Storm Trilogy

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Storm Trilogy Page 21

by Ria Cantrell

  Lost in thought, Drew barely noticed the girl approaching, carrying a tankard of ale. He raised his eyes to the pretty girl and accepted the offered libation with a smile. She was a pretty little thing and Drew never missed an opportunity to flirt if a situation presented itself. He raised his tankard to her in a salute and he took a gulp of it.

  As he put the tankard down on the table’s top, he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. There, on the edges of the feast hall was that hideous woman who supplied the keep with barrels and casks. Drew could barely stand to look at her. She was well beyond youthful attractiveness, even though she prided herself on being just that. Her face showed signs of age and use and Drew thought that this doxy must have had her fair share of bedmates. She had even approached him for a tumble and Drew had turned her down with the excuse of being needed on the watch.

  Ugh, just the mere thought of bedding that mottled-faced harlot sent a queasy feeling to form in the pit of his stomach. He hoped she did not see him because the last thing he wanted at the moment was to be in her company for even one minute. He took another draft from his mug, observing the worn-out looking harlot from above the rim of it. What was she up to? Her business was done, but she stood in the hallway conversing with someone. He knew not who would have much time to speak with her in idle gossip, but he was sure that whoever it was, they both had better things to do.

  It was not his place to discipline the servants, but something about the way the filthy harlot standing in the doorway as if she owned the place niggled at him. Her hair was clipped in a scandalous short nightmare and the way it spiked upward was frightening. It was easy to see that she used some sort of pigment to tint her lips so that they appeared fuller and redder in color. She looked like she had not washed in days and her gown was as rank as the rest of her. Drew did not like her, of that he was certain. Looking at her, he was starting to get that uneasy feeling again. As he gulped down the last of his ale, he started to stand to leave when the cooper’s by-blow caught sight of him. It was too late! Damn her to hell, she was heading his way. Drew only hoped he could hold his breath long enough to endure her overly perfumed, unwashed body.

  Devina saw the handsome guard leaving the hall and she made haste to catch up to him. She sauntered her way to him with her most seductive walk. He had a strange look on his face, but that was no matter to her. She liked it when a man had a bit of anger in him. It made for a much more exciting ride. Perhaps she could trick him into bed so she could learn what his knight was up to with the raven-haired witch. She knew that he was Sir Erik’s first in command and so he must have much information that would be useful to Aaron Jasper. Mayhap, he was the type of man who would divulge secrets once he was sated.

  “Oh, sir,” Devina gushed. “How wonderful to see you again. I am done delivering my wares, but I was wondering….”

  Drew put his hand up to stop her. He was not used to being rude to anyone, and in particular he was rarely rude to women, but there was something more rank about this woman than her rancid perfume.

  “I am very late for my next watch,” he lied. “If you will excuse me.”

  “Well, I thought that perhaps you were working too long and hard,” she purred with brazen innuendo. “Mayhap a brave and bold knight needs some…ahh, time to relax. I know just the thing….”

  Again Drew cut her proposition short and he said, “I am sure you do, but I am not in need of anything that you have to offer.”

  He added the last more curtly than he had been known to ever do, but he just could not stand the thought of her and something about her was pulling at that feeling of instinct again. He did not like her, that was certain, and he could not hide that very fact. Drew did not even give a cursory “by your leave” as he turned on his heel and left the unsavory tart standing with her mouth agape.

  He tried to shake off the feeling of unease as he turned and saw her staring after him. Pride or no, he would speak to Erik. They needed to be wary of that harlot and the threat she or someone like her bore. He could feel the daggers in her stare as he left the hall. He had angered her and Drew was certain that a woman like her would not put that anger and black hatred aside. He had, no doubt, made a very unsavory enemy. Drew had to find Erik and he had to find him now!

  Drew spotted Randall and Janelle and he nodded a greeting. He asked, “Have either of you seen Erik or Lady Rhianna?”

  The two exchanged a look with knowing smiles and Randall offered, “Well, they both left some time ago. Rhianna was heading toward her apartments and Erik was going to find her. It seemed my sister was well annoyed with Sir Erik and he was seeking her to make amends.”

  Drew rolled his eyes. “What, again? I vow, I think they enjoy sparring with one another, more than they enjoy…I beg your pardon…I mean to say, they enjoy being at war with one another.”

  Randall chuckled and said, “I daresay you are right, Sir Drew.”

  “Well, I have important matters to discuss with Erik. I will try to find him. Thank you.”

  “Is anything amiss, Sir Drew,” Janelle asked, when she noticed his look of consternation and his sense of hurried purpose.

  Not wishing to worry either of them about his concerns, Drew simply replied, “No. Just something I need to talk to Erik about. By your leave,” he said, bowing before them and he pressed onward up the stairs.

  When Drew approached the Lady Rhianna’s quarters, he was reluctant to knock on the door, knowing that she and Erik could possibly be occupied. His fist hung above the door as he toyed with what he should do. Perhaps he should just speak to Rhianna, because if anyone would understand the precognitive instincts, it would be her. Drew was still unsure how he would bring up the subject of his gift to a man like Erik, but he did not want to concern the mistress of the keep without due cause.

  The need to decide for the moment was abated because as he stood at Rhianna’s door deciding to knock or not, he saw the couple walking slowly toward her apartments. Erik was supporting her and it looked like she was going to be ill. She was deathly wan and she seemed to be leaning on Erik for support. He was practically carrying her toward her room. Besides looking a little bit tousled, Drew could see that Erik looked concerned and troubled. Drew rushed over to aid Erik and he took Rhianna’s other arm. “Drew, we need to help the lady to sit down.”

  “What happened, Erik?”

  Drew’s discerning eye did not miss that despite seeming that the two both looked like they had just had a quick tumble, something was clearly wrong with Rhianna.

  “Let’s bring her inside and I will explain.”

  Erik did not have reservations to tell Drew about Rhianna’s visions because he trusted Drew with his life. He just did not want anyone else to hear and so the two men guided Rhianna to the sitting area within her chambers. Erik lit the fire within the brazier and he sat Rhianna close to its soothing warmth. She had gone from hot to cold in a matter of minutes. He was more than a little concerned for her wellbeing. She was still quite shaken and he could not seem to get the warmth to flow back through her veins.

  Drew poured some water into a cup and offered it to the lady.

  Again he asked, “What has happened?”

  As the two passed a silent exchange with glances, it was Rhianna who spoke. She looked Drew directly in the eye and she said, “I had a vision. It was one of warning and of danger.”

  Then pinning him with her gaze she said, “You understand, don’t you, Sir Drew?”

  He did understand and he knew that Rhianna recognized why he did. He nodded and he said, “Aye. I do.”

  “You sense it, too, don’t you?”

  Drew huffed out his breath and said, “Aye.”

  “What do you mean, Rhianna? Why do you think Drew senses it too? Did you see him in your vision?”

  Without breaking her gaze from Drew’s eyes, Rhianna replied, “No, Erik. I did not see him in the vision. Drew understands because…Drew is like….”

  “I am like Rhianna, Erik.”

  “Like her? You mean you have visions sometimes, too?”

  “Not exactly. I, well, I sense things. I just used to think it was intuition, of sorts, but it is more than that really.”

  Patting Drew’s hand, Rhianna said, “It is not always an easy burden to bear this Gift, is it?”

  Still holding onto Drew’s hand, Rhianna took Erik’s hand as well and brought it to her lips. She turned her gaze to him and she said, “I have sensed the Gift in Drew for quite some time now. It has aided him in battle, I think, but it is so much more than even he understands, my love. Do not be worried. It is a valuable tool that can benefit his undying service to you.”

  Erik was not sure he liked this revelation, but it explained the connection his betrothed seemed to have with his best friend and captain of his personal guard. Rhianna was not attracted to Drew, as many women were. She shared a dangerous gift with him.

  Erik spoke softly in understanding, “So he does not have visions but he knows things; senses things.”

  Although it was not a question, both Rhianna and Drew nodded in unison.

  “Alright, we will discuss the hows and whys of this later. For now, I need to know what sort of danger we are dealing with.”

  Erik may not have had the gift of Sight but he was an excellent tactician when it came to planning and securing a situation. He would put that gift to work immediately upon learning what he was up against and just what was at stake.

  Rhianna spoke first. She said, “This is more than just a threat to our defenses. There is something very sinister and evil behind it. Erik, I am not easily frightened, but this sort of evil scares me.”

  “Evil? We already know that Aaron Jasper is responsible for the pain caused to Randall. Of course he is evil.”

  “My love, you would call me a witch, and maybe to some I am, but this evil comes from Dark magic; something I do not know how to deal with.”

  Erik nodded, suddenly lost in thought. He knew that there was very little that frightened his beautiful Rhianna, except an errant thunder storm now and again, but the way she spoke of the evil that had invaded her vision, Erik knew that she spoke with genuine fear.

  “What would we be able to do to counteract such a thing, Rhi? Is there anything we can even do?”

  Rhianna shrugged and said, “I am a healer, Erik, with the Sight, but I do not dabble in either white or dark magic. I truly do not know what we can do.”

  “Is there someone who can?”

  Both Drew and Rhianna blurted out simultaneously, “Andarra!”

  “Andarra? Truly?”

  “Andarra is from the high hills of Scotland.”

  A look of disgust marred Erik’s face for he had little to no use for anyone who came from that part of the world. “She does not speak as one from there,” he grumbled.

  “Nay, for she was married to an Englishman when she was really just a girl, so she is more English than Scottish, I suppose, these days. But she is from an ancient clan where the Old Ways run deep. She taught me the healing properties of plants and herbs, but hers is the way of old magic, although she does not speak of it much. It is believed her mother’s sister was hanged for witchcraft when she was just a babe so she has always been careful to not disclose too much about that part of her life, I suppose.”

  “Yes, I would imagine that her gifts, as you call them, would be wise to hide in these times.”

  “I will seek her council on the matter, my love. She will know what to do.”

  After taking in the information that had been brought to light, Drew finally spoke up.

  “There is one who I do not trust. I am leery of her doings here in the keep.”

  “Who, Sir Drew?”

  “I do not aim to falsely accuse anyone, but every time she makes her presence known, I am filled with such disgust and ill ease, that I must trust my instincts on it. It is the one who brings the casks and barrels for this household’s use.”

  “Devina, the cooper’s daughter?”

  “Aye, the very same. I caught her skulking in the corridor leading to the great hall and heard her whispering to one of the servants for a long period of time. I watched to see who she was speaking with, but the person was ever in the shadows. At first I thought it was just idle gossip, but as she approached me, I felt her malice straight away.”

  “Yes, she is a distasteful tart, to be certain, but I suspect she is just a baseborn woman with little schooling in proper manners. She is very common, indeed.”

  Rhianna eyed Erik and though she wanted to agree with his observation, she could not discount what Drew had said. Sometimes those who wish to increase their standings would stop at nothing to reach their desired station and that want would drive them with avarice and evil. Drew retorted, “She is more than a distasteful tart, Erik. She is absolutely offensive. And there is something behind her colorless eyes that is not right. They are black; soulless, like the eyes of a serpent.”

  Erik had not really gotten a good look at her, but he surmised that Drew probably would have. Women of all stations threw themselves at Drew so Erik was quite sure that this harlot had done no less. He said to Drew, “Perhaps you can find out more about…”

  “Oh, no. No, Erik I cannot. She is abhorrent to me. She curdles my stomach and I can hardly hold my breath long enough to bear her presence.”

  “I did not say to bed the whore. I just said to see if you could find out what she was whispering about in the corridor. Perhaps we can find out if she is here under the guise of plying the cooper’s wares but really serves another.”

  “I can only guess who that other would be,” Rhianna said bitterly. Just thinking about what had befallen her brother at the hands of Aaron Jasper made her cringe and she had no doubt that he would stoop to the most vile actions to cause more harm to du Montefort. She looked at Drew and her eyes implored him silently to help her cause. He swallowed deeply and he said, “Alright…I will do what I can, but I will not bed that loathsome harpy. I can vow that heartily.”

  “Sir Drew, I would be most grateful for any help you can provide. I would not think for you to bed that woman and I will keep a watchful eye on her when next she arrives at the keep. She will be bringing casks for the wedding celebration, no doubt, so I will observe her more carefully.”

  Feeling like he had been mesmerized into compliance, Drew was none too happy by the turn of events. Try as he might, Drew believed that he could not resist Rhianna’s request and he now knew that Erik had been taken in by those same beautiful eyes, he was certain. Sometimes the gift of premonition was truly a curse indeed.

  ~Chapter Thirty-Three~

  Devina was livid. She stormed out of the keep in ire and tramped back to the cooper’s croft. Her own by-blow was waiting there, lying around doing nothing, as usual. Devina was tired of supporting the whining little chit, but she could not turn the useless brat out on the streets. It was high time for her daughter to pull her weight and Devina was in no mood to listen to the complaints of Lenore at the moment. She could not believe that the handsome guard had thwarted her advances. She had almost gotten caught prying information out of the gossipy kitchen maid and she was certain that if anyone had found her gleaning information for Aaron Jasper’s use, there would no doubt be hell to pay.

  As she watched her lazy daughter picking at her food and listened to her whine, “Mama, you know I don’t like this to eat. It gives me stomach aches.”

  Devina wanted to explode. Instead she smiled evilly and said, “I know, my little daffodil, but it is all mama could get at the moment. I have a plan, though, and you will be able to eat anything your heart desires.”

  “What, Mama…”

  The words grated on Devina. Her daughter from an unknown dalliance was approaching her twentieth year and she had indulged her to become the most spoiled and ungrateful wretch. Devina could not even get her to wash the eating utensils after she had used them. While she, herself, had to lie with countless oafs just to keep a roof over their heads, Leno
re sat about whining and complaining at just about everything. She had created this lazy creature by overindulging her every whim and Devina decided today was the day that it would stop. It was bad enough that she had to ply her wares and fawn over people in higher stations just to sell a few barrels. Not to mention the men she slept with just to have a little extra coin in her purse!

  “I was thinking that perhaps you would like to help at the du Montefort keep. They are planning a big celebration for a double wedding of both the lord and lady and if you were to aid in the kitchens, surely you could eat anything you desire, my sweet daffodil.”

  “But, Mama, I don’t want to work in the kitchens. It will be too hot and you know how the heat affects me.…”

  “Mama needs you to do this. More than working in the kitchens, I need you to listen to the talk and tell me things that you hear. I have a man who will pay us good money to gain the information he needs. Can you do this for me, Daffodil?”

  With an exaggerated pout, Lenore said, “I would have to listen to gossip and such?”

  “Yes. The man who needs it will pay us well. He wants to learn about the mistress of the keep and her betrothed. He has an interest in the family and will make it worth our while to get him valuable information. He is very rich, Lenore and he will pay me…uh, I mean us, for anything I can tell him. I have already brought the casks this week and it will be suspicious if I go back there before the wedding. But if you were in the kitchens, you could bring back many stories, I am certain.”

  The idea of sitting around in idle gossip appealed to the young woman, and though she was loath to work in the kitchens, she was certain she could skip out unnoticed in a keep the size of du Montefort enough to be able to do as little as possible.

  She started to whine again, but Devina pulled a face of woeful self-pity for she was as good at maudlin faces as her daughter.

  “You have to do this for me. I have worked hard to make a name for myself in these parts and it has been through my smarts and talents that we have survived as well as we have in these trying days. I have made many sacrifices for you, my Daffodil. You can do this for your mama, can’t you?”


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