I'll See You In My Dreams (Hell Yeah!)

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I'll See You In My Dreams (Hell Yeah!) Page 15

by Sable Hunter

  For a few moments, he kept still, letting her body adjust to his. Then slowly, he began undulating his hips, moving a little inside of her, but also putting pressure on her clit. To his relief, he felt when her body began to welcome him. It wasn’t that she relaxed; it was that she strained toward him and locked her beautiful legs around his waist. ‘That’s it, show me what you need, Baby. I’ll give it to you.”

  “You, I need you.” Presley kissed his shoulders and he wanted to weep with relief. He needed her more than she would ever know.

  Covering her mouth, he drank from her lips and eased all the way in. Buried to the hilt, he was seated fully – she was stretched tight, but moving with him and it felt absolutely incredible. Nothing in his life had ever felt so good.

  The pleasure moved up Presley’s body, radiating out from her vagina. She felt tingles all over; her nipples were swollen and every thrust of Zane’s body moved his chest over the tips of her breast. More, she wanted more. Arching, she pushed her chest up, pressing her tits harder into his chest. “This is wonderful,” she moaned. Returning to his mouth, she nipped at his lips, needing his kiss more than any woman ever had needed her lover’s touch. There was a storm rising within her, a force that she really didn’t understand.

  Zane could feel her hunger and it fed his own. Sliding his arms under her back, he gathered her close as he thrust into her sweet body. She entwined her arms around his neck and writhed beneath him, seeming desperate to be one with him. How had he lived without this? How could he return to a life of sexual starvation after sampling heaven?

  It was hard to breathe with so much pleasure pulsating through her body. Presley felt the electric arc of orgasm begin in her pussy and she was helpless to stop it. “No, I don’t want it to be over,” she scraped her teeth on the cords of her neck.

  “Let go, Baby – I’ll love you all night long. It’s not over, this is only the beginning.”

  Presley listened as best she could – and she let go. Spasms of rapture shook her to the core; deep convulsive shudders of delight had her screaming his name. “Zane! Yes! God, yes!”

  “You’re so perfect. A treasure!” Zane praised her as the flutters of her orgasm milked his cock. There was no way he could hold on to the thin threads of control that had held his release at bay. His balls tightened and Zane felt the incredible rush of pleasure boil upward and out. Closing his eyes, he let loose all control and felt himself splinter into a million shards of perfect light. As his seed pulsed out, he kept moving, relishing the sensation of his cock being bathed in their passion. Was anything ever this good? Gently he let his weight settle on her, using his forearms to keep the pressure from being too much. “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” he breathed into the softness of her hair next to her face.

  Emotion overtook her normal composure and she hugged him tight. “No, thank you. That was incredible. I never expected to feel anything like that in my lifetime. Your loving me was a magnificent gift.” His body trembled in her arms. He had enjoyed her, but what she felt was indescribable. Presley felt whole and vindicated and accepted. As she gazed into the room over his shoulder, not really seeing – only feeling – she knew she would never forget this feeling as long as she lived.


  Zane didn’t sleep very much. It wasn’t the fact that he was unused to sharing his bed, the sensation of Presley curled into his body was a feeling he wouldn’t trade for anything. She made no noise as she slept, and she rarely moved. As far as bedfellows go, she was just about perfect, and from the moment they had finished making love, she had placed one hand on his body and no matter which way they turned, she had kept contact with him all night. It was as if she were afraid he’d get away from her. And he loved it. Zane lay on his back and she lay half on top of him, her head on his chest and one of her legs thrown over his. She had him trapped. He had to smile. Absently, he stroked her back – her bare back. She sighed and snuggled even closer. His baby liked to be petted.

  Words she had said earlier stuck with him. In the immediate aftermath of their lovemaking she had said that his loving her was a magnificent gift. What was he going to do? Could they continue on down this incredible path without hurting one another? He had no answer; all he knew was that he couldn’t go backwards – not now. Being with Presley and enjoying her was too important. And it wasn’t just the sex, he almost moaned out loud at the memory of the utter pleasure she had given him, no - it was all of her – the complete package. She was smart, sweet, kind and he craved her body like a drug.

  As he caressed her, his hunger grew. God, loving her had felt so good. Her pussy had been blistering hot – tight, holding onto him like a velvet vice. And he wanted her now, more than he wanted his next breath. Zane was determined to create in her an equal addiction to him. Gently, he pushed her onto her back, and he felt her stretch and yawn like a sleepy kitten. He waited to see if she would awaken, but she didn’t. Her body settled back down. Zane smiled. Now, for the good part, he was going to wake her his way.

  They had slept naked and during the night he had explored her body, especially her sweet little face. His kitten was so self-conscious and had so little reason to be so. Now as morning light was breaking, even though he couldn’t see the sun – he was gonna make his baby rise and shine. Carefully, he coaxed her legs apart and rising over her, with a hand on either side of her hips, he leaned over and pressed a light gentle kiss over her heart and then another every inch or so, until he arrived at his chosen destination.

  Deep in his heart, Zane felt tenderness. He wasn’t taking, he was giving. Oh, he loved it – he fuckin’ loved it! But this was for her. Presley hadn’t known much male attention in her life, and he wanted her to know what it was like to be desired. And it was no hardship, because he desired her more than he had thought possible.

  God, she was soft. He rubbed his nose and lips through the down on her pubis. Opening her up with his thumbs, he licked her sweetness with a light stroke of his tongue. He little body pushed down into the mattress in reaction to his caress. Zane repeated – lots of times. Little rivulets of cream began to flow and he lapped them up – Presley was exquisite. A whimper from her lips let him know he was doing something right, even if she thought it was a dream.

  Zane nuzzled her pussy, pushing his tongue up in her tight channel. Again she writhed, he placed a steadying hand above her mound, but he didn’t stop. He kissed her outer lips, pushed two fingers deep inside of her and set up a rhythm deliberately designed to make her crazy. Damn, he loved this.

  “Oh, oh, oh,” she moaned. His little dove was waking up. Now for the piece-de-resistance, Zane took her clit in his mouth and he began to suck. “Zane!”

  Sweet merciful God! Presley almost levitated off the bed. Zane was eating her out! What a way to wake up? Every nerve ending in her body tingled and sizzled. God, she had never felt anything so luscious in all her born days. He was driving her insane! Undulating her hips, Presley sought more – she pushed her pussy against his face and tangled her fingers in his hair, just daring him to try and get away. “More, please more, don’t stop – God, don’t ever stop!” she pleaded, almost weeping.

  How long had it been since a woman had begged for his touch? So, he gave her what she needed – he licked her, laved her, sucked and kissed, reached up and tugged on her sweet nipples till she flew apart in his arms and sobbed her release. And then she surprised him, she pushed up and into his arms. “I need you, Zane.”

  Realizing what she wanted he pulled her into his lap and eased her down onto his cock. “Fuck, yeah!” he moaned. Being inside of her was like coming home. Damn, he didn’t even have to move.

  Her little pussy was still quivering and she held him so tight, pressing her whole body into his. “I can’t believe you did that for me,” she whispered in amazement. “You make me so hot; I could eat you up with a spoon!”

  Even in the throes of extreme lust, Zane had to chuckle. “I loved doing that to you; the way you respond to me just blows my
mind.” He stroked her back. “Now, move for me – not your body, move those talented little pussy muscles. Do you know how?”

  “I think so, it’s like those exercises women do, huh?” She proceeded to tighten on him – over and over – massaging his cock with a glove of hot, wet velvet.

  “I think you’ve got it,” he held her tight and let her have her delicious way with him.

  Presley moved her hips back and forth and every movement made her clit tingle for more. “I’m gonna cum again, I can’t help it,” she bit his shoulder and wished there was some way she could meld herself with him for eternity. Noting in her life had ever prepared her for the way he made her feel; she hadn’t even known it was possible.

  “Lay down and let me do it right,” he eased her back, pulled her thighs over his and proceeded to thrust and pump into her until they were crying their release.

  “Hold me, hold me,” she begged. Zane pulled her back up and did just that and marveled as she trembled in his arms. It just went on and on and he kissed her temple and cradled her to him. “I’ve got you,” he crooned.

  “Is it always like this?” she managed to ask.

  “No, it’s not,” Zane admitted. But he was beginning to wonder if it might always be like that with her.


  Libby stood looking out the window at the calm water. It was hard for her to realize that something so beautiful could have stolen everything she had. She had cried enough tears to rival the ocean, and now she just existed. Placing a protective hand over her baby bulge she wondered how in the world she was ever going to be able to go on without him. Before daylight she had slipped out of the room away from Isaac and Avery’s watchful eyes and wandered along the beach. A new group called Blue Hope had arrived and they were making a last ditch effort to find any type of evidence at all. Bowie was with them and she knew he, and everyone else, was doing the very best that they could.

  Her every instinct had been to run into the tide as hard as she could. It just seemed to her that if she could sink beneath the waves that she would find him. Wrapping her arms around her desolate self, she tried to consider what the next few days would bring. She wasn’t giving up – she couldn’t give up. But she had no answers either.

  As she stared at the scene before her, she saw one of the divers come from the ocean waving his hand. Others ran toward him. Libby’s heart leaped within her chest. They had found something.


  “I appreciate the clothes, Zane. But I can’t accept them. Let me wear this pretty green silk dress today; I’ll pay for it and you can get your money back for the rest.” As she explained, she picked up Rex’s dish and rinsed it out. The black Lab was smiling at her and she couldn’t help but smile back.

  Her tone was adamant. Zane hadn’t seen this side of her before. “Don’t you think all of your efforts and overtime are worth a bonus?”

  “This isn’t a bonus,” even though he couldn’t see, Presley pointed toward the clothes. “This is half a year’s salary for me.”

  Zane was taken aback for two reasons. First, he was stunned at her reluctance to take from him. Women weren’t usually like that. They tended to take every gift from a man that they could get, but not Presley.

  Second, he hated to be reminded how little she had. While she was a temp, he paid Workforce an hourly rate and they paid her much less, so he didn’t like to think about what she tried to live on. At the time, he hadn’t paid much attention, but he knew she made pastries for Chloe’s fiance’s club. As soon as he got back to the office, he intended to rectify the situation and make her an offer to work with him permanently. Right now, he needed for her to feel appreciated so he walked right into her space and kissed on her face till he made contact with her lips. “Sweetheart, I didn’t mean it as an insult; I just wanted you to be comfortable.” Surely, she couldn’t stay mad at him after he smooched on her.

  His tone – and kisses - mollified her, she wasn’t really upset, she just didn’t want their relationship to be about money or paybacks, - she wanted it to be about . . . . Heck! He was her employer, even though right now, he wasn’t acting like it. “I know, and I’m not insulted.” She twined her arms around his neck and rested against him for a minute.

  “Good.” Zane returned her embrace.

  His actions made her hope. But Presley knew she needed to get her feet back on solid ground and quit traipsing around in the clouds. They had made love – he hadn’t proposed. “It’s important to me to pay my own way, so I’ll pay you for this dress. Okay?”

  “Pay?” For the first time Zane raised his voice, but a knock on the door interrupted his rebuttal.

  “I’ll get it.” She skittered away from him, and the vacancy she left in his arms was telling.

  “Hello, Jacob,” Presley greeted the big McCoy.

  “Presley,” he tipped his hat. “Zane we need you down in conference room, Bowie and Blue Hope found something. I don’t know what it is, but we’re about to find out.”

  “Let’s go,” Zane snapped his finger for Rex and held out his hand for Presley. She grabbed it with one hand and her laptop with the other and they left the room.

  “How is Libby?” Presley asked as they headed down the long corridor toward the elevator.

  “She’s about the same.” Aron’s brother’s voice sounded tired and she knew the strain the family was under had to be incredible. “Beau LeBlanc and Harley got here a while ago and they’re with her now.”

  “Zane! Jacob!” A voice behind them called. They turned, as did Presley, and a woman she didn’t recognize came hurrying toward them. She was beautiful.

  “Shit,” Jacob muttered under his breath. ‘It’s the shark.”

  The shark? Presley though she looked more like a swan. The woman was tall, blonde, long legs and wore four inch heels. She made Presley feel like a little brown wren. “She’s official legal counsel for the Foundation set up by Jacob and the other boys’ mother. Aron is the trustee. Listen to this.”

  “I’m glad I caught the both of you. I just heard that Aron is dead. My condolences,” she paused a miro-second. “Now, moving on. I need decisions and signatures. Jacob will you take his place?”

  Presley watched. Zane stepped back. He knew Jacob and he didn’t have to say a word. “Excuse me, Ms. Fuller, but you need to understand something. No one has said that Aron is dead. We’re not moving on. And I can’t take his place – anywhere. He is irreplaceable. Now if you need signatures, speak to my attorney, he’ll know exactly what we need to do.” And Jacob stepped into the elevator and held the door.

  Ms. Fuller was silent. But Zane wasn’t. “Presley, get Ms. Fuller’s number and tell her we’ll get with her as soon as we get back to the states and some decisions are made. I’m sorry you made this trip for naught, Ms. Fuller. Right now, finding Aron is more important than writing him off. You won’t go lacking for signatures or decisions, I promise you that. Good day.”

  Presley smiled, knowing they had her number. This was obviously a power play on Zane’s part. As Ms. Fuller handed her a business card, she tried to cut Presley in half with a poisonous glare. It didn’t work; the new clothes and Zane’s attention made Presley stand up tall, she felt worthy for the first time.

  “Come on, Love.”

  Love smiled and stepped into the elevator with Jacob and Zane.


  Bowie was waiting on them and so was Libby with a stunning looking couple that Presley assumed were Beau and Harley. The man was big with shoulder length hair and shadowed his woman like a mighty oak sheltering a tender flower. This morning, before their discussion of her new wardrobe, Zane had told her about Joseph’s Cajun friend, Beau, a weapons designer and dealer, and owner of a wildlife preserve who wrangles alligators regularly. His petite, gorgeous wife Harley was also outstanding in her field – one of the top bomb techs in the nation, an EOD expert. Today however, they were here in the more important role of friends.

  Something had happened and all that we
re gathered – waited. Libby was small and fragile looking, yet her eyes were filled with hope. They all stood, no one sat.

  Bowie Travis Malone, who had been working with Blue Hope, a group of divers who specialized in underwater investigations, stepped forward. He looked at each brother, then lastly, he looked at Libby.

  Presley held her breath. Had they found a body? That thought had to be going through the mind of every person in the room. It was obvious Aron hadn’t been found alive, or he would be here. Tension built. Bowie Travis reached into his back pocket and removed something small, holding it in his fist. He stepped forward to Libby and she held out her hand and he placed within it a band of gold. Aron’s wedding ring.

  “Oh, no!” Libby crumpled. She sank to her knees, holding the hand that clasped the ring to her heart.

  “What does this mean?” Joseph demanded.

  “Could it have slipped off in the current?” Avery asked as she joined Libby, taking her into her arms and holding the poor girl as she shook with fear.

  “No,” Libby spoke softly and haltingly, “it wouldn’t have come off that easily, I had to push it on, it was a little too tight.”

  “Do you think a shark. . . .” one of the nameless volunteer divers interjected and he was immediately shushed by another volunteer.

  The McCoy brothers closed in around Libby and Zane requested for Presley to tell Bowie to clear the room except for family and friends.

  “What does this mean?” Libby cried. “Does this mean he’s dead? I can’t believe he would have pulled his ring off.”

  Beau came and knelt by Libby. “Sweet Girl, would you let my Harley hold Aron’s ring and see if she can sense anything? She’s like Cady, she was born with the power to know things the rest of us don’t and I trust her with my life.”

  “Please,” Libby looked hopeful and held out the ring to Harley.

  Presley was mesmerized as the beautiful Hispanic woman took the band and held it to her heart, bowing her head.


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