by Erin Meyer
in eight-scale model, 16, 17 (fig.), 244–249, 246 (fig.)
U.K.’s usage of, 67–69, 67 (fig.)
words of, 65–66
Edmondson, Lou, 42
Egalitarian culture
decision-making in, 145–146
of Denmark, 116–117, 123, 125 (fig.), 126, 128
of Holland, 118–119
of Iceland, 128
of Israel, 16–18, 17 (fig.)
leading scale and, 125–131, 125 (fig.), 127 (fig.), 131 (fig.)
level-hopping and, 134–139
management in, 132–133
of Sweden, 128
Eight-scale model
culture and, 15–21, 17 (fig.), 244–249, 246 (fig.)
culture map and, 16–18, 17 (fig.), 244–249, 246 (fig.)
See also specific scales
etiquette, 47
exchange of, 11, 151–153, 189–193, 244–249
protocols, 137–138
recaps via, 58
Spain and, 47
structure of, 99–100
En flyktning krysser sitt spor (Sandemose), 116–117
as low-context, 39, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.)
Epictetus, 26
European Union, 98
Europeans, 227, 227 (fig.)
leading scale and, 125–129, 125 (fig.), 127 (fig.), 131 (fig.)
negative feedback and, 69–70, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.)
See also Latin Europeans
Evaluating scale
communicating scale, negative feedback and, 62, 69–71, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.)
in eight-scale model, 16, 17 (fig.), 244–249, 246 (fig.)
Netherlands and, 20–21, 21 (fig.)
performance appraisals and, 62
U.K. and, 20–21, 21 (fig.)
Feedback, 80–82
in China, 65
direct, 62–65, 69–72, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.)
evaluation strategies, 80–81
in France, 8–10
high-context communication and, 62
indirect, 64–65, 69–72, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.)
low-context communication and, 62
positive, 8–10, 81
strategies, 84–87
styles, 20–21, 21 (fig.)
360-degree, 116
in U.S., 8–10
Feedback, negative, 8–10, 12
Americans and, 69–72, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.), 76, 77–80
Argentina and, 69, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.)
Asians and, 69, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.), 82–87
Cambodia and, 70
China and, 69–70, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.), 85
communicating scale, evaluating scale and, 62, 69–72, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.)
Europeans and, 69–70, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.)
France and, 69 (fig.), 70, 72 (fig.), 78–82
Germany and, 68–69, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.), 78
high-context and direct, 72 (fig.), 74–77
high-context and indirect, 72 (fig.), 81–86
India and, 69, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.), 87
Indonesia and, 70, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.), 83–87
Israel and, 69 (fig.), 71, 72 (fig.)
Japan and, 70, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.)
Korea and, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.), 85–87
Latin Americans and, 69–70, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.)
low-context and direct, 71–73, 72 (fig.)
low-context and indirect, 72 (fig.), 77–81
Mexico and, 72 (fig.), 82
Netherlands and, 62–65, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.), 72–73, 78–79, 87
Russia and, 69–70, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.), 74–78
Singapore and, 69 (fig.), 70–71, 72 (fig.)
South Americans and, 69, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.)
Spain and, 69 (fig.), 70, 72 (fig.), 78
Thailand and, 69, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.), 85
U.K. and, 69, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.), 76
Finland, 39, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.)
Flexibility, 104, 137
France, 193, 245, 246 (fig.), 247–249
business culture of, 7–10, 123
communication in, 31, 61–62
debating and, 195–197
feedback in, 8–10
high-context communication and, 39, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.), 47
idioms of, 37–38, 77, 249
negative feedback and, 69 (fig.), 70, 72 (fig.), 78–82
on persuading scale, 96–97, 96 (fig.)
recaps and, 46–47
scheduling and, 22–23, 23 (fig.), 221–222
school system of, 79, 99, 200
second-degree messages in, 38–39
sous-entendu (under the heard) and, 37–38
A Fugitive Crosses His Tracks. See En flyktning krysser sitt spor
Gerdau, Hugo, 163
Gerdau, Joo, 163
Gerdau S.A., 163–165
Germany, 201, 201 (fig.), 204 (fig.), 205–207, 245–257, 246 (fig.)
decision-making in, 144–148, 150, 150 (fig.)
low-context communication and, 34, 39, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.), 58–59
negative feedback and, 68–69, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.), 78
on persuading scale, 96–97, 96 (fig.)
persuasion styles of, 89–93
on power, 148
scheduling and, 18–19, 19 (fig.), 20 (fig.), 22–23, 23 (fig.), 220, 226, 232–233
Globe Project, 121
Gutierres, Anne-Hélène, 122–123
Halim Perdanakusuma Airport, 66–67
Hall, Edward T., 41, 224, 225
Hampden-Turner, Charles, 175
Hegel, Freidrich, 98
Heineken, 119
Hierarchical culture, 105–106
of Americans, 144
of Asians, 129–131, 131 (fig.)
decision-making in, 145–146
leading scale and, 125–131, 125 (fig.), 127 (fig.), 131 (fig.)
level-hopping and, 134–139
of Mexico, 119–120, 141
of Russia, 16–18, 17 (fig.), 117–118, 142
High-context communication
Argentina and, 39–40, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.)
Asians and, 47–49
Brazil and, 39–41, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.), 55
China and, 39–40, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.), 48–51
culture and, 34, 39–41, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.), 50–52
education and, 43
feedback and, 62
France and, 39, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.), 47
with high-context culture, 55–57
Hindi and, 37
India and, 39–41, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.)
Indonesia and, 39–40, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.), 58–59
Iran and, 36, 39–40, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.)
Italy and, 39, 39 (fig.), 47
Japan and, 37, 39, 39 (fig.)
Kenya and, 31, 39–40, 39 (fig.)
Korea and, 39–40, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.)
Latin and, 39, 39 (fig.)
with low-context culture, 54–57
Mexico and, 39–40, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.), 55–57
oral tradition and, 58–59
perceptions regarding, 42–44
Portugal and, 39, 39 (fig.)
repetition in, 51
Romance languages and, 39–41, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.)
Russia and, 39–40, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.)
Saudi Arabia and, 39–40, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.), 55–57
Singapore and, 39–41, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.)
Spain and, 39, 39 (fig.), 47
strategies, 50–52, 54–57
Hindi, 37
language and, 37, 40–41, 41 (fig.)
shared, 35, 40–41, 41 (fig.)
Hofstede, Geert, 120–124
Holland, 145, 207
children of, 201–204, 202 (fig.)–203 (fig.)
egalitarian, 118–119, 134–136
Homogeneity, 41, 41 (fig.)
House, Robert, 121
p; Humility, 88
Humor, 44–46
Hungary, 105–106
IBM. See International Business Machines
Iceland, 128
French, 37–39, 77
Portuguese, 39
Spanish, 39
India, 251
behaviors in, 11–12
children and communication in, 35–36
communication in, 31–32
evergreen tree culture of, 228–230, 241
getting directions in, 29–31
half-shake or half-nod in, 11–12
high-context communication and, 39–41, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.)
negative feedback and, 69, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.), 87
outsourcing to, 52–53
scheduling and, 22–23, 23 (fig.), 220
trusting scale and, 171–172, 171 (fig.), 180
Indian Institute of Planning and Management, 52–53
Individualism, 12–14
Indonesia, 199
communication in, 31
high-context communication and, 39–40, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.), 58–59
negative feedback and, 70, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.), 83–86
trusting scale and, 171 (fig.), 172
INSEAD, 232, 238
campus, 15
faculty members, 43, 215
International Business Machines (IBM), 121
Iran, 36, 39–40, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.)
business culture of, 16–18, 17 (fig.)
egalitarian, 16–18, 17 (fig.)
negative feedback and, 69 (fig.), 70–71, 72 (fig.)
communication in, 31
high-context communication and, 39, 39 (fig.), 47
leading scale and, 125 (fig.), 126
recaps and, 46–47
Japan, 187–189, 198–200, 213, 236, 246 (fig.), 247–248
children and communication in, 35–36
communication in, 31–34, 55
high-context communication and, 37, 39, 39 (fig.)
KY in, 33–34
negative feedback and, 70, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.)
persuasion and, 108–109, 109 (fig.), 112–113
Ringi system of, 154–158 words of, 37
Job descriptions, 57
Johannpeter, Curt, 163
Keillor, Garrison, 195
Kenya, 31, 39–40, 39 (fig.)
Kia Motor Company, 112
Kong Rong, 129
Korea, 145, 188, 198, 201 (fig.), 209
high-context communication and, 39–40, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.)
negative feedback and, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.), 85–87
KPMG, 22–23, 23 (fig.), 67
Krahmer, Emiel, 201
Kuuki yomenai (KY), 33–34
KY. See Kuuki yomenai
La Fontaine, Jean de, 38
clusters, 40–41, 41 (fig.)
communicating scale by, 40–41, 41 (fig.)
culture and, 37–40, 39 (fig.)
history and, 37, 40–41, 41 (fig.)
See also specific languages
Latin, 39, 39 (fig.)
Latin Americans, 107, 183, 227, 227 (fig.)
communication and, 31
negative feedback and, 69–70, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.)
on persuading scale, 95–97, 96 (fig.)
school system of, 94
Latin Europeans, 227, 227 (fig.)
communication and, 31
humor and, 46
on persuading scale, 95–97, 96 (fig.)
school system of, 94
Laurent, André, 126–127
Law of Jante, 116–117
answers and, 126–127, 127 (fig.)
effective and good, 101, 115–120
ineffective and weak, 118
paternalistic, 130–131, 142
roles of, 12, 139–142
symbolic gestures of, 133
Leading scale
business and, 121–122
egalitarian culture and, 125–131, 125 (fig.), 127 (fig.), 131 (fig.)
in eight-scale model, 16, 17 (fig.), 244–249, 246 (fig.)
Europeans and, 125–129, 125 (fig.), 127 (fig.), 131 (fig.)
factors affecting, 125–131, 125 (fig.), 127 (fig.), 131 (fig.)
hierarchical culture and, 125–131, 125 (fig.), 127 (fig.), 131 (fig.)
Italy and, 125 (fig.), 126
Spain and, 125 (fig.), 126
Sweden and, 125 (fig.), 126
Legal system, 184–185
of European Union, 98
of U.S., 98
Levine, Robert, 225
Levity, property of, 110
Lewin, Kurt, 175
L’Oreal, 197
Low-context communication
Australia and, 34, 39, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.)
Canada and, 34, 39, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.)
as clear, explicit, simple and transparent, 34, 53–54
culture and, 34, 39–41, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.)
Denmark and, 39, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.)
education and, 43
feedback and, 62
Finland, 39, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.)
Germany and, 34, 39, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.), 58–59
with low-context culture, 54–57
managers and, 51
Meyer, Erin and, 42–43
Netherlands and, 34, 39, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.), 42
perceptions regarding, 42–44
philosophy of, 35
Poland, 39, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.)
strategies, 52–57
U.K. and, 34, 39–40, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.)
U.S. and, 34, 39–41, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.)
writing and, 57–59
Maersk, 115
Management by objectives, 116, 141
Masuda, Takahiko, 107–109, 108 (fig.)
Merck Pharmaceuticals, 96
blurring, 83–87
second-degree, 38–39
traditional rule for, 35
Mexico, 214–215
communication in, 31
hierarchical culture of, 119–120, 141
high-context communication
and, 39–40, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.), 55–57
negative feedback and, 72 (fig.), 82
Meyer, Eric, 196, 217–218
Meyer, Erin, 205
background of, 14
courses by, 83–86, 105, 108 (fig.), 109 (fig.)
e-mail exchanges of, 244–249
extensive education program of, 62–65
as low-context communicator, 42–43
at Paris training conference, 32–34
Michelin, 99
Middle East, 191, 207–209, 220, 227, 227 (fig.)
Minnesota, 32, 176
Miscommunication, 8–10, 54–57
Moody, Eric, 66–67
Morocco, 145
collaboration strategies for, 54–57, 103–104, 114
low-context processes and, 55–57
persuasion and, 89–93, 101–104, 114
Napoleonic code, 98
Native American, 41
Nemawashi (root-binding), 157
Nestlé, 83–86, 165–167
Netherlands, 138, 201, 201 (fig.), 204 (fig.), 205
evaluating scale and, 20–21, 21 (fig.)
low-context communication and, 34, 39, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.), 42
negative feedback and, 62–65, 69 (fig.), 72 (fig.), 72–73, 78, 87
on persuading scale, 95–97, 96 (fig.)
New York Stock Exchange Euronext, 193
New Zealand, 95–97, 96 (fig.)
Nigeria, 184–185, 226–227, 227 (fig.), 232–233
Nisbett, Richard, 107–110, 108 (fig.), 109 (fig.)
Novo Nordisk, 210–212
Oberoi Hotel, 29–31
Objectives, written, 58
Organizational charts, 57
Outsourcing, 27
sp; Owens Corning, 32
Pakistan, 201–204, 202–203 (fig.)
Performance appraisals, 58
evaluating scale and, 62
Personality traits, 13
Persuading scale
Anglo-Saxons on, 95–97, 96 (fig.)
Australia on, 95–97, 96 (fig.)
Belgium on, 96–97, 96 (fig.)
Canada on, 95–97, 96 (fig.)
country positions on, 95–97, 96 (fig.)
in eight-scale model, 16, 17 (fig.), 244–249, 246 (fig.)
France on, 96–97, 96 (fig.)
Germany on, 96–97, 96 (fig.)
Latin Americans on, 95–97, 96 (fig.)
Latin Europeans on, 95–97, 96 (fig.)
Netherlands on, 95–97, 96 (fig.)
New Zealand on, 95–97, 96 (fig.)
Russia on, 96–97, 96 (fig.)
Scandinavia on, 95–97, 96 (fig.)
strategies, 104
U.K. on, 95–97, 96 (fig.)
U.S. on, 95–97, 96 (fig.)
Americans and, 89–93, 107–112, 108 (fig.), 109 (fig.)
Asians and, 104–112, 108 (fig.), 109 (fig.)
holistic approach towards, 104–112, 108 (fig.), 109 (fig.)
increasing effectiveness of, 112–113
Japan and, 108–109, 109 (fig.), 112–113
multiculturalism and, 89–93, 101–104, 114
Taiwanese and, 108–109
Peru, 203–204
Peugeot Citroën, 1–6
Philippines, 66, 203–204
business and, 97–101
of low-context communication, 35
Western, 109–112
Poland, 39, 39 (fig.), 41 (fig.)
Politeness, 87
Portugal, 31
high-context communication and, 39, 39 (fig.)
idioms, 38–39
Power distance
business and, 121–122
concept of, 120–124
high or low, 125, 142
Prairie Home Companion (radio show), 195
Ranato, Flavio, 222–224, 240
Reading the air, 34, 40
applications-first, 93–95, 102–104
deductive, 93–95
inductive, 93–95
principles-first, 93–95, 102–104
styles of, 92–95
See also Persuading scale
at end of discussion, 54
France and, 46–47
Italy and, 46–47
of key points, 56–57
Spain and, 46–47
U.K. and, 46–47
via e-mail, 58
written, 56
-based and trusting scale, 170–174, 171 (fig.), 180–181, 183–185
China guanxi and, 166–167, 173
contracts and, 181–185
icebreaker exercises, 172–174
-oriented and trusting scale, 21–23, 21 (fig.), 23 (fig.), 40
outside of business, 106
peach v. coconut models of, 174–178
scheduling scale and, 225–228, 227 (fig.)
Repetition, 51
Reports, written, 58