Scorned (Surrender Series Book 2)

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Scorned (Surrender Series Book 2) Page 25

by J. G. Sumner

  “I don’t want to go into details, but Matteo mailed it to me. Just know this is never coming off your finger again.” I provide what I hope is a reassuring smile.

  Kate looks away. “I can’t take it. You can’t possibly want me as your wife. Too much has happened.”

  I lean over Kate, and pull her chin to me. “There’s nothing you can say that will ever make me not want you.” I kiss the tip of her nose.

  Kate looks down at the hands twisting in her lap. “I need to tell you something.”

  There’s something about her demeanor. It’s bad, and she’s afraid to share it. I’m a little on edge and very curious as to what it is. I can’t imagine anything being that bad. “Kate, go ahead. You can tell me anything.”

  Kate leans her head back against the pillow. Her eyes are dark and stormy. I’ve never seen them like this before. There’s a storm brewing inside her, and I want nothing more than to be the sun and the wind that pushes it away.

  “I don’t know how to say this, so I’m just going to come right out with it.” Kate pauses. “I’m pregnant.”

  I gasp, and my heart stops for a minute. I contemplate taking the defibrillator off the cart to get it going again. I don’t know why, but this is the last thing I expected her to say. It’s not that I don’t want kids, I just hadn’t planned on having them so soon. I thought for sure Kate and I would be married and settled as a couple before this day came.

  I think about what it means for Kate to be pregnant and how it would change our lives. Her body would change. No more late nights at the bar. We’d trade in fancy restaurants for McDonald’s, expensive toys for diapers, and long leisurely strolls hand in hand for pushing a stroller through crowds of people. Am I ready for that? No, but it’s here, and I guess I’m just going to have to deal with it.

  I wipe the sweat from my brow and clear my throat. “That’s not so bad. I know we haven’t really talked about when we wanted kids, but we can work it out. That wouldn’t make me not want to marry you.”

  Right about now, I would expect to see relief flood Kate’s face. Instead, she turns her head away from me and another tear slips from her eyes as her bottom lip begins to quiver. She’s so vulnerable and fragile, I just want to hug her into a tight cocoon and protect her from the outside world.

  “You don’t understand. It might not be yours.” Kate pulls the blanket to her neck as though she’s trying to hide.

  Okay, now I really do need that fucking defibrillator. What is she talking about it might not be mine? What the hell is going on? I fight the urge to get up and kick something. Instead, I take a few deep breaths. Breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth. I need to relax and give her a chance to explain before I fly off the deep end. “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t know what you saw in the pictures, but Matteo raped me—more times than I can count. He didn’t use a condom, and I haven’t taken my pill since the day before you proposed to me.” She’s sobbing now. “And…Agent Manchetti. It hurt so bad. There was so much anger.”

  Holy fucking Christ. There could be multiple baby daddies. This might not be mine but instead my asshole cousin’s. Matteo wanted to ruin me and my happiness, and he sure as fuck did. I can’t imagine anything worse than Kate being pregnant with his fucking kid. She has to get rid of it. I can’t be that kid’s dad. That’s it! That’s what we’ll do and everything will be okay.

  “You can get an abortion. Then we won’t have to worry about whose it is.” I lean back in the chair, cross my arms over my chest, and take a deep breath. I’m so pleased with my plan. Right up until I look at Kate.

  She looks horrified like I just suggested the most awful thing in the world. “How could you even think of such a thing? Regardless of who the father is, this child is mine. Besides, what if it’s your baby?”

  I’m speechless. What do I say to that? At the time my suggestion seemed reasonable, but Kate is right. This is her kid and there’s a small chance it could be mine. Would I be able to allow her to hurt my unborn child? Probably not, but can I live with raising my cousin’s child? Absolutely not.

  I stand up and pace the room hoping the answers will jump from the floor I’m burning holes into. “What about adoption if it’s Matteo’s?”

  Kate stares down at the blanket. “I don’t know if I can do that. I just don’t know what to do.”

  The light pops on in my head. “How do you know you’re pregnant?”

  “Matteo collected my urine and performed a test on it.” She’s still unable to look at me.

  How on Earth did he get her urine? I guess that’s a story for a different day. It’s not very relevant at this point. “Did you see the test?”

  “No, but he had a doctor come check me out.”

  There are so many red flags here. What doctor would come check out Kate and not report her as being kidnapped? How on Earth did Matteo swing that?

  “So, you didn’t actually see the pregnancy test. Did you get an ultrasound or find out how far along you are?”

  Kate finally looks up at me. Her forehead is crinkled and she tilts her head slightly to the side. “No. The doctor just checked my vital signs and didn’t have any other equipment. He said that he’d do a more thorough evaluation once we got back from the island.”

  A nervous energy strikes its way through my body. “Kate, you might not be pregnant at all. It could be a hoax that Matteo was trying to get you to believe.”

  Her eyes light up and fill with hope. “Do you think that’s the case?”

  “I don’t know, but we should have the test done while we’re here.” I sit back down in the chair and take Kate’s hand before wiping the tears from her eyes. “It’s going to be okay. We’ll get this figured out.”

  The doctor clears her throat as she comes into the room with Gracen behind him. “My name is Dr. Robbins. I’m going to be taking care of you.” Her voice is soft and compassionate. I’m happy for Kate’s sake she has a female doctor. I don’t know how well she’d do with another man touching her. As it is, she’s been on edge every time I get too close.

  “I understand from the medics that you were kidnapped. How about you tell me about what happened to you so I know where to start.”

  Kate nodded but didn’t speak.

  “Would it be easier if your fiancé stepped out of the room?” The blond-haired doctor motioned toward me.

  A panic expression consumes her face. “No! I need him here!”

  “Try to relax. He can stay. We just want to do whatever we can to make you more comfortable.” Dr. Robbins pulls a stool next to Kate’s bed and takes a seat. “Take your time. You can start when you’re ready.”

  Kate takes a deep breath and tells her story. There are times when I want to dart out of the room and find my cousin and torture him. I can’t believe that he did this to Kate. I’m amazed by her strength and what she did to escape. I still don’t have any clue what happened to Matteo. I haven’t wanted to check my phone, because I don’t want to upset Kate. There will be time for that, but needless to say, I’m eager to hear from Jasper.

  “Okay, so we’ll have to do a pelvic exam to collect evidence for the police investigation. We’ll have a special forensics nurse come in to do that. In addition, I’ll run a pregnancy test as well as work you up for any STDs. We’ll do some blood work. If you come back pregnant, we’ll do an ultrasound to see how the baby looks. Do you have any questions?”

  Kate shakes her head. But has reclaimed silence as her solace.

  “Ok. We’ll get things moving so that you can get home to your family.” Dr. Robbins leaves the room, but Gracen stays behind.

  “I’m going to draw some blood, and start an IV. Dr. Robbins wants to get you hydrated.”

  Kate nods her head, but closes her eyes as though she’s going to fall asleep. I peer down at her arms and note faint tints of blue and black surfacing on her skin most likely from the struggle to get away from Matteo.

  “Baby, I’m going to step out for a
few minutes. I’m going to call Jasper and your dad. I’ll just be right outside the door.”

  Again, Kate nods but remains quiet.

  I step out of the door eager to find out if Jasper found Matteo. Once outside the room, I pull my phone from my back pocket. There’s nothing from Jasper. I call, but he doesn’t answer. I think about using the emergency button to get his attention, but I don’t want to mess up any chance he has for finding Matteo. Instead I call Charles.

  He answers after the first ring. A sense of urgency flavors his voice. “How is she?”

  I can’t even imagine what this must be like for him. I’m sure he wants revenge as much as I do. “She’s fine. The doctor just checked her out and they’re going to run a bunch of tests.” I fill Charles in on everything I know. He informs me that he and Kate’s mom are on their way and should arrive shortly.

  I finish the conversation and then call Jasper one more time in hopes of any information. He still doesn’t answer. I’d really like to go back to the apartments where we found Kate to figure out what’s going on, but I need to stay here.

  Gracen walks out of the room. “She fell asleep. I think it’s best to let her rest for a bit. Her body has gone through a great ordeal. She’s got to be fatigued.”

  I nod, figuring this would be the best time for me to go outside and get some fresh air and process all the information Kate has supplied. My cousin has had sex over and over, and it sounds like there were times when it was consensual. I know Kate did it to avoid being beaten and starved, but it’s definitely a hit to my ego and pride. I don’t want to share my woman with anyone and now I’ve learned that there have been several. It doesn’t seem real, but it is and now I have to figure out a way to deal with it.

  It’s not until I’m completely out of breath do I realize I’m running down the streets of Manhattan in a full-on sprint. Sweat is dripping from my face, my lungs are burning from the lack of air penetrating them. I stop and look around. I’m not sure how I got here, but I’m in Times Square in the exact spot I proposed to Kate. I smile remembering how her face beamed when she read the billboards. She was genuinely surprised and excited about becoming my wife.

  I’m startled by the horn honking for me to get out of the street. A taxi driver yells obscenities at me. How long have I been gone? I take swift action and jump into the very cab that’s trying to run me over.

  “Take me to Presbyterian Hospital.” I slam the door behind me. I’ve been gone for far too long. I need to get back to Kate before she wakes up.

  The city flashes by as the cabbie weaves in and out of traffic. My thoughts keep returning to the same thing. What if Kate’s pregnant? What am I going to do? How am I going to live with the possibility that she’s carrying my cousin’s child? I wipe my hand across my face and the couple of days’ scruff that is getting thicker by the minute.

  We pull up in front of the emergency department. I get out and hand the driver money and don’t bother to wait for the change. I’m sure I’ve been gone a couple of hours. I don’t know. Time seems to be passing in a blur.

  I push through the doors and make my way to Kate’s room. As I round the corner, crying catches my attention and my heart skips a few beats knowing right away it’s Kate. The door is open and her parents are by her side. Elizabeth is hovered over Kate and wiping the hair from her face as the tears fall. I connect eyes with Kate. The electricity keeps us glued together. Without her saying a word, I know. They’ve confirmed she’s pregnant.

  I stand in the doorway unable to move. All eyes are on me and I struggle to get the words out. “How far along are you?”

  “Maybe right now isn’t the time to discuss this.” Elizabeth squeezes Kate’s hand.

  I haven’t broken the connection with Kate. That answer isn’t going to work for me and Kate knows it.

  “The doctor says six to seven weeks.”

  I don’t know what I was expecting, but I had hoped to get a clear idea of whose kid it is. If she was further along, it would definitely be mine. If she were only a couple weeks along, it would be Matteo’s. Now, it could be either and I don’t know what to do or say. Instead, my body has a mind of its own. I walk away and I don’t look back.

  The End

  Stay tuned for more of Kate and Tony’s story.

  Note from the Author

  I realize this ending may upset some of you, and made you want to pull your hair out or even not read any further. For that, I’m sorry. However, I promise to redeem myself in the final installment of Kate and Tony’s story called Saved. So, hang on and wait for the ride coming in just a couple more weeks. Thank you for falling in love with these characters. Oh, by the way, below is an unedited sneak peak of the first chapter of Saved.


  ***Sneak Peek***


  Book Three of the Surrender Series

  Chapter One

  I haven’t seen Kate in seven agonizing months since I left her in that hospital room. I never even bothered to get my things from our apartment. I took the coward’s way out and high-tailed it back to California, where I had started my life once before in the witness protection program. Instead of starting over this time, I’ve fallen into a downward spiral and can’t seem to escape from it.

  My days and nights are all mixed up. I drink as soon as I wake up, no matter what time it is. I can’t remember when I was last sober. It’s like a permanent case of amnesia and the fog won’t lift. My best friend is Jack. We have a pretty good relationship. I talk to him, share all my problems, and he helps to numb my pain without saying anything. Once in a while, he’ll get a jab in during my prayers to the porcelain God. The burning sensation he provides on the way back up is horrible, but nothing a little Pepcid or Tums can’t handle.

  I know I’ve failed Kate. I’ve contemplated going back to New York and begging for her forgiveness, but I can’t. Leaving her was by far the worst decision I’ve made in my entire life. I don’t deserve her, and frankly, I still haven’t gotten over the fact that she might be carrying Matteo’s child. I know I’m a dick for leaving her alone and pregnant, especially after I had just found her. I deserve what I get, and this private hell I live in isn’t nearly punishment enough.

  How did we get here? We’ve been through so much during our time together. Meeting her in Florence as Katherine and watching as she met morphed from a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly who broke out of her cocoon. She’s so strong and resilient and never once lost faith in me even though I’m the reason why she’s been tortured and raped. Nobody deserves what I’ve done to Kate, and I wasn’t even man enough to take care of her when she needed me most.

  I attempt to take another swig from Mr. Daniels only to find out someone already emptied the bottle. I guess that was me. I throw the square container across the room causing it to shatter as it hits the wall. I don’t fucking care. The maid will be here sometime today to clean my shit up like she does every other day.

  I stumble across the room in search of another bottle of the amber liquor. Much to my dismay, it looks as though I’ve drank my entire stash. Jesus. This means I’m going to have to sober up enough to get down to the liquor store without passing out on the sidewalk or getting arrested for drunk in public, which has already happened twice. Fuck, I’m a mess.

  I take some unbalanced steps and make my way into the bathroom to take a piss. Last time I woke up soaked in urine. I hope to avoid doing that again. Once I’m finished relieving myself, I splash some water onto my face. It’s the first time I’ve looked in the mirror in countless days. I have a full beard, and I think there might be vomit living in the coarse hair. Otherwise it’s my last meal. Whatever, it’s fucking gross. My eyes are bloodshot, and my breath smells like shit. I think about brushing my teeth, but my hands are starting to shake indicating I need to get another drink fast.

  I put some water on my hands and rub my face in attempt to get whatever is growing in my beard out. I need to look somewhat civilized so they don’t thro
w me out of the liquor store, and into the street. It’s strange how I can attempt to pull myself together for booze, but I can’t pull my ass out of this funk. Whatever. This is easier to deal with. I’m a fucking coward loser. Go ahead, shoot me. Put me out of my fucking misery.

  I head out of the shitty hotel I’m staying in. It’s one of those lease by the month, hour, or however long you need it. The amount of homeless people and prostitutes that hang out here is astounding, but this is where I fit in. No one gives a shit about how I look or how much I drink. They leave me the hell alone with the cockroaches that skate across the floor when the lights are out.

  I stagger down the sidewalk searching for the place that’s been fueling my addiction daily the past several months. I don’t even know what street I’m on. I just follow the buildings that look familiar. It’s amazing that I ever make it back to the hotel at all.

  I stumble upon a hole in the wall Mexican takeout place, and order a carne asada burrito. I can’t remember the last time I ate something substantial besides Funions and Fritos with bean dip. My stomach is suddenly growling and tying itself in knots. If I’m not careful, the damn thing might jump outside of itself and devour every ounce of food in this restaurant without me.

  I contemplate taking the burrito with me and eating it when I get back to the dump I call home, but my legs are tired of holding my weak body up. I sit down at the orange table with brown plastic chairs and force myself to eat here.

  I’m shocked by how easily the food goes down. There’s something about the Mexican food in Southern California that fails to compare to any other place in America. It’s authentic and good here. I think about ordering another burrito, but decide against it when Mr. Daniels starts calling my name. I don’t know how he knows exactly what I need.

  I grab a glass of water before leaving. I’m not sure when the last time I’ve had any liquid besides Jack, but my mouth is like a drought ridden desert. I need to get something to moisten it or my tongue is going to dry out and shrivel up. I swear as soon as the water hits my mouth, my tongue expands like a sponge or one of the gel like animals that grows to a hundred times its size when placed in water.


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