I'll See You In My Dreams (Hell Yeah!)

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I'll See You In My Dreams (Hell Yeah!) Page 27

by Sable Hunter

  “I don’t doubt it a bit,” she giggled like a school girl.

  “Where’s my sweetheart?” He asked.

  “She’s in your room, getting pretty for you.” Rachel took him by the arm and they strolled through to the kitchen. “All of the picnic items are in the refrigerator or already packed in the basket on the table.”

  He kissed her on the cheek and left to go where he wanted to be the most – with Presley. As he neared his room, he could smell her – God, he cock got hard just from the scent of her shampoo. She was probably getting all smooth and silky for him. Hell, he couldn’t wait till the picnic to make love with her, he needed her now! Shedding his clothes, he left them in a trail on the floor. When he opened the bathroom door, a cloud of steam slapped across his body. “Baby?”

  “I’m here.” He had come to her! She had been fantasizing that he would. They had made love the night before and this morning, but she couldn’t get enough of him. Who would have known she could become addicted to sex? She was addicted to Zane; that was closer to the truth.

  Presley was within reaching distance, all showered soft and warm. His body tightened at the thought. “I have some things to tell you.”

  “What’s that?” He was naked – all hard, hot and hung. “You are so damn beautiful, Zane. I will never get tired of looking at you.”

  “Hell, now I forgot was I was gonna say.” Reaching out, he touched her and discovered she was deliciously nude, just the way he liked her. Sinking to his knees, he ran his hands over her long, perfect legs. She had applied lotion and they were as smooth as silk, rounded and too damned sexy to be believed. “I have enjoyed you so much.” Reverently, he kissed the top of her mound. “You have given me such incredible happiness. I was so lost before you came to me, so alone.” Gently, he spread her legs. “When I bury my mouth right here,” he touched her rich, satiny pussy, “I taste the sweetest cream in the world.”

  Presley was having a hard time standing upright; she placed one hand on his shoulder and the other on his dark, roguish mane. “You could do that again, if you’d like. I wouldn’t protest.”

  “What would you give me in return?” He was in a bargaining mood. If she would give him a kiss, he would offer her the world on a silver platter – seemed like a fair exchange to him.

  “A blow-job?”

  Zane choked back a laugh. She was the cutest thing. “You said blow-job,” he teased. When she talked a little dirty, he went into lust-shock. “Sit on that bench behind you. She did, then he knelt between her legs. Holding her open, he kissed and licked her slit. “I get so drunk on you. You’re my drug of choice.” She whimpered her approval, her fingers tangling in his hair.

  “Please, Zane! Suck my clit!” Pride and love swelled up in Zane. Presley was vocal; she never made him guess how she felt. She was generous, affectionate and more responsive a lover than any man had the right to expect. Cupping her ass, he held her still and pressed his face more fully into her pussy, tonguing and sucking on her hot button. She raised both legs and placed them on his shoulders and he could feel her lay completely back, her head must have been almost touching the floor. What an erotic picture she must have made.

  In abandon, Presley milked her own nipples, she was in total bliss. He clit was so swollen that the folds of her pussy were more sensitive than they had ever been. “I need this, Zane. I need you so much!” Slowly, he licked her – oh, so slowly, savoring every square inch of her wet velvet. She stretched, writhed, begged, pleaded – cried out his name. “Zane!”

  Lord, he couldn’t believe how sweet she was. He’d never get his fill of her – never.

  “I love it, Zane. I love you!”

  His need for her burned like a wildfire. Zane’s cock throbbed in time to his pounding heartbeat. “God, you’re so sexy.” He wanted more – more. Lifting her bottom, he angled her body so he could tunnel his tongue deep into sweetest spot on earth.

  Presley succumb, she yielded to his will and unraveled beneath his erotic onslaught. “Yes! You are my all in all, Zane!” she screamed.

  Through the storm of rapture that assaulted her, she saw him rise. “Don’t leave me,” she begged. “I need more.”

  “What do you need?” his voice was harsh, dominating. Zane was tanned and hard, strong and dominant, his erection stood out in front of him, rampant and leaking pre-cum.


  She felt weak; Presley didn’t know if she could stand, but she didn’t have to, he fitted his hands at her waist and picked her up, turned and moved with assurance to his bed. Zane might regain his sight, but he would have no need to regain his dominion over a woman’s pleasure, for he never lost it. “How do you want me?”

  “Inside of me, you on top of me, take me!” Presley couldn’t wait another moment. “Please.” She held her hands up to him, beseechingly.

  As Zane covered her, lowering himself, he felt her grasp. Her hands were hungry on his body, she wanted him; her desire was his touchstone. Presley loved him, wanted him, cared for him – just the way he was. If he never regained his sight, she wouldn’t change or turn her back on him, she was his and he was the luckiest son of a bitch on earth. “Feel me, Presley.”

  “God!” she gasped as he penetrated her. The wide head burned her pussy with exquisite pleasure as he stretched her tender opening. “I want you, only you,” she whispered as he eased his cock in, little by little. She didn’t know if he was more engorged or if she were swollen, but Zane felt bigger than ever before, and she felt softer. “This is how it’s supposed to be,” she murmured. Presley felt more like a woman than she ever had, and he was her man.

  Zane ground his teeth together, fighting to maintain an even rhythm. What he wanted to do was take her so hard and so well that she’d never want another man’s hands on her as long as she lived. “Does it feel good, Baby?”

  “Oh yes,” she cried. “So good.”

  Picking up her legs, he held them up, an arm around each knee. As he fucked her, he licked hot trails on one calve and then the other, making her shiver and quake with pleasure. Presley arched her back, seeking to force him deeper. “You want more?”

  “Please,” she panted.

  Pushing her legs down so they were bent at the knee, he rose over her, arms by her head, like he was doing push-ups and he began to jack-hammer inside of her. The jabbing, pistoning strokes brought their ecstasy into sharp focus. The rest of the world was swept away, leaving only the two of them. Him and her. Zane and Presley. And there was no doubt – he owned her. Without missing a thrust, he bowed his back and nursed at her breast. His tongue licked, his lips closed around the tender nipple and he sucked until she began to thrash beneath him, her climax imminent.

  More than anything, Presley wanted to share with Zane. She wanted to share his days, his life, and his home. But if that never happened, at least she could share this with him. “Cum with me, Zane,” she urged.

  Lush, delicious heaven. Zane laid his head on her breast and gave in to the irresistible impulse to shaft into her, over and over. He could feel her sweet body clasp him tight, her pussy close around him. Every time he drove into her, she did her best to hold him there. “Squeeze me, Baby. That’s it, good girl. You are mine, aren’t you?”

  “Yours.” She moved just enough that he loosened his hold on her. She wasn’t trying to get away; Presley just needed to hold him close. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. Lifting her hips, she sought to get as close to him as possible. Clinging to him, totally at his mercy, she felt her body fall over the edge of the world as her orgasm flooded her body with tingling, sizzling shocks of ecstasy. When Zane came, she gloried in his groans and held him tight as his seed spilled into her. “Don’t move yet,” she asked as he started to pull out. “I want to hold you a minute.”

  He rolled them over, careful to keep them joined. “How’s that?”

  “Perfect. Can I close my eyes, just for a minute? I’m so tired.”

  “We have all
the time in the world.” She nestled down in his arms, her head on his chest. It dawned on Zane that sex with Margaret and the women who had come before was just that – sex. He had never made love until he made love to Presley, and he never intended to settle for less ever again.


  He let her nap for about an hour, even dropping off to sleep for a little while himself, but his cell phone woke them up. “Saucier,” it was Heath McCoy. As he listened to the big man’s concerns, Presley wiggled around and got up.

  “I’m gonna shower,” she kissed him on the forehead. “I’ll be back.”

  He got up and cleaned himself up with a towel in the guest bathroom, then made his way to his office so he could conference call with Adam.

  Presley didn’t dawdle, she had been thinking about the phone call from her mother and she was feeling guilty about it. What if Kelly really wanted to make up for lost time? She shouldn’t have pushed her away. Drying off, she thought about what she would say. God, she was nervous. They were about to go riding so she chose blue jeans and a simple shirt that tucked in. When she left the bedroom, she could still hear Zane in his office, so she took her phone and went to the kitchen.

  With shaking hands, she pulled out the dining table chair and sat down. How many times had she fantasized about doing this very thing – talking to her mother? Even though she had cut the other conversation short, Presley had saved the number. It had just been a shock. She hoped her mother would understand and forgive her. Taking a deep breathe, she hit the necessary numbers.

  “Hello?” the voice was the one she had heard before. This time it was suspicious sounding; that was her fault.

  “Kelly?” she couldn’t bring herself to call her ‘mother’, not yet. “This is Presley.”

  “Oh, really?” There was a hint of sarcasm in her voice. “Did you feel guilty hanging up on your own flesh and blood?”

  “I didn’t hang up on you; I just told you that I was in a meeting.” Actually she had cut the phone call short, but she had been polite. “You have to realize it was a shock hearing from you after all these years.” There was only breathing on the other end of the line for about forty seconds. Presley was so un-nerved; she was folding and refolding a dish towel over and over.

  “I debated calling you at all.” Her mother’s voice was similar to Mabel’s. There was a hard edge to it, a careless tossing of words that made her wonder what she had called about to begin with.

  “Why did you call me?”

  “I’d like to see you in person; you’re my daughter after all. I just want to catch up. Don’t you think it’s time?”

  Presley closed her eyes, afraid to trust. She had been burned too many times. “All right, I’d like to get to know you, too. But I have some important things to do in the next couple of days.” Namely, Zane’s operation. “How about I call you and we’ll set up a meeting? I’ll take you out to dinner.”

  Kelly whispered something that Presley didn’t understand. It sounded angry.

  “What did you say?”

  “Nothing.” Her answer was short. “If you can’t spare a few minutes for your mother, I wonder what kind of a daughter you are.”

  Warning bells were going off right and left in Presley’s head. “I want to make time for you and I will, but a friend of mine is having an important medical procedure that I cannot and will not miss.”

  “Very well, I suppose I don’t have a choice.”

  “Thank you,” Presley lingered over the phone call, even after her mother had hung up. Was she being foolish?

  Zane’s voice calling her name caused a thrill to warm her heart. “I’m in here, Darling.” Whatever the future held with her mother, she had been blessed far beyond measure.


  “Easy, Girl,” Zane placed the saddle on the horse’s back. Presley stood back and watched him work. He talked to her the whole time in a low, caressing tone, telling her how good she was and how pretty. Presley couldn’t help but smile. It was dark outside and she wondered about that, but for Zane it was dark all the time, so it didn’t matter. The corral was lit, somewhat, by a security light, but the shadows were deep and she edged closer to be able to see what he was doing. “Presley, where are you?” he asked.

  “Right over here, about ten feet behind you.”

  “We’re keeping an eye on her, Zane.” Frank spoke from the other side of the fence.

  “Maybe I should join Frank and Henry,” she didn’t want to get in the way. Presley didn’t know much about horses, but this animal had been abused and although she trusted Zane, Shalimar didn’t look calm at all. The horse kept looking from her to the men at the fence.

  “Go stand by the gate and if she dances near you, you can slip out.”

  She moved slowly, keeping her eyes on him as he placed a hand on the saddle horn and his foot in the stirrup. The snow white of his shirt shone in the light, his back was wide and strong and right now it bore the mark of her fingernails. After their loving, she had kissed the faint red marks and he had laughed, saying that he loved to wear her brand.

  Swinging a leg over the saddle, Zane settled in. Shalimar shuffled in place. He rubbed her neck, “Good girl, let’s try a slow walk. Shall we?” He touched her with his knee and pulled the reins gently to the left. Presley knew Zane was aware of where he was, where the fence was and where she was. She had complete and utter faith in him. Her faith in others wasn’t so strong, and she saw it happening and could do absolutely nothing to stop it.

  Zane was easing Shalimar around the corral and she was doing fine, until Henry said something he thought was funny and slapped Frank on the back. It was a harmless move on Henry’s part, but the horse was nervous and expecting the worst. When the pop sounded, Shalimar reared and no matter how Zane tried to calm her down, she wouldn’t. She pitched and whirled, slamming into the fence. Presley was frozen in place. Zane had ridden rodeo, he was staying on and all would have been well, but Shalimar turned and saw Presley standing there and reared straight up, throwing Zane backwards. His landing on the ground only served to scare Shalimar more, so she danced backwards and almost stepped on him. Presley wanted to scream, but her voice was gone.

  Zane tried to talk to Shalimar. “Easy, Girl,” he began to rise. In horror, she watched as the horse pivoted and came down on Zane’s body, knocking him back down. This time he didn’t move.

  “No!” she screamed and ran to him as hard as she could. He couldn’t see how to dodge the blows or where to go to get out of the way. Throwing her body on top of his, she protected Zane, providing a shield between him and the razor sharp hooves.

  Pain crashed through her as Shalimar came down hard – once, twice – the pressure on her side was excruciating. Finally, Frank pulled the frightened animal back and off of Presley and shouts for an ambulance could be heard.

  “Excuse me, Miss,” Henry barked, his concern for his boss overriding everything else. He grabbed her by her arm and pulled her to one side, she managed not to scream. Her focus, like Henry’s was on Zane.

  “Hey! Be easy with her, I think she’s hurt, too,” Frank came to her, but she directed him to help Zane.

  “He’s unconscious!”

  Presley had to get to him; she held her side and edged near. “Zane? Can you hear me?” Uncaring about her own self, she knelt next to him and kissed his cheek. “I’m so sorry.” His breathing was good and he wasn’t damp with sweat. All she could think about was a concussion. How was this going to affect tomorrow’s surgery?

  Even though it was only minutes, the wait for the ambulance seemed like an eternity. Frank called Kane and he beat the ambulance, screeching up in the front yard. A small crunch and a curse was ignored as more important matters were at hand. Presley was grateful Zane’s brother had come, she felt helpless. He knelt beside him, checking his head and face. “I don’t see any contusions,” he turned to her, “are you all right, Presley?”

  “I’m fine, just take care of him.”

s meeting us at the hospital.”

  About that time the paramedics arrived mid a scream of sirens and Zane roused enough to ask for her. “Presley?”

  “I’m here,” she touched his arm, but was pushed back as two attendants checked his vitals and loaded him on the stretcher. “Can I ride with him?”

  “No, Ma’am,” but Kane intervened.

  “Let her in that ambulance. He wants her there.” The paramedics didn’t argue with the sheriff.

  The drive to the hospital seemed to take forever. Ignoring the looks from the attendants, she went to her knees next to him. “Zane? We’ll be at the hospital soon, you’ll be okay. Shalimar didn’t mean it.”

  “I know, Baby,” he whispered. “I’m not mad at her. I just have a headache.”

  She kissed him on his cheek and said a prayer. When they pulled up at the emergency room door, she saw Lilibet standing with a group of people. Zane’s father was unmistakable; he was just an older image of his sons. Estelle Saucier looked regal, and when she spotted Presley, she whispered to a younger woman standing next to her. But there was no doubt which one was Willow, she took charge, ordering that Zane be taken straight to x-ray.

  Presley paced around the emergency room entrance. This was a part of the hospital that was unfamiliar to her. The pediatric unit was where she spent her time. She was scheduled for another volunteer session next week. Before learning about Zane’s operation, she had been about to invite him to go with her. Offering up a little prayer, she asked God to give them both more chances to help others.

  Lilibet came to Presley and put her arm around her. She managed not to wince. As soon as Zane was seen about, she’d go to the pharmacy and get something to wrap her ribs tight.

  “Should you have come, Lilibet? Do you need to sit down?” Kane’s wife looked tired. Everyone handled being pregnant differently. She wondered what kind of mother she would be. With that thought, came a shiver of self-doubt about meeting Kelly. What if her mother didn’t like her?


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