Urban Love Prophecy

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Urban Love Prophecy Page 1

by Jessica Ingro

  Urban Love Prophecy

  by Jessica Ingro

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  Excerpt from Love, Your Concierge


  About the Author

  Who wants that perfect love story anyway, anyway? Cliché, cliché, cliché, cliché.

  Who wants that hero love that saves the day, anyway? Cliché, cliché, cliché, cliché.

  - Beyoncé


  Jayson Santiago and his friend, Marcus Young, crept through the hole in the chain link fence surrounding Rucker Park in Harlem. If their mothers knew they were there, they’d get their asses whooped. That was for sure.

  This was where all the cool kids hung out, and they were both sick of being called babies because their mommas wouldn’t let them do anything.

  It’s dangerous, Jayson.

  Those kids that hang out down there have no direction. They’ll try to give you drugs. Be a good boy. Stay home and keep me company.

  It was always one excuse after the other.

  “Oh, man!” Marcus whined and kicked a rock. “There’s no games going on. There’s hardly anyone here. How are Jamal and Sean going to know we aren’t babies if they ain’t even here?”

  Jayson looked around and shrugged. Damn, if he knew. “Why don’t we stay here for a little while? How long does your baby sister nap for?”

  Marcus looked around nervously before answering. “I don’t know. Like an hour. My mom will wake up whenever she does.”

  “Come on. Let’s hang out on the jungle gym.” They ran over and started climbing up towards the top so that they could see if Jamal or his friends came around.

  After a half hour with no sign of the other boys, Marcus said, “We should get going. If my mom finds us gone, she’s going to tell yours and we’ll be grounded again.”

  “Yeah,” Jayson sighed and pushed off from the ledge he was perched on. His feet hit the ground with a thud. When he stood up, he saw a group of older boys huddled off to the side by the basketball courts. They were passing money and packages to each other while murmuring low.

  “Jay, I don’t think that’s good,” Marcus whispered at his side where he had joined him.

  “Yeah, I know. I think they’re dealing drugs,” he whispered back. “We gotta get out of here.”

  They turned to leave at the same time a dark car sped around the corner and past the fence outlining the one side of the park. Loud pops had Jayson covering his ears and both boys scrambling to hide under the lowest platform on the jungle gym.

  Lying on his stomach with his heart pounding and sweat beading on his skin, Jayson swore he would never stay in the projects. He hated being scared all the time and seeing his mom always looking over her shoulder.

  The kids that were dealing drugs had all scattered when the gunshots rang out. It didn’t appear like anyone had gotten hurt. When enough time had passed and all seemed quiet, both boys crawled out from their hiding spot and ran for the hole in the fence they had come through. They didn’t stop until they were a few blocks away.

  “When I’m older, I’m going to be rich,” Jayson announced to his friend. “I’m going to be famous and everyone will want to be me. I’m gonna live in a fancy mansion, not some stinky apartments with cockroaches. And I’m going to have me a beautiful wife. She’s going to be the most beautiful girl and all the other boys will be jealous she is with me. She isn’t going to be mean like Sondra or Janelle. She’s going to be nice and funny. She’d do anything for me, just like Momma. I’m gonna buy her big diamond earrings and an even bigger diamond ring. Yeah… I’m going to have it all, Marcus. I’m getting out of here.”

  “Jay, man. You’re crazy. My cousin, Chris, says that all girls are bitches and aren’t worth anything. You’re going to buy her diamonds? You should buy yourself stuff instead.” He shook his head and looked at Jayson like he was nuts.

  “My momma told me you just have to find the right one, and that’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to treat her like a queen and she’ll treat me like I’m her king.”

  Marcus laughed loudly at that prophecy. “Whatever you say. You gotta make it out of here first.”

  “Don’t worry. I will.”

  Chapter One


  The lights were dim when I joined Trigger and his crew at the wooden table in the strip club off the interstate. It wasn’t every day that I went out with the people I produced, but I was in desperate need of a release tonight. If I couldn’t find pussy here, I knew I’d find it wherever Trigger dragged us to next. The boy—I used that term to describe Trigger since he acted like a child half the time—liked his booze, liked his weed and he loved his women.

  At thirty-seven years old, I had already done more than my fair share of drugs, booze and women. I had long since learned control and knew my limitations. Even though I’d drink a few tonight, I wouldn’t get sloppy. I might pick up a willing woman, but I wouldn’t be picking up a barely legal groupie that didn’t care whose dick she was sucking just as long as it belonged to someone rich and famous. No, I’d pick a woman who just wanted to have some fun and wasn’t concerned with picking your pocket and grasping her claim to fame.

  A cute, little waitress sidled up to our table with a tray in her hands and started setting bottles of beer on the table. I admired her backside when she bent over slightly. My view was marred when Deacon, Trigger’s assistant, reached out and smacked her ass, making her jump and almost spill the other drinks. It was obvious she didn’t have much experience with a rowdier crowd, otherwise she would have been prepared for that.

  “Hey, gringa,” Trigger called out like he was a predator. “Come to papi.”

  His whole crew started laughing, which only served to encourage him. He grabbed the waitress by her waist and dragged her onto his lap and ground himself into her.

  She turned wide eyes to each of us, silently begging for someone to help her. It was clear that she was so far out of her element it was ridiculous. When her green eyes met mine, I sucked in a breath. She wasn’t just cute. She was a fucking knockout. Her long legs peeked out from her tiny black shorts. Her breasts were ample in her tank top, and her hair was long and curly. It begged for me to wrap my hands in it and pull. Hard.

  “Trigger, stop being an ass and let her go,” I demanded with menace behind my voice. These asshats knew better than to fuck with me. I didn’t get to where I was by being a pansy.

  Trigger loosened his hold on the woman, and she quickly scrambled off his lap and ran away.

  “No worries, esé. I was just having some fun. She looked like she could use a little Latin love in her life.”

  “You mean inside he
r,” Deacon added.

  “Isn’t that what I said?” His cronies all laughed again, causing me to grit my teeth. Maybe getting laid by someone other than my usual pussy providers wasn’t as important as I initially thought. It surely wasn’t worth dealing with this bullshit.

  “Yeah, well now I have to get my own drink.” I stood and started towards the bar. I could have flagged down another waitress, but I wanted to make sure the brunette hottie was okay. She deserved a decent tip for all her troubles. Trigger could really be obnoxious when he was drunk.

  I spotted her in a little alcove to the side of the bar. After placing an order for a Crown Royal with the bartender, I headed over to where she tapped a computer screen a little harder than she probably needed to. Standing next to her, I realized she was at least five foot ten in her high-heeled shoes. She was the perfect height for me to bend over the table or fuck against the wall. Her ass was rounded just the way I liked and her stomach looked tight. She was just my type. I definitely wouldn’t mind taking her for a ride, or vice versa.

  I touched her arm lightly, causing her to jump. “Hey. I just wanted to make sure you were alright. Those jackasses back there are harmless, but they tend to be a bit uncivilized.”

  Her eyes flashed and she bit out, “You think?” She turned her back to me and kept punching onto the computer screen in front of her. “Trust me,” she threw over her shoulder, “if there had been any real danger, I wouldn’t have hesitated to take care of myself.”

  I had to fight the urge to adjust myself. Man, did I like a woman with spunk. “You new here?” I asked, trying to prolong the conversation, even though the vibe she was putting off was less than friendly. Downright bitchy actually, but again, it just meant she had fight.

  “What’s it to you?” She snapped at me.

  I held out my hands in a defensive gesture. This bitch didn’t just have spunk, she was definitely trippin’. “I was just trying to be nice. Maybe exchange names, and get to know each other. But if you’re too good for any of that, I’m out.”

  I turned on my heel, but only got a step away before she sighed. “I’m sorry. That was uncalled for.”

  Spinning back around, I almost groaned aloud at the sight of her biting her lip. Fucking sexy. I wanted to see what it felt like between my teeth. “Apology accepted. I’m Jayson.” I extended my hand and her dainty hand gave mine a tentative shake.

  “Victoria. Well, Tori.” She blushed and pulled her hand back, tucking her hair behind her ear before letting it fall to her side.

  “Nice to meet you, Tori. How long have you worked here?”

  “Just a week. Is it that obvious?”

  I chuckled. She had no idea how green she came across. The other bitches in this place strutted around like they owned the joint. They knew sex sold and they used it to their advantage. She was like a sheep in a wolf’s den. She looked innocent and way too classy to be walking around here.

  “Just a little,” I lied. “What time you get off tonight?”

  “Oh, um, I don’t really get involved with people that come in here.”

  “I just wanted to take you out to breakfast.” When she shook her head, I forged on. “Or maybe a cup of coffee. No funny business. I swear. Nothing but a friendly offer. Consider it compensation for having to deal with Trigger and his crew.” I made sure I gave her my most innocent smile to gain her confidence.

  She looked thoughtful for a moment and then shook her head again, giving me a regretful look. “I’m going to have to pass, but thank you for helping me out back there.” She gestured over to where Trigger was now getting a lap dance by two different women.

  “It was my pleasure. Hopefully, we’ll meet again, Tori.”

  A shy smile lit her features before she ducked her head and whispered, “I’ll look forward to it, Jayson.”

  I stood there and watched with rapt attention as she sashayed back over to her tables, taking orders and grabbing empty glasses.

  We’d definitely be meeting again. And soon.

  * * *


  Damn, Jayson was sexy. I couldn’t help but steal glances of him every chance I got. I had been doing it for the last two hours. His smooth, mocha skin made my mouth water with the urge to taste him. His blue eyes dominated his face, making me want to stare at them for hours. His prominent jaw and straight nose made him look both masculine and beautiful. And those full lips. More than once I imagined what they would feel like all over my body. I swear my panties were wet and had been since he approached me.

  “Hey, baby.” A male’s voice broke my concentration and I turned to see a slimy jerk watching me.

  God, I hated this job. Not long ago I had people waiting on me. Oh, how the mighty had fallen.

  “What can I get for you?” I crooned. I had learned in the last week that cleavage, bare legs and sweetness earned me better tips. I needed every last cent I could get at this point.

  “How about a lap dance?” He eyed my body up and down giving me the creeps.

  I fought the urge to roll my eyes and said, “Sorry. I don’t dance. I serve drinks. Anything else I can get you?”

  “How about a blow job then?” He gave me a smile that made my skin crawl even more than it had earlier.

  “I wouldn’t put any part of you in my mouth if you paid me to,” I couldn’t help but bark. I started to walk away, but he grabbed my arm. What was it with the men tonight? Was there a full moon outside causing them all to act like dickheads? At least this one was alone, unlike earlier when I was scared that they’d all gang up on me.

  “Let go!” I shouted hoping one of the bouncers would be paying enough attention and step in.

  Working at Lace, Dallas’ premier strip club, was better than some of the other places that had employment openings. The staff there was treated well by the management. The place was clean and unless you were in the VIP rooms, everything was above board as far as I could tell. The only problem was the bouncers had a tendency to eye the goods instead of cleaning house of the dirty bastards that thought it was okay to paw at us.

  “Shut the fuck up!” The guy gripped my arm tighter and tugged me towards him.

  “I think the lady said to let go,” the low and rough voice that I’d already come to crave demanded from behind me. My body immediately started to react to the sound of it. Butterflies swarmed and my heart pumped a little faster. I knew it had nothing to do with the altercation he was breaking up. No, this was all Jayson.

  The man’s face twisted in a sneer as he took in Jayson before spewing his hateful comments. “What the fuck are you going to do about it? I can’t believe they even let your kind in this place.” He barely got the last word out when my fist flew forward of its own accord and planted itself in his face.

  Shit, that hurt. What was his face made of? Fucking steel?

  I shook my hand, bouncing back and forth on my feet and cursing. Tony, a bouncer, waded into the growing crowd and grabbed the asshole off the floor, hauling him out of the exit. Turning towards Jayson, my body heated anew when I saw him watching me closely. I suddenly felt self-conscious.

  “You’re a little spitfire, aren’t you?” He asked with a smirk and what looked like respect on his face.

  I shrugged and rubbed my smarting knuckles gingerly. “It was nothing. I hate dicks and that guy was definitely one.”

  “I hope you don’t hate all dicks,” Jayson said with a small twinkle in his gorgeous eyes. “Does that happen a lot?”

  “What? Me punching people? Hardly ever,” I answered honestly. I stopped punching people when my cousins, Jeff and Rich, got bigger than me. I knew better than to incite them to tickle me until I peed my pants. It only needed to happen once before I learned that lesson.

  He shook his head like I was amusing him. “No. I mean men assaulting you.”

  “Oh. No. Tonight has been crazy. I’m not sure why I’m having such bad luck.”

  “Tori, clock out and cash out,” my manager barked from behind Jayson,
oblivious to the odd conversation playing out between me and the sexiest man I’d seen in a long time.

  “I still have an hour left on my shift, Pete,” I whined. I needed the money, damn it.

  “I’m not dealing with any more of this shit tonight. Just go home and we’ll start fresh tomorrow.” He shook his head and walked away. Damn it, like it was my fault some pricks didn’t know how to keep their hands to themselves.

  “Well, that stinks,” I murmured, glancing back at Jayson. “I better get going. Thanks for stepping in earlier… both times.” My body leaned towards his, hoping for some contact.

  A little smirk pulled at his mouth. “I enjoyed watching you in action. It’s a relief to see a woman protect herself so easily. Besides, you didn’t need me. You handled it all on your own.”

  “Maybe.” I turned, starting to walk away not bothering to tell him that behavior was outside of my norm. I hit the guy because he was being a racist ass. No one deserved to be judged. This was the twenty-first century for God’s sake.

  “Tori?” Jayson called out after me. I turned and bit my lip at his earnest expression. For as much as I didn’t need the distraction right now, I couldn’t deny that I was attracted to him and wanted his attention. “Let me at least walk you to your car.”

  Nodding, I signaled for him to wait just a second before I practically dashed toward the back to clock out and grab my purse from my locker. Taking a calming breath, I stopped at the bar so Pete could cash out my till and give me my tips. I grabbed the wad of bills and stuffed them in my purse.

  “Glad you didn’t take any shit tonight, sweetheart. You think next time you could refrain from hitting the paying clientele? That’s what I pay the bouncers for,” Pete kindly scolded me. The smirk on his face told me that he wasn’t really upset with me.

  I loved Pete. He was a burly, bald man who you just knew had to be a good snuggler. He was nice enough to give me a job when I was desperate for one, and he promised to give me as many hours as he could so that I could save some money. I was sure it was partly because I broke down during my interview and told him my sad, pathetic story. I blamed it on the fact that I hadn’t slept in days, since I refused to believe I was turning into a basket case.


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