To Surprise A Seer

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To Surprise A Seer Page 30

by Jane Cousins

  “I do not suffer from being an obsessive compulsive.”

  “Right. So if you miss a morning session of slapping yourself awake outside at the crack of dawn-”

  “Sun salutations.” Quinn corrected automatically.

  “Whatever, it doesn’t make you crabby and out of sorts? If you accidentally have full fat milk in your decaffeinated herbal tea, it doesn’t send you into a frenzy of calisthenics? If you aren’t at least five minutes early for a scheduled appointment, it doesn’t make your heart race and your blood pressure spike?”

  “That’s called being courteous to others.”

  “Quinn, I say this with love, but Honey, you are fucking nuts, just like the rest of the family. Embrace it. I can’t believe you’ve been letting this idea of going insane rule your life. You know, Deliah shared with me that you were her inspiration for trying to help others. That she saw how balanced and happy actively viewing and sharing memories with others made you, that she was determined to stop hoarding memories, and start sharing them. And I know it was her nudge that sent Pearl out into the world. The woman had been all but housebound and taken to wearing sheets over her head, so she wouldn’t accidently take on any more memories, before Deliah used you as a shining example of what life could potentially be.”

  “I… I didn’t know.”

  “You were too scared to follow up in case they had deteriorated further, talk about head in the sand. Talk about avoidance and failing to face up to your fears.” Darcy couldn’t deny it, she kind of enjoyed throwing a heap of labels in Quinn’s face and seeing what stuck.

  “I never said I was perfect. And besides, everyone knows that Doctors make the worst patients.”

  “That’s stupid logic. Some of the best torturers I know have been tortured.”

  “And that’s some of the scariest logic I’ve ever heard.”

  Darcy shrugged, drinking down the last of her fruit smoothie. “So you’re not insane and at best guess, you won’t be going insane, now what?”

  “Now what, what?” Quinn tried her best to act dumb. This news didn’t change anything, did it?

  Matias still had his own life to live. A treasure hunter roaming the world and a psychiatrist? It didn’t scream perfect match. Or did it? That was assuming she hadn’t already burnt all her bridges when it came to blowing Matias off. After all, it had been a week already, and she hadn’t heard from him.

  Darcy could see the wheels practically turning in her cousin’s head and the stubborn glint taking root in her blue eyes. Heavens, was she being punished? Hadn’t she done enough already? And she thought after interfering in Eli’s love life that she could sink no lower. And yet she couldn’t ignore Quinn’s obvious pain. Not if she could help… fuck, she hated that word, help, it was so damn innocuous. Manipulate. Now there was a word with potential. And she, if nothing else, was a Goddess damn master of manipulation. “Are you going to break out the champagne? Eat nothing but pizza for a month?”

  “I don’t have the time for any of that.” Quinn glanced at her watch and winced. “My first patient will be here in twenty minutes.”

  “So you are just going to resume your old ways? Like nothing has changed? Well, that is a relief.” Darcy stood up, straightening the pleats of her skirt and smoothing her hair. “Back to your schedule. No more adventures. No more excitement. No more surprises. It must be a relief to have all of that behind you?”

  “Yes.” Um, it was, right?

  Okay, so her life had shifted back into predictable mode, that was a good thing, right? Dependable, stable, risk free and… boring. Even to her it sounded beyond tedious. A rigid work, exercise, eating and sleeping plan? Was that all she wanted for herself? Didn’t she deserve more?

  “Here I thought you might be tempted to run down to the market and raid the chocolate aisle.” Darcy forced a light, breezy smile, she needed to practice that one more, it was hard to pull off. She made a mental note, work on smile number fourteen.

  Chocolate? Sugar? Toffee… rich toffee, tempting eyes. Lickable, warm, caramel skin. Matias? No, damn it, he deserved a chance to discover what he wanted in life. If he wanted her to have a part in it, he would have come knocking on her door before now.

  “No, as I said, patients to see.”

  Damn. Quinn was too good at resisting temptation. Time for Darcy to pull out the big knife. “I’d better get going too. I have that funeral to attend, I like to get a seat just behind the immediate family row, more impact that way. I’ve been practising my sad face.” She grinned broadly at Quinn, displaying all her teeth. “See.”

  A shiver slid down Quinn’s spine, that grin was beyond chilling, with a side order of a promise of a slow and painful death. “Well, have… fun.”

  Darcy nodded. “You too. And Quinn.” Darcy paused by the archway leading down the hallway to the Transportal. “Promise me you won’t do anything reckless… huh, what am I saying, you, reckless? Forget it, I know of all the cousins you wouldn’t do anything bold or audacious. Dependable, that’s you. Have a good day.” The hem of Darcy’s skirt flipped up as she twirled and sauntered away, humming a jaunty tune under her breath. She had a funeral to go be cheerful at, representing the Sanctuary, she had done all she could here, the rest was up to her cousin.

  Quinn leant heavily against the kitchen island. Dependable? That word resounded in her head. Once she would have said it was a good thing. Something to strive for. But now? Now she’d faced off against Jaguar hybrid creatures. Helped to end the reign of a power hungry Mayan High Priest who wanted to rule the world. Made love in a cave in the middle of an ancient jungle. Faced fear after fear and emerged stronger.

  She’d trusted her instincts. Been bold and audacious on several occasions. Stripped naked an insisted that Matias have sex with her. Run through a jungle tapping into the skills she’d gathered from Enforcer memories. Saved Matias’s life on the Merry Maverick. Danced the tango. Been hurt, but survived.

  And damn it, she wanted to do it all again… with Matias by her side. Nuts to him having his own life, his own path. And phooey to her schedule. If Matias wasn’t in her life, she didn’t want a bar of it.

  That’s it, she was going to track him down and insist he give her… them, a second chance. She wouldn’t over think it. Or second guess herself. She was going to be bold and audacious, track down the man she’d fallen in love with and tell him that.

  First though, she would shower and change. Then she would… no, she needed to call everyone and cancel their sessions for the day. But after that, yes, after that she would hunt down Matias Yanez, the man she refused to live without.

  She didn’t want a dependable life. She wanted adventure. The unexpected. She wanted surprises. Something she realised that Matias had been delivering from the very first moment they met.

  Life with Matias would never be dull or boring. She prayed to the Goddess that she hadn’t pushed him away. Closed that door forever. Well, even if she had, so what? She would be tenacious and take a page out of Matias’s playbook and tempt him until he could do nothing but give in to her demands… them, together, forever.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Waking up was the equivalent of pushing a huge bloody rock up a hill. Hell, coming down from the stay awake potion he’d imbibed was not fun. Matias’s entire body felt like it weighed a ton, every limb heavy and reluctant to cede to his control.

  This would make it what, day four? No, he was pretty sure it was day five. He had his brother, Nico, to thank for keeping him alive. Shaking him awake every twelve hours or so, forcing food and water into him. Saint Medard, even having to help him to the bathroom.

  Oh, and don’t forget yesterday’s shower. His eyes barely able to remain open, his legs trembling like those of a new born foal. Barely able to mumble thanks as Nico rubbed his hair dry before helping him back to the mattress. Where he immediately crashed back into deep, dreamless slumber.

  The good news was, today there was no Nico hovering over him, insistently shakin
g him awake. It actually seemed like he’d awoken under his own steam. About fucking time. Question was, now that he was finally on the road to normalcy, what should be his first order of business?

  Prise Copper out of her rainforest retreat and insist she act, dress, and live like a resident of this century? Or, hunt down Quinn Bennett and demand she give him… them, a second chance?

  Decisions. Decisions. But first a visit to the bathroom.

  Matias did the world and himself a favour and brushed his teeth and used some mouthwash. He felt better, already. But a run, that would surely help shake the remaining lethargy that inhabited his limbs.

  He pulled on shorts, shoes and grabbed a t-shirt, heading for the large picture window overlooking the beach. Swinging out, he grabbed hold of the ladder bolted into the brick wall. The early morning sea air smelt clean and invigorating. And as his sneakers sunk into the soft sand he couldn’t help but think how inviting the water looked.

  Hmmm, could he? Glancing about he noted no one else was around. Why not? He pulled off his t-shirt and his shoes and headed for the water. Smiling as a wave dashed up to meet him. No fear gripped him. Instead it almost felt like coming home. He took several more steps. The water rising past his ankles.

  He wondered if the Shard barrier that had set up residence in his head had something to do with his sudden aversion to salt water following the events on the Merry Maverick. Perhaps knowing and trying to prevent him opening any travel portals by having him keep his distance.

  But the barrier was now gone… thank the Saints. And there were no more Jag-offs targeting him. Well, except maybe the missing Conchetta. But Elijah and his Enforcers had searched long and hard for the escaped Jag-off.

  Perhaps she hadn’t even come through to this time, or place.

  Matias pushed those thoughts away as the cool water slapped against his thighs. Damn, he’d missed the sea. Grinning, he watched a wave crest a few feet in front of him and couldn’t resist diving into it. Yes. He kicked his legs, fingers trailing along the sandy bottom. Ten minutes later he reluctantly headed to the surface for some air.

  He longed to dive deep. To test himself. But he was ten years out of practise and there was a pull at his gut, insisting there was lost treasure to be found nearby, that pull wasn’t emanating from the sea, it was coming from the land, or more specifically the bluff at the end of the beach. Matias found himself automatically swimming in that direction.

  * * *

  Quinn stared at herself in the mirror. Hmmm, was the outfit too casual? A pale blue dress with a flippy hemline that fell to just above her knees. Or was it trying too hard? She’d topped it with a matching short sleeved cardigan with small silver stars embroidered around the edges. No, it was fine. Wasn’t it? No way could she change again. There was dithering to look perfect, and then there was dithering to procrastinate.

  Pulling on flat silver sandals she looked at herself one last time in the full length mirror. Her hair was loose, falling in soft platinum waves to her shoulder blades. She’d kept the make-up to a minimum, a swipe of mascara and a dash of silver eyeliner to bring out the blue in her eyes.

  But something was still missing, wasn’t it? Gloves. Normally she’d be pulling on gloves right about now. But no more. No more shields or barriers. She could handle anything… well, anything but Matias’s rejection. But he wouldn’t say no, she just needed to be persuasive. And worse comes to worse, she would get naked, that had already proven a winning strategy in the past.

  Okay. She had her bag. And her mobile. She’d sent out a text cancelling all today’s appointments. And then because she was practical she sent another one doing the same for those scheduled tomorrow. Hopefully she would be busy celebrating the start of a new chapter in her life, one featuring Matias in the lead.

  Worst case scenario, she might well be drowning her sorrows in a tub of full fat ice-cream. No, no negativity.

  She’d practised what she was going to say to Matias whilst she was in the shower. Then refined her argument whilst she dried her hair and got dressed. Deciding ultimately upon ten exceedingly compelling bullet points. She was ready, no more dithering, time to go win her man.

  She intended to drive by the Five Alarm Bar first. And if he wasn’t there, she would head to Elijah’s place, assuming that he was there, trying to lure Copper out from the forty acres of rainforest that made up her cousin’s property.

  It was silly, she didn’t even have a mobile number for the man, yet she’d slept with him. Which definitely nudged her into the bold and audacious column. No more overly practical and rigid living for her.

  Well, except her morning sun salutations. Yoga was excellent for the body and mind. And continuing to watch what she ate was only sensible. Limiting her alcohol intake was smart. And being punctual and organised was merely a way of showing respect for her patients and friends.

  But other than that, she was a whole new woman.

  Shoulders back, head held high, promote confidence to be confident. She just needed to grab her car keys from the kitchen table and… Matias Yanez was in her kitchen.

  Quinn blinked a couple of times, nope, he was definitely here. Naked, no, with a few dazed steps forward she could see his damp dark brown running shorts clinging to his thighs and butt. Oh my, his hair was slicked back, and a few glistening droplets of water clung to his left collarbone where he’d missed a spot when he’d towelled off. He looked rugged, with several days of beard growth clinging to his jawline and ten kinds of gorgeous.

  Um, Quinn looked at him again and then out through the glass double doors. Noting the shower by the pool had been used and one of her towels was hanging over the back of an outdoor chair, drying in the morning sunshine. Okay, so he was really here, making breakfast in her kitchen. She wasn’t hallucinating.

  Come on you ninny, say something witty. Something flirty. At least say hello. She settled on clearing her throat.

  Matias’s head snapped up from what he was doing. The automatic smile on his face at seeing her dimmed and his eyes narrowed. “Are you going on a date?”

  Quinn was definitely wearing date clothes. Her hair was down, the woman looked sexy as hell. And not just sexy, she looked relaxed and yet kind of nervous at the same time. Definitely a date. Was that why she’d kicked him to the curb? Was there some gormless egghead waiting in the wings to sweep her off to his think tank and romance her? Well, bugger that. He wasn’t going to let it happen.

  “A date? No.” Quinn was a little shaken by the unexpected question. Moving forward slowly she stopped beside the kitchen island. She noted the sliced ham, the muffins toasting, the eggs being gently poached and the contents of the saucepan Matias was stirring over low heat. Eggs benedict? From the contents of her kitchen? The man was a culinary genius.

  “Well, you are not dressed for work.” Matias commented.

  “I was coming to find you.”

  “You were?” Matias’s gaze travelled slowly down her frame, from her platinum loose hair to her pink tipped toenails, clearly visible in those flimsy silver sandals.

  “Um, yes.” Heavens, she could almost feel all that bravery, all those bold intentions drain out of her in the face of those sparkling toffee coloured eyes. She couldn’t remember even one of her ten compelling bullet points. “To check on you. Make sure your memory came back and that… you’re not suffering any ill effects from what happened on the beach.” Lame, so lame.

  “That would have been a nice gesture. The last few days haven’t been pleasant but I think that was more to do with coming down off the stay awake potion. There are consequences to not sleeping for almost a week. I’ve been pretty much comatosed for the last five days.” Matias shifted his attention as he began to plate up. The muffins first, then the thick slices of ham, the poached eggs, and then drizzling over the hollandaise sauce. He pushed the plate across the kitchen island. “I hope you don’t mind eating here. My shorts are still a little damp.”

  “Um, no.” Quinn found herself hoppin
g up on to a nearby stool.

  “You haven’t eaten? Have you?”

  “No.” She picked up the cutlery for something to do and found herself taking a bite. Sweet Lady, that was good. Suddenly she discovered she was starving. And it was much simpler to keep her attention on her plate rather than have to gaze at the expanse of Matias’s muscular bare chest. “Did you run here?” Maybe she could offer to throw his t-shirt in the dryer. The sooner all that caramel flesh was covered up, the sooner she’d be able to think clearly.

  “No. I swam.”

  “You did?” Quinn’s gaze snapped up. “So you’ve gotten over your phobia?”

  “It would seem so. With the Shard gone, and all my memories back, it appears to have evaporated.”

  “All your memories are back?” Uh-oh. All of them?

  “Yes.” Matias’s toffee eyes glimmered with heat and amusement. “Everything.”

  “So… you remember our first meeting?”

  “In technicolour detail.” Matias’s flashed her a quick grin.

  “You… remember what happened when we touched?” Quinn’s cheeks were pink with colour, this was so embarrassing. Oh Heavens, she’d forgotten about the hot visions of the two of them having sexy fun times together.

  “Vividly.” Matias grinned.

  “So you remember the anomaly?”

  “Is that what we are officially calling it? I thought an anomaly only occurs once. How do you explain the second time? After we danced at the wedding?”

  Quinn’s cheeks grew hotter still. Oh, and now she was having flashbacks regarding the shower scene. “It had to have been the Shard’s influence. Making us share the same hallucination.”

  “You think?” Matias enquired casually as he cleared the plates and placed them in the dishwasher. “Hallucination?”

  “Well, what other explanation is there for it?”

  “Wishful thinking for one.” Quinn blinked, had she heard Matias correctly? “But I think the most obvious explanation is that since the Shard was linked to time travel, you and I got a glimpse of the future.”


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