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Prisoners of Love Boxed Set: Books 1-3

Page 7

by Hutton , Callie

  “One thing about my ma,” he said. “She’ll feed you to death.”

  Mrs. Ryan swatted him on the arm. “Oh, you.” She turned to Adelaide. “You learn when you have boys that they never have enough to eat.”

  “Where’s Pa?”

  Her mother-in-law busied herself, pulling out bread, meat, and cheese and assembling sandwiches. “He’s out in the field. We had to hire a couple of men to help him. But now that you’re here, we won’t need hired help.”

  “Can I do something to help, Mrs. Ryan?” Adelaide felt foolish sitting here while the woman ran from place to place preparing a meal for them.

  “No, dear. You just sit. I’m going to send Miles out to the field when we’re done, and you and I can have a lovely chat.” She smiled at her granddaughters. “Your grandpa hung a swing from our oak tree out front that I’m sure you girls will enjoy.”

  A kernel of anxiety landed in Adelaide’s stomach. Miles and the girls would be gone and she and Mrs. Ryan would have a ‘little chat?’

  * * *

  Miles had to admit he was a bit rattled when his mother mentioned she thought he would marry Agnes.


  He remembered Eve’s younger sister as a little girl, all arms and legs and freckles all over her face. Thank goodness he’d arrived with a wife. His parents had pushed him to marry Eve years ago, and since he was young and had no particular girl in mind, he went along with it. But he certainly didn’t want to get into the habit of having his mother make major decisions for him. He was young no longer, married, and a father.

  “I think I’ll head out to the fields and see Pa. Where are we all sleeping?”

  “I cleaned your old bedroom, and I thought the girls could use Leo’s room. But if you feel you want more privacy, you can use the foreman’s cottage.”

  Miles leaned back and pushed away his empty plate. “I’d forgotten about that place. Is it habitable?”

  “Take a look while you’re out. It might need some cleaning up, but it certainly is big enough for all of you. If I remember correctly, it still needs a stove, though.”

  He stood and addressed Adelaide. “When you and Ma are finished, come find me out in the field, and we’ll look at the cottage together.”

  Adelaide nodded and stood to begin clearing the table.

  The girls and he left the house with Ma pouring tea for her and Adelaide. They’d only taken a few steps when he spotted the swing his mother had mentioned. “Look there, girls. Grandpa put a swing up for you.”

  They squealed and raced each other across the yard.

  “Be careful.”

  He looked around and tried hard to fight the gloominess that had settled on him. Oh, he was happy to see his parents again, and was glad the girls could get to know their grandparents, but it seemed his dream of owning a horse farm was growing more out of reach each day. He’d saved some of his sheriff salary to start a horse operation, but then Eve died, his parents needed him here and he headed back to Santa Fe.

  He was their only son, and if they couldn’t afford help, he needed to step up. He’d mentioned a horse farm year ago, but his pa had dismissed the idea. Throughout his childhood, he’d always had a hankering for horses. He found it easy to train them, and loved working with the large animals.

  Maybe one day.

  He took his horse, Devil, from the stable and made a quick loop around the entire farm area, with a quick stop at the cottage. It needed some work, but a good cleaning would make it good enough to move into.

  The roof over what he thought would be his and Adelaide’s bedroom needed replacing, but he could put something up this afternoon to make it possible for them to move in today. He hadn’t see his pa when he’d made the rounds, so it was possible he was in one of the barns. After looking at the cottage, he decided to forego catching his pa until he had Adelaide consider the place..

  Pleasant female voices reached him as he entered the front door of the house. Adelaide and his mother sat chatting at the kitchen table, a teapot and two teacups in front of them. Lizzie and Beth Ann sat at the table with them, munching on cookies, their eyes wide as his ma recounted one of his more ‘adventurous’ escapades when he was a child. “Ma, no need to put ideas into their heads. I’m sure they’ll come up with a few of their own that will give me gray hairs.” He pulled out a chair and joined the ladies.

  “Nonsense. You were always a good boy. Just a little bit daring.” She picked up the teapot. “Do you want some tea? This is cold.”

  “No, thanks. I wanted Adelaide to take a look at the cottage.” He turned to her. “It seems habitable, but needs a lot of cleaning. Are you up to it?”

  She shoved her chair back. “Absolutely. With the girls help we’ll have it ready in no time.”

  “I can help.” Ma said. “Just let me get my buckets and mop and I’ll be right over.”


  Adelaide spent hours sweeping, dusting, washing windows, and scrubbing floors, determined to make a good home for her family. As grateful as she was for Mrs. Ryan’s help, after a while the woman started to look a little worn. Adelaide suggested she go back to the main house and maybe prepare something for all of them to eat when they were through.

  The girls worked diligently, too, but she also sent them off with their grandmother.

  Miles had told her one night as they sat around the campfire drinking coffee that they would live in his parents’ house, since there was room there for all of them. She’d been happy, though, when her mother-in-law suggested the cottage since she preferred to have her own place.

  She wiped her brow with her sleeve and admired her efforts. With the little bit of furniture and the household items Miles had brought with him, the place had taken on a semblance of a home. Right now she needed a bath before they could go up to the main house for supper.

  “Where should I put this?” Miles carried in a large copper bath tub.

  “Perfect. I was just thinking we all needed to clean up before we go to your parents’ house for supper.” She wiped her hands on her apron. “If you fill the tub, I’ll take my bath. The girls went home with your mother, so hopefully they’ll get their baths there.”

  He carried the tub into the kitchen, then came back in, and put his arms around her middle, drawing her against his body. “I’ll be happy to wash your back for you.” His whispered words in her ear had chills running down her spine. Truth be known, she missed the attentions of a man since Gerald had died. Not enough, however, to let old Mr. Goddard have his way with her so she could keep sleeping in his empty building. But her husband was young, handsome, and strong. Would she be able to share intimacies without developing deep feelings for him that could cause her heart to shatter once again?

  “What do you say? Should I stick around while you take your bath? I can help you undress.” He scattered kisses on her neck, under her ear, and tugged on her ear lobe with his teeth, biting lightly.

  Adelaide reluctantly pulled herself away from him. “Of course not. We need to get cleaned up also and go to supper. We don’t want to be late.”

  Adelaide took a fast bath, then dressed, braiding her wet hair in one long rope while Miles bathed. At exactly five minutes to five they clasped hands and took the short walk to the main house.

  It was nice that the girls had their grandmother. Adelaide remembered her grandma as a wonderful, plump woman who constantly smelled of cinnamon and always had little candies in her apron pockets for her grandchildren. She’d hugged and kissed them so much it was a wonder they still had skin. Even though Adelaide was an only child, she had several cousins she often saw during her childhood. Some of the best times of her life were spent at grandma’s farm, running around with her cousins and falling asleep under the stars.

  Miles opened the door and led them inside. They headed to the kitchen to the sound of voices. The room looked a lot like her grandma’s kitchen, warm, friendly and wonderful smells.

  Her husband strode across the room, his arm exten
ded. “Hi, Pa.”

  The older man and Miles shook hands, then his pa pulled him in for a hug. “Good to see you, boy.” He gave him a manly punch on the arm. “Been getting to know these two little sprites.” He waved in the direction of Beth Ann and Lizzie, who must have had a bath since their hair was wet and they wore clean clothes. Clothes that looked like young boys clothes. Must have been Miles and Leo’s things.

  Then Mr. Ryan walked over to Adelaide and gave her a hug. “I’m happy to meet you. Welcome to the family.” He looked over at Miles. “Good choice, son. She’s a looker.”

  Miles grinned at her, and she could feel the heat rise to her face. It was best to distract everyone. “Mrs. Ryan, can I help with anything?”

  “Yes, dear. Why don’t you dish out the stew?” She winked at Adelaide. “One of Miles’ favorites.”

  The meal went well, with Mrs. Ryan still entertaining the girls with the escapades of Miles and Leo. The girls were on their best behavior, and the food was delicious. Tired from the busy day, the warm room, and good food, Adelaide felt as though she could fall asleep right there at the table.

  She managed to rally herself, though, to help her mother-in-law with the clean-up. With the four of them looking as though they were indeed weary travelers, Miles announced it was time to return to the cottage and their beds.

  Miles was silent on the walk home, but reached for her hand the minute they walked out the door. The girls ran and skipped ahead, obviously with a burst of energy only the young seemed capable of after such a long, busy day.

  “Girls, you’ve already had your baths, so you can go straight to bed. You may read for a while, though as long as the daylight lasts.” Adelaide pulled her wrap off and hung it on a hook by the door. She took in the main room as the girls headed to their bedroom. It looked quite nice, actually. The house was small, but certainly big enough for them. When she had time, she would sew some curtains and maybe weave a hooked rug. She’d done several of them for her former home.

  “Do you have any idea when we will be able to get a stove?” She turned toward Miles for his answer, and found him merely two feet from her. The look in his eyes told her he hadn’t been thinking about stoves. It appeared to her he was more interested in beds right now. His hazel eyes had turned a deeper shade, and his nostrils flared. “Come here, Adelaide.” He held out his hand.

  As she stared into his mesmerizing eyes, she moved forward, almost as if they were connected by a string. “I’ll tuck the girls in, why don’t you go into our bedroom and get ready for bed?” He brushed the hair back from her forehead, then slid his hand down to cup her cheek.

  “Wh-what about the hole in the roof?” Her heart pounded and her mouth dried up. She was no more interested in the roof than he’d been concerned about the stove. Between the look on his face, and how her body was responding to his looks and touches, this marriage would be consummated tonight.

  Instead of the fear she’d expected, a thrill of anticipation ran through her. Memories of him fondling her breast while they lay together in the wagon had her dampening between her legs. All of a sudden her clothes felt restrictive, too tight. Although she’d gained needed weight on the wagon train, that was not the reason she wanted her clothes gone, and Miles’ warm hands caressing her body.

  “All right.” She pulled to walk away, and he drew her back, taking her mouth in a kiss that curled her toes and made her all the more anxious to remove her clothes and climb into bed. He released her lips and smiled. “Wait for me.”

  Oh, dear.

  * * *

  Miles watched Adelaide walk to the bedroom, then he moved quickly to the girls’ room. “All right, are you ready for bed?” They’d better be. He’d waited five long, tortuous weeks to get his wife into a real bed and finally make love to her. He pushed from his mind his reservations about farm work. He wanted nothing to interfere with tonight’s awaited pleasure.

  “Pa, I don’t want to live here.” Beth Ann hugged her doll as she climbed onto the bed she shared with her sister.

  Despite his desire to escape as quickly as possible, he had to comfort his daughter. They’d both been through so much of late. Another reason why he needed to stay put for a while and make things work out here. “It will be fine, I promise you. Your ma is going to see that you are enrolled in school soon where you’ll make a lot of new friends.”

  He turned to Lizzie as she climbed into bed. “Are you looking forward to going to school?”

  She shrugged her shoulders, but at least she didn’t join in her sister’s requests to leave. He kissed both of them on their cheeks. “It will take some getting used to, a new house, and town and all, but I can assure you that tomorrow will be a better day. I promise. Now remember, books closed and off to sleep once it gets dark.”

  “Good night, Pa.” He closed the door gently and breathed a sigh of relief.

  “I see you already fixed the roof.” Adelaide sat in bed, the covers drawn up to her chin, looking very frightened.

  “Yes. Pa had some wood shingles, enough to patch the hole. I’ll redo the entire roof once things settle down.” He didn’t want to talk about roofs, or enrolling the girls in school, or his mother‘s wonderful stew that was his favorite dish. All he wanted to concentrate on was the woman in his bed and how soft her skin was.

  He stripped off his clothes, leaving his drawers on in deference to his wife. Her eyes grew wider as each garment came off and landed on the floor in a heap. Even though she’d been married before, he still had to take his time and allow her to get used to him. Before she could run screaming from the room, he pulled up the covers and climbed beneath them.

  Bending his elbow, he rested his head on his hand. He ran a finger up and down her arm. She seemed mesmerized by the motion. “I really want to make love to you, but I won’t if you strongly object.”

  She slid down and turned, so she was facing him. ”No, I don’t object. I must admit I’m a little nervous, though. It’s been a long time, and I’m not quite sure . . .” Her words faltered and it was obvious it was time for him to take over, or they would never get anywhere.

  Miles reached out and pulled her to him, so her head rested on his shoulder. “We’ll take it slow.” He loosened her braid and drew her hair over her shoulders. The silky blonde and light brown strands drifted through his fingers, releasing the now familiar scent of lemons that always surrounded her.

  With her heart-shaped face and golden strands of hair surrounding it, she looked young, and anxious. Thinking it was best to get to the business of relaxing her, he smoothed her hair back and lowered his head until their lips met. Soft, at first. Gentle as a kiss of rain on a spring day. He cupped her neck and stroked his thumb over her ear, eliciting a soft moan from deep inside her.

  Moving his mouth, he kissed the soft skin under her ear, then her jaw, and neck. She moved her head back to give him greater access, her fingers moving lightly over his skin from his bare shoulder to his arm. He’d not been with a woman since Eve’s death, so he needed to keep as much control as he could. He wanted to make sure Adelaide lost any remaining reluctance and had a pleasurable experience.

  “Let’s get rid of the nightgown.” When she drew back, questioning, he hurried on. “It’s a pretty nightgown, but I think you’ll be much more comfortable without it.”

  Her siren’s smile was almost his undoing as she helped him remove the gown. Once she was freed of the garment, he drew down the blanket to her waist, revealing two perfect breasts with dusky rose nipples. “My God, you’re so beautiful.” His hand gently cupped one, feeling its weight, rubbing the pouting nipple with his thumb.

  Adelaide drew in a sharp breath and moved her hands up to his shoulders. As he continued his ministrations, her breathing increased and her nails dug into his muscles. He had to keep reminding himself to go slow. Just because she was responding to his touches didn’t mean he could hurry it along.

  His lips kissed their way down until he took a breast into his mouth, suckling h
ard, relishing Adelaide’s shifting and squirming, along with her soft sighs of contentment. While his mouth was busy, his fingers tugged at the blanket, until her beautiful body was completely uncovered. A feast for his eyes.

  Her soft skin, the supple padding of her hips, the slight swell of her belly, and her generous breasts overpowered his senses. Switching from one breast to the other, he moved his hand down until he covered her sex, dipping his finger into the moisture.

  “You’re so responsive, so ready for me.” His fingers played at her entrance as he took her lips in another searing kiss. He teased her lips until she opened for him, then swept the space, tangling with her tongue. He almost came up off the bed when her hand slid down his chest and rested on the bulge in his drawers.

  “It seems you forgot to take something off,” she teased.

  In an instant he was on his feet, shoved down his drawers, and climbed back onto the bed. “Now where were we?”

  She grinned and circled his erection, her thumb passing over the moisture at the tip. A reminder she was not an innocent miss, but an experienced woman.

  With the blood pumping so fast to his groin that he was in actual pain, he eased Adelaide onto her back and shifted his body to settle between her spread legs. She kissed his throat, then sucked on the skin there, raising his eagerness even more.

  Braced on his elbows, he gazed down at her darkened blue eyes, her flushed face. The scent of her arousal filled the air, a sweet invitation to taste her honey. But his attention shifted to her hands roaming his back, squeezing the muscles, as her legs wrapped around his bottom, her heels pushing him. “Please. I need you. Now.”

  “Oh, baby, don’t worry, I’m ready.” With one quick shove he entered her, sliding into her warmth and wet softness. “Oh, God, you feel so good. So tight. Am I hurting you?”

  “No.” She shifted her hips to get closer, which started up his rhythm, easing in and out as she worked with him, rubbing and circling her pelvis against his. In order to help her, he reached between them, his thumb circling and fondling the small piece of throbbing flesh he knew would bring her completion.


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