McKenzie Cousins Box Set Four: Books Ten, Eleven, Twelve

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McKenzie Cousins Box Set Four: Books Ten, Eleven, Twelve Page 9

by Lexi Buchanan

  Ryan blinks a few times and, leaning forward, searches my eyes. "You're not shitting me? You do have someone?" He grins. "You're in love?"

  “Yeah, I am.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  I drop my head and run my fingers through my hair. "I found her," I raise my gaze and hold Ryan's, "except she was with a guy, and they had their arms around each other."

  “Hmm,” Ryan mumbles. “Did you see them kiss? Get hot and heavy?”

  I shake my head.

  “Then she can’t be that into him. I’d go and talk to her this time because from the sound of things you didn’t—”


  Ryan starts drying glasses. "If she won't listen, then use some McKenzie charm.”

  “I refuse to use high school language to get a girl.”

  “You can laugh now, but I’m telling you, the ladies like the kid in a guy. They think it’s cute.”

  “I think I’m going to puke.”

  "Don't be so dramatic." His gaze focuses off behind me, but I don't pay attention. "Holy, motherfucker!” He gulps. “You need to look. She has legs going on for miles and a tiny dress. If she bends over—oh, fuck! She’s pregnant.” Ryan swiftly drops his gaze to his hands, embarrassed.

  “Serves you right.”

  “She’s coming over.” Ryan slams the empty glass down and disappears round to the back of the bar, leaving me to fend off the woman.

  Typical of him.

  Wanting the woman to veer off in a different direction, I keep my head down. I also can't help hoping Sian has found someone else. I'll at least have to tell her I'm leaving—see if she wants a lift home. I certainly won't be going in for coffee.

  While I’m thinking up ways of avoiding the female population, everything happens at once.

  “Jaxon,” I barely hear, whispered in a smoky voice from my right, that can only belong to one woman.

  At the same time, arms wrap around my neck from the left. "Come dance, Jaxon," Sian laughs, rubbing against me.

  I jump up and turn around so fast that I have to reach out to catch Sian before I send her to the floor. The moment she’s on her feet, I meet the watering green eyes belonging to Poppy.

  She’s here in front of me?

  She swallows hard, and her chin wobbles as she looks between me and Sian, who continues to cling.

  My eyes eat up the beautiful woman in front of me, and it takes a few moments for my brain to register, that she's cradling her belly—her swollen belly. I quickly lift my gaze and stare, lost for words.

  As a tear slips down her face, she turns and flees through the crowd.

  Hearing a fist slam down on the bar, I turn and face Ryan. “You’re an idiot.” He leaps over the bar and follows Poppy, and that’s when I try to follow.

  Sian grips my arm tightly. “You’re out with me,” she snarls. “You shouldn’t look at anyone else when you’re on a date.”

  “I’m not on a date. I’m with you!” I hiss. “And, it had been Poppy in Reception asking for a cab. She'd been to see me." Her eyes betray the lie she told. "Rob,” I catch the bartender’s eye, “make sure she gets a cab home." He nods, so I take off after Poppy and Ryan.

  Sweaty bodies crowd around as I shove my way through looking for my brother. He's taller than Poppy and stands out. Luckily, I see him with his head bent close to my girl.

  What is he saying to her?

  Ryan isn't stupid. He'll have worked out the situation within a blink of time. I can only hope he doesn't let her leave before I can get to her.

  When I'm a breath away, he wraps an arm around her shoulders and leads her along the dark hallway to where the offices are. I slowly follow, my eyes on the sway of her dress over her bottom as she walks. She's a sexy woman, especially in the boots that give a tantalizing peek of firm thighs. I swallow hard, remembering how she looks without the barrier of clothing, causing my dick to go rigid—not such a good idea with Ryan about to be a witness.

  Upon entering Ryan's office, I tug my jacket closed and fasten one of the buttons to hold it together. Not sure it's much protection with how fitted my suit is. Ryan takes one look at me and hides a laugh with a cough, the asshole.

  Poppy sits, and my eyes stray to her bared thighs, as do my brothers. Any closer and I would have yanked him from the room so he can't look at her anymore. I narrow my gaze and hold his office door open, waiting for him to leave.

  Ryan raises a brow and drops his ass onto his desk, crossing his arms with a grin on his face. "I think you have some explaining to do, Jaxon Ruben McKenzie."

  Narrowing my eyes, I glare in return. "Get out, Ryan, and let me talk to Poppy."

  “It’s my office.”

  “You’re seriously going to be an asshole about this?” I question, desperate to have Poppy to myself.

  "Okay." He moves to the door. "But I want a proper introduction afterward." He opens the door and just as I'm about to breathe a sigh of relief, he steps back inside. "Please don't have sex in my office."

  “Get out.” I shove him out and lock the door.

  Leaning against it, I hold Poppy’s gaze. “You left me.”

  The moment those words leave my lips, Poppy’s lips wobble, and tears hover on her long eyelashes. Cursing myself, I stride forward, cup the back of her head, and cover her trembling mouth with mine. Her gasp of surprise and the hunger I feel in her as she returns my kiss, sends all my blood south—every drop. My cock throbs behind the zipper while I slowly gentle the kiss. I can’t quite pull away from the beautiful woman yet and trail my lips over her cheekbones, her eyes, and before I pull away, I kiss the corners of her mouth in a feather-like caress.

  With a soft touch, I run my hands over her dark brown hair before I cradle her face between my palms. “I’m sorry, Poppy,” I whisper. “I’m an idiot.” Wincing, at my choice of words, I hesitate and remove my hands. If I’m not mistaken, she looks disappointed that I’m no longer touching her.

  Forcing myself to take the seat next to her, I admit, "I shouldn’t have said that."

  “Why? It’s true,” she whispers.

  “I wanted to wake up with you, but I found your note instead.”

  “One night, Jaxon.”

  I glance at her swollen belly and find I'm unable to move my eyes elsewhere. "That's all it took, huh? The best night of my life, and I'm going to be a Dad."

  Tears fall from Poppy’s eyes. “You’re engaged?”

  “What?” I shoot the question out so fast in shock. “There’s been no one since you. Why would you think I’m engaged?”

  Where the hell, did she get that idea from?

  “The girl.” Poppy indicates with her head, her hands trembling. “She also said you weren’t in work for two weeks when I enquired after you at the McKenzie building.”


  "That girl is a shark. She lied to you. Both times. I have zero interest in Sian. I'm only here tonight because I thought I saw you leave the company in a cab. I needed answers, and Sian would only tell me if I came for a drink with her." I sigh. "I should have viewed the security feed." I offer her an encouraging smile. "I'm going to be a Dad, Poppy?"

  Chewing on her bottom lip, she replies softly, “Yes.” Dabbing at her eyes, she adds, “That’s why I’m here.”

  Disappointment hits right in my chest. “The only reason?”

  Holding my gaze, she asks, “What else could there be?”

  I swallow around the lump in my throat and moving to crouch in front of her, I admit, "I was never after only one night, Poppy.” I take her hands into mine. “I know it’s easy for me to say that now, however, it’s the truth. I was disappointed you left before I woke up.”

  “I had a flight to catch,” she whispers. “I wasn’t planning on coming back.”

  I frown and pull away, pacing in the small space Ryan calls an office. "If it weren't for me getting you pregnant, you wouldn't be here, right?"

  She drops her gaze into her lap and nods. “My brother didn
’t want me to find you. I couldn’t do it without giving you a chance to be part of this.”


  I get a sinking feeling in the pit of my belly at hearing she has a brother. “Do you live with him?”

  “I have done since I went home. Yes.” She frowns. “Why?”

  "No reason." Changing the subject, I ask, "Where are you staying?"

  “Hotel in town.”

  I shake my head. "I want you to move in with me." I'm not sure who's more startled at my words, Poppy or me. "I don't want you staying in a hotel when you can be more comfortable at my home." Running my fingers through my hair while I'm thinking up a plan, it hits me that moving in with me isn't going to be as straightforward as it could be. "I still live at home." I wince. “It’s not ideal, but Mom wanted me close after being away at school for the last few years.” I shrug. “I’ve been preoccupied, so the last thing on my mind was finding my own place.”

  Smiling softly, she says, “I’m fine at the hotel.”

  "No. I want you with me. I want to look after you and the baby. Please, Poppy." Standing in front of her, she raises her face so she can look at me. "You came to tell me about the baby. Well, now I know, and you are not in this alone. I want to be part of everything from this point forward."

  Standing, she ends up brushing against me. On instinct, I reach out and place my hands on her hips. Poppy gasps at my touch and quickly meets my gaze. I smile, knowing she wants me just as much as I want her.

  “I’m nervous about what you’re asking, Jaxon. Your parents?”

  "Leave them to me. But I need you to know that you're welcome. Mom will be excited to have another grandchild on the way. Trust me on this." I squeeze her hips, and add, “Plus, my brother, who you’ve already met, will love nothing more than to tease me about knocking you up.”

  Raising a brow, I get the first real smile out of her. "Ryan is quite the charmer."

  I frown.

  Poppy isn’t looking at my brother, is she?

  “Tonight, I’ll go back to the hotel and speak with my brother.”

  "I'll drive you there, and then I'll pick you up in the morning." I step away and take her hand into mine, kissing her knuckles, my eyes on her. "Don't worry about anything, okay? I'll make sure you are taken care of. I promise Poppy."

  “I believe you.” She chews her lip. “I’m not sure my brother will be as easily persuaded.” Shrugging her shoulders, she moves further away. “I didn’t come here expecting you to ask me to move in with you. You had the right to know about the baby. That’s why I’m here.”

  Shaking my head, I tell her, “I want you close to me, so let’s make no mistake about that. I’m not willing to let you walk away again. Your brother will have to deal with it.” I grin. “Perhaps I should come and talk to him.”

  “God, no!” Poppy gives an awkward laugh. “Trust me. I need to be the one to talk to him.” She pauses. “No matter what. I will be ready for you in the morning.” Inhaling, she adds, “Are you sure about your parents’ though?”

  I grin. “My parents’ are embarrassing, but they will be happy to meet you and baby bump. They’ll also start getting on Ryan’s ass to settle down with one girl. I can’t wait for that.”

  “I have a feeling I might get free entertainment.”

  “Oh! You will that.” I take her elbow and lead her away from the office and out through the backdoor. “Don’t worry about anything.”

  My hand flexes with an itch to cover her bump. I want to press against our baby and tell the bean that I’ll protect him or her. My head is dizzy with everything running through my mind. Relief runs through my blood with how easily she agreed to move in with me, though. I am surprised. How long will she stay? Until the baby is born or forever?

  One way or another, I’m going to make sure she has every reason to stay in Lexington with me.



  Furious is the only word to describe David this morning. He’d been in his room when I’d gotten back to the hotel last night, and I'd been glad.

  After talking with Jaxon and having his hands touching me, his mouth making love with mine, I’d felt tingly and hot. I’d needed my space to think about what I had agreed too. I'm a grown woman and shouldn't need to move in with Jaxon and his family. I do have money put away, not to mention my apartment. If I'd been thinking correctly, I'd have gone there instead of to my brother’s house. I should have known better. I’d been upset and confused and gone to my only family.

  While he steams and paces outside of my room, I pack a bag so that I'm ready when Jaxon arrives. I will come back for my other belongings. I don't want to prolong his contact with David because I'm worried about what my brother will say. He doesn't know my feelings for Jaxon, or maybe he does. However, he thinks Jaxon saw an opportunity with me and took it.

  Sighing, I zip the bag and glance at the door. I need to go out there and face David before I leave. Casting a glance toward the window, I can’t help wishing I was already away from here and the disappointment I’ll see on David’s face.

  “Better get this over with,” I mutter to myself, leaving the sanctuary of my bedroom.

  David stops pacing and faces me, albeit warily. "Why?" he says. "Why won't you let me look after you and the baby?"

  I swallow hard. “Because Jaxon is the baby’s father.”

  "You wanted this when you came here, didn't you? You had no intention of coming back with me?" David steps closer, and nerves jump in my belly. “You’re making a big mistake going with this guy. You don’t know anything about him!”

  “Stop shouting.” I move and sit on the sofa. “I can’t handle you like this. You know I came here to tell Jaxon. I didn’t expect him to want me to move in with him. I was surprised and agreed.”

  "He only wants the baby! You know that, right? The baby, Poppy. His family has money. Remember that." David storms into his bedroom, the door slamming behind him.

  Tears prickle behind my eyes as I slowly pull myself up from the sofa. My legs carry me toward the bedroom. In seconds I’m out of the hotel room and heading down into the lobby. Just in time too.

  Jaxon seems nervous as he looks around the lobby, but when his eyes land on me, his mouth splits into a grin, and his happiness shines in his eyes. My mouth wobbles as I try to smile back, and I watch as Jaxon’s smile turns into a frown. He rushes over and cups my face, drying my tears with his thumbs. “You’re upset. Why?”

  Releasing my bag, I wrap my arms around his waist and bury my face against his chest. It feels soothing when he slides his fingers through my hair and holds me close. His long-sleeved t-shirt is thin, and the heat from his body warms me up.

  “You’re sneaking away? Poppy?” David hisses from behind.

  Jaxon stills, and his hold on me tightens as though he expects my brother to take me away from him. I guess that's what Jaxon is doing—taking me away from David.

  “You must be Poppy’s brother? I’m Jaxon McKenzie.” Jaxon moves me into his side and offers his hand, which gets ignored.

  Pulling myself together, I glare at David. “I left while you were occupied elsewhere to prevent this kind of confrontation.” I pause and press against Jaxon, wanting to get closer, needing his reassurance that I’m doing the right thing.

  Jaxon presses a kiss to my forehead and whispers, “I have you.”

  "David, you're the only family I have left. My best friend." I wince slightly at my admission. "At least you were until you became possessive of me, and I don't understand why."

  David glances around and whispers under his breath, "This isn't the place for this discussion." He hesitates and then, stepping forward, kisses me on the cheek. "You’re my best friend too, sis.”

  Then he’s gone.

  Breathing a sigh of relief, I grab my bag, and have it taken from me. "I'll take this." Jaxon winks, and briefly swoops in for a kiss, causing my belly to flutter with excitement.

  He's gorgeous. Worn pale denim fit his thighs and
butt to perfection, and the white long-sleeved t-shirt brings out his tan and certainly shows his arms as they flex. Jaxon smirks as he catches me checking him out.

  I smile and raise a brow.

  Laughing, he takes my hand and walks me out front to where he’s left the car.

  After I'm comfortable in the car, he tosses my bag into the trunk, and then we're moving out of the city.

  Jaxon keeps passing sidelong glances in my direction. I know this because I can't take my eyes from his profile. The man had snared my attention from the moment I'd laid eyes on him. I hadn't been looking for anyone, and I hadn't intended to let anything come of the attraction I later discovered was mutual. In the end, I'd decided life was too short and went for what I wanted in a roundabout way.

  “Tell me about your brother,” Jaxon asks.

  Sighing softly, I stare out of the front window and decide where to start. "My brother and I are complicated." I give him my attention. He's a much more exciting view. "David is older and put me through college when our parents died. I owe him a lot, and I guess he's my home. When things get tough, I've always run to him. Like I did after my night with you."

  Closing my eyes, I rub at the tension I feel across my brow. “David can be possessive, as you’ve witnessed. He worries about me.”

  "This time is different, right? I sensed something more." Jaxon quickly glances at me before turning his attention back on the road.

  "I'm not sure what's going on with him. He didn't want me to come with you." I shrug. "He didn't want me to come and find you either."

  His hands tighten around the steering wheel and his jaw clenches. “I’m glad you did.” Stopped at the lights, he turns and gives me such a heated look that my face flushes a deep red. He grins and clears his throat.

  I’m so easy were Jaxon is concerned.

  Wiggling around in the seat, I let my eyes drift closed as the gentle rocking motion of the car makes me sleepy.




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