoke, “I really need you.”

  “Let’s hurry,” I panted and took off running, laughing at the wince on Dylan’s face as he tried to move.

  We didn’t see anyone at the B&B when we entered and made our way up to the room. The moment we closed the door, the heat level certainly rose.



  My body instantly responded to the point that my dick hurt being trapped in denim. I let my hands slide down Jenna’s back and cupped her ass. I’d never considered myself an ass man… until now. She had a nice, firm shape and I squeezed, bringing her up against me. I ached for the girl and she knew it too.

  Seconds later, she tossed her jacket and sweater to the floor and attached herself to me. Her legs went around my waist and her arms around my neck. She wiggled and rocked. “I want you. Right here. Right now.” My eyes widened in surprise as she crushed her mouth against mine. Her tongue pressed between my lips and searched.

  It was time to take over the sexy girl in my arms. I wasn’t used to being led. I was usually the one leading. I backed her up against the door while I changed the direction of the kiss. I angled my mouth to the side and consumed her. The moan I caught in my mouth set my blood on fire. I was quickly losing control of the situation with how responsive Jenna was to my touch.

  Her body writhed against me in a frantic fight for what it wanted, and I found I was helpless to stop her or slow her down. Instead, I quickly opened her jeans and slid a hand between her legs. Her pussy was soaked as I cupped her and pressed a finger between the swollen lips. My finger slipped between and entered her. The moment I did, she grabbed my short hair and tugged my face down to hers, nipping and kissing me with wild abandonment.

  The palm of my hand pressed against her mound while my finger slipped in and out, making her wetter. I felt her clenching around that finger, and I swore I felt every wet suction in my balls. My dick was rock hard and pulsed in time to Jenna’s reaction.

  I was into this hot and quick sex, but, if I wasn’t careful, I’d come in my jeans with the way Jenna was going up in my arms. I used the door and my hips to keep her upright and moved my free hand to slip inside the back of her jeans. The moment I clenched her butt cheek in my hand, I fucked her hard with my finger. Seconds later, she came. She was bloody glorious when she did. Her head full of dark hair was thrown back and the keening moan she released drove me nuts. Not to mention the feel of her rippling around my finger. My dick pulsed. My heart raced. I couldn’t do anything about the way I reacted.

  Jenna twitched in my arms and wrapping her fingers around my wrist, she tugged my hand free. “No more.” She sighed once I moved my hand before she wiggled out of my hold, dragging her body down mine. I had to breathe deeply to prevent the explosion that had built in my balls.

  Breathing heavily, I slowly let her legs fall to the floor and held her steady. My cock was so damn hard and jerked when I saw a little bit of hair showing above her panties, which had lowered when my hand had been inside her pants.

  I couldn’t wait to get inside of her. “I want you naked,” my voice deserted me, and the words came out dark and husky.

  “That can be arranged.” She stepped backwards and quickly started to remove her clothing. When she reached to unclip the last garment, her bra, she raised a brow at me enjoying the show. “What are you waiting for?”

  I briefly met her amusement and quickly started tossing my boots and clothes every which way. My arousal had already grown to large proportions so the minute I was free of clothing, I lunged for her.

  She was ready.

  I kissed the life out of her and then positioned her over the back of the sofa. My hands caressed her bottom, her hips, and then my fingers delved between her legs. “God, Jenna. I can’t get enough of you,” I confessed as I slowly pushed my dick inside her wet pussy.

  She gripped my cock, building the pleasure low in my balls. Jenna moaned and arched up and against my body, an arm snaked around my neck, and she turned her beautiful face up to mine. “Kiss me,” she breathed against my lips.

  “My pleasure.” My lips captured hers as I wrapped an arm around her waist to keep her back plastered against my front. From this position I could watch her tits bounce when I slammed inside of her.


  My dick grew harder and she gave me an answering squeeze. I gasped and broke from the kiss, my eyes burned into hers with promise.

  Holding on to my release, it burned through my body, but I wanted to come when Jenna did. Not before. She had an amazing body and I couldn’t get enough, didn’t know what to concentrate on. My hands roamed and cupped her tits, enjoying the feel of her tight nipples rolling between my thumbs and fingers.

  Using my body, I tipped her forward over the sofa and, giving her nipples one last twist, I stood behind her, my hands going to her rounded hips. The thoughts running through my mind were dirty as fuck as I slowly pulled out and watched myself sink deep into her warmth. I repeated this, and hovered with my tip just inside, her arousal coating my cock. I squeezed her ass and felt her pussy tremble. Her breath whooshed out in a loud groan.

  “I’m seconds from coming,” I moaned, thrusting hard. “You’re so hot, Jenna.” My dick rubbed and pressed against the good places.

  “Yes,” she pleaded. “Me too.”

  Shuddering in pleasure, my release washed through me. I didn’t just feel my release in my dick, I felt it from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. Jenna rippled and sucked on my cock so hard that I was surprised it didn’t snap in two. It felt so good coming with her. I ground against her backside, allowing my release to pulsate deeply.

  Not sure how long the pleasure lasted, I took her with me as I slid to the floor. I tugged the covering from the sofa with me and wrapped it around us. “I will get you to the bed, but I don’t have the energy to go anywhere right now.”

  She turned in my arms and snuggled against my chest. My heart turned over with deep feelings for this girl. Not only did she make my pulse flutter, my cock hard, but I was beginning to realize she had my heart too, and probably had since she told me ‘to go fuck myself’.



  Dylan looked really hot as he slept beside me. During the night, the covers had been pushed down past his firm ass. I would miss this when we went back to Boston. We’d get back to school, and he’d be with his friends, while I was with the few I’d made. Ireland would be a distant memory for him. Or was I badly misjudging him? We needed to talk, but I didn’t want to stop being with him. I didn’t want him to think I was pushing for more than he was willing to give me.

  The soft vibration of a message co
ming through on my phone pulled my eyes from Dylan as I reached for it. I wish I hadn’t. A message from my uncle Isaac saying the roads were opened and he was on his way for us. My heart sank with disappointment. Imagining my time with Dylan being over once back in Boston, it was heart wrenching that our time together here was suddenly coming to an end.

  “Hey, what’s up?” Dylan’s husky tone travelled over my skin sending goose bumps down my spine, and elsewhere. He raised a brow and snaked an arm across my stomach to pull me down with him, our naked bodies intertwining. He cupped the back of my neck and used his thumb to caress along my cheek. “Tell me why you looked upset?” he asked softly.

  Inhaling was a mistake because Dylan’s scent teased my senses. I snuggled closer and buried my nose in the crook of his neck. “My uncle is on his way to pick us up. The roads have been cleared.”

  “I guess that means separate bedrooms, huh? I can always sneak into yours.” Dylan’s other hand slipped down and rubbed my bottom, pressing me closer until his erection lay thickly along my groin. He dipped and nibbled on my lips. “I can’t get enough of you Jenna. Your uncle isn’t going to keep us apart.”

  Moaning against his mouth, I gave in to what I wanted, which was Dylan. I wanted to feel him moving inside of me. Feel his sweaty body above me. “Do you mean that? You really want me?”

  He raised up and stared down into my eyes. “Jenna, what am I going to do with you?”

  I grinned wickedly as I wrapped my hand around his penis. He caught his breath and his eyes drifted closed the more I stroked. “I think I know what you’re going to do with me. To me.”

  Panting hard, he whispered, “You’d be right,” as he moved and knelt between my spread thighs.

  I couldn’t take my eyes from the sexy, naked guy kneeling before me. Just the sight made my heart pound and the ache between my legs grew.

  Watching him through my lower lids, my legs twitched when he took hold of his thick penis. I enjoyed watching him touch himself and that made it hotter. My lower belly quivered with pleasure and my breath became heavy. He dropped his hands to my legs and caressed my skin up to my hips. His fingers left a trail of fire. He pressed the root of his cock between my legs sending tingling sensations swirling around in my pussy. He slowly rocked while his hands found my breasts. His fingers teased at my dark nipples making them tight with need, and then his dark head dipped, and he poked his tongue out, lapping at each nipple. Goose bumps covered my flesh. He had me so lost. I wiggled and arched. Moaned and sighed. I had a hard time catching my breath.

  I tangled my fingers in his hair and tugged his head up so that his eyes met my gaze. “I’m aching for you Dylan,” I whispered against his lips before I captured them. Moaning into his mouth, he pressed me down against the bed. He shivered when my legs wrapped around his hips. My feet slipped down his butt and fell between his legs. I held on and pressed and rubbed against his penis making him, impossibly, harder.

  “Now, Dylan,” I begged. “Please.”

  Dylan moved his hips and reached between his legs. His own touch caused him to leak with excitement, but it was nothing compared to how it felt to have the head of his penis hovering just inside me. I squeezed him so hard that his eyes crossed.

  “Jesus,” he cursed and exhaled. “Give me a minute.” The moment he filled me, he trembled on the edge. “My heart is pounding, and my balls are so fucking swollen that I’m going crazy.”

  I dug my fingers into Dylan’s shoulders. I had no control over the way my pussy grabbed hold of his cock and wouldn’t let it go. He caught his breath and slowly slid out to the tip before he glided back inside. I quivered around him, knowing I was on the brink of release.

  When I smiled up into his eyes, I knew we were in trouble. With one hard clench of my muscles, we both fell into release. His penis jerked, the warm release touching something inside of me. I quivered and pulsated through the height of my own pleasure, never wanting to let go of this beautiful man I’d fallen in love with.

  Dylan wrapped me tightly in his arms and captured my lips with his, the kiss burning me up while his hips slowly rocked. He slowly slipped free of my body and rolled off of me to his back. I felt chilled until he grabbed me up in his arms and tucked me against his body, yanking the cover over us. “How long do you think it will take your uncle to get here?”

  “The snow will make it a longer journey, so maybe a couple of hours.”

  “Then we’ll stay under the covers as long as we can.” He kissed my forehead. “I don’t know what you were really thinking before, but to clear something up.” He kissed me again, his arms tightening. “You and me, we’re not just a holiday romance. You’re my girl, Jenna. Get used to it.”

  Tears gathered on my lashes. “Really?”

  Dylan lifted my face to his and kissed me gently on the lips. “Yes, really.” He smiled, brushing my tears away. “We’ll just have to be creative to get time alone while we’re with your family.” He nuzzled into my neck and rubbed along my back. “I can get very creative.”

  “Hmm, I bet you can.”

  “How much time do we have left here?” Dylan wiggled his brows.

  Laughing, I grabbed his ass. “Enough.”



  Isaac was a character! From his accent to the way he chatted the entire drive back to his home in the wilds of Ahascragh, which, before we’d even travelled an hour, Jenna was fast asleep on the backseat. She looked really cute with her curls popping from the bottom of the wooly hat on her head. I’d yet to see the temper redheads were known for. I smiled imagining how hot she’d look when she was all worked up. She seriously underestimated her attraction to the male population. I’d seen others looking at her, and I hadn’t liked it. Now she was my girl, I’d have the right to show them who she’d chosen to be with.

  The sudden sound of a throat being cleared drew my gaze to Isaac who looked between his niece and me. I was twenty-one and felt like I was blushing as my younger self would have done. “She’s cute.” I shrugged and leaned forward to gently shake Jenna on the shoulder. I actually wanted to bend and kiss her sweet lips but thought better of it.

  Her sleepy eyes opened and the smile that started to spread across her face did things to my heart. She was sexy and made me want to crawl on top of her and continue what we’d been doing earlier. Luckily, she remembered where we were and her eyes widen, glancing over my shoulder.

  “Uncle Isaac, are we there yet?” she grinned and laughed. “I can’t believe I slept most of the way here.”

  “You slept all the way here,” Isaac grumbled. “While Dylan spent his time yawning his head off.” He glanced between us, huffed and opened the boot, not the trunk, of his car where our luggage was stored.

  Jenna slipped out of the car and winked before she joined her uncle. Me, I leaned against the car and looked up to the sky as snow started to fall again. Isaac knew something was going on between us. I hadn’t hidden it well there at the end. I didn’t actually care. I didn’t care who knew. Jenna was a girl in a million, and she was mine. At the same time, I didn’t want to embarrass her with her family. Maybe she’d find it awkward.

  “Too tired to help?” Jenna dropped my bag at my feet and raised a brow. “I enjoyed getting you that way,” she added in a whisper. “Really enjoyed.”

  I rolled my eyes and picked my bag up. “I know what you’re doing.”

  “What am I doing?”

  “You’re trying to see how long it takes before I have you in my arms. Pushing my buttons.”

  “How am I doing?”

  “I don’t think you’d appreciate it if I pinned you up against your uncle’s house and had my wicked way with you. Like, right now,” I hissed, and leaned in, and whispered, “I can’t stop thinking about what it feels like to have my cock buried deep inside your wet pussy.”

  “Dylan! That isn’t fair.”

  I grinned and indicated for her to go ahead of me into the farmhouse. It was exactly as I’d pictured i
t inside; a large, green range cooker was across the kitchen and an open fire blazed in the small hearth in the family area— the combination made the room toasty warm.


  “Aunt Meg,” Jenna replied, running toward the older woman.

  They hugged and Jenna held her hand out toward me. I glanced between her hand and her face and thought fuck it. I dropped my bag and took her hand.

  “This is Dylan McKenzie.” Jenna squeezed my hand and let go, but not before her Aunt noticed.

  “Dylan, it’s nice to meet you. Your father didn’t tell me what a handsome devil you are.” She smiled and laughed. “I’m Megan McCormick, Isaac’s better half, but most people call me Meg.”

  “Thank you for having me, Meg.”

  “Anything for a McKenzie,” Isaac said, making himself comfortable at the kitchen table. “Sit, have a brew and then I’ll show you to your rooms.” He watched me closely as he spoke.

  “That would be grand.”

  Jenna nudged my ankle under the table. “Grand?” She smirked.

  “Hey, don’t knock my attention to detail.” I nudged into Jenna and then indicated with my head toward Isaac and Meg when they exchanged looks between each other.

  Jenna grinned. “Nothing is secret around you, Dylan McKenzie.”

  “She’s my girlfriend,” I said and grinned having spoken those words for the first time. “It has a nice ring to it.”

  “We’d already guessed that.” Meg stood with her hands on her hips, a dishcloth hanging from one side. “You’ve done nothing but look at each other since you walked in.”


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