Queen and War: Slayer Academy (Book 3)

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Queen and War: Slayer Academy (Book 3) Page 5

by Cassidy Summers

  “Of course,” she says immediately with a beaming smile. “Anything. Bianca needs to be back at that Academy.”

  “Thank you,” I say as a tear rolls down my cheek in relief. I grin up at Dr. Mandoza as she returns my smile with a knowing gleam in her eye. After all, returning home is the only thing I’ve talked about since the moment I left.

  Jacinta, Millie, Trey, and Daniel. Hell, I’d even be happy to see Nora. This doesn’t seem real.

  I actually have a shot at going home. I could be with my friends and family. I could be there when Rylan gets off his suspension.

  I sink back into my pillow as my mind goes over every last possible thing that could affect my chances at this council meeting, and I promise myself, that no matter what, I will do whatever it takes to get myself back home.


  Two days later and after a nasty concussion, I’m finally freed from the infirmary, only to be ordered to my room for a quick shower and to be present in the council chambers in the next ten minutes.

  I rush through my shower, not nearly getting the satisfaction out of it that I had hoped for, especially after sitting in an infirmary bed for the last two days.

  I pull on a pair of jeans and throw my hair up into a bun. Precisely ten minutes after flying out of the infirmary, I find myself pushing through the door of the meeting hall. A huge oval table sits in the center of the room with tall backed chairs the whole way around.

  Brett Norrington sits at the top of the oval with Alistair and Jackson on either side of him, the next few spots are taken by men in suits while Marcus sits at the very opposite end with the scrutiny of the twenty council members on him.

  I glance further around the table and see Richards sitting just off to the side of the room and I briefly wonder why he needs to be preset for this.

  “Ah, Bianca. Right on time. Please take a seat,” Brett says, indicating to a seat a few spaces down from a scowling Marcus.

  Dr. Mandoza walks in right behind me and quietly takes the seat beside me while giving me a supportive smile.

  “Thank you all for being here on such short notice,” Brett starts. “So, let's get straight into it. I assume each of you has been briefed on the matter?” he asks as he looks around at his men. They all give him definite nods and he gets the meeting started. “Marcus, the evidence against you seems quite damning,” he observes. “Anything you’d like to say?”

  Marcus gets to his feet in outrage. “This whole thing is absurd. I cannot believe we are wasting our time on this,” he huffs. “The girl wanted to give the students a demonstration. She got what she wanted.”

  “And you thought it was acceptable to endanger the lives of three hundred students in the process?” Alistair scoffs, “So you could prove a point?”

  “She needed to be taught a lesson,” Marcus shrugs then waves his hand in my general direction. “This child has no respect. I was doing us all a favor.”

  “Marcus, I find it hard to believe that you see no wrong with your actions,” Brett sighs. “I’ve grown tired of your antics. You’ve backed yourself into a corner this time and we should have taken this vote a long time ago.” Brett pauses before glancing around the table. “Are there any objections to a vote?” he questions.

  Heads are shaken and mouths are zipped, prompting Brett to continue. “Alright, all in favor of dismissing High Council Member Marcus Holloway of his duties, raise your right hand.”

  As one, the table raises their hands. A unanimous vote. Marcus flies to his feet and points a finger down at me. “You’ll regret this, you’ll see,” he promises then grabs his suit jacket and storms out the door.

  Wow, my heart races. I can’t believe that just happened. A High Council Member just lost his position over a feud with me, given what he did was absolutely ludicrous and he deserved what he got, but wow.

  The room is quiet for a moment as they come to terms with what just happened before all eyes turn to me. “Now, we have one more thing to vote on,” Brett says as he gives me a friendly smile. “Bianca has made it quite clear that it is not her desire to be a part of this program. I believe we can all agree that her skills are out in the field. While having Bianca as the face of the program is great and draws in a crowd, I don’t believe we will be successful without a speaker who is passionate about the position. Unfortunately, I believe we will fail if we keep Bianca on. So, with that said, I think it’s time we sent her home.”

  A few of the men give nods of approval while others tighten their lips in consideration. An older man makes his case known. “I’m not sure I agree,” he says. “Wasn’t the purpose of all this to use Bianca for her celebrity?”

  “If I may?” Mr. Richards says, rising to his feet. Brett gives him a nod to continue. “It was about using her popularity to help entice the students into considering the combat program, however, from my observations, the students are more concerned with her personal life rather than what she’s there to promote.”

  “What are your thoughts, Bianca?” A council member asks me.

  “Honestly? I don’t mean to be rude, but the whole program was ridiculous to start with. I’ve said it a million times. Kids don’t want to be told what to do, they want to be inspired. I think you should continue promoting the combat program because it’s an incredible program, but I think you should use someone who truly wants to be doing that with their life. That’s how your seminars are going to get the attention they need. I also think you should send me home, let me graduate and fight on the front lines which is how I’ll do my part in inspiring the children of The Guard,”

  “Does anyone have anything else to add before we vote?” Brett asks. “Dr. Mandoza?”

  “Yes,” she says with confidence. “I believe Bianca is right, and in my professional opinion, for her own health, she needs to be back at the Academy. It’s clear that she’s becoming unwell, her muscle tone is deteriorating, she has lost far too much weight and I’m sure her situation is weighing down on her mental health,” she explains. “Bianca has the potential to become the best warrior The Guard has ever seen, possibly even better than Rylan Neill. However, I am afraid that this course of action is forcing her in the wrong direction, one where she will end up living an unhappy, mediocre life. Bianca was born for greatness and I believe that each and every one of you can sense that within her.”

  Warmth spreads through me. I can’t believe she just said that.

  Dr. Mandoza reaches out a hand and places it over mine on the table. ‘Thank you,’ I mouth. She gives me an encouraging smile before turning her attention back to the room.

  “Thank you,” Brett says with a nod to Dr. Mandoza. “Shall we vote? All in favor of allowing Bianca Moore to return to the Academy to graduate, raise your right hand.”

  As one, every person at the table raises their right hand, sealing my fate. “Well, there you have it, Bianca,” Brett says. “You are a free woman. A flight will be organized to take you back to the Academy.”

  “Thank you all so much,” I beam as I consider how inappropriate it would be to go around the table and give each of the council members a hug and a kiss.

  I’m a free woman.

  I can’t wait to tell everyone I’m coming home. Things are finally looking up. All I need to do is wait for Rylan to finish his suspension and everything will be right in the world.

  I get up from the table and make my way out into the hall with the rest of the council. “It’s going to be great not having to deal with you every day,” Richards says from beside me. “But I must admit, as much as I despise you, you seem to have grown on me.”

  I can’t help but smile at the guy who has made every single one of my days here completely suck. “I’d like to say the same, but then I’d be lying,” I laugh.

  He lets out an annoyed groan before giving me a quick nod and walking away.

  “Are you ever going to tell me your first name?” I call after him.


  “Bianca,” I hear Bre
tt calling out and turn towards him. He squeezes his way past a few of the council members who are getting into a heated debate about Guard politics before finally coming to a stop before me. “If it is alright with you, I’d like to accompany you back to campus,” he says.

  “Oh sure, I’d be honored,” I tell him. “I can’t thank you enough for this.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. It was my pleasure. Just make sure you tell Rylan all about it, I could use the brownie points,” he says quietly then thinks better of it. “Actually, he’d probably hate me more when he discovers this is due to one of my council members.”

  “You can’t win them all,” I laugh.

  He gives me a bright smile. “You best say your goodbyes and start packing your things. I’ll come and get you when it’s time to leave, I’d expect in a few hours or so.”

  “Okay, sure,” I smile. It’s not like I’ve got that many people to say goodbye to around here.

  Brett gives me a nod before turning on his heel and leaves to join in with the political debate. I take a quick look around for Dr. Mandoza and realize she’s gone which really shouldn’t surprise me, after all, she has patients to look after.

  I make my way down to the infirmary and lightly knock on her open door. She looks up at the sound and a bright smile graces her pretty face as she sees me. “Bianca, I’m so happy for you,” she beams, taking a step towards me and pulling me into her arms.

  “Thank you,” I say as I wrap my arms around her. “Thanks for everything you’ve done for me. I honestly think I would have gone insane if it wasn’t for you.”

  “Oh, honey,” she sighs. “There’s no need to thank me, it was my pleasure. It has been an absolute joy getting to know you these past few months.”

  “You too.”

  “I don’t know how I’m going to pass my time now that there won’t be anyone coming in with fake illness,” she laughs.

  “Oh, I think you’ll be fine,” I tell her. “I’m sure Mr. Richards will be coming in more often, now that he’s suffering from a lonely heart.”

  She gasps in horror at having to deal with that man, though I know she really doesn’t mind him. After all, he wasn’t that bad, he was just doing his job.

  “I better get going. I have to pack,” I explain.

  “Okay, love,” she says. “Make sure to say hi to my sister for me.”

  “I will,” I smile as I step out of her office. With one final wave, I close her door and rush down to my room with absolute joy, something I haven’t felt for over three months.

  I barge through my door and quickly throw everything into my suitcase, making sure to leave the skirt suit behind.

  I grab the chunky old phone and quickly send mom a message.

  Bianca – I’M GOING HOME!!!!!! BTW, don’t reply. I should probably give this phone back now…Love you.

  I sit on my bed, deleting any evidence that I’ve had this phone for the past few weeks when a knock sounds at my door. I spring up from the mattress and pull the door open to find Brett waiting for me. “It’s home time, kid,” he grins as he steps into my room and takes my bag like the gentleman he is.

  I follow out behind him with excitement rushing through my veins. We head out to the tarmac and quickly board the jet when an idea strikes. “Would I be able to ask a huge favor?”

  “Depends,” he says as he narrows his curious eyes on me. “What kind of favor?”

  “Would we be able to make one stop before going back to the Academy?”

  “A stop would require the jet landing at the airport and renting a car,” he tells me.

  “Yep,” I confirm having already thought that through.

  He’s thoughtful for a moment before completely giving in. “Fine,” he grumbles. “But I better not regret this.”

  A few hours later, the jet touches down and we go about renting an SUV. I type an address into the GPS and we quickly get on the road. “Where are you taking me?” Brett asks.

  “You’ll see,” I smile.

  With a roll of his eyes and a deep sigh, he sets his concentration back on the road. “So, what’s going to happen with Marcus?” I ask, a little unsure if I’m even allowed to be discussing this with him.

  He presses his lips together before flicking his eyes back to mine. “I really wish you would have told me about the altercation you had with him much earlier,” he says. “I would have been able to prevent this had I known.”

  “Don’t put that kind of pressure on yourself,” I tell him. “With all due respect, he was a High Council Member. I never in a million years thought he would have pulled the stunt he did. Shit like that just doesn’t happen.”

  “True, I expect much higher standards from my council.”

  “Yes, I would too, though at least now it has happened and Marcus doesn’t get the chance to do it to someone else.”

  “That’s a very valid point,” he says. “You can sleep well knowing Marcus will be dealt with. There will be serious consequences for his actions.”

  “Really? What kind of consequences?” I ask, always sticking my nose into other people’s business.

  “Never you mind,” he says with a shake of his head.

  A half-an-hour later, Brett pulls up at the address and puts the car into park. “Where have you brought me?” he asks in distaste as he takes in the surroundings.

  I don’t have time to answer as I’m already unbuckled and flying out the door. Leaving all my things behind, I rush up the pathway and find myself banging on the door. I hear footsteps from inside coming closer, the familiar twist of a door handle, and before I know it, the door swings open.

  My heart swells and before I have a moment to fully comprehend what’s happening, I launch myself forward with wide arms.

  “Bianca,” he breathes into my hair, folding me into his warm, inviting arms.

  I can’t help the sob that comes tearing out of me as I’m finally home. “Rylan.”

  Chapter 8


  That’s the only way I can possibly describe the feeling of being in Rylan’s arms. Home.

  I hold onto him with every last ounce of strength I possess as I cry into his chest. His strong arms hold me to him, gently rocking me back and forth and letting me know I’m okay. “I missed you,” I murmur into his shirt.

  “I’ve missed you, too,” he whispers.

  After a few minutes of awkwardly standing in the doorway, I pull myself together. I step back and hastily wipe the tears off my face. “Sorry,” I grumble with an embarrassed smile.

  He can’t help but smile back at me as he finally gets a good look at me. His smile quickly turns into confusion which then morphs to anger and I know without a doubt he’s noticing the weight I’ve lost. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m so happy to see you, but what the hell are you doing here?” he demands.

  “It’s a long story,” I say. “I don’t even know where to start.”

  “Why don’t you start with explaining why Brett Norrington is standing in my driveway,” he asks as he looks over my shoulder to glare daggers at his father.

  “Well, I’m going back to the Academy and Brett was the one who made that happen,” I tell him as Rylan raises a curious eyebrow. “He asked to escort me back to the academy until I talked him into taking a quick detour.”

  He grins down at me with a wicked gleam in his eye. “Only you could convince the leader of The Guard to break the rules.”

  “It was easy,” I boast.

  He shakes his head in exasperation. “Come inside,” he says as he steps back into the familiar house that once belonged to his sister. “It looks like you’ve got a lot to tell me.”

  With a smile, I step past him but stop when a throat clears behind me. I turn back to find Brett a few feet closer with a raised brow. “How long is this detour going to take? I need to get you back to the Academy.”

  I look up at Rylan who watches his father through cautious eyes. Tension fills him and I know he’s hating every moment of conversing
with the man, but he’s done so much for me and Rylan just won’t understand until I get the chance to explain. “I’ll drive her back,” Rylan tells his father.

  Brett looks down at me, also a little uncertain before looking back at Rylan, the tension between the two clouding between us and making it difficult to breathe. “Are you sure? You could get in trouble if you’re seen.”

  Rylan gives a definite nod which has Brett promptly turning on his heel and heading back to the SUV. He goes to the back and pulls out my bags. I walk down to him with Rylan following behind and immediately throw my arms around him. “Thank you so much,” I tell him as he attempts to hug me back with his hands full of my things.

  “There’s nothing to thank me for, Bianca,” he tells me with sincerity.

  “Really, there is,” I let him go and step back as he places my bags down on the floor.

  My breath catches in my throat as Rylan steps forward and offers his father his hand. Brett looks down at it with longing before reaching out and giving it a firm shake. “Whatever it is you did for her, please know that I’m grateful.”

  Brett gives a nod as Rylan hastily picks up my bags and takes a step back. “Oh, Bianca,” Brett says right before he leaves. “Don’t think I haven’t forgotten about Nurse Cathy’s phone,” he says, holding his hand out.

  With a groan and a smirk, I dig into my pocket and pull out the phone. This little thing has been my salvation, my only lifeline, and connection to my friends and family, though now, I won’t be needing it. I hand it over and give Brett a knowing smile before he turns and climbs back into the SUV.

  “Come on,” Rylan says as we watch the SUV take off down the street.

  We make our way back inside and I take a seat on the couch, grinning as Rylan sits down right next to me. God, I’ve missed this. I snuggle into him as his arms come around me. “How’d you know to find me here?” he asks.

  “I had a hunch. Jacinta said you had to live away from the Guard, so I figured this is probably the only place you would go that was still close,” I explain, giving myself a mental pat on the back for my awesome detective skills.


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