Before the Fall

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Before the Fall Page 19

by L. G. Castillo

  Lahash’s strong arms embraced her. “Are you hurt?”

  Naomi shook her head as she wept.

  “Your sisters are safe in the inn. We need to go.” He pulled away from her and reached down to Rebecca. “Mother, lean against me.”

  There was a sudden chorus of rams’ horns that pierced the air.

  She froze.

  The third chorus. We’re too late!

  Then there was a sound of wings flapping. It was as if hundreds of birds were headed toward them. She looked up at the sky. In the distance, the sky became gray with what looked like an army of angels.

  “They’re here,” she whispered in awe.

  “What is it?” Rebecca asked. “I don’t see anything.”

  “Angels,” Lahash said.

  “Look over there.” She pointed to four black objects flying overhead. They swooped for a moment, then took off, heading away from the city.

  “It’s Lucifer. Saleos and his brothers flee with him,” Lahash grumbled. “Cowards.”

  There was a loud yell and Jeremiel ran down the street toward them. “They’re coming! Hurry, get inside!”

  There was a loud war cry and the streets filled with the invading soldiers, striking down every person in sight.

  “It’s too late,” Rebecca whispered under her breath.

  With sword and shield in hand, Lahash stood by Jeremiel, side by side, as they crouched protectively in front of Naomi and their mother.

  Naomi sobbed as she clutched onto Rebecca, watching the throngs of soldiers surrounding them. They were a sea of determined faces, young and old. Their swords glinted as they swung them, taking down anyone in their way.

  This was it. She would never see her sisters grow up. She would never see Lahash again.

  “I love you, Lahash.”

  He turned and gazed into her eyes. “I love you. I will never stop fighting for you.”

  Placing a determined look on his face, he then turned to Jeremiel. “Brother.”

  Jeremiel smiled. “Till the end.”

  With a loud cry, they raised their swords and charged at the oncoming group of soldiers.

  Time moved slowly. Her heartbeat ticked off the last moments she had with the only man she could ever love. She closed her eyes, tears sliding down her cheeks as memories of her time with Lahash swept through her, taking her away from inevitable death, if just for that moment. Every look, every touch, every kiss, every whisper of ‘I love you’ was seared into her heart so that her soul could hold on to the last memories of their life together in hopes that after death he would still be with her.

  When she opened her eyes, she saw each swing of his sword, every droplet of sweat that rolled down his face, the sound of a blade as it plunged into his chest, then another and another. Then came the muffled thump of his knees as he hit the ground. Dark lashes brushed against his cheeks then slowly lifted. Hazel eyes locked with hers as his last breath sounded out her name ‘Naomi’.

  Her world fell silent.

  Through the haze that slowly rolled over her, she saw Raphael. He floated through the throng of soldiers, his feet hovering over the ground. Behind him was the Archangel Michael. The soldiers parted as if making way for them. Raphael’s face twisted in agony as he looked directly at Rebecca.

  “Your promise,” Rebecca’s voice was a feather in the wind.

  He gave her a nod and his lips moved, forming the words “I shall love you . . . forever.”

  Wings sprang out of his back and Naomi looked at him in awe. And then, she knew. Lahash would live on. His father would see to that.

  Michael lifted his sword and a streak of lightning bolted from out of the sky.

  There was a flash of light.

  Then, darkness.



  It is the source of life. It is all around us. It lives in those we love because where there is love there is always light. When love is gone, so is the light and we lose our way.

  Candles lined the Hall of Judgment, illuminating what was good. It was a symbol of hope to those who had lost their way.

  For Raphael, none of that mattered. He stared at his sons as the flickering candlelight danced on their faces. They lay at his feet, their bodies lifeless. They were grown men, but in his eyes, he could only see them as the baby boys he had helped bring into this world. He saw the happiness that had shone in Rebecca’s eyes when each of them was born. Jeremiel. Lahash. They were his light. She was his light. And now, they were all gone.

  Rebecca, his love, his wife. Never would he hold her in his arms again. All he had left of her was memories.

  He had been shown mercy during her last moments of life. Not that he deserved it. He should have been forced to see her take her last breath, to witness the agony of watching the soldiers take away her life as well as the others. His only comfort was that Naomi’s little sisters had made it into the inn and been spared, just as Michael had promised.

  He looked to Lahash, his son—his brave, selfless son. Why had it taken the loss of his life to realize how much he truly loved him? Rebecca knew. She had known his heart. Underneath his bitter anger for what Lucifer had done to Rebecca and his constant need to remind himself that Lahash was not of his seed, he loved Lahash. He had allowed Lucifer’s evil ways to blur his vision of what truly makes a father.

  “I am your father,” he muttered under his breath. “Forgive me, Lahash.”

  He sobbed, knowing he was too late. He had lost his way, and with him he had taken the light from those he loved the most. If his sentence was to stare at his sons’ lifeless bodies for all eternity, it would be a just punishment.

  “Raphael, a decision has been made as to your punishment.”

  Michael sat in the seat of judgment, watching Raphael carefully. Gabrielle stood next to him, her face passive except for her eyes. They held his for a moment. He could feel the sadness she had for him.

  “We are aware of Rebecca’s wish for her sons. She was a faithful servant and is innocent in what has happened since your departure from your duty. Because the love she carried for you was pure and deep, you will be granted leniency for your transgressions, and your sons will be resurrected to serve as seraphim.”

  Raphael’s face stared forward, not believing the words being said before him.

  “However,” Michael lifted his hand, anticipating Raphael’s reaction. “They shall have no memory of you or their past. What knowledge they have will be limited only to what is needed to carry out their duties.”

  They would not know him? His heart broke at the thought of it. It was no less than he deserved. If he had truly been a father to them, the enmity that had grown between his two sons never would have happened.

  “What of Rebecca? Will she be able to live in Heaven as other humans who have passed? For as you say, she is innocent.”

  Michael and Gabrielle gave each other a look.

  “Yes, she will,” Michael said. “She will serve as a guardian angel to an important family.”

  “Does that mean she will live here with the other angels?”

  “You are forbidden to see her,” Gabrielle said softly.

  Raphael closed his eyes at the throbbing in his chest. Rebecca was here. She had been made a guardian. And yet, he could never see her again.


  He slowly opened his eyes and looked into Gabrielle’s sad green eyes.

  “I am sorry.”

  “It is...” his voice croaked. “It is a just punishment.”

  “There is much work to be done in training your sons to join our ranks,” Michael continued. “Lucifer and his followers have fled. I am told there will be a time when he shall rise again and in his second coming he will have more joining his ranks.”

  Raphael nodded as he stared down at Lahash. It is better that he won't remember the past. He would never know that Lucifer was his father. And more importantly, he would never experience the agony of losing Naomi.

  “What of Naomi?�

  “It is through her unselfishness and faith that she will someday be reborn. But concerning the day or the hour, that, I do not know.”


  Sitting in a bedchamber beside Lahash, Raphael brushed the hair off his son’s forehead. He hadn’t touched him like that since he was a child.

  “Soft,” he muttered. “Like Rebecca’s.”

  After Michael left, he took Lahash into one of the empty chambers in the angels’ living quarters. He didn’t want to leave Lahash, so Gabrielle took Jeremiel to his own separate chamber.

  He waited patiently by Lahash’s side. He had made a promise to Rebecca. He would watch over their son. He would watch over Jeremiel too, of course, but somehow it was as if Rebecca knew that Lahash would need special care. He couldn’t blame her. He had been a horrible father to him.

  It was bittersweet knowing that his sons would have no memory of him, especially Lahash. It was as if he was getting a gift to correct his past wrongs when it came to him. This time he would give him the fatherly love he had always deserved.

  “You deserved so much more, my son. I was wrong.”

  There was a light rapping at the door. It opened and Gabrielle stood at the entrance.

  “Jeremiel has awakened.”

  “Does he...”

  “It is as Michael said. He remembers nothing.”

  Raphael turned back to Lahash. He swallowed thickly. “It is as expected.”

  “I told him to wait in his chamber for your arrival and that you will be providing him with training.”

  “Thank you, Gabrielle.”

  She stepped into the room. She didn’t say a word, but he could feel her behind him.

  “He looks like his mother,” she said.

  “Yes. He does. He has his mother’s eyes. You will see them when he awakens.”

  “I’m afraid I won’t be here when he does. I have to keep a promise I made to Uriel.”

  “Uriel? What has happened to him? Has he returned?”

  “He returned before you did. To make amends for his wrongdoing, he assisted Joshua’s spies, enabling his army to conquer Ai.”

  “I look forward to seeing him soon. He and my sons will make great friends.”

  “Uriel won’t be returning. He was captured by Lucifer and taken to the Lake of Fire.”

  Raphael’s nostrils flared. He had once traveled with Lucifer to the Lake of Fire, though it was forbidden. He had hoped to convince his old friend to leave it alone. He should have known that Lucifer would use it against his own kind. The lake was the only way an angel could be killed.

  “Then we shall rescue him.”

  Gabrielle shook her head. “It has been decided to leave him to his fate. His sacrifice is his redemption, just as the sacrifice of your sons’ memories is yours.”

  “I see. What of Rachel?”

  “She has gone after Uriel. But I will go after her. I promised Uriel that I would watch over her,” she said as she started toward the door. “Stay with your sons. Cherish the gift that was given to you, for even though they will have no memory of you, you still have them to hold. Rachel will only have memories.”

  The thought of that sunk in as he reached out and placed his hand on Lahash’s. He made a vow that he too would watch over Rachel.

  The moment Gabrielle shut the door, Lahash gave a sudden gasp for air.

  He moaned and placed a hand on his chest. Then, he opened his eyes and gazed at Raphael.

  Within our son’s eyes, you are still with me, Rebecca.

  “I thirst,” his voice cracked.

  Raphael reached for a goblet of water and handed it to him.

  “Do you know who you are?”

  Lahash gulped down the water. When he finished, he propped himself up on the bed on his elbows. He tilted his head for a moment and then broke out into a smile. “I’m Lahash. Did I pass the test?”

  “Do you know who I am?”

  “Archangel Raphael, of course. You are to train me for my seraph duties.”

  He fell back into bed and groaned.

  “What is it, my . . . Lahash?” Raphael asked anxiously.

  “Did I oversleep? Is that why you are here? I’m in trouble, am I not? You can tell me. I can take it. No wait, don’t tell . . . no, do tell me.”

  Raphael chuckled. His son was exactly the same, and for that he was eternally grateful.

  “The training has not yet begun. I have come to escort you to your partner who will train with you. His name is Jeremiel.”

  Raphael eyed him closely for any note of recognition.

  He sat up, slapping Raphael on the shoulder. “That is a relief. Let us go, then. I’m ready to meet this Jeremiel.”



  The room was silent as Raphael uttered those last words. Naomi’s heart pounded in her chest as she frantically reached for Lash. She had to touch him to make sure that he was really there with her.

  Her hands swept over his hair, down his shoulders, and across his chest. He smiled at her tenderly as she placed her hand on his heart. It was beating steadily.

  He’s here. He’s real. He’s alive.

  She wept into his chest.

  Lash rubbed her back, softly crooning to her that everything was all right. Hearing everyone’s voices coming together to tell the story of what had happened so long ago had made her feel like she was there again. They were only memories, but it felt like she was living it all over again—her love for her sisters, falling in love with Lash, and then losing him. Watching him die had been the most horrible thing she had ever experienced. She had to keep reminding herself that he was there with her. They had finally made their way back to each other.

  She wasn’t the only one affected. She glanced around the room. Rebecca wept silently as Raphael held her. Jeremy stared out into the room, his eyes empty. Even Gabrielle had tears in her eyes.

  Naomi’s gaze landed on Rachel, who sat huddled on Uri’s lap. He stroked her hair, muttering assurances to her. Naomi brushed the tears from her eyes as she thought about how horrible it must have been for her dear friend. Rachel had lived with the memory of Uri’s death for centuries. She wondered how the fragile-looking angel had the strength to survive it. She was glad Rachel had already shared with her their own tragic story and how they were finally reunited. Naomi knew she would never have the strength within herself to live that long not knowing if Lash would ever return. Maybe in a sense she had been lucky not to have had those memories.

  When she finally calmed down, she turned to Rebecca.

  “So you weren’t just Welita’s guardian, you were my family’s guardian.”

  “To some extent, yes I was. For generations, I have watched over your family, starting with Lilia.”

  “Lilia?” The image of the curly haired little girl who always seemed to cling at her robes flashed through her mind.

  “She’s the matriarch of your family line, your direct ancestor. For centuries, I waited for your return. There were many that came and went. Some were named Naomi. But even without the mark, I knew it wasn’t you. They missed that special something that you have, dear. When you were born, I could see it in your eyes. You have a fire in you, the same one you had so long ago. That’s when I knew that you had finally returned.”

  “It’s what I love about you,” Lash said, kissing her cheek.

  “It is what makes her dear to all of us,” Rebecca said.

  “Thank you, Rebecca, but I think you are the one with the strength,” Naomi said. “You have suffered so much . . . too much”

  “Naomi’s right. You have gone through many hardships and out of all of us, you alone managed to hold onto all that is good.”

  Shocked eyes turned to the sound of Gabrielle’s voice.

  “You are most kind, Gabrielle. What kept me strong was my belief that goodness would prevail,” Rebecca said. “As I stayed on Earth to watch over Naomi’s family, I knew deep in my heart that Raphael was watching over our sons.”

  “I wasn’t easy to watch over,” Lash said.

  “Don’t be hard on yourself, my son. You may have stumbled from time to time, but deep within yourself, you always knew who you were,” Raphael said.

  Hurt swept over Lash’s face. “That I am Lucifer’s son?”

  “No,” Rebecca’s voice was soft. “That you are Raphael’s son in heart and in spirit. Nothing can take that away from you, not your memories being taken away, not even when you thought everyone was against you.”

  “Not even me,” Jeremy said softly. “Lash, I . . . I’m so sorry for everything I did. I was a pompous ass.”

  “You were not,” Naomi said. “You just . . . well, times were different back then. Tell him, Lash.”

  Lash was silent for a moment as he studied Jeremy. “Did you...” He paused, his face torn, fearful of asking his question. “Did you use your mind manipulation gifts on Naomi?”

  Jeremy looked to Naomi for a moment before he answered. “I didn’t know I had them. What I remember was that whenever I spoke with Naomi, I had hoped that she would feel for me as I felt for her.”

  “You wanted her.”

  Jeremy swallowed. “Yes.”

  Naomi had seen that expression on his face before. She thought they had worked through it before. He didn’t love her, not in a romantic sense. He loved the thought of her.

  “Jeremy, you don’t—”

  “Wait a minute, Naomi. I know what you’re going to say,” he interrupted. “And, I’ve thought a lot about it. I think you may be right about me confusing the feelings I have about you. With the way things ended in Ai, I never had the chance to know what real love is.”

  “You will. Someday. I know you will,” she said.

  He sighed as he stood up and walked over to Lash. “You deserve every happiness that you have. I may have been known as a god among men, but it is you who inspire true admiration. Through all that happened to you from our time in Ai to now, you held on to your true self: a compassionate boy who turned into a compassionate man.”


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