Forgive & Forget (Love in the Fleet)

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Forgive & Forget (Love in the Fleet) Page 25

by Ashby, Heather

  Hallie scrambled to stand up and signaled Commander Haggman, telling him she needed to talk with him privately. “Before you go, I need a favor, sir. Please.”

  “I owe you my life, McCabe. Shoot.” The word hit both of them at the same time. “Sorry.”

  “Sir, this has to be confidential.”

  He nodded.

  “My fiancé is in Engineering. Can you find out his status?”

  “Ah, so you are engaged. That was a good story in there, by the way. But we can talk later. I’m headed topside. I’ll check it out and call down here. What’s his name?”

  Hallie hesitated. “Um…he’s an officer, sir.”

  A flicker of something passed across Haggman’s face and a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “Okay, McCabe, like I said, I owe you my life. I promise to be discreet. Who is the lucky son of a bitch?”

  “It’s the AUXO, sir. Lieutenant Johnston.”

  That threat of a smile gave way to a full-fledged grin. “You and Bill Gates? No way.”

  “Please, sir,” she implored him.

  “I’m on it, McCabe. I’ll call you here at the Sick Bay desk as soon as I know anything.” He chuckled as he departed. She figured he was probably thrilled to find something humorous in an otherwise traumatic evening.

  “Captain wants to see you on the Bridge, McCabe,” said the corpsman holding the phone.

  The Captain? Hallie hadn’t seen him since that day in Public Affairs. She was still pretty shaken about the whole Combat experience and didn’t know if she had it in her to face Rick right now. She was glad the female corpsman was going with her and realized the burly petty officer the Gun Boss had sent wasn’t letting her out of his sight either.

  When Hallie stepped onto the Bridge, the senior officers present broke into applause. And she knew it wasn’t the same kind of cheering and clapping that had accompanied her first broadcast. After handshakes from the officers and a few words from the CO, Captain Amerson announced he needed to talk with McCabe in his cabin for a few minutes. In private.

  The corpsman offered to go with her, but Hallie said she’d be fine. She was unafraid and followed Captain Amerson off the Bridge. She needed to find out about Philip and was prepared to bargain.

  “Sit down, McCabe.” He indicated the chair. He sat and looked at her seriously from across his desk. The first thing she noticed was the twinkle was gone from his eyes. Something had taken its place, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

  “I have a few things to say here, so bear with me. First of all, thank you for saving the lives of so many of our shipmates tonight and possibly the entire ship. I am indebted to you. And I want you to know if you ever need anything from this man’s Navy—or this woman’s Navy—for the rest of my life, I’m there for you. And I mean that.”

  Hallie’s spine relaxed a few notches. This was about thanking her. She decided to take him up on his offer by discreetly asking about Philip. She’d subdued the terrorist and alerted the ship. He owed her big. She might even push the limits and ask him to allow Philip to come up and be with her for a few minutes. Certainly she deserved that after what she’d been through. And after what she’d done.

  Unless Philip was dead. She shivered.

  “And secondly, I want to say I’m sorry. About everything.”

  “Sorry, sir?” Hallie’s voice quavered.

  “I’m sorry if I ever made you feel uncomfortable. And I’m sorry about hurting your mother.”

  A fist slammed into her chest. “My mother!”

  He knew Suzanne was her mother?

  “I didn’t know about you. I’m sorry. I had no idea. How is your mother?”

  Surely her heart was going to burst right through her jacket. “She…she…” He was being way too matter of fact about this. “She died several years ago from breast cancer, sir.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. But I can tell she did a bang-up job of raising you. She’d be very proud of you tonight. As I am.” He paused and looked at her intensely. “I never knew I had a daughter. Suzanne told me that she…” He cleared his throat and looked away before continuing. “And then she stopped answering my letters and was discharged from the Navy and disappeared. I would have helped, if I had known…about you. Look, I hope we can discuss this another time. We only have a few minutes here.”

  “How long have you known about this, sir? About me? That I’m your daughter?” The words sounded foreign coming from her mouth.

  “Your knight in shining armor came to see me a couple of weeks ago. To defend your honor. He told me everything.” Captain Amerson looked down at her left hand. “Johnston’s a good man.”

  This time the fist slammed Hallie in the gut, forcing her mouth to pop open. Philip had put his career in jeopardy to defend her?

  “I promised him I wouldn’t say anything about that meeting, but I think under the circumstances, he would approve.”

  Circumstances? Was he…? Oh, God! Tendrils of fear crept into her body and wrapped around her soul, choking it. She hadn’t even processed that she’d narrowly escaped death and killed a man tonight. But the thought of something happening to Philip on top of all of that was too much.

  “Circumstances, sir?”

  “Your quick thinking helped us avert everything except for the repercussions from one of the dhows exploding. There’s damage to some of the engineering spaces. I’m afraid we have casualties down there.”

  She forgot how to breathe. Terror enveloped her. Squeezed. Hard. “Is he okay?”

  “Lieutenant Johnston was wounded, McCabe.”

  Hallie took a shot to the ribs.

  “He’s unconscious. He has a head injury.”

  “Noooo!” A traumatic brain injury could mean anything. And none of it good.

  “We’re not equipped to deal with a TBI here. I’ve arranged for a Med-Evac to take him off the ship immediately. We’ll fly him off via one of our own helicopters to Bahrain, and from there he’ll be transported by military airlift to Germany.”

  “Oh, God!” Hallie’s hands flew over her open mouth to keep herself from keening. She rocked, trying to counter what he’d said with one word: No! No! No! No. No!


  Rick had to get her back. As much as he wanted to reach out and touch her in some form of comfort, he didn’t dare. If this was all he’d had to tell her, he would have brought the corpsman in with her, but he’d needed to be alone with her to discuss Philip, and Suzanne.

  “He’s going to be okay. I promise you.” Rick had no idea where those words had come from, but he knew he needed to say them to get her back. “A corpsman will accompany him in the helicopter to Bahrain and the Air Force Cargo plane there has a fully staffed Med-Evac team to monitor him all the way to Germany. The Army hospital in Landstuhl will have the right specialists to ensure nothing’s overlooked.”

  Hallie continued to rock, her hands covering her mouth.

  “The good news is I’m sending you with him, if that’s what you want. I think you should be on that helicopter, holding his hand, and talking to him all the way.”

  This could be a win/win situation if she’d accept his offer. Maybe she’d forgive him for the paternity snafu if he allowed her to go with lover boy. And he’d get her off his ship before any photographers got “father/daughter” pictures out to the media.

  “I have every confidence that you’re the one to bring him back to us, McCabe.”

  “Yes! I want to go.” Hallie stood and headed for the door.

  “You’ve got a few minutes. Make sure you have your ID and some money,” he said as he pulled bills from his wallet and handed them to her.


  “You’ll need cash in Germany. Just in case. Don’t worry about anything else. I’ll see you’re taken care of the
re and we’ll send all your things once you arrive.”

  “My things?”

  “McCabe, who knows how long this will take. He’ll probably be sent home to the States after everything’s okay. I want you to stay by his side as long as he needs you. It’s the least I can do.”

  “I’m not coming back to the ship?”

  “Let’s not go there yet. Let’s get Lieutenant Johnston the right medical care and we can talk later. Just take care of him. And, McCabe, I would very much like to talk with you at another time about…you know.” This was his daughter. “I’m afraid this is not the time or place to discuss it, but I hope it will be okay to contact you after this is all over. I’ll make sure your things are sent. I’ll see to it personally.”

  “Yes, sir. I’m sure that would be all right. To meet with you sometime later. I’d like that. About my things, there are some personal letters.” She dug out her locker key. “I’ll just give this to my cameraman and he’ll make sure my bunkmate sends my things. And, sir? I’d like to ask that Lieutenant Sky Crawford be allowed to process Lieutenant Johnston’s things if you’re sending those too.”

  “No problem.” He jotted down the name.

  “Actually, sir. Can I ask a favor?”

  “I told you ‘anything you need.’”

  “If he’s not out on patrol or something, could Lieutenant Crawford accompany us to Bahrain? He’s a pilot with HSM-23. I really could use his support right now, if he’s available.”

  “Consider it done.” He continued taking notes.

  “And, sir? Just so you know. There isn’t anybody else on this ship that knows about you, that you’re my…you know. Not even Lieutenant Crawford. Lieutenant Johnston and I are the only ones who know. We didn’t feel it would serve any purpose to say anything. We thought it best that it stayed between us.”

  Rick looked up at her with visible relief. He couldn’t have said it better himself. “I appreciate that. Let’s get through this crisis first.”

  They were interrupted by the 1MC. “Attention all hands. This is the XO. All personnel who witnessed the crisis in CDC are to report to the Officer’s Wardroom for debrief. That is all.”

  Hallie looked at the Captain for answers. “I’ll take care of it,” he said. “It’s all on tape and there were plenty of witnesses. Since you’re ‘suffering from severe shock and PTSD,’ we’d really better get you on that Med-Evac plane to Germany for further evaluation.” He winked at her.

  As Hallie rose, he stood and walked around the desk. “I look forward to talking with you about other things another time. When all of these crises have resolved themselves. Go now and God bless. Get on that helo and do whatever you need to do for Lieutenant Johnston for as long as it takes. I’ll keep tabs on both of you. Email me directly if you need anything.”

  Captain Amerson was filled with mixed emotions. On the one hand he truly was indebted to them. On the other, he wanted them gone. Far away from his ship. He walked her to the door, sincerely wanting to reach out and touch her. Not only was she his daughter, but she had saved his ship. No way was he going to touch her though. Except maybe to extend his hand for her to shake it. Hallie looked down at it and then reached out with her own. He took her hand in both of his and held it for a heartbeat longer than necessary, looking into her cornflower blue eyes with his own. Eyes that he hoped reflected admiration, respect, and regret.

  “Good luck, McCabe.” He paused. “Hallie.” Letting go of her hand, he added, “I wish you both the best. Godspeed.”

  She focused on his identical blue eyes. “Thank you, sir.” Then she turned and departed.

  Rick knew he needed to get back to the Bridge, but he gave himself ten more seconds to regain his composure.

  His daughter.

  Whoever would have guessed that the seed he’d literally planted twenty-five years earlier would grow to come back and save his ship, his crew, and his ass?

  Chapter 31

  “I’ve never been on the roof during flight ops, sir, and I’m already a nervous wreck,” Hallie said to the Air Transportation Officer, when he finished outfitting her with disposable ear plugs, a cranial with integrated goggles, and an emergency flotation device.

  “Just pay attention, McCabe, and do whatever I tell you. We’re going to walk topside to the back of the island and I’ll point you in the direction of the helicopter. It’s going to be loud out there, with a lot of things happening all at once. Keep your head on a swivel to make sure you don’t walk into the exhaust area of a jet or trip over anything, like arresting gear cables or catapult launch shuttlecocks. And watch out for the tractors and aircraft being towed. Once you get on board the helo, do whatever the aircrewman tells you. From the pilots’ seats back, he’s in charge and he’ll keep you safe.

  “Do not enter the rotor arc until the plane captain signals you in by pointing at you and motioning you to come aboard. Walk straight in at the nine o’clock position, directly toward the cabin door. You don’t need to duck as the rotor arc is far overhead but you can if it makes you feel more comfortable. Whatever you do, keep your goggles over your eyes, since the jet exhaust and rotorwash out there can cause permanent eye damage. Now follow me.”

  As Hallie and the ATO rounded the island, the noise of jets taxiing and helicopters turning on deck was deafening, even with ear protection. Her heart went out for everyone who worked on the roof on a daily basis. The ATO turned to her and pointed across the flight deck at a helicopter, although it was nearly midnight and her eyes had not adjusted completely to the darkness.

  A shiver ran through her when she remembered there was a new moon tonight, which was why Rashid had planned the attack for this evening.

  Had that just happened tonight?

  She was jerked back from her reverie when the ATO grabbed her by the back of her flotation device and walked her toward the aircraft.

  Focus, Hallie, focus.

  The helo’s cargo door slid open and an aircrewman jumped out. He flashed a red light signaling her aboard. Hallie ducked instinctively as she walked under the spinning blades. Approaching the starboard side of the helo, she spotted the boots of another flight suit-clad crewman, who grabbed her and whisked her the last few steps. Rising up to her full height, she turned to thank him, and froze, mouth open in mid-speech.


  Hallie flew into his arms for a brief hug. Then he yelled over the noise of the flight deck, “Hey, Wonder Woman! I just heard what you did!” He kissed her full on the mouth, then grinned. “Sorry, I wasn’t thinking. But cool! Now everyone will think I’m your cowboy. Don’t worry about Bill, sweetheart. Everything’s going to be fine. The Skylark is going to take care of both of you. All the Sierras took the rest of the casualties, so the Skipper radioed me personally to get you where you need to go. Welcome aboard! She’s all yours, Quinn.”

  The aircrewman, Petty Officer Quinn, grabbed her by her floatation device and screamed above the noise, “Get in now, McCabe!”

  He planted her in the main Sensor Operator’s seat and began adjusting the five-point harness to lock her in. Then he attached a long cord to a “pigtail” on her cranial and spun around to close the cabin door. The noise deadened considerably and Hallie realized she was connected to the helo’s Inter Communications System. She could hear Quinn talk with Sky now as if he was speaking right into her ear.

  “Hey, sir, I thought we were doing a Med-Evac. Petty Officer McCabe looks like she’s in pretty good shape to me.”

  Hallie heard Sky reply, “Hold your horses, Quinn. We’ve got one more coming. Thankfully Maintenance removed the sonar system from this aircraft for repairs, or we wouldn’t have room for our other passenger. Heads up, Quinn. Here comes our guest now.”

  Hallie watched as Quinn slid open the cargo door and jumped out to assist a group of red-shirted “Ordies”—ordnancemen—bearing a patien
t strapped into a Med-Evac litter. They somehow managed to shimmy the litter into the helo’s tunnel between the enclosed racks of electronics. Hallie leaned forward in her straps to get a better look.


  A wave of nausea swept over her and she struggled to stay conscious. Although his neck was braced in a cervical collar, his head was swathed in gauze, and an oxygen mask covered his nose and mouth, she could tell from his jawline that it was Philip. Her heart sank further as she took in the bruises and abrasions on his face and the IV bag on his chest, with a line snaking down under the blanket that covered him. It was odd that her first thought was: where are his glasses?

  Every breath of life in her cried to get to his side, touch him, kiss him, reassure him that everything would be okay. And she prayed to God it would. But just as she was actually considering unstrapping to go to him, Quinn pulled the corpsman in, slammed the sliding cabin door shut and strapped both of them into the remaining seats.

  He flipped a switch on the console. “McCabe, reach down on the left side of your seat and grab the round handle. Now move it forward to lock your harness. Okay, sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.” Then he called out, “After-Station secured. All locked aft, ready for takeoff, sir.”

  Sky’s co-pilot replied, “Pre-Takeoff Checklist complete, locked aft, locked left, clear left.”

  Sky’s voice now. “Locked right, clear right, coming up.”

  Hallie felt them rise into a hover over the flight deck, her heart thrumming with the rotors, wishing she could get to Philip. Maybe if she could hold his hand, he would know she was there and it could make the difference between him living and…

  Stop. Stop that right this minute.


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