55. Allen Grover to HRL, April 3, 1951, TIA; Edward C. Carter to HRL, May 23, 1933, August 11, 1934, HRL to Edward Carter, August 16, 1941, Institute for Pacific Relations Mss.; HRL to Juan Trippe, September 22, 1943, TIA; HRL to Edward Carter, May 26, 1941, Institute for Pacific Relations Mss.
56. Edward C. Carter to HRL, May 23, 1933, Kohlberg to Philip C. Jessup, March 15, 1946, Kohlberg to HRL, August 8, 1946, Institute for Pacific Relations Mss.
57. Allen Grover to HRL, April 3, 1951, TIA; Douglas Auchincloss to HRL, January 7, 1943, Boyce P. Price to HRL, August 30, 1946, HRL to Edward Carter, August 9, September 4, 1946, Institute for Pacific Relations Mss.; HRL to Alfred Kohlberg, August 9, 1946, Edward Carter to HRL, September 18, 22, 1946, Bernard Barnes to Edward Carter, November 26, 1947, HRL to Griffith, December 5, 1949, TIA.
58. Albert Wedemeyer to HRL, July 2, 1946, Wedemeyer Mss.; Jim Shepley to Allen Grover, transcript of telephone conversation, July 26, 1946, TIA.
59. Wedemeyer to HRL, October 10, 1947, Wedemeyer Mss.
60. HRL to General Chang Chun, September 21, 1946, TIA; Keith Eiles, “The Man Who Planned the Victory,” Hoover Digest, 2001, Hoover Institute On-line Publications; Wedemeyer to HRL, October 10, 1947, HRL to George C. Marshall, October 7, 1947, Wedemeyer Mss.; Time, October 6, 1947; Department of State, United States Relations with China (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1949), pp. 758–814.
61. United States Relations with China, pp. vii–xiv.
62. Eddie Jones to Dave Hulburd, November 26, 1948, TIA; Paris Dispatch 7126, John Osborne, November 16, 1948, TD.
63. Shanghai Dispatch 592, William Gray, January 29, 1948, TD; HRL to JSB, March 8, 1948, TIA.
64. HRL to Leighton Stuart, May 25, 1948, Mme. Chiang Kai-shek to HRL, June 15, 1948, TIA; JSBD, September 16, 1948.
65. Life, April 5, 1948; HRL to Robert Lovett, January 22, 1948, HRL to Leighton Stuart, January 27, 1948, HRL to Max Ways and John Osborne, August 12, 1948, “Truman, China and History,” Time Inc. internal report, n.d., 1961, HRL to Osborne and Ways, November 27, 1948, TIA.
66. HRL to Larsen, June 17, 1946, TIA; Time, March I, 15, 1948; Rexford Tugwell diary, June 10, 1944, Tugwell Mss., LC.
67. HRL speech, June, n.d., 1948, TIA; Time, March I, 15, July 5, November 1, 8, 15, 1948.
68. JSBD, December 24, 1928, May 20, 1949; HRL to Chiang Kai-shek, December 24, 30, 1948, Chiang Kai-shek to HRL, January 17, 1949, TIA.
1. HRL to Roy Larsen, February 6, 1948, TIA; HRL to Max Ways, January 29, 1948, HRL to T. S. Matthews, February 4, 1948, JSB Mss.; JSBD, March 5, 1948, May 31, 1949, January 25, 1954; JSB, “Luce Talk,” June 29, 1950, “Random Luce Notes,” January 5, June, n.d., 1949, JSB Scrapbook #49, JSB Mss.
2. Merlyn Pitzele to HRL, December 28, 1948, TIA; Business Week, March 6, 1948; Elisabeth Luce Moore interview; Henry Luce III interview; Andrew Heiskell interview.
3. Herbert Bayard Swope to HRL, January 9, 1950, TIA; New Republic, January 30, 1950; New York Times, January 4, 15, 16, February 1, 1950; JSBD, January 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 13, 16, 20, 24.
4. HRL, “Memo to Staff,” September 8, 1950, “Luce to Take Sabbatical,” FYI, September 15, 1950, JSB Mss.; JSBD, September 1, 7, 11, 18, 1950, January 22, 26, 1951, January 26, 1952, April 6, 1953.
5. JSB to Grover, n.d., 1950, JSB Mss.; Robert T. Elson, The World of Time Inc.: The Intimate History of a Publishing Enterprise, 1941–1960 (New York: Atheneum, 1973), p. 252; HRL to JSB, March 3, 1946, “Random Notes on some people in the West,” February 14–23, 1946, “Notes on a Trip to Portland, Seattle, Butte, Anaconda & Chicago,” June, n.d., 1948, “Notes on a journey to Cincinnati, St. Louis, Fort Worth and Snyder, Texas,” October 31, 1949, TIA.
6. Connie White to family, June 15, 1946, CJBW and WWW to “Our Parents,” June 12, 1947, HRL, “Notes on conversation with Mr. Attlee,” March 8, 1948, HRL to John Osborne, August 16, 1947, “Western Civilization,” May 1949, Allen Grover to JSB, May 1, 1946, “Notes on Trip to Germany and Austria,” n.d., 1946, “Mr. Luce’s Trip to Europe—1949: List of People,” JSB Mss.; HRL memo, n.d., December 1952, HRL, “1953 in Asia,” n.d., 1952, TIA; Life, February 23, 1953
7. HRL, “Five Day Voyage of Max Thornburgh and Henry Luce Through the Northern Provinces of Persia,” November 1950, HRL to Roy Alexander, “Policy Memorandum on Iran,” December 5, 1950, TIA.
8. HRL, “Five Day Voyage of Max Thornburgh and Henry Luce Through the Northern Provinces of Persia,” November 1950, HRL to Roy Alexander, “Policy Memorandum on Iran,” December 5, 1950, HRL to JSB, November, n.d., 1950, TIA.
9. Allen Weinstein, Perjury: The Hiss-Chambers Case (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1978), pp. 161–65, 174–76, 184–95; William Allen White, Jr., to HRL, January 31, 1950, TIA; John Early Haynes and Harvey Klehr, Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America (New Havenk Conn.: Yale University Press, 1999), pp. 167–73.
10. JSBD, August 17, 20, 1948, February 25, 1949; Elson, World of Time Inc., p. 238.
11. JSBD, December 9, 18, 1948, March 9, 10, 1950; James A. Linen to Staff, December 10, 1948, TIA; Weinstein, Perjury, pp. 276–77.
12. JSBD, April 21, 24, 26, 1950.
13. HRL to André Laguerre, “A Letter on General Policy,” February 14, 1949, TIA; HRL to JSB et al., September 14, 1946, JSB Mss.; HRL to Matthews and Alexander, May 10, 1946, HRL to Thorndike, June 9, 1949, TIA.
14. Time, June 12, 1950, January 8, May 21, October 1, 1951, February 11, March 3, December 29, 1952, January 12, March 16, 1953; Elizabeth Carter Vincent to HRL, February 20, 1953, HRL to Elizabeth Carter Vincent, March 5, 1953, TIA.
15. Time, May 1, 1950, October 1, May 21, 1951, February 11, March 10, 1952; HRL to Albert Dick, April 22, 1950, TIA; Robert P. Newman, Owen Lattimore and the “Loss” of China (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992), pp. 200–1, 396–97.
16. David M. Oshinksy, A Conspiracy So Immense (New York: Free Press, 1983), pp. 72–114; Thomas C. Reeves, The Life and Times of Joe McCarthy (New York: Stein & Day, 1982), pp. 161–234.
17. HRL to Philip Jessup, February 4, 1947, n.d., 1950, HRL to JSB, March 6, 1946, HRL to Matthews, April 9, 1946, TIA; JSBD, September 21, 1950; Elson, World of Time Inc., p. 276.
18. Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., The Vital Center (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1948), pp. 35–50, 159–60.
19. Oshinsky, A Conspiracy So Immense, pp. 191–97; Barry Goldwater, Why Not Victory (New York: Macfadden-Bartel, 1962).
20. George F. Kennan, Memoirs, 1925–1950 (Boston: Little, Brown, 1967), pp. 547–57.
21. “X” [George F. Kennan], “The Sources of Soviet Conduct,” Foreign Affairs 25 (July 1947): 566–82.
22. John Lewis Gaddis, Strategies of Containment (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982), pp. 55–65.
23. Time, February 24, March 24, 1947; JSBD, February 3, September 23 1949; HRL to JSB, January 2, 1946, HRL to Robert Elson, March 7, 1947, TIA; HRL to JSB, July 20, 1950, JSB Mss.
24. HRL, “Dulles,” n.d., 1946, TIA; HRL to Matthews et al., February 27, 1948, JSB Mss.; JSBD, January 4, 1951.
25. JSBD, July 14, 21, 1950; Elson, World of Time Inc., p. 282.
26. JSBD, December 8, 1950, January 10, February 16, 1951; Elson, World of Time Inc., p. 290; Life, December 11, 1950, January 8, 1951.
27. HRL to Alexander et al., April 5, 1950, March 7, 1951, TIA; Life, January 8, 1951; JSBD, February 14, August 11, December 5, 1950.
28. JSBD, January 19, 1951.
29. John W. Spanier, The Truman-MacArthur Controversy and the Korean War (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1959), pp. 191–92; William Stueck, “The March to the Yalu: The Perspective from Washington,” in Bruce Cumings, ed., Child of Conflict: The Korean American Relationship, 1943–1953 (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1983), pp. 219–37; William Manchester, American Caesar: Douglas MacArthur, 1880–1964 (Boston: Little, Brown, 1978), pp. 638–40; JSBD, April 11, 13, 1951.
30. HRL, “Notes,” April 24, 1951, TIA; Time, Ap
ril 23, 1951.
31. HRL, “Private Notes,” April 25, 1951, TIA.
32. JSBD, April 24, 1951; HRL to Matthews et al., December 10, 1951, HRL to Matthews, December 15, 1951, TIA; Time, January 7, 1952.
33. Life, April 23, 1951; HRL, “Memo to Myself,” July 11, 1955, TIA.
34. Elson, World of Time Inc., pp. 301–9; HRL unpublished memoir, pp. 46–54, TIA.
35. Allen Grover to Harold E. Talbott, January 31, 1952, Talbott to Grover, February I, 1952, Eisenhower to HRL, January 8, 1952, TIA; Life, January 7, 21, 1952; Time, January 7, 14, 1952; Andrew Heiskell interview; Elisabeth Luce Moore interview; Elson, World of Time Inc., pp. 301–9; HRL unpublished memoir, pp. 46–54, TIA.
36. JSBD, June 16, 19, September 3, 12, 16, 18, 22, October 23, 1952; HRL, “Notes on the Convention,” n.d., 1952, TIA; Time, July 7, 14, 1952; Henry Cabot Lodge to HRL, July, n.d., 1952, Bob Elson to Miss Thrasher, September, n.d., 1952, “Mr. Luce’s Schedule for Joining the Eisenhower Train,” September 17, 1952, TIA; Elson, World of Time Inc., p. 308.
37. HRL to T. S. Matthews, October 25, 1952, HRL to C. D. Jackson, September 17, October 23, 1952, HRL to Eisenhower, September 3, 1952, Eisenhower to HRL, September 17, 1952, HRL, “Illinois,” n.d., 1952, TIA; JSBD, October 23, 27, November 6, 1952; Elson, World of Time Inc., pp. 315–20; Robert Manning, The Swamp Root Chronicle: Adventures in the Word Trade (New York: Norton, 1992), pp. 150–52.
38. Time, November 3, 1952.
39. “Memo from Henry R. Luce,” June 25, 1952, TIA; Life, May 19, 1952; HRL, “Concerning the World Struggle,” n.d., 1952, TIA; Robert E. Herzstein, Henry R. Luce, Time and the American Crusade in Asia (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005), pp. 162–63.
40. HRL to Andrew Heiskell et al., November 5, 1952, TIA.
41. HRL to Eisenhower, January 5, 1953, Eisenhower to HRL, January 5, 1953, HRL to Alexander et al., December 17, 1953, TIA; JSBD, December 22, 1952, January 7, 8, 9, 19, February 2, 27, 1953.
42. JSBD, March 20, June 19, 1953; HRL to Editors, August, n.d., 1953, TIA; Elisabeth Luce Moore interview; Richard Challener, interview with HRL, July 28, 1965, John Foster Dulles Mss.
43. HRL to Editors, “Foreign Policy—Time Inc.,” July 9, 1954, HRL to Editors, “Mistakes of the Last Ten Years (Pre-Eisenhower),” August 10, 1954, HRL, “Elaboration of preceding summary of Policy for Survival,” August 12, 1954, C. D. Jackson to Editors, August 26, 1954, “Preface,” n.d., 1954, TIA.
44. HRL, “Dulles,” n.d., 1953, HRL to Thompson et al., January 17, 1955, “Reverberation Over Dulles Statement,” n.d., 1956, Jim Pitt to Bernard Barnes, January 18, 1956, TIA; Life, January 16, 1956; New York Times, January 22, 1956; Time, January 23, 1956.
45. HRL to Jean de Lattre, May 17, 1949, de Lattre to HRL, October 10, 1951, HRL to de Lattre, October 26, 1951, comment of HRL on Laguerre Memo on Talk with De Lattre, n.d., 1950, HRL, “1953 in Asia,” n.d., 1952, HRL, “America and Asia,” n.d., 1952, TIA; Life, February 23, 1953.
46. HRL, “1953 in Asia,” n.d., 1952, TIA; JSBD, August 4, 1953; JSB to HRL, August 4, 1953, JSB Mss.; HRL to JSB, August 5, 1953, W. A. Swanberg Mss.; Dowling to HRL, July 11, August 5, 1953, JSB Mss.
47. Time, November 22, 1954; William H. Hunter, “The War in Vietnam, Luce Version,” New Republic, March 23, 1963, pp. 15–17.
48. HRL to Jessup, September 10, 1951, TIA.
49. HRL to Gottfried, April 4, 1944, TIA.
50. John K. Jessup, ed., The Ideas of Henry Luce (New York: Atheneum, 1969), pp. 179–90; Elisabeth Luce Moore interview; JSBD, April 6, 1951; HRL to William Ernest Hocking, March 21, 1952, TIA.
51. Harold R. MacKinnon, The Secret of Mr. Justice Holmes (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1950); Jessup, The Ideas of Henry Luce, pp. 154–59; JSBD, June 10, 11, 1952.
52. HRL, “Peace is the Work of Justice,” Connecticut Bar Journal 30 (December 1956): 340–53; HRL, “Peace is the Work of Justice,” (revised) October 23, 1956, Carl Albert Mss., University of Oklahoma; HRL memo, February 15, 1943, TIA; JSBD, February 14, 20, 1950.
53. JSBD, July 3, November 6, 1953.
54. William Ernest Hocking, The Meaning of God in Human Experience (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1916), pp. 3–6, 68–70; HRL to Hocking, March 21, 23, 28, 1952, June 29, 1956, May 24, 1957, October 16, 1965, Hocking to HRL, June 22, 1956, May 13, 1957, September 27, October 31, 1965, TIA.
55. Richard Challener, “Transcript of a Recorded Interview with Henry Luce,” John Foster Dulles Oral History Project, Princeton University Library, pp. 10–13; HRL to J. E. Wallace Sterling, April 7, 1955, Oscar Hammerstein to HRL, December 26, 1958, Robert Menzies to HRL, March 25, 1957, Dulles to HRL, May 10, 1957, HRL to Dulles, May 24, August 8, September 7, 16, 1957, HRL, “Talk with Secretary Dulles at D.O.S.,” August 22, 1957, Philip K. Crowe to HRL, June 3, 1958, HRL to Thomas J. Watson, May 2, 1959, TIA.
56. Rhyne, Malone, Griswold, HRL, “Aide-Memoire for the Secretary of State,” July 1, 1958, Malone, “Memorandum re Meeting with John Foster Dulles,” July 1, 1958, Malone to Earl Osborn, July 4, 1958, HRL to Charles Rhyne, May 11, 1959, TIA.
57. HRL speech, St. Louis University, November 16, 1955, Jim Shepley to Fred Gruin, July 2, 1958, HRL to Eisenhower, July 17, 1958, Eisenhower to HRL, July 18, 1958, HRL to Eisenhower, July 22, 1958, Ann Whitman to C. D. Jackson, n.d., Eisenhower to HRL, December 20, 1958, TIA.
58. David Stebenne, Modern Republican: Arthur Larson and the Eisenhower Years (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2006), pp. 224–25, 232–34; HRL to Arthur Larson, July 23, 1958, “A Presidential Commission on the Rule of Law,” n.d., 1958, Arthur Larson to HRL, August 1, 6, 1958, HRL to Arthur Larson, August 4, 1958, HRL to Eisenhower, August 4, 1958, Eisenhower to Arthur Larson, August 11, 1958, Arthur Larson to HRL, May 15, 1959, HRL to Charles S. Rhyne, May 11, 1959, TIA.
59. HRL to Arthur Larson, December 15, 1958, Arthur Larson to HRL, December 14, 1959, HRL to John Jessup, February 19, 1960, TIA; Time, September 7, 1959, November 22, 1963; HRL to Eustace Seligman, February 3, 1960, Barry Goldwater to HRL, February 1, 1962, HRL to Barry Goldwater, February 5, 1962, HRL to William O. Douglas, February 8, 1965, HRL to Tom Clark, February 8, 1965, TIA; Arizona Republic, January 22, 1965; Challener, “Transcript of a Recorded Interview with Henry Luce,” pp. 14–15; Stebenne, Modern Republican, pp. 228–34.
60. “HRL Travel Schedules,” April 1953–December 1956, TIA; Elisabeth Luce Moore interview.
61. “Chronology of Events,” 1953, CBL diary, January 6, 9, 10, 25, 1953, CBL Mss.
62. CBL diary, February 3, 1953, CBL Mss.; HRL to CBL, January 17, April 5, n.d., 1954, Jim Bell to Time desk, February 28, 1967, TIA; JSBD, June 9, 1953; Luigi Barzini to HRL, June 12, 1956, TIA; JSBD, April 4, 1953; “The Reminiscences of William Morrow Fechteler” (1962), pp. 139–40, 172, COHP.
63. JSBD, September 10, 22, 1953, January 23, 1954; HRL to Eisenhower, April 27, 1953, HRL to C. D. Jackson, December 1, 1954, Charles Auchincloss to HRL, April 25, 1953, HRL to Charles Auchincloss, April 30, 1953, HRL to Bernard Berenson, May 18, 1955, HRL to Enrico Minola, December 2, 1953, HRL to Giuseppe Medici, March 13, 1954, HRL, “Conversation of Malgodi,” August 31, 1956, TIA.
64. Mario del Pero, “Containing Containment: Rethinking Italy’s Experience During the Cold War,” Journal of Modern Italian Studies 8 (2003): 532–55; Mario del Pero, “American Pressures and Their Containment in Italy during the Ambassadorship of Clare Boothe Luce, 1953–1956,” Diplomatic History 28 (2004): 407–39.
65. Del Pero, “American Pressures,” pp. 421–27.
66. Letitia Baldrige, “My Life with Mrs. Luce,” Town and Country, n.d., pp. 78–82, TIA.
67. Ibid., p. 82; Elisabeth Luce Moore interview; Ralph G. Martin, Henry and Clare: An Intimate Portrait of the Luces (New York: G. P. Putnam, 1991), pp. 330–32.
68. Elisabeth Luce Moore interview; Henry Luce III interview; Richard Clurman interview; Martin, Henry and Clare, pp. 352–54.
1. HRL
unfinished memoir, pp. 46–48, TIA.
2. Robert T. Elson, The World of Time Inc.: The Intimate History of a Publishing Enterprise, 1941–1960 (New York: Atheneum, 1973), pp. 394–95; Thomas Griffith, The Waist-High Culture (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1959), pp. 100–3.
3. Time, July 4, 1955, September 3, 1956, February 22, 1954; HRL, “Republican Nominations,” July 27, 1965, HRL Mss., LC.
4. Carlos Romulo speech to American Society of Newspaper Editors, April 16, 1959, TIA; Fact, January–February 1964; “The Time Version,” Commonweal, November 15, 1957; HRL to William V. Griffin, August 12, 1955, TIA.
5. Life, December 3, 1945; Wendy Kozol, Life’s America: Family and Nation in Postwar Photo-Journalism (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1994), pp. 19–21.
6. Life, November 15, 29, 1954, June 13, July 25, 1955, January 16, 30, April 9, September 10, 1956, August 25, 1958.
7. Life, February 14, December 12, 1955.
8. Life, December 6, 1954, January 31, April 11, May 2, August 8, 1955, June 18, October 29, 1956, July 29, October 7, 1957.
9. René Carpenter to Edward Thompson, September 25, 1959, Edward Thompson to René Carpenter, October 1, 1959, Carmichael to Graves, memorandum, February 20, 1959, TIA; New Yorker, October 15, 1960; Esquire, July 1960; Edward Thompson to John Glenn, January 13, 1962, HRL to C. D. Jackson, March 2, 1962, TIA; Walter Cunningham, The All-American Boys (New York: Macmillan, 1978), pp. 167–68; Life, August 17, 1959; Loudon Wainwright, The Great American Magazine: An Inside History of Life (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1986), pp. 251–79; Tom Wolfe, The Right Stuff (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1979), pp. 140–42.
10. Andrew Heiskell interview; Life, February 21, May 23, 1955, May 7, 1956, October 14, 1957, September 29, October 6, 20, November 3, December 8, 1958, June 20, October 19, 1959.
11. Life, November 22, 1954, July 4, 1955, December 24, 1956; Kozol, Life’s America, pp. 69–75.
12. Editors of Fortune, The Changing American Market (Garden City, N.Y.: Hanover House, 1955), pp. 7–12, 197–229; Fortune, August 1953; Life, September 6, 1954, June 20, August 15, 1955, January 23, June 18, 1956, February 18, September 23, 1957, March 17, 1958.
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