Into Forever

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Into Forever Page 18

by Danielle James

  “You only have to wear it a couple of times a year,” Serena pointed out. “Is it so bad, really?” The crown that was perched atop Gage’s head had been a gift from a clan in France. It was heavy and set with rubies and diamonds. It was a dreadful, heavy thing, and fit for a king; Gage just didn’t think it belonged on his head. It did help that Serena wore hers as well. But hers was much prettier and much smaller.

  It was amazing to him the depth of his feelings for Serena. He had proven that he would do anything to have her by his side and now he was paying the price for it. But it was worth it every time he got to see her smile at him. He especially liked the mating mark that graced her neck. It swirled and dipped just to her collar bone, winding around her shoulder, and it shimmered like the rest of her delicate skin. It really did make all this worth it.

  Someone knocked at the door. “It’s time,” Angel called from the other side.

  “I’m coming,” Gage replied.

  “I am so proud of you, my King,” Serena said playfully.

  Gage silenced her with a kiss. He wrapped his arms tightly around her and delved into her sweet mouth. He drank her from the kiss. He drank in her strength and courage, but mostly, he drank in her love.

  The sound of someone clearing their throat in Gage’s mind brought him back to the task at hand all too soon. “We better go, my Queen,” he said through a smile. She narrowed her eyes at him, but took his hand. They walked side by side through the door and out into the evening air to the crowd that had been waiting for them.

  Angel had called something of a press conference among vampires, and literally hundreds had gathered on the lawn of his estate. Sebastian had spent weeks strengthening security and providing a safe environment for Gage to do what he had to do.

  A stage had been set up, complete with lights and a sound system, surrounded by the most capable and trusted guards in Angel’s employ. Cody and Marcus headed up the front of the stage, with the newest editions to the team by their sides. Immortality looked good on Samuel. He thinned out and bulked up with the change. He had shaved his head and looked about twenty years younger than before.

  Angel was waiting for Gage at the front door. When Gage arrived, he threw his arms around his brother. They embraced for a long minute before breaking apart. There were many things that were said in that moment, all without saying a word. “Ready?” Angel asked.

  “Let’s do this,” Gage said back with an uncertain smile.

  Angel walked ahead of him to the stage and stood in front of the podium. The masses erupted in cheers when they saw him, and he had to wait for the noise to die down before he even tried to speak.

  “Thank you for coming tonight,” he said into the microphone. “Most of you know me, but for those who do not, I am Angel Knight, Leader of the California Clan. I have asked you all here today to make an important announcement. You have heard the rumors. You have read the reports on the internet. You have seen the tabloids. I am here to tell you today, the rumors are true.” He waited as hushed whispers and questions rolled through the crowd. “It is true. Our king lives!” he announced with a wide grin while spreading his arms wide at his sides. The crowd erupted in a cacophony of noise. Some were cheering, others asking questions. Angel put his hand up in a stop motion to silence them. “After extensive research, we have been able to prove without a doubt, that our king is none other than one of our own. I give to you this night, Gage Rachnoir, King of all vampires.”

  Angel looked to Gage and he knew it was time. He sucked in a deep breath and forced his feet to move. Serena tried to let go of his hand, but he wouldn’t have it. He basically dragged her to the stage with him. As he took his spot in front of the podium, the crowd grew silent as they took the sight of him in. There were questions in their eyes, but Angel was well respected among his people and it didn’t take long before they were completely in line with his words.

  The first row of security turned and bowed their heads slightly in Gage’s direction. Gage groaned because he knew what was coming. One by one, the vampires in attendance began to bow their heads. It wasn’t until Angel joined him on stage and dropped to one knee, his head so low that it rested on his bent knee, that the masses joined suit. Gage watched as they dropped like dominos in front of him; all of them acknowledging his position, and each one silently pledging their allegiance to him.

  Serena tightened her grip on his hand. “Wow,” she whispered.

  “Right?” he whispered back.

  “You have to talk now,” she reminded him. Gage nodded and straightened the crown on his head. He hated that damn thing.

  “Thank you,” he said into the microphone. “Please, you may stand.” He waited for them to get up off their knees before continuing. “I fear that there is much I need to explain.” He watched as the crowd nodded. He searched their faces for signs of hate or anger, but to his surprise, he saw none. What he saw was instant love, confusion, and hurt. He had hurt his people. The thought caused his heart to squeeze in his chest. He had been born into royalty and he had turned his back on it, as his mother had.

  “My mother was Queen Helena. I am the child of the Queen and another vampire. My mother never told me his name, but she did tell me why. She fell in love with a man who was not royal and not approved by her council. When she became pregnant with me, she began to receive threats of death, not only for herself, but me as well. To protect me, she turned her back on her position and went into hiding. She never denied me who I was, and she protected me until the day she died. After her death, I wanted nothing to do with the politics and position that had ultimately cost her her life. I know now that I should not have turned my back on my heritage, and for that, I must ask your forgiveness.

  I do not want to disrupt the way things are now. I believe that the Clans and their responsibilities are of the greatest importance. I will not disband them. I know my limitations and I am not prepared to rule as a king. Therefore, I shall remain king only in title, with the Clans and their leaders continuing to make decisions for their own people. I will make myself available if they need me, but the power is and shall remain with the people. That’s all. Thank you.”

  The crowd immediately erupted with questions, but Angel was on top of it. “Thank you all for coming. We will schedule a meeting with each Clan Leader in the near future to answer any questions you may have.” He turned on his heel and walked behind Gage back into the safety of the house, allowing security to do their jobs.

  Once inside, Angel took stock of his life. By his side was his beautiful wife, Brea. She had given him so much. Not only did she complete his soul, but she had given him a daughter as well. His family had grown so much over the past few years. Sebastian and Jessica were sitting in a chair together, staring at each other like there was no one else in the world. Frankie had finally come home to Jacque and they were happy together. Rebel had found the most wonderful mate in Leigh, and they shared a lovely dragon daughter as well. Gage had found Serena during a difficult time, and he overcame all the obstacles to be with her. Angel’s heart still mourned the loss of his brother, Antonio, but he took some measure of comfort knowing that he was with his mate, Macy, in the heavens. So much had changed in his life, and he was certain it was for the better.

  At one time, Angel believed he had it all and there was nothing more important than his music and his political position. Gage had taught him that his position was no more than a title that meant shit without his family. Family was what was most important, and as he watched his family gather and laugh and talk softly to one another, he knew. This is what life was all about. He knew that his family would keep growing, and he couldn’t wait to walk into forever with them.



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