All the President's Men

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All the President's Men Page 40

by Woodward, Bob

  Mitchell and, 300

  Nixon’s continued relationship with, 335

  in public park, 287–88

  resignation of, 309–11

  rumors of resignation of, 288–92, 293, 302

  secret fund and, 100–1, 170, 173, 176–93, 195–98, 214, 299

  Segretti and, 203, 302

  taping by Nixon known to, 331

  Watergate committee and, 249, 250

  at White House Correspondents’dinner, 285

  Haldeman, Mrs. H. R., 287

  Halperin, Morton

  proposed burglary of, 324–25

  wiretapping of, 313

  Harmony, Sally, 59, 61, 65, 66, 134

  Harrington, Jack, 217

  Hart, Tom, 271–72, 273

  Harwood, Richard, 281, 320–21

  Haynes, Richard, 55, 56

  Helms, Richard M., 318

  Herblock, 275

  Hersh, Seymour M., 233, 248, 294, 302, 316

  Bernstein’s and Woodward’s dinner with, 282

  Higby, Lawrence, 196, 214

  taping by Nixon known to, 331

  Hillegass, Craig, 262–63

  Hoffa, James, 34

  Hogan and Hartson (law firm), 34

  Hoover, J. Edgar, wiretapping of reporters by, 259

  Hosley, Morrison J., 254n

  Hughes, Howard, 256, 335

  Hughes, Philip S., 46, 48

  Hume, Brit, 256

  Humphrey, Hubert H., 42

  Hunt, Dorothy, 205–6, 229, 252, 283

  Hunt, E. Howard, 72, 110, 128, 132, 203

  in address books of burglars, 22, 24

  Barker’s calls to, 216

  blackmail by, 318, 319, 321

  Bremer break-in proposed to, 326–330

  Chapin and, 156

  Dean’s possession of contents of safe of, 272–73, 305–7

  Dita Beard and, 252, 255–57

  Ehrlichman and, 132, 237

  Ellsberg’s psychiatrist burglarized by, 307, 312–13

  executive clemency approved for, 312, 331

  Gray’s destruction of documents of, 305–7

  indictment of, 69

  Kennedy investigation by, 31–33, 114, 252–54, 306

  as leader of “heavy operations team,” 133

  Mitchell and Colson as sponsors of, 245

  motive for silence by, 238

  novels of, 251

  in Plumbers, 206, 215, 216

  Segretti and, 150, 151, 153, 154

  trial of, 229, 231–34, 240–41

  West Coast travels of, 214, 218–19, 226

  wig of, 255, 257

  Impeachment, 335


  of Chapin, 335

  of Colson, 335

  of Ehrlichman, 335

  of Haldeman, 335

  of incumbent president, 323

  of Mardian, 335

  of Mitchell and Stans, 335

  of Strachan, 335

  of Watergate burglars, 69, 75, 335

  Internal Revenue Service, Nixon audited by, 335

  Intertel, 256

  Issues and Answers (television program), 160–61, 197

  ITT memo, 252, 255–57

  J. Walter Thompson (advertising agency), 126, 157

  Jackson, Morton B., secretary to, 225–226

  Jackson, Robert, 227

  Johnson, Lyndon B., J. Edgar Hoover and, 289

  Jones, Kirby, 181

  Jones, Philip, 23

  Kaiser, Robert G., 257

  Kalmbach, Herbert, 104, 124–25, 128

  guilty plea of, 335

  Haldeman and, 171

  secret fund and, 100, 160, 197, 202, 214

  secretary of, 218, 219

  Segretti and, 150–53, 157–59, 273–274

  Kennedy, Edward, 118

  false Muskie campaign letter on, 149

  Hunt’s investigation of, 31–33, 114, 252–54, 306

  investigation by subcommittee of, 202, 247

  Kennedy, John F., Diem assassination and, 306

  Kiernan, Laura, 259–60

  Kilpatrick, Carroll, 220n, 295

  Kissinger, Henry, 125, 194, 215, 282, 285

  believes Haldeman innocent, 236

  recommends Nixon disavow former aides, 335

  taping by Nixon not known to, 331–332

  wiretapping authorized by, 313–16, 324

  Klein, Herbert, 186–87

  Kleindienst, Richard, 91, 255, 285, 287, 288, 291

  disqualifies self on Watergate case, 294

  resignation of, 309

  on Watergate indictments, 69

  Kleindienst, Mrs. Richard, 287

  Knight newspapers, 45n, 309

  Krogh, Egil (Bud)

  guilty plea of, 335

  in Plumbers, 215, 216, 257–58

  Lakewood Country Club (Rockville, Md.), 23

  LaRue, Frederick, 28, 60, 110, 170–171

  Dean and, 319

  guilty plea of, 335

  as housecleaner, 82–83, 87, 88, 90, 96

  knowledge of Watergate by, 62, 67, 75

  secret fund transferred to, 283–84, 302

  Lawrence, John F., 225

  Lewis, Alfred E., first burglary report by, 15–16, 18

  Liddy, G. Gordon, 66, 110, 115–16

  “bad apple” speech of, 66, 89

  Dean threatened by, 319

  destruction of records by, 67

  Ellsberg’s psychiatrist burglarized by, 307, 312–13

  first mention of, 35

  indictments of, 69, 335

  McCord’s testimony on, 280–81

  Mitchell and Colson as sponsors of, 245

  money received by, 47, 68, 69, 73, 74–75, 85, 96, 194, 214, 230

  New York Times tap proposed by, 245

  in Plumbers, 206, 215, 216

  secretary of, see Harmony, Sally

  Segretti and, 121, 203

  trial of, 229–31, 234, 238–41

  West Coast travels of, 214, 218–19, 226

  Lindsay, John V., dirty tricks against, 251–52

  Loeb, William, 127n

  Los Angeles (Calif.)

  Beverly Wilshire Hotel in, 219

  fire damage to Nixon headquarters in, 165

  Los Angeles Times, 91, 245n, 276–77, 288

  Baldwin interview of, 108–11, 222, 225

  McCardle, Dorothy, 220

  McCartney, James, 309, 310

  McCloskey, Paul, 133

  McCord, James W., Jr., 110, 114, 206, 245

  bugging equipment bought by, 227

  character of, 21

  executive clemency offered to, 318

  home of, 22

  letter to Sirica by, 275–77

  Mitchell and, 28, 280–81

  at preliminary hearing, 18

  trial of, 230, 238–41

  VVAW penetration ordered by, 108–9

  Watergate committee testimony by, 276, 280–81, 283

  McCord Associates, 21

  McGovern, George, 19, 30

  Eagleton withdrawal and, 45

  Washington Post

  accused of un-fairly helping, 163–65, 181–82, 184–86, 199–200, 218

  on Washington Post stories, 197

  Watergate case and, 79

  MacGregor, Clark, 45–48, 60, 91

  becomes head of CRP, 45

  clandestine fund confirmed by, 194–195

  complaint to Washington Post by, 62–63

  Washington Post attacked by, 163–166

  Magruder, Jeb Stuart, 59, 112n, 170, 205, 206, 230

  as bike freak, 81

  decides to talk, 292–94, 296, 299–300

  denial of involvement by, 78–79

  Ervin on, 249

  guilty plea of, 335

  as Haldeman’s man, 100, 214

  knowledge of Watergate by, 62, 66, 68, 69, 76–77, 212, 276–77, 301

  money received by, 75, 77, 85, 96

  secret fund and, 98, 103, 194, 214

>   at Watergate trial, 239–40

  Manchester Union Leader, 127n

  Mankiewicz, Frank, 267

  sabotage acts reported by, 146–47

  Mann, Jim, 260

  Mansfield, Mike, 247

  Marder, Murrey, 315, 316

  Mardian, Robert C., 59–60, 171, 213–215

  background of, 90

  as housecleaner, 82–83, 87, 88, 90, 96

  indictment of, 335

  on Washington Post story, 91

  Maroulis, Peter, 238, 241

  Martinez, Eugenio R., 19

  guilty plea of, 234

  indictment of, 335

  Young Republican accommodations sought by, 23

  Meany, George, 147

  Meet the Press (television program), 197

  Mexico City (Mexico), Barker’s money from, 36–37, 41, 52–56

  Meyer, Lawrence, 214, 229

  Meyers, Robert, 121–25, 144, 150, 153, 154, 157, 201, 202

  Miami (Fla.)

  Doral Beach Hotel in, 151

  prosecutor’s office in, see Dardis, Martin

  Miami, University of, Young Republican accommodations sought at. 23

  Mitchell, John N., 14, 170, 206, 283

  Bernstein’s telephone conversation with, 104–7

  covert activity originated by, 318

  Dean and, 319

  grand-jury testimony of, 300–1

  indictment of, 335

  instructions on Watergate response by, 87, 88

  knowledge of Watergate by, 62, 64, 83, 92, 132–33, 212, 233, 237, 244–46, 280

  McCord and, 28, 280–81

  Magruder’s implication of, 293–94, 299–300

  Nixon and, 303

  Plumbers and, 216

  resignation of, 30, 60, 92, 133

  secret fund and, 97–98, 102–3, 194, 214, 244

  state of mind of, 300

  on Watergate burglary after it happened, 20–21, 29

  wiretapping authorized by, 259, 270

  Mitchell, Martha, 110, 133, 300

  Woodward’s visit to, 92–95

  Mitchell Doctrine, 258

  Mollenhoff, Clark, 163

  Moore, Emmett, FBI interview of, 53

  Moore, Powell, 77, 104, 107

  Moyers, Bill D., 289

  Mudge, Rose, Guthrie & Alexander (law firm), 93

  Mullen, Robert R., and Company, 24, 30, 205

  Muskie, Edmund

  Republican disruption of campaign of, 114;

  see also Canuck Letter

  White House answer of allegations demanded by, 146

  My Lai massacre, 282

  National-security wiretaps, 258–59

  Nelson, Jack, 110, 111, 224

  New York Daily News, 66, 305–6

  New York Times, 34n, 35, 37, 52, 79, 100, 133, 186, 233, 282, 294

  CRP’s phony ad in, 265–66

  Liddy’s proposal to tap, 245

  on MacGregor’s confirmation of fund, 194–95

  Pentagon Papers in, 215

  on Segretti, 145, 167–69, 202

  subpoenas to, 260

  wiretapping of, 270, 313

  Newhall (Calif.), 164

  Newsday, 35, 255

  Newsweek, 202, 289, 312

  Nixon, Pat, and Mitchell, 300

  Nixon, Richard M.

  campaigns always run by, 129

  Chapin and, 161–62, 168

  Checkers speech of, 290n

  Colson’s alerting of, on cover-up, 303–4

  continues relationship with former aides, 334–35

  cover-up cost and, 318, 321

  Dean and, 277, 297, 302–5, 312, 318, 321

  executive clemency and, 312, 318

  fits of depression of, 319

  first Watergate comment of, 29

  on funds and violations of law, 57

  on Gray hearings, 273

  on Haldeman-Ehrlichman resignations, 310–11

  impeachment of, discussed, 335

  knowledge of Watergate by, 132, 305, 308, 312, 318–19, 321, 322–324

  Mitchell and, 303

  on news leaks, 268–69

  1972 nomination of, 48–49

  1974 State of the Union message of, 335

  orders his staff to testify, 281

  says he is not a crook, 334

  Sloan’s belief in lack of Watergate knowledge by, 84, 85, 99

  on suspension of indicted persons, 290–91

  tax audit of, 335

  at White House Correspondents’

  dinner, 285

  Woodward seeks interview with, 278–79

  Nixon Foundation, 100

  Nixon Library, 100

  Nixt, Roger Lee, 116, 118, 119, 124, 145

  November Group, 133

  O’Brien, Lawrence F., on Watergate burglary, 20–21, 26

  Odle, Robert, 28, 61, 66, 75, 87, 97

  as recipient of wiretap memos, 110–111

  at Watergate trial, 239

  Office of Emergency Preparedness, 23

  Ogarrio Daguerre, Manuel, 37, 38, 41, 53, 55

  Olsen, Jack, The Bridge at Chappaquiddick, 31–32, 253

  Operation Candor, 334

  Osborne, John, 57n

  Osnos, Peter, 192

  Ostrow, Ronald, 224–25, 277

  Parkinson, Kenneth Wells, 261, 283, 335

  Pentagon Papers

  in New York Times, 215

  in Washington Post, 236n

  See also Ellsberg, Daniel

  Petersen, Henry E., 291, 306, 322

  Phoenix (Ariz.), 165

  Piper, Virginia, 43

  Plumbers, 206–7, 213, 215–18, 257–259

  Ziegler on, 219–20

  Porter, Herbert L. (Bart), 112n, 125, 170, 230

  guilty plea of, 335

  knowledge of Watergate by, 62, 67, 76–77

  money received by, 75, 77, 85, 96, 194, 214

  at Watergate trial, 239

  Primary elections

  undercover group for, 133

  See also Democratic campaign; Dirty tricks

  Provocateurs, 20, 151

  Quakers, infiltration of, 262, 264

  Rafferty, Joseph, Jr., at preliminary hearing, 17

  “Ratfucking,” 126, 128, 132

  Rebozo, Bebe, 334, 335

  Reporters, wiretapping of, 259, 270–271, 316

  Republican challengers, White House efforts against, 133

  Republican convention, intelligence-gathering and sabotage-planningfor, 133, 151

  Richardson, Elliot, 324

  becomes Attorney General, 309

  resignation of, 333

  Richey, Charles R., 206

  testimony sealed by, 49

  Rietz, Kenneth, 265

  Ringle, Ken, 53

  Rockville (Md.)

  Lakewood Country Club in, 23

  McCord Associates in, 21

  Watkins-Johnson Company in, 227

  Rosenfeld, Harry M., 29, 30, 33, 79, 88, 101, 103, 136, 137, 142, 147, 166–67, 179–81, 183, 189–91, 197, 204, 218, 263, 289, 292, 299, 312, 320

  background of, 89–90

  chooses reporter for Watergate trial, 228–29

  grand-jury questioning and, 210

  on “hippie lawyer,” 154

  Rothblatt, Henry B., 230, 231–33

  Ruckelshaus, William D., 56

  resignation of, 333

  on wiretaps, 313

  Rugaber, Walter, 34n, 37

  Sachs, Stephen, 270n

  Sanchez, Manolo, 290

  Scali, John, 138

  Schleicher, Jane F., 31–32

  Schorr, Daniel, 183–84, 223

  FBI investigation of, 316

  Schwering, Mike, 76

  Scott, Hugh

  Ervin committee opposed by, 250

  on Watergate case, 79

  Secret fund, 34, 66–70, 73–77

  confirmed by MacGregor, 194

  GAO audit and, 48, 56

  Haldeman and, 100–1,
170, 173, 176–93, 195–98, 214

  Kalmbach and, 100, 160, 197, 202, 214

  Liddy and, 47, 68, 69, 73, 74–75, 85, 96, 194, 214, 230

  Magruder and, 98, 103, 194, 214

  Mitchell and, 97–98, 102–3, 194, 214, 244

  payoffs to conspirators from, 283

  phony ad paid for by, 266

  Sloan on, 95, 96–101, 160, 283–84

  Stans and, 56, 66, 67, 96, 194, 214, 240

  transferred to LaRue, 283–84, 302

  Sedam, J. Glenn, 110–11

  Segretti, Mrs. A. H., 120

  Segretti, Donald H., 115–28, 132, 144–145, 199, 245

  Bernstein’s interviews with, 201–4, 218, 219

  Chapin and, 150, 152, 154–56, 159, 161

  Dean and, 272

  guilty plea of, 335

  Haldeman and, 203, 302

  Kalmbach and, 150–53, 157–59, 273–74

  Young on, 150–54

  Semple, Robert B., Jr., 168

  Senate Watergate committee (Ervin committee), 335

  establishment of, 247, 250–51

  Gray’s testimony to, 306n

  McCord’s testimony to, 276, 280–281, 283

  Nixon’s negotiations with, 291

  taping by Nixon revealed to, 332

  Shapiro, Dave, 327–29

  Sheehan, Neil, 270, 313

  Shipley, Alex, 113–18, 122, 123–24, 145

  Shumway, Devan L., 30, 35, 47, 73, 90, 143–44, 267

  Silbert, Earl, 36, 208, 217, 238

  bugging-equipment incident protested by, 227–28

  at preliminary hearing, 18

  at Watergate trial, 230–31, 239–41

  Simons, Howard, 19, 52, 101–3, 113–114, 137, 142, 179–80, 183, 189, 191, 197, 200, 232–33, 275–77, 306–7, 309, 310, 312, 320, 321

  “Deep Throat” named by, 71

  grand-jury questioning opposed by, 210

  Kissinger interview and, 315–16

  at lunch with Mrs. Graham, 235, 236

  subpoena for, 260

  on “ultimate dirty trick,” 326

  Sirica, John, 334, 335

  Baldwin tapes hearing by, 222, 225

  McCord’s letter to, 275–77

  Nixon on, 311

  on reporters’ contacts with grand jury, 211, 222–23

  trial of burglars by, 230, 232–35, 240–41

  Sloan, Hugh W., Jr., 43, 65, 66, 68, 103, 170

  grand-jury testimony on Haldeman denied by, 183–84, 187–94, 197–198

  reporters’ contacts with, 79–86, 87, 89, 95–101, 159–60, 174–75, 182, 213–14, 330

  resignation of, 46–47, 73, 75, 78

  on secret fund, 95, 96–101, 160, 283–84

  Watergate committee and, 248

  at Watergate trial, 239, 240

  Sloan, Mrs. Hugh W., 79–81

  Sloan, Melissa Madison, 95

  Smith, Hedrick, 270, 313

  Snyder, Richard, 184

  Sonnet, Neal, 54

  Stans, Maurice H., 14, 62, 171

  Dahlberg check and, 43–46, 56

  indictment of, 335

  Mexican money and, 52, 55–56

  Nixon on, 57

  secret fund and, 56, 66, 67, 96, 194, 214, 240


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