Yesterday's Magic

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Yesterday's Magic Page 17

by Beverly Long

  He eased away from Bella and smiled when she moaned a protest. He tucked the blankets around her, making sure that no cold air could seep in. “Sleep, darling,” he said. “You’re safe.”

  She never opened her eyes. He stood up and ignored his wet clothes. He grabbed clean pants and a shirt from the shelf next to his bed. He put his coat on, grateful that the inside of it had stayed mostly dry.

  He was worried about her waking up and finding him gone but it really couldn’t be helped. He added wood to the fire, wanting to make sure that it kept going.

  He left, closing the door softly behind him. He was just getting on his horse when Bart rode up.

  His deputy pointed at Freida’s horse, which stood next to Jed’s mount. “Bella?”

  “I’ve got her,” Jed yelled over the howling wood. She’s inside, sleeping.”

  Bart slid off his horse. “Good work, Jedidiah,” he said, once he got close enough that he didn’t have to yell. “Freida is going to be most grateful. I just left Doc Winder there. He’s pretty sure she’s going to be fine. What the hell happened to Bella tonight?”

  “What happened is that she almost froze to death. She said there was a bear and I’m guessing the horses got startled, took off, and at some point, Freida’s rig crashed onto its side. The horses got free and, well, you know the rest.”

  “Sounds like Bella is a lucky woman. If you can loan me a saddle for Sunshine, I’ll ride with Bella and make sure she gets back to Freida’s safely.”

  That was probably what should happen. She could go to sleep in her own bed. That surely had to be more comfortable than Jed’s floor. She’d be safe enough. He knew he could trust Bart to take care of her.

  But damn it. He wasn’t ready to let her go.

  “She’s sleeping, Bart. She’s been through a lot tonight and I think she could use the rest. Can you take Sunshine back to Freida’s and let her know that I’ll bring Bella home in the morning?”

  Bart raised an ice-crusted eyebrow. “Jedidiah, you do realize that even with a broken leg, Freida will kick your ass if you take advantage of her niece.”

  “I’m not taking advantage of anybody,” Jed said. Hell, if anybody had the advantage it was Bella. All she had to do was blink her black eyes and his knees felt weak and his heart started to thump at an alarming pace.

  He watched Bart get back on his horse. It was a terrible night for a ride. He suddenly remembered that there might be others out looking for Bella. “Is there anybody else out looking for Bella?”

  “Yeah. I was able to round up Yancy and Snake.”


  “He seemed sober enough to me when I told him what was going on. Don’t worry about it. I’ll find them and send them home.”

  “Thank you, Bart.”

  “I’m just glad she’s safe.”

  Me too. Jed watched Bart ride out. The wind had let up some but it was still a wicked night. He grabbed the reins of his horse and led the animal to the barn. After he got him fed and settled, Jed returned to the house. He let himself in, trying to be as quiet as possible.

  She was still sleeping but she’d kicked off her covers. She lay on her back, arms stretched above her head.

  He’d been in such a hurry before to get her warmed up that he hadn’t taken time to truly appreciate her body. She was beautiful. From her red-painted toes, all the way to her wild hair.

  Her feet were well-shaped and she had lovely legs, with such smooth skin. He’d never thought knees were particularly attractive before but hers were quite nice. Her thighs were not big but they looked strong enough to hold a man in place.

  He lifted his hair off his neck, suddenly feeling quite warm.

  She had narrow hips and he wondered how she might do when it came time to carry a child. Her belly was flat now but he could almost imagine it swelled and stretched to accommodate a new life. Would her baby have black eyes and curly hair or would he or she favor the father?

  Jed pressed his hand to his chest. He could feel his heart beating too fast.

  He’d noticed before that her woman parts were covered with pink silk but now through the thin material, he could see the outline of her sex. Like a crazy man, he found himself wondering if she would be able to take him comfortably or would it be tight?

  He swallowed hard and wished that he hadn’t drunk the last of his whiskey a few nights earlier.

  Her waist nipped in and he thought that if he couldn’t span it with his hands, he would be damn close. She had the cutest belly button and—holy shit—it sparkled. He leaned forward in his chair. There was a jewel, a pretty piece of blue stone, at the very edge. It begged to be touched.

  Jed wiped his face with his handkerchief. The cabin was suddenly very warm.

  She had exquisite breasts. They were well shaped and for a woman who tended toward the thin side, they were fuller than he might have expected. The pink covering masked her nipples and he was suddenly overcome with wanting to know whether they were small and pink or rounder and perhaps rose-colored.

  He felt a bit lightheaded, as if he’d knocked his head against a brick wall and his breath was coming in spurts, as if he’d been running for some distance.

  Christ. She wasn’t even conscious and he wanted her with a fierceness that he could not understand. Three days ago he hadn’t even known her and now he was sitting here, his cock so hard it might just burst.

  It was a good thing Bart hadn’t come inside. He’d have never believed Jed’s promise that he didn’t intend to take advantage. Hell, he hardly believed it himself.

  Jed stood up, carefully. He added more wood to the fire. He considered covering Bella but in the end, he couldn’t do it. He’d come so close to losing her tonight. What would it hurt if he simply enjoyed watching over her for a few minutes? He poured some water into his coffee pot, added grounds, and hung it over the blazing fire. Then he settled himself into the chair.


  Bella was hot. And terribly thirsty. She reached for the water bottle that she always kept on her nightstand and come up with air.

  She opened her eyes and in a flash, everything came back. The cold air, the horrific ride after the horses had been startled by the bear, the sure knowledge that she was going to die on the Kansas prairie, and the strong feel of Jed’s arms when he’d pulled her to safety.

  He’d saved her life. And now he sat ten feet away from her, a coffee cup in his hand. There was a lantern on the table next to him, turned low. The fire in the fireplace burned strong, as if someone had recently added wood.

  He was staring at her.

  Suddenly, the vision that she’d had the night of the Fall Festival came screaming back to her, like a runaway train. She’d been on a blanket, in just her underwear, and Jed had been watching her sleep.

  In her vision, she’d known that he wanted her. It had been written across his face.

  Just like it was now.

  “Bella,” he said, his voice a mere whisper.

  She felt hot and it was hard to breathe. “Yes.”

  He shifted to set his coffee cup on the table. When he looked back at her, his eyes were clear, focused, sharp. “I have always been a man of few words and I am not known for my tact. So, I suspect there is a better way to say this. And it may come to me some day. But right now, I’ve been sitting here for the last hour watching you sleep, trying to convince myself to do one thing, knowing damn well that what I really wanted was something very different.”

  Oh. My. Her tongue suddenly felt too big for her mouth. She should stop him now—before it was too late, before it would be too difficult to say no.

  “Bella?” he asked, his voice held a challenge. “I want you in my bed.”

  She’d known it was coming and her heart still raced so fast that it felt as if she swallowed butterflies.

  A woman should have a lover. That’s what she’d told herself. That’s what she wanted.

  But not until she was honest with him—as honest as she could be. “Jed,�
� she said. Her voice cracked. She was hoarse—she’d screamed plenty when the wagon had tipped and rolled. “I’m not staying in Mantosa.”

  “I’m not asking you to stay,” he said. “I’m asking you to lie with me tonight, to let me hold you, to let me make love to you. I’m asking you to help me forget that you almost died tonight. I’m asking you to help me remember the importance of be grateful for what I have now and not worrying about tomorrow.”

  The man did not give himself enough credit. He might not talk much but when he did, it had some punch. And he was right. She’d been very close to death tonight. She’d laid on the cold, snowy, ground and knew that she wasn’t ready.

  She wanted to live. She wanted to soar.

  “Yes,” she said. This didn’t need to be complicated.

  “Yes to…?” he asked, his tone a mix of wariness and hope.

  “Everything.” She smiled at him.

  A shudder passed through his big body. He stood up and held out his hand. She took it and he pulled her up, tight against his body. He slipped a thumb under her bra strap. “You’ve got the oddest undergarments,” he whispered, his mouth close to her ear.

  “And as much as I admire them,” he added, “I want you to take them off. I would offer to help, but I’m not sure how this works.”

  She reached up and guided his hand from her bra strap to the back hook. He fumbled with it and had to crane his neck to get a better look. Finally, the catch released and she heard him sigh in apparent relief.

  She rolled her shoulders forward. The straps slipped down on her arms and suddenly, her pink bra was lying on the floor.

  The man had his mouth open and there was a light sheen of sweat on his forehead. “Beautiful,” he said. His voice cracked.

  Feeling bold, she slipped a finger under the waistband of her bikini panties. “May I?” she asked.

  He swallowed hard and nodded.

  She shimmied out of her panties and left the silk lying in a pile on the floor. She stood before him, naked, and absolutely confident. “You look warm,” she said.

  “Is that so?” His voice sounded weak. It made her smile.

  “You should probably take your shirt off.” She grabbed hold of the front of his shirt and yanked upward on the material. Then very deliberately, she eased the tips of her fingers into the waistband of his pants and freed the rest of his shirt. She let her fingernails scrape his skin and smiled when his body jerked in response.

  He reached for the hem, to pull his shirt off, but she pressed his hands down to his side. “Let me,” she said.

  With a hand on each, she rolled up the shirt. With each roll, her knuckles brushed against him. He stood still as a statue and his breaths in and out were shallow and erratic. Finally, she pulled his shirt over his head, messing up his uncombed hair even more. She tossed his shirt over her shoulder. Then she stood close enough to him that when she swayed, the tips of her breasts rubbed against him. His skin was warm and the light dusting of hair tickled her.

  Heat shot through her, pooling at her center. Lord, she wanted to have sex with this man. She wanted to hold his body close, wrap her legs around him, and screw him blind.

  But first she wanted to take a nice long look. She stepped back, assessing. His chest was broad, his abdomen absolutely flat, and there was a thin line of hair that started just below his belly button and disappeared into his pants.

  So hot. And she was pretty sure he had no idea how truly hot he was which made him even hotter. She licked the tip of her finger and touched his chest.

  “What?” he asked, his tone guarded.

  “Just seeing if you sizzle,” she said. She felt practically giddy. She survived the damn storm. She’d faced big odds and she’d come out the winner. She felt powerful.

  She reached for his belt buckle. He stepped back and reached out one large hand to still her. “Bella,” he began.

  She pushed his hand aside. No. She wasn’t stopping. She wasn’t reconsidering. She wasn’t asking. She looked him in the eye. “I said, let me.”

  He stared at her. His glorious chest rose and fell in uneven, noisy breaths. Finally, he nodded and closed his eyes. She knelt in front of him and reached again for his belt and unbuckled it. When it hung loose, she started to unbuttoned his pants.

  One button. Two. The third and final button. She looked up. His eyes were still closed. His chest was no longer heaving—she thought perhaps he’d stopped breathing altogether.

  She slid her hands over to his hips, slipped her thumbs underneath the heavy material of his pants, and pulled them down. Inch by inch.

  Oh, the man had some glorious inches. His fully erect penis evidently hadn’t gotten the message to behave because it pulsed with energy as it was bared.

  Fabulous. He was a fabulously formed man. Unable to resist, she leaned forward and ever so delicately licked the tip. His entire body jerked and she felt very powerful.

  “Christ Almighty,” he moaned. He reached down, gently grabbed both her wrists with his hands, and pulled her to her feet.

  “Dance with me, Jed,” she whispered. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

  He stepped out of his pants, kicked them to the side, and pulled her close. He laced his arms and rested them on the curve of her butt. Their naked bodies were pressed together and she could feel him pulsing against her.

  They swayed, as if one. She rested her cheek against his collarbone and pressed her lips to his neck. His skin was faintly salty and he smelled of outdoors. She ran her tongue across the strong pulse in his neck and smiled when he shivered.

  Hot wanton need flowed through her and she thought she might not survive it. The need to mate, to be physically connected, was overwhelming.

  She reached her hand between their bodies and gently cupped him. He was hot and heavy in her hand.

  “Oh sweet Jesus,” he said. “Enough.”

  He shifted, so quickly that she couldn’t react. He picked her up. With one arm under her knees and the other supporting her back, he carried her over to the bed. He gently tossed her on it and sank down next to her. His mouth found her breast, his fingers slipped inside of her, and she realized that the balance of power had truly and gloriously shifted.


  When she woke up, the fire had burned down. The room was colder but since Jed’s big body was curled around her, spoon-like, she wasn’t a bit cold. He lifted her hair off the back of her neck and kissed the tender skin there.

  “How do you feel?” he asked.

  Fabulous. Magnificent. Well-loved. She started to tell him but stopped. She, famous for never hesitating and always speaking her mind, was suddenly afraid to share too much.

  It was going to hurt to leave Jedidiah McNeil and while it was probably foolish, she wondered if she kept her thoughts to herself and didn’t expose her soul by confessing that he’d rocked her world, it might make it easier for both of them.

  “Happy. Tired. Grateful,” she added. “You really did save my life tonight.”

  She rolled over onto her back. He continued to lie on his side with one arm lazily moving over her rib cage. For a big man, he had a gentle touch. Her eyes traveled from his hand, up the length of his strong forearm, and stopped rather abruptly an inch above his elbow. He had a jagged scar, several inches in length.

  She pressed two fingers against the healed wound. “What happened?”

  He never changed expressions but his eyes, which minutes before had been clear and focused, now looked troubled. “It was a long time ago.”

  “I didn’t ask when,” she said. “I asked what.”

  He shook his head, looking resigned. “I broke my arm.”

  That didn’t make sense. Unless… “Oh, Jed. Was the bone sticking out?”

  He swallowed hard. “Yes. Look, it doesn’t matter. Why don’t you tell me what happened last night?”

  He was clearly changing the subject but she let him. The past hours had been so wonderful that she didn’t want to ruin them now. “Frei
da woke up and seemed to have a fever and she was disorientated. Earlier in the day, I’d heard about Bessy Forth who died after breaking her leg. I got scared.”

  He drew figure eights on her stomach and she started to get a familiar itch in a place that had been well and truly scratched.

  “Bessy Forth is eighty and she’s been sickly for the last ten years,” he said.

  “Those details might have been helpful but I’d have probably still done the same thing. I got dressed, hitched up the horses and was soon on my way to town. I lost track of time but maybe we’d been traveling for fifteen minutes or so when the horses suddenly stopped. They were bucking and I almost got tossed off the wagon.”

  “That’s when you saw the bear?”

  She looked at him. “How did you know about the bear?”

  “When I found you, you told me about it.”

  “Oh. I don’t remember that. My brain was probably mostly frozen by that time.”

  He leaned into her, his thigh resting against her thigh. “It appears to have thawed quite nicely,” he said.

  It was a light, easy comment but she could hear the concern in his voice and it made her stomach have a strange feel. “Well, anyway,” she said, not wanting to read too much into his concern, “once the horses stopped bucking, they took off running. I lost hold of the reins and grabbed onto the wagon, hoping like crazy that I could stay on it. We started crashing through the trees and suddenly, the wagon and I were flipping over.”

  The hand on her stomach stilled. “I’m not sure I want to hear this,” he said.

  “I landed about ten feet away from the wagon.”

  He sat up suddenly and stuck his hands under her thick hair. He groped her head.


  “I didn’t know,” he said. His eyes were panicked. “I should have checked for head injuries. I should have—”

  “Stop,” she said. She smiled at him. “I don’t have a head injury. I’m fine.”

  He pulled his hands away and lay back down. His eyes were less troubled but the muscles of his body were still tense. “Go on,” he said.


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