McKenzie Cousins Box Set Four: Books Ten, Eleven, Twelve

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McKenzie Cousins Box Set Four: Books Ten, Eleven, Twelve Page 14

by Lexi Buchanan

  Giggling, Poppy hides her face against Jaxon’s chest.

  “You need to get laid,” Jaxon comments.

  “And you need to take your girl home,” I say, grinning. “Otherwise, I’ll call Dad.” I wink and move away, hiding how miserable I’m suddenly feeling.

  My family would laugh if they knew the carefree bachelor was lonely. Don’t get me wrong, as much as I love babies, I’m in no rush to become a Dad. Thought alone scares me to death—a small baby relying on me for everything. I shudder at the thought. However, having a girl to call my own has started to sound nice. Really nice in fact.

  Clearing my throat, I ignore the smirk on Rob’s face as he joins me. “The ladies at the far end have been asking about you?”

  My eyes stray in that direction, and on any other night, I’d be over there, sweet-talking my way inside the girl’s panties. Not tonight. Tonight, I’m going home alone.

  “You’re not going to go over and talk to her?” Rob questions. “Are you coming down with something?” He presses his hand to my forehead, which I knock away laughing.

  “Asshole!” I hiss and give him my back.

  I hear him laughing as he moves down the bar to entertain the girls with his version of charm and wit.

  Shaking my head, I occupy myself with drying glasses. I may be the boss, but I’m a firm believer in digging in with the rest of the staff. I’d be bored out of my mind stuck in an office all day and night.

  As it is, the crowd has thinned out, meaning I don’t need to be involved in the serving of drinks.

  Unable to help myself, I cast my eyes over the large room once again and don’t find what I’m looking for or rather whom I’m looking for.

  “She’s in the far corner,” Rob laughs when my eyes snap to his. “She’s hot. Don’t blame you for looking.”

  I scowl and ignoring Rob, my eyes search the dark corners of the club. My heart flutters when the lights briefly catch her red hair. Since I last saw Gretchen, I’d only have to walk past a woman with red hair and I’d be taking a second glance—hoping it would be Gretchen even though I had no idea what I would have done had it been her.

  My cousin, Alexander, would have known how to get in touch with her if I’d only asked. I hadn’t, no matter how tempted I’d been. Gretchen and I, had been at a different place in our lives.

  I’d been managing Kenza alone for twelve months, and she’d looked so young—a college student. A clever one as well from what I discovered online. Social media isn’t something she took a lot of time over, but there had been posts now and again. The photos saved on my phone were buried, so only I knew how to bring them up. I’m not a stalker, but I couldn’t help myself from checking her out, seeing what was happening in her life.

  It's the first time I’ve seen her in the flesh since the night she knocked me on my ass with such a powerful kiss.

  “If you clean that glass anymore, it’s going to break.”

  Blinking, I force my eyes to the glass in my hands. “Okay, smartass.” I laugh and snap the hand towel on his arm.

  He grabs it and snapping it back, tosses it at me. “That’s why you hired me.”

  “Shut the fuck up, and announce we’re closing in ten minutes.”

  I refrain from looking for Gretchen because she mixes me up inside. Hopefully, she won’t keep coming back to the club. Lifting my hand, I rub the ache in my chest as I admit the lie. I do want her in my club. I want her in here, alone, sitting at the bar with her attention on me alone.

  Rubbing a hand down my face, I sigh, feeling tired and damn lonely. The woman from earlier appears, moving toward me like she has a mission. I know what she expects from me. However, I’m not inclined to give her that. I’ve been going through the motions with countless women. It isn’t what I want. Not any longer.

  My family knows me as the one who likes to play. Thanks to Jaxon hooking up with the Prof, I’m the only single one amongst the family now. I enjoyed being single. Now, I think I want what my cousins have—a real home with a girl of my own.

  “You look tired,” the woman says in a voice meant to entice. “I’m sure I could”—she glances to my groin and back—“wake you up.” Her pouty red lips do nothing for me. She is attractive and perhaps if I hadn’t seen Gretchen tonight, I would have taken the woman in front of me up on what she is offering. Then again, maybe not.

  Stepping back, I say, “We’re closing.” I nod toward the exit. “Have a nice evening.”

  Her gasp of surprise hits my ears as I turn and walk away. Rob stares from his position behind the bar, and I give him the finger as I head down the hallway and into the office.

  Dropping my tired ass into the chair behind the large mahogany desk, I sit back and try and relax. The desk I casually rest my feet on has been in this office since before I was born. My dad had hauled it in here with one of his brothers before the club had opened.

  Sighing heavily, I find relaxing is easier said than done when my head is full of thoughts of Gretchen. I want to be selfish and take what I want from her. However, I already know that I’ll want a whole lot more than I ever have from anyone with Gretchen.

  Her sweet innocence has played hell with my mind and body since that night and I have a feeling it’s going to be worse than ever now she’s reappeared in my life. The sexy innocent needs a man who isn’t a flirt or manwhore. A scowl creeps onto my face at the last thought. I need to change so I’m the only man she’ll look at.

  Not only do I want her trust, but I need to figure out exactly what else I do want from her because I don’t have a fucking clue how to be a boyfriend. Boyfriend. I like the sound of that. Not too long ago, I’d run like hell if that word was mentioned. For now, I’m going to give myself six months to live like a fucking monk. No partying. No dating. And definitely, no sex. I can do this with Gretchen being the end game.

  Six months.

  I can do this!



  Ryan McKenzie behind the bar of his family-owned club looks more enticing than he had been the night he’d kissed me in the most fantastic way. A way that I haven’t been able to forget. His lips hadn’t just pressed gently against mine—they’d been firm and demanding. His tongue had been hot and slippery. My body had become swollen and achy with a need I hadn’t experienced before or since.

  In the dark corner that I’ve moved to after he’d spotted me in the opposite corner, I still have the perfect view of him. The man oozes testosterone. He dresses in black jeans, fitted to his firm ass. His black button-down is open at the neck, stretching across his chest as he moves. Don’t get me started on the strength I see in his arms. The shirt has been pushed up his forearms and his biceps strain against the fabric. What I wouldn’t give to have those arms around me again—to be pressed tightly against his body so that his erection gets trapped between us. I’ve imagined many times what it would feel like to have his long thick cock sliding inside of me…of course, having never had one inside of me before, it’s hard to imagine properly.

  I’ve waited a long time to come back to Lexington and see Ryan. I’d wanted to find out whether or not my reaction to him that New Year had been blown way out of proportion. Looking at him now, I knew it hadn’t. I’m sure he recognized me, so why hadn’t he acknowledged the fact? Perhaps, that evening hadn’t been as memorable to him as it had been to me. I mean, it had changed my whole life in the seconds our mouths had connected, and our bodies had pressed together.

  My head is telling me to leave this alone—go back to Boston and forget all about Ryan McKenzie. It’s what I should do. However, I’m not ready to do that yet. Over the next week, I’ll do everything I can to attract his attention to the point that he approaches me because I’m not sure I dare to approach him.

  Not like the woman who approaches him now with all her curves visible and breasts larger than melons. Her fingernails flash under the light, and Ryan barely misses those claws. I smile as he shakes his head and backs away from the woman. He sna
ps something to her, and then gives the bartender the finger, before he disappears down the ‘staff only’ hallway.

  My heart pounds, knowing he turned her away. Is it because he’s seen me? My belly is full of nerves making me feel unsettled at the thought. I want to hope I had something to do with that rejection I witnessed. Ryan won’t have behaved with the women—that I do know. I’m aware of his reputation just like I had been all those years ago.

  Not liking the way my thoughts have turned, I move toward the bar and place my empty glass on the black granite surface.

  “I’m Rob.” The bartender appears and moving my glass out of his way, leans on the bar. “I’ve noticed you like the boss, huh?” He grins. “And you are?”

  Heat creeps onto my face. “Gretchen.”

  “Nice name.” He glances around and adds under his breath, “Will we see you tomorrow night?”

  Nodding, I swallow around the lump in my throat. “I’ll be here.”

  “Good. I think it’s going to be fun.”

  I frown, wondering what he meant by fun and move through Kenza to the street outside. The Uber I ordered is waiting, so I jump inside. After confirming my destination, I settle back for the short five-minute journey. I would have walked, however, at two o’clock in the morning, I grab a ride.

  The 21c Museum Hotel is central, modern, and welcoming. I tip the Uber driver and have the door opened by the hotel doorman, who has a warm smile.

  “Did you have a good evening?” he enquires while I retrieve the keycard I have to use if I want the elevator to move upwards—it doubles as a room key.

  “I did. Thank you.”

  In minutes, I’m locked behind my bedroom door and I let out a deep sigh.

  I did it.

  I went on my own to a nightclub. Not only did I do that with my knees trembling, but I stayed for hours watching Ryan.

  He probably thinks I’m a stalker or something, which is, um, maybe a little bit accurate. I’m not crazy or anything, though.

  Kicking my shoes off, I flex my aching toes after they’ve been squished in the high heels all evening.

  The soft pile carpet feels good as I move into the bathroom, stripping my clothing as I go. The cold air conditioning pebbles my nipples, making them ache. I turn the shower on and while I’m waiting for it to warm up, I look at myself in the mirror over the sink. I spread my fingers over my hips and move them to my flat belly.



  “She’s here again,” Rob says.

  I glance at him with a brow raised when he indicates with his head toward the dark corner closest to the bar.

  My heart lurches in my chest as I move away from my annoying friend and assistant manager. It takes control not to stare in the direction Rob indicated. Instead, I continue placing cleaned glasses back on the shelves and slowly cast my eyes around the room. I try not to be too obvious about it…and then there she is.

  The moment my eyes focus on the girl, she quickly averts her gaze. I smile, knowing she’s watching me as closely as I’m going to be watching her. I’m under no illusion that the sexy girl knows exactly who I am. Just like I know exactly who she is—the girl I’ve been unable to forget. On nights alone, I remember the feel of her lips on mine. I remember the way she’d clung to me—her soft curves against my harder shape. My cock had been so hard from the moment our lips had met that an hour later, I’d been in the shower with my hand for pleasure.

  Giving my back to the growing crowd, I quickly slip my hand into my jeans and straighten my throbbing dick. I get some relief now that it’s not squashed. Knowing she’s so close yet so far is a cause of frustration.

  Rob laughs as he moves past my loitering figure to reach for a new bottle of vodka. “What’s gotten into you?” he asks on his way back to finish making the cocktail.


  “That’s what women say when they mean everything is wrong.”

  “Shut up,” I hiss. “Don’t I pay you to serve the customers?”

  “Don’t worry, I won’t be charging you extra for the advice.”

  “I should hope not considering you haven’t given me any.”

  Rob pauses. “Go and talk to her.” He grins. “That’s your advice!”

  “Idiot,” I mumble. “I have paperwork to do.”

  Rob grins and shakes his head.

  A guy is allowed to go and work—hide—in his office.

  Without one more glance in Gretchen’s direction, I forcibly shove my sleeves up. I come to a surprising stop when I recognize my cousin blocking the way through to the office.

  My grin widens as we hug tight. Levi is a second cousin. He’s the son of my father’s cousin, Dante De La Fuente and his wife, Emelia. Growing up, we’d see a lot of Levi and his sister, Emma, because they lived in Essex, Vermont, while the rest of their family lived in Montana.

  “Not that I’m complaining,” I say, my arm around his shoulders while leading him to the office, “but, to what do I owe this visit?”

  Levi grins. “I’ve finally got the money together to open another Emelia’s here in Lexington.” He laughs.

  “Sooner rather than later, huh?”

  “Hmm.” He sits back in the guest chair and rests an ankle on his knee while he debates how to say what he’s here for. I know him that well.

  “Go in with me.”

  I blink a few times, thinking I’ve misheard and Levi laughs. “Never thought I’d see the day you’re left speechless.”

  Shaking my head, I reply, “We talked about this years ago.”

  Levi nods. “When your parents took you, Sofia and Jaxon, on holiday to Vermont.”

  I frown. “You wouldn’t stop looking at Sofia as I recall.”

  “What can I say she was hot. Still is.”

  My frown deepens and he laughs. “Sofia is like a sister to me, get your head out of your ass.”

  “Leave my sister out of this and you might have a deal.” I sit forward, resting my hands on the desk. “Do you think this could work between us?”

  “I don’t see why not. It’s what we used to talk about as teenagers. As adults, you’ve been managing Kenza for years. I’ve been managing Emelia’s in Essex alongside my sister for three years. I’ve talked to Emma about this and she’s more than happy to stay in Essex. Mom and Dad are onboard with the plan. Emma is going to be involved at some point.”

  “You have it all planned.”

  “I want you to come and see the building with me tomorrow.” He stretches in the chair. “I’ll email you the plans and proposal. The building is run down and I own it.” He grins. “I wasn’t letting a bargain get away from me. It’s out past the Kentucky Horse Park in a small town, Blossom Creek. Just remember, it needs a lot of work. It’s more the location that I want you to see. The view behind is worth everything. It’s amazing, Ryan.”

  “I believe you.” I have paperwork on my desk and bills needing paying, but I’m excited to see what Levi has planned. “Send me that email in the next hour and I’ll read it tonight.”

  “Will do.” He stands and glances toward the door. “I think I might hang around for a while. Lots of pretty ladies out there.”

  Rolling my eyes, I add, “Email me before leaving this office. Otherwise, you’ll get carried away and forget.”

  A few seconds after punching buttons on his phone, he slips it into his back pocket. “Done.” He leaves the office door open and shouts over his shoulder, “I’m hoping the redhead is still out there.”

  I scramble from behind the desk and jog to catch up to him, which I do, and steer him over to the bar. “Let me get you a drink on the house.”

  “I thought you had work to do?” His head turns as he looks around the club. “She’s gone.”

  My head snaps to the corner where Gretchen has been partly hidden, and to my dismay, she has gone. When I look at Levi, his eyes are filled with humor. “I watched you watching her when I arrived. I couldn’t resist teasing you. She watched you too if yo
u want to know.”

  “Asshole,” I mumble, secretly excited to hear she had her eyes on me.

  Levi laughs, tips his beer toward me in a salute.

  I leave him to it.

  A smile on my lips as my cousin disappears through the crowd of people on the dance floor. It soon slips when I realize Gretchen has left. It doesn’t stop me from slowly searching over the sweaty bodies for her. I do see Levi dancing with a couple of girls. They’re regular and always up for a good time. Unfortunately, I have firsthand knowledge of that.

  Wincing, I continue looking but don’t see Gretchen anywhere.

  Has she left?

  Before I even realize what I’m doing, the cold evening air hits me in the face. I’m standing on the sidewalk watching cabs pull away from the club. I don’t see her. Then again, the pavement is bustling with people waiting to get inside the club. Even though she has a head of red hair, her petite frame keeps her hidden.



  Five days later and I’m still no closer to talking to Ryan than I was when I first arrived in Lexington. If I weren’t frustrated, I’d love this game I seem to have fallen into. However, I am frustrated. I want his sole attention on me and not on the women who bid for his attention when he’s working the bar. He’s flirty and although I’m well aware of his reputation with the ladies, so far, I haven’t seen anything to believe he’s really like that.

  As I wiggle into the red dress and pull it down over my bottom, I gasp when I catch sight of myself in the mirror. I chew on my bottom lip as I try and tug at the material of the dress to cover more flesh. It doesn’t work. When I bought this sexy number, I had no idea I’d be so revealed.

  The top part of the dress is made up of four pieces of material—two at the front and two at the back—they are held together with a jeweled choker. My intention tonight by dressing in this seductive way is to get his attention to the point that he reacts.


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