McKenzie Cousins Box Set Four: Books Ten, Eleven, Twelve

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McKenzie Cousins Box Set Four: Books Ten, Eleven, Twelve Page 19

by Lexi Buchanan

  Sylvia is quite lovely and delicate. However, I have a feeling nothing gets past her. Her husband positively adores her as he keeps his arm around her shoulders with her pressed into his side.

  “I’ve sent her a ton of photographs, but somehow I get the feeling I haven’t sent enough.” Levi shakes his head. “She’s not going to settle until I get back to Essex so she can come up here and see for herself.”

  Distracted, Levi stares off over my left shoulder. “Ryan’s grandma and grandpa have just arrived.” He drops his mouth to my ear. “Pippa and Elias are in their nineties and live in an assisted living facility a few miles from here.”

  I watch as Lucien and Sebastian, push their parents’ wheelchairs to the front, so they get the best view. Watching them, and how their family greets them with so much love on their faces, is beautiful, making my eyes water.

  “Married seventy-three years,” Sylvia whispers.

  Levi adds. “Ryan will introduce you later. He’ll kill me if I do it.”

  “That’s fine.” I sniffle and offer Sylvia a watery smile when she passes me a tissue.

  “I never attend weddings or family events without tissues.” Sylvia dabs at her eyes. “I’ve discovered from day one that brothers never grow up.” She chuckles. “They’re fine apart, but together, well, they get downright entertaining.”

  “That’s true,” Levi says. “My mom is worse. When she’s with her twin brother, Diego, they’re so funny. Mom tends to get embarrassing because she knows Diego will cringe. It’s gotten worse as we’ve gotten older and understand more about what she’s actually talking about.” He shudders, straightening in his seat. “She’s my mother, so it’s not right.”

  I bust out laughing. “You mean she talks about sex?”

  I catch Ryker cringe as Levi shudders and says, “The wedding is about to start.” He nods toward the front.

  I’ve been distracted and find Ryan standing at the front beside his brother, glaring at Levi. I chance a glance at Levi and he’s grinning like an idiot.

  Rolling my eyes, I wait until I have Ryan’s gaze and blow him a kiss, following it with a very slow lick of my lips. His eyes don’t move from my tongue until I watch him straighten his jacket.

  I hear Levi chuckling beside me, but I ignore him because if I don’t, I’ll be blushing like crazy. At least I got Ryan’s mind off of his cousin, though.

  However, I’m then distracted as Poppy slowly makes her way up the flower-lined aisle, accompanied by who I presume is her brother. She is glowing as her eyes stay on the groom, anxiously waiting for her.

  Poppy’s dress of white silk shimmers over her pregnant belly. She looks stunning and so happy. Jaxon takes one of her hands into his, and the other he places on her stomach. Even from where I’m sitting, I can feel the heat between the two of them.

  The rest of the wedding ceremony is a blur and seems to go fast, and before too long, they are pronounced, man and wife. Cheers go up as we all get to our feet. Ryan sneaks a kiss as he walks past, holding the page boy’s hand—must be his nephew, Elias. He must have been bribed with something because he appears to be on his best behavior. Nothing like the little devil, Sofia had mentioned.

  Not long after, I find myself hiding inside the balcony doorway because I don’t want to be in the way of the family photographs, but I want to watch. It’s also nice being out of the sun, which I find uncomfortable for any length of time.

  “Who’s the chick?” I overhear in a male voice. “She looks familiar.”

  “Gretchen, she’s friends with Alexander,” replies Ryan.

  I hear the confusion in the other man’s voice, as he asks, “Why would Alex bring someone else to the wedding?”

  “You’re an idiot, Dylan. She’s with me.”

  Dylan laughs. “You brought a date to your brother’s wedding? I mean, she is a date, right? Not just a fuck buddy?”

  A frown appears across my brow as the tone of the conversation changes and I’m not sure I like the way it’s going nor do I think I want to hear whatever else is said.

  “Get off my back,” Ryan hisses.

  “You really like her, huh? That’s new.”


  “She knows you don’t want kids or to get married, right? Have you told her that? Or, have you changed your mind?” Why is Dylan saying these things?

  “I haven’t changed my mind,” Ryan replies. “It’s nothing serious. We’re just having some mutually satisfying fun. So, shut the fuck up.”

  I don’t hear what follows because blood is rushing through my ears at the overwhelming sadness, I feel at hearing those words leave Ryan’s mouth. Nothing serious. Mutual satisfying fun.

  After everything we have done and said, I expected so much more from Ryan. I never expected to hear him refer to me in those words. Never. I’ve given him my heart while he was having fun.

  Wanting to run away and hide, I turn quickly and smack into a hard, male body. I look up through watery eyes and find Ryker. He glances behind me to the goings on outside before he turns his gaze on me.

  “I heard them too, Gretchen,” he says softly.

  My heart sinks at the humiliation running through me.

  “I’ve seen the way Ryan looks at you. He was probably being defensive at the questions from his cousin.”

  “Maybe.” I swallow around the lump in my throat. “If you’ll excuse me.” I dash out of the room.



  There is something wrong with Gretchen. She says she is fine when I know she isn’t. A woman answering ‘fine’ means there is something wrong and she’s either upset or pissed. I’m not sure which. With it being my brother getting married, I have things to do, which has meant me leaving her alone or with Levi. I’ve wanted her by my side, but that hasn’t worked out too well.

  She has said all the right things, but her eyes look dull. I’m used to seeing them alight with happiness and pleasure.

  I watch her now across the room. She’s sitting next to Levi and my cousin’s. Dylan and his girlfriend, Jenna. Alexander and Rachel. Paige and Seth. They take up the eight seats around the table. The conversation includes Gretchen and she appears to be actively involved, but something about her has my belly in knots. Once or twice, I catch Levi giving her an odd look, as though he too realizes something is wrong.

  Being the best man means I have to sit with the wedding party, and as much as I want to go over and check on Gretchen, I do nothing. Today is about my brother and Poppy. It’s annoying that I’m now distracted with her instead of concentrating on the family.

  Lost in thought, my sister, Sofia, leans her head on my shoulder. “I never thought I’d see the day when you lost it over a girl.”

  I snort. “Who says I’ve lost it?”

  “You haven’t taken your eyes from her since we sat down.” She takes a sip of her lemon water. “She looks just as miserable as you do.”

  I perk up in my seat. I wonder if that’s why she looks upset. “You really think so?”

  Turning to look at Sofia, she frowns on meeting my gaze. “Okay, tell me you haven’t blown it? That girl is in love with you. What did you do?”

  “I. What? I haven’t done anything. You know I’ve been busy with Jaxon before the wedding, and I only had five minutes with Gretchen before the photographs. There hasn’t been time for me to screw up.”

  “Hmm, well, she was fine before the wedding because I kept her company for a short time and then Levi took over.” She looks across the room and my eyes follow.

  Levi notices us looking before he turns and looks at Gretchen, who keeps her head down. He whispers to her and she shakes her head before getting up from the table. She continues to the side of the marquee before disappearing from view.

  “Sofia, I need to find out what is going on.”

  “Of course, you do. Don’t worry. I’ll be delighted to give the speech in your absence.”

  “Jeez.” I lean around Sofia and say to Shane with amusement,
“Do not let your wife make the speech. I beg you.”

  “Man-to-man,” he grins, “you have my word, my beautiful wife will keep her sexy butt in the chair.”

  I cringe. “Please don’t talk about my sister like that. It makes me want to puke.”

  Sofia pokes me in the side as I get to my feet.

  My mom frowns as she sees me leaving the marquee, but I can’t talk to her until I know what is going on with Gretchen.

  Outside the sun is nearly set and I make Gretchen out on the family gazebo that overlooks the small man-made pond. Fairy lights twinkle, capturing the girl I’ve fallen in love with, in soft light. She is beautiful. I knew this already. Seeing her now, my heart clenches in my chest.

  Moving toward her, I whisper, “Gretchen,” so as not to frighten her. Her shoulders tense before they droop, and she drops her head.

  What the heck is going on?

  I’m desperate to bring her into my arms, but something tells me she won’t welcome that right now.

  “Are you okay?” I wince at the lame question. “Please talk to me. You seemed to be enjoying yourself and then you got sad all of a sudden.”

  Very slowly, she turns her face toward me, and I see the tears on her cheeks. I cup her face and hold her still. “Tell me.”

  “I gave you my everything, Ryan,” she hiccups, “and all I am to you is nothing serious and satisfying fun.”

  Oh shit!

  “Fuck! I’m sorry.” I quickly kiss her lips and hold her close. “I was talking to my cousin. I wanted him off my back. I promise you. I didn’t mean those words. Dylan knows I didn’t mean those words.” I start panicking at the disbelieving look on her face. “Gretchen, please.”

  I rest my forehead lightly against hers and continue, “You have to know you mean more to me than satisfying fun. God, you’ve been in my head for four years. I’m crazy about you. You are the only girl that I’ve ever called my girlfriend. It’s you, Gretchen. There was no way in hell I was admitting how much I fucking love you to him when I haven’t even told you.”

  Her eyes widen in surprise, as do mine. Seconds later, she bursts out laughing through her tears and I grin. The surge of relief I feel is overwhelming. I can’t believe I was such a fucking asshole to mouth off to my cousin when what came out of my mouth was bullshit.

  I lean in to kiss her, but she pulls out of my reach, shaking her head. “I’m a mess. Let me wash my face,” she gives me a teasing look, “then you can kiss me.”

  “I’ll help you clean up.” I do have an ulterior motive, which she is well aware of as amusement enters her gaze before she becomes nervous. “What you said to Dylan—”

  “What I said to my cousin shouldn’t have left my mouth, especially as I didn’t mean it. Dylan knew that too. There is also no way my family would allow me to lead you on—they like you.”

  “You really love me?”

  Tangling my fingers up with Gretchen’s, I admit, “I really do love you. Those words have never left my lips before.” I pause. “Unless I was referring to someone in my family, that is. Even then, I don’t say them often. I mean—”

  Her hand covers my mouth. “I get it.” She sighs. “Will you show me how much you love me?”

  The pulse in my groin is onboard with that. However, I have a speech to give. The blood rushing south thickens my dick and her breath against my ear as she whispers, “I’m sure we can be quick,” has precum soaking into my boxer briefs.

  Glancing around for somewhere we can go, I notice the barn. It’s cliché in my family, but who the fuck cares? I sure as hell don’t.

  “Over here,” I pull her with me, my legs eating up the distance until I realize Gretchen is wearing high heels.

  Once hidden, I move away from her. “Give me a minute, so I don’t blow the minute I’m inside you.” I rest my hands on my hips and concentrate on breathing, which has no effect when Gretchen pulls her dress off over her head and my eyes land on her naked body.

  She hangs the dress on a nail in the wall and prowls toward me. I don’t stand a chance. Reaching out, she cups my cock before she presses the palm of her hand around me. My eyes cross while my whole fucking body tingles from head to toe.

  Taking the zipper down, she reaches inside my pants and her eyes glitter when she wraps her hand around my erection. “All for me.”

  “Every fucking inch.” I whimper when she pulls me free of my pants and her eyes focus on the dripping head.

  Before I realize what she’s doing, Gretchen is on her knees, holding me to the tip of her tongue and wiggling her tongue into the slit. I can’t breathe with the heat of her mouth pleasuring me. It’s so fucking hot watching her—watching me—while she’s sucking on my dick.

  The need to come is tingling in my lower belly and rapidly dropping to my balls, and as desperate as I am to come while she sucks me, I want to be inside her wet pussy. She knows it too as she gives me a long slow suck before letting me plop out of her mouth.

  Like a spider monkey, she quickly climbs up me when I finally get with it and grab her ass. Her legs wrap around my waist, her arms around my neck as she tries to lower herself. I grab my cock and press the head into her and see fucking stars as she drops down. My legs won’t even move to get us against the wall. It turns out they don’t need to, as Gretchen holds my gaze and starts bouncing up and down. “Touch me, Ryan. Play with the silver.”

  Her legs tighten around me and I move my hands to her amazing tits. I only have to tug on the hoop through her nipples that drives me insane for my cock to thicken and lengthen.

  “Yes,” she throws her head back and comes. Her body twitches and her chest heaves as her orgasm rips through her, taking me over. I quickly grab her hips and press her down while my cock squirts with pleasure inside her sexy body. I grind deep and hiss through my teeth when her legs drop from around my waist, creating tight friction as she’s held up with my dick and an arm around her waist.

  “I think I’m about to drop to my ass.”

  She giggles, which turns into a moan as I pull her off me. “I want to continue playing with you.”

  I give her a sideways look while hunting for something to clean us up with. There is nothing but rags.

  “Let me help you with that,” Gretchen smirks and bending over, starts licking my cock.

  “That isn’t such a good idea.” I moan, her lips arousing.

  “Umm,” she pulls free, tugs up my shorts and pants and shoves me away. “You better, um, work the zipper. I don’t want to get your penis trapped in it.”

  “Jeez!” I cover my dick and wangle the zipper up and hope for control as I take her dress out of her hands. “You are beautiful.” I kiss each nipple and can’t resist tonguing the silver.

  “You’re getting me worked up again.”

  “Serves you right for licking my dick.”

  “I was cleaning you up.”

  I trail my fingers over her bottom and up over her shoulder, delighted when her nipples tighten into hard buds.

  Slipping the dress over her head, I help smooth it down over her glorious curves before I fasten the halter at the back of her neck. “I didn’t clean you up. You want to know why?”

  “Hmm,” she mumbles as I wrap my arms around her from behind.

  “Because it drives me crazy knowing you have my semen running down your legs. It means you’re mine.” I turn her in my arms. “I’m sorry I said what I did, and I promise, Gretchen, that I won’t ever give you a reason to doubt my love again.” I kiss her lips. “I love you. Please forgive me.”

  “I think I’ve just shown you that I forgive you.” She rests her face in the crook of my neck. “I love you too, Ryan.” On a heavy sigh, she asks, “Don’t you have a speech to give?”

  Oh, fuck!



  Epilogue - Ten Years Later

  Chaos surrounds us on the large enclosed patio at Uncle Michael and Aunt Lily’s house. For as long as I can remember, we have always congregated here f
or events and just to get together as a family. I think it started when our grandparents became too frail for traveling. The assisted living facility where they’d chosen to live during their frailer years was five minutes away, so it had been the obvious choice for the family to gather—my grandparents hadn’t missed anything while they’d been alive.

  My chest ached to baptize our fourth child, Haven Ruby McKenzie, and not having them here with us. They’d passed away five years ago within two months of each other. Their presence was still missed and had been for the arrival of more great-grandchildren, including our third daughter, Mila Elizabeth. At least they’d been able to watch the last of their grandchildren get married, which had been Dylan and Jenna.

  I grin, watching my cousin wrestle with his two-year-old daughter, Hanna Margaret, on his lap. His wife, Jenna, cradles Vivien Lauren to her breast beneath a thin white muslin cloth, the same as my wife uses when she’s in public and feeding Haven.

  Mila, our one-year-old is the best-behaved baby I’ve ever seen. She’s always smiling and happy to be held by anyone. She bounces on her grandpa’s knee while trying to bash her five-year-old sister, Greta Ray, on the head with her pacifier. Luckily my father is quick and diverts her attention. Six-year-old Raelyn is currently reading a story about a tiger who came for tea to her grandma.

  My brother and sister and cousins think it’s hilarious that I’m outnumbered at home with five females under the roof. I don’t care. My sexy wife and four children are the best part of me—the best thing I’ve ever done in my life.

  I’m still the boss at Kenza even though I promoted Rob to manager seven years ago. I spend three days there, although behind the scenes and two at Emelia’s in Blossom Creek. Both businesses are thriving.

  To my surprise, Charlotte sits next to me, looking exhausted and lets out a loud sigh as though she’s relieved to get off her feet. “Tanner knocked me up again.”

  I blink in surprise and burst out laughing. “I’m sure he didn’t do it alone.”


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