Archangels Creed Box Set 1-3

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Archangels Creed Box Set 1-3 Page 8

by Azure Boone

  "I want to." The words gushed. "I mean, if you want to," he mumbled, removing the I'm a virgin that screamed in his first response.

  She met his gaze and he was suddenly back in the kitchen for their first kiss, staring into bright gray eyes full of Cinderella hopes and dreams.

  The Prince Charming buried inside him strengthened his trembling legs. He slowly closed the gap between them only to realize he didn't have a clue what to do. All thanks to that experience he didn't have.

  Devyn stood frozen – terrified, embarrassed, and thrilled all at once. Troy actually wanted to make love to her. Doubt assailed her. She was a whore, ruined, unclean. A man like him was far too good for a woman like her. The filth that clung to her would rub off, tarnish his goodness.

  Troy stood still. She reminded herself he'd never done anything like this before. Had he ever even kissed a woman before her? His skill at kissing seemed to suggest he had, but his behavior said no. Maybe he was naturally talented? Because his kisses soothed her soul. What would actually making love with him be like?

  She would never find out just standing there and it looked like Troy wasn’t going to make the first move.

  Staring into his eyes, her heart pounding erratically, she moved to stand just inches in front of him. His irises had changed from their usual mild hazel to intense forest green with gold flecks. Amazing.

  When they'd kissed before, it had been spontaneous and explosive. This… wasn't. It was the knowing that did it, made it all more difficult. For the first time in her adult life, Devyn hesitated in a sexual situation, making her feel ridiculous.

  Devyn laid a trembling hand along Troy's jaw, enjoying the rasp of his stubble against her fingers. Eager, he turned into her hand, sliding his magical lips across her palm. Her nipples sat up and paid attention, anticipating his mouth. She'd never wanted that before, even during relationships, because her nipples were painfully sensitive. But Troy's touch and kiss would never bring pain. How the hell did she know that?

  Troy scraped his teeth across the heel of her hand, bringing her completely into the moment – no more memories or comparisons. The world narrowed to just the two of them, everything else falling into insignificance.

  Devyn sucked in a deep breath, and let her other hand rise to trace the lines of his strong neck, from jawline to collarbone. Had any man ever been so perfect?

  His pulse leapt to her touch, frantic, and he moaned, deep in his throat, when she followed her hand with her lips. God, his skin tasted as good as he smelled! Clean and slightly citrusy with a hint of salt. Damn, she could kiss him all day. She slid her tongue along the ridge of his collarbone, ready to devour him.

  Troy shivered, but leaned into her mouth rather than pulling away. He slipped one hand upward along her arm and shoulder to cup it around her neck. The sensation of his calloused hand against her delicate skin sent little sparks skittering along her nerve endings. The strong fingers around her neck could inflict serious damage. That Troy kept that power and strength under control, just for her, constricted her heart in awe.

  She stepped in closer, bringing her chest in contact with his, absorbing the heat that radiated from him. While she kissed up the column of his neck, she paused to pay closer attention to pulse points, swirling her tongue or scraping her teeth over them.

  Troy brought his other hand up to tilt Devyn's head and bring her mouth within reach of his. With a low growl of possession, he slanted his mouth over hers, teasing her lips apart with his. His tongue swept across the inside of her lower lip, sending delicious little shockwaves through her body.

  Devyn moaned, her bones turning to mush. Troy slid his hands around the back of her shoulders and down, trailing fire along her spine, then on to cup her ass and pull her tight against his hips. His hard-on throbbed against her belly, lighting fire in her blood.

  "Glad to see you've made the right decision."

  Devyn and Troy leapt apart like teenagers caught making out. Kassern leaned against the door frame. He'd shed his coat, and wore just the red jeans. Devyn decided he looked like some freaky houseguest that wouldn't leave. "I'll just occupy myself for a couple hours. Hope you got good TV." He sauntered away, muttering about popcorn and soda.

  "You know, there's this new invention – they call it privacy!" Troy called after him.

  "You want privacy, shut the damn door." Kassern's voice echoed within the room, even while they heard him opening and closing cabinets in the kitchen. The room's door swung closed on its own.

  Devyn was torn between laughing nervously and yelling fuck you! She turned back to Troy, hesitant.

  "I think it was closed," he argued. "Why don't we go to my room?" Troy mouthed, attempting to keep the angel from hearing. Devyn nodded and they both crept down the hall. Entering another bedroom, he closed the door firmly behind them. Plain muslin panels filtered the daylight coming through the window, but not so much that she couldn't see the carefully neutral color scheme and compulsive neatness.

  Stopping not far from the double bed with its neat plaid coverlet, Troy drew her into his arms. Impatient, Devyn slid her hands up to the back of his head and pressed his mouth down to hers. He smiled against her mouth, and gave her a series of shallow, teasing kisses, backing away every time she parted her lips beneath his.

  Playing along, Devyn growled and nipped at his lip, using the leverage to draw his lower lip into her mouth so she could tease her tongue along the sensitive inner skin. When he complied with her wishes, and took over, Devyn couldn't contain her satisfied moan. She'd never known how pleasurable kissing could be. A little voice at the back of her mind warned that it couldn't possibly be so nice with anyone but Troy.

  The silky glide of his tongue over hers threatened to send Devyn into orbit. Her pulse sped and her breath caught in her throat in a reaction that might have felt like fear if parts of her body hadn't filled with moist, tropical heat. Instinct insisted she needed to be closer, to touch more of him. Her hands trailed down his back, pausing occasionally to explore until she reached the tail of his work-shirt.

  The worn cotton slid up easily to allow her fingers to brush along the heated skin at the back of his waist. She let her hands explore upward, raising gooseflesh in the wake of her light touch. His smooth skin lay close over well-developed muscles – no extra fat – that flexed and contracted in response to her touch. Her hands crept upward, mapping his lean waist, tapered torso, and broad shoulders.

  Continuing his assault on her senses with his kisses, Troy brought his hands into action as well. Fingertips soothed and explored the back of her neck, before burrowing into her hair to play along her scalp.

  Every touch, every kiss, only served to heighten Devyn's need to be closer. She withdrew her hands from the back of his shirt and crowded them into the narrow space between their bodies to fumble with his buttons. Her first success drew a smile to her lips as he teased at them.

  When another button opened, Troy's breathing changed, grew more labored, his kiss more desperate. The rest of the buttons gave way with a rush, and Devyn pushed his shirt over his shoulders and off. Unimpeded, she skimmed her hands over his chest, noting the angles and bulges of muscle and bone. Silky hair tickled her fingers in the little hollow between his pecs.

  Her fingertips swept across his nipples, and Troy sucked in a deep breath and his hips rocked involuntarily, pressing his hard-on against her belly. With a little growl, he caught the hem of her T-shirt and drew it up, breaking their kiss just long enough to allow it to pass over her head.

  Hopefully he wouldn't notice her bra. It had been cheap to start with, though expensive to her, and she'd repaired it so much that little of the original garment remained. Just one more raggedy aspect of her miserable little life. Troy had seen the rest, why shouldn't he see her faded and worn bra?

  She needn't have worried. Oblivious to her underwear, Troy drew her against him once more, gasping at the first contact of her skin against his chest. Devyn lost herse
lf to the sensations his hands created as they stroked and explored, leaving fire trailing in their wake.

  He moved, guiding her, until the bed bumped the backs of her thighs. He sat, tugging gently until she sat beside him. Pausing, he drew back for a moment, studying her face, the fingers of one hand lightly resting on her cheek.

  Was he having doubts? Probably thinking the angel could have at least chosen him a clean partner. "Um, listen." She bit her lip, not wanting to say it. "You don't have to do this. Not with me. It's you he needs."

  Troy’s gaze narrowed and he shook his head. "He needs both of us. Because I don't want anyone else. Just you." His arms went around her, but he still didn't pull her close, just kept looking at her. "You are so beautiful, so perfect."

  Her turn to shake her head. "You know what I am, what I've done." She had to pause and swallow back tears before they could escape. "God wouldn't pick someone like me to be part of some battle against the devil. More likely the other way around. In fact, that's probably what this is." It made sense even though it felt wrong. "Who ever heard of an angel wearing red and telling preachers to have sex with strippers?"

  Troy stared at her lips. "Someone like you is valuable in the battle against evil precisely because you've seen it, up close and personal." He paused for a moment, closing his eyes. "But forget about that for now. It has nothing to do with what's happening here."

  "What do you mean? Kassern told us-"

  "I don't care what he told us." He leaned forward, seeking her mouth. The touch of his lips against hers was electrifying. "I want you." His whispered declaration drew a shuddering breath from her, twisting tightly in her heart.

  He wanted her. How long had she needed to be wanted in a good way? The way a man should want a woman? The way Troy wanted her?

  Troy's lips left her mouth, teasing down her jaw and onto her neck. He paused over the desperate pulse at the base, swirling his tongue, driving it even harder. The heat of his mouth on her skin had an otherworldly quality, racing over and through her to touch and warm all her parts.

  His hands skimmed over her back and his light touch parted the clasp of her bra without effort and she drew a ragged gasp. Once more, he pulled back to look at her.

  "Beautiful." His reverent whisper, combined with the heat of his gaze on her hardened nipples stole her breath. He used one forefinger to trace a path meandering around her breasts, coming ever closer to the tight peaks without touching.

  Devyn thought her heart would burst with desperation if he kept teasing her. He must have mistaken her frustrated whimper for something else, because he withdrew his hand.

  "I'm sorry." He dropped his hand to his lap. The sudden misery in his face took her breath. "I don't have the slightest damn clue how to do this right."

  "What do you mean, do it right?" Was there a right way to have sex? If so, she'd never heard of it.

  "Um… Well, I mean…" He scrubbed a hand through his hair. "Damn it, I mean, I have no idea what to do. I know where everything goes, but, how can I be sure you'll enjoy it? I've heard-"

  "Just do whatever feels right to you, as long as you're happy, I'm good."

  He laughed. Actually laughed. He tilted his head and gave her an appraising look. "You're serious? Are you saying a woman can’t truly enjoy making love?"

  Devyn fought the urge to roll her eyes. "Of course not. Women enjoy it. It's just not… earth-shattering. Not like some women pretend it is."

  His brow furrowed, seeming disappointed with that information. "Seriously?"

  She nodded. "Sad truth. I'm probably giving up hundreds of years of sisterhood, or something, telling you that. That's not saying it can't be fun. Just not like it is for guys." She almost felt bad for bursting his bubble. But maybe he wouldn't agonize over whether she reached some mythical climax so much that neither of them had any fun. And then they could go ahead and get Karly safe from Jake.

  "Then why do you want to?"

  Not shrugging took tremendous effort. She studied him, trying to decide what sort of answer would please him. "Honestly?" Surprisingly, she really did want to please him.

  He nodded.

  "I like you. I enjoyed when you kissed me, and I think you-"

  He grinned. "You enjoyed it?"

  "Um, yeah." She licked her lips with a little smile. "I think-"

  Troy leaned in and took possession of her mouth once more. His arms went around her, drawing her close. He swept his tongue across the seam of her lips, probing, seeking entrance.

  Pulse once more racing, Devyn parted her lips to accommodate Troy's new assertiveness. He teased her tongue into participation, gliding his own across it in a way that made her stomach tighten. One hand trailed down from her shoulder, across her chest, to skim across her breast before cupping it to fill his palm.

  Her nipple throbbed insistently in his hot hand, anticipating something. He closed his fingers so her nipple crested between his index and middle fingers, entrapping the sensitive peak. He contracted his fingers rhythmically, creating luscious friction that made her belly flip-flop erratically.

  Caught up in the shockwaves emanating from her breast, Devyn almost failed to note when Troy stopped kissing her mouth. He nibbled lightly at her jawbone, pulling her attention back to his lips. Trailing a few kisses and teasing little nips down the length of her neck, he arrived at her collarbone to tease the hollow above it with his tongue.

  Electric shockwaves, unlike anything she'd ever felt, cascaded through her body and centered in her lower belly. Troy eased her down onto the bed, shifting position to bring his body slightly above her. Her heart trip-hammered along, threatening to either stop or beat its way free of her chest.

  How could Troy go so blindly forward? What compelled a man sworn to celibacy to have sex with a whore he'd barely met at the first demand of a creature claiming to be an angel? He couldn't have the slightest idea whether she was healthy or not. "What about a condom?"

  Troy paused then sighed. "Sorry, of course you'd want—"

  "Not for me, for you. I can't get pregnant but you should at least be concerned about dis—"

  Troy's hungry mouth stifled her words. Between breathless kisses, he whispered, "Tell it to the angel. Something tells me he considered all of it."

  Devyn's heart constricted as she watched his hungry kisses continue to the upper curve of her breasts. An odd sort of tension built in her stomach. "You aren't worried?"

  His mouth was suddenly on hers again. "No. I'm more concerned with this." He brushed one finger in a feather light touch across the tip of her nipple.

  Bolts of energy flew throughout her body, making her muscles quiver and her heart pound. Her stunned gasp brought a brief smile to his lips, before his tongue followed his fingertip, circling her areola with a touch so light she almost wondered if she imagined it. The sudden heavy fullness of both her breasts might have alarmed her if the sensation wasn't so delicious.

  When Troy applied gentle suction and drew her entire nipple into his mouth, Devyn actually cried out at the unexpected pleasure. Lips, tongue, and teeth all combined efforts to push her to the brink of something huge and unknown. Fear sought to drive her back, to ask him to stop. She resisted the cowardly desire to back out, even as her heart pounded her ribs with bruising force.

  Troy withdrew his mouth, allowing the air to cool her damp skin, tightening it even further. "Stop thinking. Just feel." His mouth settled on her other nipple while one hand skimmed across her belly. When he reached the waistband of her jeans, he teased one finger under the edge.

  Devyn exhaled sharply as her belly contracted, creating more space between her skin and the waistband.

  Troy slid his entire hand, palm down, into the gap, until his fingertips encountered carefully trimmed hair. Devyn shifted unconsciously, hips tilting and thighs parting, to allow him further access. Troy's breath hissed between his teeth as his fingers found her moist heat.

  Devyn's body throbbed, centered
deep inside her, in a hidden, untouched place. She moaned and arched her hips toward him, seeking more intimate contact.

  A low growl escaped Troy's lips. He stood then, stark desire evident in the sharp angles of his face, his entire body poised in readiness. Without a word, he unbuttoned and unzipped, letting his jeans fall to the floor. His hard-on throbbed, clearly visible in his snug briefs.

  Devyn met his hot gaze as he pushed the underwear down his hips, allowing his cock to spring free. Her breath caught in her throat and moisture flooded throbbing folds in private. The heavy fullness of her breasts spread to include her pelvis. A tiny, hidden bundle of nerves twitched, hard and restless. Her jeans felt too tight, uncomfortable and confining, so Devyn opened them with trembling fingers and lifted her hips to shove them down her legs and onto the floor.

  Troy's imposing erection twitched in readiness, those forest eyes filled with unfamiliar torment. His gaze crawled up and down her body until his handsome face seemed pained and his muscular body quivered. Devyn swallowed, wondering if maybe he didn't like what he saw.

  He returned his gaze to hers and her heart raced. She recognized the powerful temptation to make small talk for the coping mechanism it was. Far easier to joke about the weather and erase the sudden urgency in his eyes than to deal with intensity of the moment.

  Holding her gaze tight with his, he lifted her foot and placed a kiss on the arch. He finally turned to see the skin he tasted and then glided his finger along her calf, into the hollow behind her knee, then back toward her ankle. His lips slowly followed the path his hand traced and Devyn couldn't decide what affected her more; how he'd gazed at her leg like a sacred, cherished thing, or the way his full lips looked and felt as they pressed softly onto her skin.

  That feeling between her legs thickened when his fingers went ahead of his lips down the inside of her thigh. Devyn's hands remained next to her head, fisted and locked in the same rapture as the rest of her body. This wasn't part of the wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am sexual scenario she'd imagined. His eyes fell closed as his palm stroked the soft satin of her inner thigh like he was a blind man seeing with touch. And lips. And tongue. Damn, how could something so little feel so good?


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