A Dance For Two

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A Dance For Two Page 13

by Colette Davison

  "Head up here," Luc breathed, grabbing Adam's face and dragging him up for a kiss.

  "I'm not sure that's as much fun," Adam said through the kiss and a grin.

  "I don't suppose you came prepared with lube?"

  Adam pulled away and stared down into Luc's eyes. "You really think I'd drive you out here and not come prepared?"

  He twisted round, so he could lean down and grab the small bottle of lube he'd put in his jacket pocket, which was stuffed into the passenger-side footwell. Whilst his arse was in the air, Luc slapped him a little too hard to be classed as playfully and then licked him from the top of his crack to his balls. Adam shivered and collapsed back down onto the seat.

  "I thought you wanted to kiss my lips," he chided.

  "Couldn't resist."

  "My arse is irresistible, isn't it?"

  "Shut up and kiss me," Luc said, dragging Adam's lips to his again. "Before I decide that eating your arse is preferable to snogging you."

  Laughing, Adam straddled Luc. As they kissed, he squeezed a generous amount of lube into his hand and then fisted both their cocks. The added friction of their hard dicks rubbing against each other made them both groan against each other's lips. Adam began to grind his arse into Luc's lap, increasing their pleasure, as he moved his hand faster and harder up and down their shafts. Their lips never parted, even with Luc's finger dipped to their slick cocks, to scoop up some of the lube. Seconds later, he began to tease at Adam's arsehole.

  "You're obsessed with arse," Adam chuckled.

  "Only yours," Luc breathed. "I can't tell you how much I wish it was my dick touching you there, rather than my finger."

  "Horny bastard."

  "And you're not?" Luc asked.

  Adam laughed throatily. He could feel himself nearing climax. Luc's finger, which was now half way up his arse, wasn't helping him to hold out.

  "I'm gonna cum," he panted breathlessly.

  "Me too," Luc assured him. "This is fucking sexy."

  "Fisting in the back of a car is sexy?"

  "Anything we do together is sexy. You're fucking hot."

  With Luc's words ringing in his ears, Adam came, shouting out his orgasm. "Fucking, yes!"

  Luc grunted out his own orgasm a moment later. Their thick white semen dripped over Adam's hand and Luc's stomach. They kissed again and then Adam bent down to lick their mixed juices off Luc's chest.

  "Kiss me," Luc whispered, shuddering.

  Adam obliged, allowing Luc to suck the taste of their cum off his tongue and lips.

  "I can't believe how right being with you feels," Luc said. "Nothing should feel this good."

  Luc's words would have made Adam cum again if he'd been physically capable of it. Still panting, he rolled off Luc onto the seat, where he stared up at the beige ceiling of the car.

  "We'd better clean up," he said, licking his lips. "I need to get you to the train station."

  "We've got time," Luc said, allowing his head to slip to the side, so it rested on Adam's shoulder. "Time to recover. If you tried to drive now, I'm pretty sure you'd crash."

  "Yeah," Adam agreed. "My legs feel like mush right now."

  "So do mine."

  Adam turned to kiss Luc's hair. "I'll come visit."

  "You'd better."

  "I have to."

  Luc lifted his head and raised his eyebrows.

  "So you can fuck me," Adam told him with a grin. "I'm expecting fireworks."

  "How about I fuck you so hard that you can't walk straight?"

  Adam pursed his lips. "No fireworks?"

  Luc let out a hearty belly laugh. "Okay, how about I fuck you so hard you end up seeing stars."

  "That'll do," Adam said with a laugh. "Stars are like fireworks, right?"


  Adam had got a platform ticket, so they could wait together for Luc's train to arrive. Despite taking time to recover and hold each other, they'd still arrived at the train station early. Luc had bought them both a couple of coffees in take away cups, but they'd drunk them and were now left holding the empties.

  "There's never any bins in train stations," Adam grumbled.

  It wasn't what he was really grumpy about. He wanted to be able to embrace Luc and kiss him goodbye. He kept telling himself there was no reason he couldn't, but then nagging doubts crept into his mind. What if someone they knew happened to be around? A neighbour, a parent of one of the dance school students, someone they'd known in school. He'd learned that the world only felt like a big place and that you ended up running into people you knew at the most inopportune times. Sod's law dictated that, if he risked any physical contact beyond a brotherly hug, someone he knew would see them, freak out and report their fraternisation to their parents.

  God, he hated sneaking around and not being able to show the world how he felt about Luc. Even though he was still trying to define what it was he felt for his stepbrother. He was definitely in lust with Luc, but was there more to it than that? At one point, he'd known Luc better than himself and he felt like he might get there again, given time. From what he'd seen of Luc in the brief weeks he'd been home, his stepbrother had grown into a man he could love. But, right now, he couldn't separate one feeling from another and everything was tainted by the fear of getting caught, as well as the residual self-revulsion he couldn't help but feel at their borderline incest.

  "We can call," Luc said. "And I'll come back for a visit as soon as I can."

  "I'll come visit you," Adam reiterated, already trying to figure out how he would sell it to their parents.

  Surely there was no need for them to be suspicious? There was nothing untoward about him wanting to visit his own stepbrother. Or, there wouldn't be, if half the reason he wanted to visit Luc wasn't to get laid. At least it wasn't the whole reason, which suggested he was starting to feel something deeper than pure lust for Luc.

  "Maybe you can show me off to your friends," he said, keeping his voice light so it sounded like he was cracking a joke.

  That was only half the truth. He couldn't deny it would feel good to be able to hold Luc's hand in public; to be introduced as his boyfriend, rather than his stepbrother. But did Luc's friends already know who he was? If so, they'd have to keep their relationship secret there, too.

  "I think I'll want to keep you all to myself," Luc said. "At least the first couple of times. Then I might be persuaded to share you with my friends."

  Some of the tension lifted from Adam's shoulders. It really would be good to be able to be open and unafraid about being together.

  "Train's here," Luc said, bending down to pick up his suitcase, as the train slowly pulled in to the station. "Thanks for giving me a lift." His lips parted and his eyes became bright. "And for the other stuff. You realise I'm expecting every apology to be that amazing, right?"

  "You think we're going to have a lot of arguments?" Adam asked, pretending to be shocked.

  The truth was, even as kids when they'd gotten along, they'd be constantly falling out and making up. It had almost been like a game to them.

  "Uh-huh," Luc said in a suggestive tone. "Definitely."

  They both laughed, just as the train drew to a halt. Then they stared at each other, neither sure exactly what to do. In the end, Adam held his hand out. He couldn't trust himself to give Luc nothing more than a brotherly hug. Luc clasped his hand, holding it a little too tightly for a little too long. They gazed into each other's eyes as the moments dragged on.

  Adam cleared his throat. "You'd better get on board."

  Luc nodded, letting Adam go. His eyes were a little watery. "Let me know when you're coming. I'll put fresh sheets on the bed for you."

  Adam held back a snort and a glib comment about Luc waiting to change the sheets until after he'd gone. It was the kind of incriminating comment that could get them both into a lot of trouble. He took a step back and watched as Luc got onto the train. He managed to keep track of his stepbrother as he wandered through the carriage until he'd managed to stow hi
s suitcase and find a vacant seat. They stared at each other through the window. It was like a scene from a black and white war movie. Adam half expected himself to run after the train, waving a white handkerchief that would miraculously appear in his hand from nowhere. But when they train pulled away, he stayed exactly where he was.

  Chapter Twenty


  For the first time, Luc wasn't thrilled to be at work. He couldn't get Adam out of his mind and work seemed like an unnecessary distraction. He'd spent most of Monday catching up with his colleagues and Adrianna. Tuesday had been an early start escorting Adrianna to an interview at a local radio station. She'd nailed it, as he'd known she would. He spent most of Wednesday at the venue of Adrianna's charity gala, talking menus, table settings, timings and room layouts. He'd stayed in the office late every night, just like he'd done before confessing his attraction to Adam. The difference was that then he'd been engrossed in his work, whereas now he needed a distraction from the growing ache in his chest.

  God, he missed his stepbrother, more keenly than he'd imagined he would. To him, that meant he felt something far stronger than lust for Adam. Sure, the physical side of things was awesome, but it was Adam he was missing, not the cock-play.

  He glanced up as Adrianna clicked her fingers right in front of his nose.

  "What's up?" she asked, perching on the edge of his desk. "You looked like you were a million miles away."

  Not that far, he thought. But there was still too much distance between him and Adam. "Sorry. I've just got some things on my mind."

  She gave him a sympathetic look. "Still worried about your parents' business?"

  He nodded, even though he was less worried than he had been. He'd checked in with them, to learn that the nursery sessions Adam was running were going well. They'd had plenty of parents say they'd bring their kids along to the free class on Saturday, but only time would tell how many would actually show up. Jane had done some amazing posters and new flyers, using one of the images of Adam dancing that Luc had taken. It was fucking breath taking, even pushing aside the sexual arousal he'd felt staring at the image.

  "I'm sure it'll all work out. Hey, are you into ballet too?"

  Luc frowned at her. "I don't dance, if that's what you're asking."

  She laughed. "No. Do you like to watch the ballet?"

  Not really, but he knew someone who did. "Sometimes," he said. "Why?"

  "I've been given a couple of tickets to see Don Quixote a week on Saturday at The Grand, but I'm double booked. Do you want them?"

  Luc parted his lips, wondering if he should. He and Adam hadn't fixed a firm time for him to visit. It was difficult, with all the lessons Adam taught. Sunday was his only day off, but he'd have to be back to teach again at four on Monday. A six hour round trip meant they'd have hardly any time together. Besides, Adrianna had said the tickets were for a Saturday night. Luc wasn't sure that Adam would be able to make it.

  "They're yours if you want them," Adrianna said. "No one else is interested."

  "Oh, so I'm the last person on your list to give freebies to?" Luc asked with a grin.

  "Only because I pay you too much."

  Luc gaped at her, giving her wide eyes to complete his affronted expression. "You definitely don't pay me too much."

  "You might have a point. But don't think you're getting a pay rise." She tipped her head to the side. "Do you have someone to take to the ballet?"

  My sexy as hell stepbrother? "Yeah."

  "Do tell." She shuffled closer to him, folding her hands over her knee as she looked at him expectantly. "Did you hook up with an old flame while you were visiting your parents?"

  Luc pressed his lips together.

  "You did, didn't you? That's why your head's been stuck in the clouds all week, isn't it?"

  Luc dipped his chin to his chest.

  Adrianna slapped his arm lightly. "You devil. Come on, tell me all the juicy details. I want to know everything about him."

  Except Luc couldn't tell her everything, not even close to it.

  "What's his name?"

  "Adam." It wasn't like he'd ever told her anything about his family.

  "And what does he look like?"

  Luc wasn't sure why he was entertaining his boss, but he couldn't help but reply to her. "He's tall and sexy as fuck. Dark hair, dark eyes, ripped muscles." He realised he was staring into space as he spoke, visualising Adam in his head.

  "Do you have a photo?"

  Luc opened his mouth and then shut it again. He couldn't show her a photo. What if she'd seen the photos he'd sent Jane? He'd told Jane they were of his stepbrother. Shit. How stupid had he been?

  "Don't be coy," Adrianna said, needling him in the arm. "Or are you afraid I'll swoop in and steal him from you?"

  Luc tried to laugh, but the sound that came out was more of a sharp bark. "He's into dick and arse, not fanny," he told her, knowing she could talk just as dirty and didn't mind if filth came out of his mouth as long as they weren't in front of anyone important.

  "Oh, honey, I have an arse," she said, puckering her lips to blow a kiss in his direction. "And it's a wonderful arse at that."

  Luc pushed back from the desk. "Okay, that's way too much information about my boss."

  She arched an eyebrow. "I know you like arse."

  "That's different. I'm gay."

  "It's still not a given," she said, her voice petulant. "I want to meet this guy of yours. Let me know when he comes to visit you, okay?"

  Luc avoided making eye contact with her. "Yeah, sure."

  She stood and began heading towards the door of Luc's office.

  "Actually—" he began, calling her to a halt. "I'll take those tickets, if they're still on offer?"

  Adam would love the ballet, if he could make it on time.

  "Sure. I'll bring them through next time I come to hassle you about your boyfriend." She winked at him and then left the room.

  Luc slumped back in his chair. Would there ever be a time and place where he and Adam could be open about their relationship? He'd thought sneaking around would be exhilarating, but it was just plain tiring. Maybe they needed to go somewhere new together, where no one knew them. Somewhere they could get a fresh start. Except it was way too soon in their relationship for him to suggest something like that. Instead, he'd just have to make sure he was careful not to betray their relationship to anyone.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Adam was glad he had been busy because it helped to dampen down his yearning for Luc, which was made all the worse by the distance between them. He'd loved doing the nursery workshops and had been especially proud to receive a pat on the back from his dad when enough toddlers had shown up on the Saturday to require two teachers to take the class. Luckily, they'd been able to delay one of their senior classes, so Adam's mum could help him. The seniors didn't care. Most of them were there all day, so staying an extra hour was as simple as dropping a text to their parents to ask for a later pick-up, or to tell them they'd be catching a later bus home. A couple of the seniors also helped with the lesson.

  Although it was great for the dance school, it meant Adam had had no hope of catching a train to see Luc that evening. Not that he'd mentioned it to his parents, or even bought a ticket. He'd intended on making it look like a spur of the minute thing, even though he'd secretly been checking train times through the week. But his plans were dashed and he realised he was more disappointed that he'd imagined he would be. He'd only be going for the sex, right?

  If he got a train on Sunday morning, they'd have half the day together. And the night. God, how desperate was he for a fuck? Except, he also missed seeing Luc's face. Missing being able to talk to him. Hell, he was missing just being in the same room as Luc. Whatever he felt for his brother, he had it bad.

  He woke up on Sunday morning, ready to tell his parents he was going to hop on a train and visit Luc. But his dad railroaded him with looking at the dance school timetable be
fore he had a chance to open his mouth. They had to assume that most, but probably not all, of the new pupils would return; some of the parents had already set up direct debits for payments. That meant they needed to look at permanently changing the timetable on a Saturday and that was going to take some juggling, so they weren't all working an extra hour on top of an already long and gruelling day.

  Adam was pleased things were looking up for his parents' dance school. The added monthly income would be a big boost. He had no idea if it would be enough, but it was a hell of a start. And it was all because of Luc and his ideas. Despite the distance between them all, Luc had dropped everything to come and help and he'd put the business back on track. Adam felt a sense of amazement at that, coupled with pride, which only served to make his heart swell further for his stepbrother.

  By the time they'd sorted out the timetable, any hope of catching a train had faded.

  "I'm sorry," Adam told Luc over the phone.

  He'd gone for a walk and had found a quiet area of the park where he could talk freely. He was sitting on a bench, leaning forward onto his arms.

  "I'd really hoped I could see you this weekend, but things at the dance school were crazy."

  "Crazy good?" Luc asked.

  "Yeah." Adam smiled. "And it's all your fault."

  "The nursery sessions were a hit, then?"

  "You could say that. We had twenty-one kids show up."

  "Wow." Luc inhaled. "I'd say that your brilliant teaching was at fault, then."

  Adam chuckled.

  "Hey, do you think you could make it over next Saturday?" Luc asked. "By six?"

  Adam shifted on the bench. "I teach until five..."

  "Oh." The disappointment was clear in Luc's voice. "Yeah, I should have known that. Sorry."

  "You had something planned?" Adam asked.

  "Yeah, but it doesn't matter."

  Adam picked at his jeans. It did matter. He could hear that it mattered to Luc. Besides, Adam wanted to be with him.

  "Let me see what I can sort out. I might be able to figure something out."


  "Maybe." Adam wasn't very confident. They needed an extra teacher to help spread the load, but their parents couldn't afford it, even with the surprise—and hopefully lasting—success of the toddler sessions. "I'll talk to Mum and Dad and let you know."


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