Nash's Niche (Behind Closed Doors)

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Nash's Niche (Behind Closed Doors) Page 7

by McAllan, Raven

  By the time he had finished reassuring her they had reached the bottom of the stairs. "We go this way. It leads toward the kitchen garden. From there we can gain the woods without too much fear of being seen, and we can ramble at ease." He opened a door.

  "Wait for one moment. The garden should be empty, but it will do no harm to check." He looked out. "The coast is clear. Come on." Nash took hold of Felicity's hand and drew her close to him. They walked at a brisk pace between rows of cabbage, and the odd bean. There were very few vegetables left. Most had been lifted and stored for the coming winter. At the far side of the bare beds he turned toward a tall wooden gate set in the high stone wall. "Wait again. This leads to the edge of the wood, and again there should be no one around, but we will not chance it."

  "No, let us not." Felicity replied in a fervent tone. "I could think of nothing worse."

  Nash nodded and opened the gate with care. Once through he took a good look around. He could see no one and the birdsong indicated all was well. He turned and beckoned.

  "All is well. Walk straight ahead and into the trees. You will see a faint path. I'll join you once I've secured the gate. About half a mile distant is an old ruined cottage. If we walk there and back it will give us time to return before the servants are up and about and working toward the evening’s chores." Unless he had visitors, Nash had always preferred his afternoons without interruption, and each and every member of staff appreciated those few hours of freedom. As far as he knew, none visited this area of the wood. It was wild and there was no need. Poachers would be dismissed, and it was well known Nash was a good employer. None would risk their livelihood for a few rabbits.

  Felicity gave him a strange look as she passed him and walked the few yards to the safety of the trees. He secured the gate and joined her.

  "What was that look for?" he asked as he settled one hand on her arse and they began to walk further into the wood. She wriggled.

  "Ah, I like that." She glanced up at him from under her lashes. Her eyes sparkled. Nash pinched one globe and rubbed the nip. Even through her dress he could feel her heat and wanted desperately to feel her naked against him once more. He couldn't get enough of that sense of completion when they were together.

  "No, it is more than that. And do not say yes because you like more than that. I know it."

  She giggled. It was young, carefree and happy. He loved it.

  "I know the cottage. It was where I met Maggie when she came to help me to hide."

  Nash frowned; he hadn't realized the servants used it.

  "Does she go there often?'

  "No, no one does, she said. That is why she chose it. It is somewhere you have placed out of bounds."

  He'd forgotten that. "So she chose that place to wait? Clever Mrs. Whittering. I trust she won't be there now?'

  Felicity snorted. "There is no likelihood of that; she complained that a bale of straw, spiders and mice were not her choice of companions. I admit, mice are not mine." She turned to face him. "Will you be my hero and scare them away, Nash?"

  He took her hand, bowed over it, and kissed the back. "As ever, I will be your protector, love, be it from people or predators."

  Felicity curtsied. "My hero."

  He lifted her into his arms and swung her around. Her skirts flew out and she let her legs follow them. When Nash put her down, he was facing in the direction they had come, and Felicity was looking over his shoulder toward their destination. They were both flushed and laughing. It was a magical, happy carefree moment. It didn't last.

  He didn't expect the hard shove she gave him. The impetus pushed them through several bushes and he landed with Felicity on top of him. As the bushes closed behind them, they shielded them from the track. Nash opened his mouth to ask what on earth was going on. Before he could utter a word, Felicity silenced him with her mouth on his and her tongue firmly in his mouth.

  Nash forgot what he wanted to ask, forgot the earth was stony under his back and let the scent and taste of her fill him.

  Chapter Ten

  How on earth was she going to hold him still and quiet? Could she, and still warn him of the danger? Felicity hoped so. She lifted her mouth just an inch and put her finger over his lips. The tiny nod he gave showed he understood, and she moved her head slowly to rest her lips by his ear. She hoped he wasn't ticklish there.

  "I think there is someone approaching." She spoke slowly and carefully as she whispered to him. "I thought I caught a glimpse in the distance. I reckoned we wouldn't have been seen because of the direction and height of the sun. Therefore I pushed, and we landed here. Luckily not in the gorse but behind it."

  His breath tickled her other ear, and she was sensitive there. She squirmed and he nipped her ear. "Stop it. Was whoever it may be coming from near the cottage? Just nod if that's so."

  Felicity nodded, and was amazed that even that un-erotic nip to her ear was enough to make her quim pulse.

  The silence seemed menacing. There was none of the joy in the air she'd felt earlier. Her heart thudded loud in her mind, and she buried her head into Nash's neck, as if the more of him she touched, the safer she would be. His arms tightened around her, and with one swift movement, he rolled her under him. Felicity realized his jacket and breeches were better camouflage than the cream and green gown that Nash had purchased for her. She hadn't thought the clothes scenario through when she'd left Judith's house, and her one gown and jacket was not enough for her to have to wear. The few clothes she borrowed from Margaret were a help and once Nash discovered her, he decreed she needed extras to supplement what she had. Probably too many, but Felicity reveled in what he'd chosen. So much more to her liking than anything her father deemed suitable.

  "Ssh now, don't move. I think I hear footsteps." His voice was so low even she had difficulty hearing him. There was no worry anyone else would.

  Felicity tensed. His arms were still around her, but she felt cold, the deep bone chilling iciness of fear. Then she heard a soft rustle as branches on nearby trees and bushes were touched She lay unmoving, with Nash shielding her, until after what seemed like an hour, but was probably only minutes, he stirred and moved. The sensation of loneliness as his body lifted away unnerved her.

  "Cushion your head on your arms, and try to relax. You need to wait here until I come back." He kissed her neck.

  As ever, that sensual caress set shivers up her spine and from her breasts to her quim, where it began to gather her juices. Felicity wanted to protest, to beg him to stay with her, be safe, and love her until neither of them cared about men, danger or what might happen. She didn't. She bit her lip until the pain was so sharp she could have cried, and she stayed silent.

  "I'm going to cover your skirt with some leaves," Nash told her. "I won't be too long. And remember I love you." Nash stroked her bottom, and then she noticed the tiniest pressure as leaves began to cover her dress and body. With a last stroke of her hair, he left. The only movement was that of the air as it was disturbed and then settled.

  The ground was rough, and a pebble dug into her breast. She daren't wriggle to move it, or to dislodge the spider's web on a twig that touched her cheek. Felicity closed her eyes and tried not to think of worms, snakes and mice. The sun filtered through the trees and the leaves over her and warmed her back and arms.

  A bee buzzed near her head, the sound soothing and soporific, and a woodpigeon cooed somewhere overhead, to be answered by another close by. The everyday sounds of a forest and its inhabitants began to work their charm, and gradually, Felicity relaxed. She began to feel drowsy, and her breathing deepened. At the edge of her consciousness, she noticed a dog fox bark, and away in the distance another one did the same. It crossed her mind that the noise wasn't usual during daylight, but Felicity was now too sleepy to care. If foxes wanted to bark why shouldn't they? It was only owls at midday that sounded silly. A brother of a friend had a penchant for doing that, and his efforts had almost brought the renowned ornithologist John Hunt to camp out in th
eir Yorkshire house. She well remembered how Abraham had to own up to his father, and the tales of the punishment he'd received. Dreamily Felicity wondered if he'd grown out of such silliness. Surely he had, as he was a good five years older than she and Dinah. She'd long since lost touch with Dinah, who married from the schoolroom and went to live in Wales, and had heard nothing of her brother since then. She pondered on the fact of how easy it was to lose contact with people, and how sad it was.

  She was in that perfect place of dozing but aware, when someone touched her shoulder. Felicity shot up like a ball out of a cannon and cracked her skull against a hard chin. She saw stars but a hand covered her mouth before she had time to vent her feelings and shout out her pain, and a familiar voice spoke out.

  "Tis me. You're safe." The hold on her mouth loosened. Felicity, with a pain in her head to vie with anything the brandy had given her, saw red. She bit down into the fleshy mount of Venus as he began to move the palm away.

  Nash chuckled. "Naughty, I'll remember that. Sit up and let me brush you down." He held his hand. Felicity studied it and pointedly scrambled to her feet.

  "I have hands of my own, and I am perfectly capable of using them." She wasn't going to forget the fright he gave her in a hurry. Her heart raced and she felt clammy in a very unpleasant way. Behind her someone laughed. Felicity ignored Nash and turned round. Her eyes widened when she saw who stood there. Was this a case of conjuring up your thoughts?

  "Abraham Loftus?" It was the very person she'd been wondering about not that many moments earlier. "What are you doing here?"

  "I work here. Hello Felicity." His dark eyes twinkled and he ran his hand through his hair in a well-remembered gesture.

  She shook her head in amazement. How had no one mentioned his name?

  "You do?" She sounded like a half-wit.

  He dipped his head. "I do. I've been away for a week or so, at ah, well…" His voice trailed off.

  "Doing something for me," Nash said. "And he is going to continue to do something for me, and head toward the kennels, whilst we go to the cottage. Someone has been using it, and I want to make sure it wasn't only Mrs. Whittering. Will you come and show me where you met her? Whoever it was who passed us is long gone, and Abe is about to check the grounds with some of the dogs and the kennel man."

  The relief she had found when she assumed it was Abraham who passed them disappeared like a pebble in a deep pond, and instead ripples of disquiet filled her.

  "I had thought that was Abraham?"

  Nash shook his head. "Sadly no, I met him coming from, well coming from elsewhere. Our intruder is long gone, in the direction of the Court I think."

  Felicity felt those dreaded tentacles of fear grasp her ever tighter, and swayed. Both Nash and Abraham moved to hold her upright. She felt Abe let go as soon as Nash pulled her closer to him.

  "Is Judith safe? I care not about Welland; he is disposable."

  Abraham grinned as Nash gave a low whistle. "Not your favorite person, love?" Nash asked. "Bloodthirsty woman."

  "No, and for him, yes," Felicity replied. "And I'm fine to accompany you. A bit dirty and leaf strewn, some of which I'm sure have lodged inside my bodice, but I'm ready." The gleam in Nash's eyes should have warmed her. As Abraham touched his cap and waked away, Nash leaned toward her.

  "I will have such pleasure in finding each and every intruder under your gown later."

  Felicity was sure of it. "I look forward to enjoying your efforts, My Lord."

  It was something to look forward to over the next few hours. Somehow she thought she'd need it. Nash must have seen the worry and doubt on her face. He stroked her cheek from forehead to chin with a soft caress. "We will win, Felicity, I promise you. Nothing will separate us now. Not Perry, not your papa and not whoever or whatever is going wrong with our country. We will be together." He sounded so sure, and so ferocious, Felicity drew strength from him. If he said so, somehow she thought it would happen.

  Chapter Eleven

  Nash wondered at the strength of his lady. His chin had almost retreated behind his teeth when it collided with her skull, and he had a loud ringing in his ears, but he was proud of the way she'd managed to hold everything together and stay calm. A lot of men of his knowledge wouldn't have coped half as well. As he watched Felicity brush leaves and twigs from her gown, his heart—and to his amusement—his cock swelled. A lesser woman would be in tears or more by now. He lifted a woodlouse and a sprig of some bush or another from her hair, and wiped a streak of mud from her cheek.

  "Love, you are a trouper." He kissed her nose, and she wriggled it.

  "Take care, not only does that tickle. I'm sure my nostrils are full of soil. I'm about to sneeze."

  She was as good as her words. No sooner had she stopped speaking than she sneezed several times. Nash was amused to see she didn't try to hold back, but atishooed loud and long. He produced a linen handkerchief from his breeches pocket and handed it to her. Felicity took it and blew her nose.

  "Thank you. Urgh, that is a horrid feeling. I thought I'd never be able to breathe properly again. Now, to the cottage you say?" She shoved the handkerchief up her sleeve and looked up at him. "Do you have any clue who may have been there?"

  "Not at the moment. I'm hoping it will become clearer soon." Nash took her hand, extraordinarily pleased when she linked her fingers with his. As Felicity turned toward the track he tugged her. "We'll keep off the track just in case and walk through the trees. More prickly, more direct, but most definitely safer."

  "You're right about the prickly," Felicity gasped, as yet again he extracted her from a thorn. "If I ever find out who heralded this detour and see them, I'll stick a thorn or ten in them, and shove their nose in the dirt. Villains."

  Even though Nash knew she meant it as an epithet he chose to take her description at face value. "Oh, villains no doubt. I've been remiss in not making sure this part of the estate has been checked on a regular basis. But the cottage is so near the road, even with Peregrine's warnings about certain people I discarded the idea of anywhere around this area being used for nefarious purposes. I won't make that mistake again, if indeed it has been."

  Felicity stared at him for a moment and squeezed his hand. "What's going on? I know you received notice of Harold and someone arriving soon, and I know you had an epistle from Lord Corby, because I recognized the seal."

  He hesitated, not sure how best to answer.

  "Am I the problem, Nash?" she asked him in a small voice. "Would it be better if I wasn't here?"

  Nash spun her round so fast, her slipper fell off her foot, and a couple of hairpins fell unheeded onto the ground. "Listen to me, Felicity. You are the sun in my rainy days, the light in my darkness, my lover, my partner, and my soul. You complete me, and as soon as we can, we will be as one. That I promise. If we could have gone to Gretna, we would. But even I hesitate to put the affairs of our heart before the safety of our country." He kissed her hard; her soft lips were crushed under his, and he forced them open. Not that force was needed. Even as he pulled her body next to his she murmured incoherently and opened to his tongue. Nash plundered and she held on to his back, thrust her quim against his cock, and ground herself against him.

  Nash thought hazily how easy it would be to forget why they were there, not a hundred yards from their destination, and surrounded by trees. To simply lower Felicity to the ground and make love to her. The stabs of disappointment as he reluctantly drew back astounded him. He had paid lip service to his deep feelings and now he knew, they were real. His love was deep and he'd do anything to protect Felicity and give them a happy ending.

  "L ... Later," he managed in a voice that held more than a quiver. "Later, love. I will show you the depths of my love." He took a shuddering breath, and was pleased to see she looked as shaken as he did. He ran his hands down her arms, and tucked a wayward strand of her hair behind her ear. "Right, let's get on with this reconnaissance. Then I can whisk you home, take you to our room and plunder."

  Felicity licked her lips.

  Minx, she knows what that gesture means to me.

  "Plunder, eh?" Felicity raised one eyebrow and managed a jerky giggle. "Pirate Nash, eh?"

  He twirled an imaginary moustache and gave his best attempt at an evil cackle.

  They walked on in single file slowly through the trees. Felicity was glad Nash knew where he was going because she soon lost all sense of direction. The tiny track was almost invisible, and she guessed it was only because the woods were part of his home that Nash could make his way through them so unerringly.

  Nash stopped by a narrow stream and looked at her footwear. "We're almost there. I can jump this, but the edges are mighty slippery. If you jump I will catch you. Will you manage? Or we can walk a few hundred yards to the stepping-stones. It's up to you."

  Felicity had no doubt about that. "Are the stepping stones on the main track? The ones I would have crossed on my way to your house?"

  Nash nodded. "It'll be safe to go there now."

  Felicity stared at him. "You don't know that. Apart from which they are set at an angle I assume after the heavy rains last month. We'll do it here."

  He grinned. She did her best not to giggle.

  "Oh you, you know what I meant. Get your mind off your cock. You cross and I will jump. Surely I can’t have forgotten all of my hoydenish ways of my childhood. This is but a puddle compared to the stream at home. Come on, My Lord, show me how it should be done." Her giggle escaped. She hoped she wasn’t going to be shown how wrong she was in her belief of her abilities. Nash narrowed his eyes and then nodded. He took a few short steps away from the bank, turned, ran and jumped. He landed several feet away from the water. Felicity couldn't help but admire the way his body moved. As his calves bunched in preparation to leap, her mouth went dry. He was magnificent. There was no way to disguise his strength. He landed as lithe as a cat, and twisted on the balls of his feet to smirk at her.


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