Archangels Creed Box Set 1-3

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Archangels Creed Box Set 1-3 Page 54

by Azure Boone

  She closed her eyes briefly at realizing what she’d just said. She spied her clothes on the floor a few feet away and tweezered them with her toes and dragged them to her. Thankfully he turned back around and she quickly pulled her t-shirt back on, then her panties and jeans and finally her boots.

  “Get ready and I’ll be back by to pick you up.”

  He stood and turned. “I’m ready now.”

  She looked at him, immediately sorry she had. Her body was trembling as it was and now she was forced to appear unaffected by his glorious nakedness. What an immaculate body he had. Ridiculous is what it was.

  She jerked her gaze down when he began walking toward her. Oh shit oh shit. She was stuck to the floor thinking she should run right about now. But that would mean she was affected and she didn’t want him thinking that. With that in mind, she raised her head and met his gaze.

  Hello. Deer in headlights.

  The man stopped inches from her, put his thumb under her chin, tilted her head and brushed his lips over hers with a sexy satisfaction. And all she could do was stand there like mush on a stick of bones, quivering with desire.

  “Are you ready?”

  ** ** **

  Jessie shook her head with mild exasperation. Her second meeting with the Pope's assistant was dragging on forever. She might not mind so much, if the young and handsome priest, Father Vincenzo, wasn't so straightforward about prolonging the conversation.

  Dorn had informed her of Lucian's reaction during the first meeting, and warned her to be careful with the second. Things might have been simpler if Lucian would just let her go alone, or with Sally, but he'd insisted on accompanying her to the suite the Vatican had taken at the Imperial Hotel.

  She stifled a sigh as Father Vincenzo smiled. "Signorina, might I again offer refreshment? It perplexes me to speak with you of such matters as you refrain from partaking of my hospitality." He leaned forward, his chair already uncomfortably close, until his knees pressed against hers.

  Wonderful. Just what she needed. A philandering priest in a position with the power to either bless her request for Papal Audience, or halt that part of the mission in its tracks. "Father, isn't it customary to refer to a married woman as signora?" Hopefully the gentle reminder would take care of the issue.

  The priest inclined his head in a little bow, the light glinting off his black hair. "Just so, signorina. However, you have not been married in a religious or civil ceremony, leaving you unmarried."

  Jessie took a slow deep breath to quell the anger rolling through her, searching for a diplomatic way to put the man in his place. "I assure you Lucian and I are indeed married. Perhaps not in a civil ceremony, but our union is blessed by God. Directly. Remember I told you I have a specific reason for needing an audience with the Pope?"

  The priest nodded with narrowed eyes, suspicious of what she had to say. "I recall. And you went on to say that because you are both Catholic and a women's health care provider, you had something unique to offer on the question of birth control for believers."

  Jessie's turn to nod. "Yes, and those are true. I left out the rest, though, preferring to speak directly with His Holiness." Real interest sparked in the priest's eyes. "I am in regular direct contact with an Archangel, a Warrior under the command of the Archangel Uriel."

  The priest's lips curved in a false smile while his eyes shuttered with dismissal. He regarded her as another crackpot zealot. "And we should believe this, why?"

  Jessie closed her eyes to concentrate and access the gifts from Dorn, just as he'd taught her. There. The priest as a child, playing in a sun dappled yard. She went deeper. "Your mother waited tables at a little coffee shop in Segni, just outside Rome. Your father was the butcher's son."

  The priest smiled. "You could have learned that from a simple Google search."

  "I could have." Jessie smiled, ready to deliver the coup de grace. "However, could I have learned that you experienced your first nocturnal emission at the age of eleven? Or that you used your telescope to spy on the young widow next door as she bathed? Or perhaps I could have Googled your name and learned that when you were thirteen, you threatened the fifteen year old girl down the street into allowing you to touch her breasts and see her genitals. You told her you would molest her six year old sister." She paused when abject horror crossed the priest's face. "I'm sure I could convince Allesandra to share her experience with His Holiness. Did you know she considered herself ruined after you raped her? Or that she turned to prostitution? She's very bitter. And it doesn't help that your mother rubs your success in her mother's face every time they meet at the market."

  The priest paled and his breathing became labored. "What do you want puttana?" He glared at her, lip pulling back in a snarl, as a guttural sound escaped his throat. "I warn you, I am a dangerous enemy to have."

  Jessie forced herself to smile despite the chill rolling through her blood. "I have many dangerous enemies. It's an occupational hazard when your boss is an Archangel."

  The priest's eyes took on an otherworldly red glow, barely visible but nonetheless intimidating. "Lies."

  Jessie smiled again and, unsure where the impulse came from, swept her hand through the air. Instantly, a transparent scene in miniature unfolded between them. The final moments of the battle at the convent with Dorn and Kharef locked in combat at the center. "I want a private audience with His Holiness the Pope. You will arrange that. No one else will be present, either physically or electronically." She snapped her fingers and the scene disappeared.

  The man stared with mouth agape as though trying to figure out what sort of magic trick she’d just pulled. Being unable to decide forced him into submission, even if only temporarily. "Idiota. How do you propose I arrange this? Private audiences aren't even granted for heads of state."

  "You'll find a way. I have faith in you." She smiled and stood. "Now, if you'll excuse me, mio marito is waiting." She deliberately turned her back and walked away, making sure to add a seductive sway to her hips. Let the bastard think about that.

  Lucian stood, waiting for her, when she reached the outer room, a broad smile on his face. "You are the most beautiful, most brutal woman in the world." He took her hand to lead her from the suite. "Thank you for letting me listen in."

  She smiled back and tiptoed to kiss him. "You're welcome. It was the easiest way I knew of to combat the mark. Not to mention, it let you help me confirm my suspicions that the priest was at least under demon influence. Now I know I wasn't just imagining it."

  ** ** **

  Sam took a deep breath of the clear cold air, relishing the brightness of the day. The storm had passed, leaving well over two feet of snow in its wake and for the second day in a row, the mercury hung well below freezing. The temperature seemed more brisk and refreshing than actually cold, though. She was pretty sure the past couple of hours with Toren had more to do with that feeling than the actual weather did. Had she really let him do those things?

  The worst part about it was that she couldn't turn around and go back for more at the moment. The animals needed tending, and with only one man somewhat on his feet, that responsibility fell to her. Jonas had taken care of the dozen horses kept in the barn and pens, but he wasn't up for the trek to the feeding stations for the cattle. So she had to do it. Having Toren along for company would be nice. She'd have a chance to get to know him better. Ha. Better late than never.

  The specter of her father's nasty accusations leapt up to haunt her with the thought. Damn the bastard. Would he never—No. She refused to allow him to intrude further on the most amazing experience of her life. Never again would she give him that kind of power over her. She resolutely returned her head to the tasks before her.

  A quick inspection of the truck satisfied her the bucket of bolts would survive the day-long trek. All the tools they might need were packed into the bed, and Kassie's food container sat full and waiting in the place of honor in the middle of the seat. All things
considered, the day promised to be beautiful.

  A soft sound alerted her to Toren's presence. How such a big man could move so quietly mystified her. He stopped directly behind her and slid his arms around her waist to pull her back against his body.

  Sam's muscles automatically threatened to tighten in protest to the intimate touch, but she easily brought the response under control. After what she'd already allowed him to do, a hug was nothing.

  A soft moan vibrated through his chest and he dropped his head to nuzzle along her neck. His beard stubble rasped against her skin, raising the most delicious goosebumps at the memory of how that stubble felt against other skin. Her head dropped back against his chest to give better access to more flesh. She wanted his touch everywhere.

  Her surrender seemed to trigger something within him. He drew her tighter against him as a growl rolled through his body with a shudder. "So beautiful." Little puffs of warm air against sensitive skin set her heart pounding. "I could spend eternity making love to you. I had no idea it would be like this." He growled again and bent to bring his incredible mouth toward the front of her neck, his tongue leaving trails of flame as he turned her in his arms.

  His mouth found hers in a blaze of need. His firm lips slid over hers, teasing, gently nipping and tugging before the tip of his tongue swept across her lips, seeking entrance. She willingly parted her lips in invitation. The velvet rasp of his tongue against hers brought a needy moan to her throat.

  Eventually, he drew back, breathing hard. "We'd better go take care of those cattle. Or I'm going to have you stripped right here so I can taste every inch of your delicious body."

  When he spoke like that, she almost believed him. Until the reality of her existence struck again. A plain woman, more masculine than feminine, didn’t attract that kind of attention from a gorgeous man for long. Maybe it was a little diversion. Maybe he was bored and so accustomed to female companionship, he just automatically seduced any female that came within range. No matter how badly she wanted to believe he was genuine, she was perfectly aware of the real nature of men.

  With a sigh she forced herself out of the fantasy. "We should go."

  Halfway expecting him to insist on driving, Sam hung back a little until it was clear Toren intended to go to the passenger side. With a shrug, she climbed behind the wheel and coaxed the truck to life.

  "By the way. Do you know anything about the new hole in the truck's floorboard?" She'd discovered the hole on the drafty drive back the ranch after the little sojourn in the hunting cabin, but hadn't said anything. A piece of sheet metal tack-welded in place took care of the problem, leaving only the mystery of the hole's origin.

  "Um, sorry about that." The sheepish note in his voice made her glance up to find reddened cheekbones. "It's my fault. When I brought you to the cabin after the fire, the cabin sort of loomed up out of nowhere and I hit the brake harder than I intended."

  He left it at that and she didn't ask further. A man as big and powerful as Toren probably had accidents like that on a regular basis. When she popped the clutch and they jolted over ruts, Toren braced himself securely, but didn't complain about her driving. Probably afraid she'd insist he drive so he'd end up Fred-Flintstoning the truck down a hill.

  The first location would take about an hour to reach with the snow, if she didn't have to use the blade attached to the front of the truck to clear part of the track. "You never did tell me where you were from."

  He was so quiet for a moment, Sam thought he might refuse to answer. "It's hard to explain. I didn't grow up in a traditional home."

  She grinned, unable to resist teasing. "What? You sprang forth fully formed?"

  He glanced at her, surprise clear on his face. "How did…" The shock turned to a smile. "Nevermind. Sometimes I wish it had been that easy. But no, I never knew my parents or family. So answering that question isn't easy."

  Okay, she felt truly horrible. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to press you for details. I didn't know." How could she have been so insistent on something he clearly didn’t want to discuss?

  "No, don't worry. I didn't say it was bad, just not traditional." He leaned across the truck to touch her cheek. "Why don't you tell me about your childhood instead?"

  She spent the next hour sharing some of her most significant childhood memories with him. Fears. Dreams. Nightmares.

  Before she knew it, they were rolling up to the first hay shed. The work went quickly and without a hitch. At the second, she discovered that the fire had smothered itself before doing serious damage. The outer surfaces of some of the hay bales were charred, but not much else. Miraculous.

  Four stops later, she hardly believed they were almost finished. One more to go, then they could get back to the hunting cabin.

  They went through the routine again, loading hay and moving it to the steel frames that kept the cattle from trampling it. There were fewer cattle waiting to eat than she'd expected. Some must have found an area with decent forage not too hard to access. Still, it was something to check into later.

  Glad to be nearly finished, she pointed the truck toward the last stop. She almost missed it, but several vultures chose the right moment to startle away, flapping and hopping about in protest. They settled back onto a dark patch of snow that lay in shadow.

  "Great. Looks like we have a dead cow. No wonder there weren't very many there to eat. The smell spooked them." She stopped the truck and set the brake and started to climb out.

  "Wait. Where are you going?" Toren didn't seem comfortable with the idea of her checking the dead animal.

  "I have to go see it. We need to know why it died, if possible." The act of pulling the 30.06 out of the rack behind the seat seemed foreign to her. Odd. It wasn't as if she'd never had to take the rifle along before. She ignored the feeling and grabbed the ammo pouch, loading the rifle with quick movements. "I need to know if it was winter killed, sickness, or predators. I can't have a wolf-pack or big cat feeding on the stock, and if there's sickness, I need to get ahead of it."

  Toren just watched at first. "Let me."

  Did he think she'd never seen a dead cow before? "Nonsense. I'll go. You're welcome to come along if you want." She crunched through the snow, barely willing to admit she was glad to hear Toren's footsteps crackling along behind her. Walking up on a dead animal meant possibly encountering a large predator still guarding a kill. Having someone to back her up couldn't be a bad thing.

  She scanned her surroundings, looking for any possible hiding spot where a bear or mountain lion might be lying in wait. The dark area lay in a slight depression, making it difficult to see clearly what lay ahead. As they drew near, the first thing Sam noticed was the smell. The coppery stench of blood hung in the air and Sam automatically wrinkled her nose in an effort to block it out.

  Twenty feet away, she could tell there was something odd about the kill. When predators killed an animal, or scavenged one already dead, they generally ripped pieces loose and scattered bits around. There weren't any stray parts lying about, or splashes of blood, or any kind of mess.

  At ten feet, it looked really strange. There was no blood, as if it had been killed elsewhere and dumped there. The abdomen had been opened and the organs pulled out, arranged neatly along the side of the corpse. Nothing appeared to be missing at first glance. Not even the blood rich liver and heart.

  "Look around. The snow isn't disturbed and torn up. This cow wasn't killed by another animal." He was right.

  How could she have overlooked something so obvious? Sam scolded herself to pay better attention. "What else could have done it? I don't see a reason why anyone would come all the way out here, kill and butcher a steer, and leave it."

  Even though vultures had alerted them to the kill, it appeared even they had kept their distance. Droppings and stray feathers littered an area of torn up snow a few yards away. No other scavengers had come near either.

  "I don't know who or what could have done it, just tha
t it's not a normal animal kill." Toren moved closer to the corpse, continually scanning the surrounding area as he went.

  Did he seriously think whatever had killed the steer would attack them? A chill crept up Sam's spine at the thought. Just in case, she levered a round into the rifle's chamber and stayed close to Toren.

  Staring down at the steer, her jaw dropped and refused to go back where it belonged. The hide over the abdomen had been opened with surgical precision and laid back to reveal the underlying muscle and fascia. Individual muscles had been incised and teased apart to reveal bundles and fibers. Sections of blood vessels and tendons protruded, the ends segmented and dissected. The organs had been removed from the abdominal cavity and arranged neatly beside the open body, all with dissected sections.

  But the head and neck were the most shocking. The hide had been removed from half of the head, leaving all the underlying tissues exposed. The eyeball lay outside the socket, also dissected and the steer's tongue protruded from the side of its mouth. The killer had taken the time to do a very detailed dissection of the neck, including the blood vessels and air passages. Likewise the ear and the side of the skull had been taken apart to the smallest scale.

  Sam just stared, fascinated, for several long minutes. Toren moved around and looked from different angles, but she couldn't bring herself to move. "Dear Lord, please let this poor beast have been dead before all this happened." She prayed for it, but she doubted the attacker had allowed the steer to die before.

  Toren finished his inspection and stood back. "We should leave. Now."

  For once, she didn't feel the need to argue. She turned back to the truck. "What could have done this? A bear or mountain lion surely would have eaten part of the kill." Already her mind started blurring certain details, emphasizing others.


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