Lovers and Other Strangers Box Set: The Boston Stories

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Lovers and Other Strangers Box Set: The Boston Stories Page 7

by L. C. Giroux

  She followed him to his condo in her car. Violet felt shy suddenly in the elevator, she hadn't buttoned her blouse not knowing if that would go against Michael's rules but not really caring if anyone saw her. He liked her like this, what else mattered really.

  When they got inside she was stunned by his place. It was very modern with lots of glass and concrete. The back wall was all windows that overlooked the harbor. The kitchen was open to the large living room with the eating area along the windows. There was a feeling of restraint to the decorating that was very in keeping with what she had seen of Michael before tonight. A gas fireplace opposite the windows had already been turned on making the room feel warmer despite the concrete and chrome. In front of the fireplace was a large flokati rug. The long haired sheepskin looked so sensual, Violet wanted to strip bare and lay on it. This was Michael's doing, since before tonight she was sure she never would have even thought that.

  "Kitten." Michael patted the couch next to where he sat in his chair. Violet walked over in a daze and sat next to him. He turned her face to his and kissed her. His kiss added to the blissed out feelings she had. When he pulled away Violet whimpered at the loss. "You are so beautiful, you make me afraid for my sanity." Taking a deep breath he continued, "And for that reason there will be rules, if you break the rules I will punish you. I can't always promise you will like it." Violet tried to hide her gasp and failed. "First rule, When you are here you will leave your clothes at the door. I want you available to my touch when ever and where ever I want to touch you." She felt her eyes go soft and her nipples hard at his words. Despite the two exquisite orgasms less than an hour ago she ached for him to touch her again. She was having trouble concentrating on his words as her sex dripped in excitement coating her inner thighs.

  She was pulled from her thoughts when Michael yanked her across his lap, pinned her torso with one arm and flipped up her skirt with the other. With his free hand he spanked her four times on her bare bottom. "Kitten, I do love the way your skin reddens when I spank you. I may have to find excuses to do it more. You will need to pay attention to me or you will give me plenty of opportunities, again, not that I mind. Now take those clothes off. The cool leather will soothe your sore bottom. She was so dazed she sat there for a second before realizing he would spank her again if she didn't move. She jumped up and slid her skirt off and unbuttoned the one button still done on her blouse, shucking it also. She started to put her hands in front of her to cover herself but stopped when she remembered Michael didn't want her to.

  Michael saw her make the correction and smiled at her attempt to please him.

  "You are my very own Lady Godiva."

  "She had a town to save."

  "You only need to save me, my sweet Kitten."

  He patted the couch next to him again. "I... I can't sit down." she stuttered.

  "Why not?" Michael braced himself for her wanting to end their arrangement. He had taken a risk spanking her but he wanted her to pay attention to him and better to have it all out at the beginning.

  "I...I can't sit down because I... I'm too wet." The last phrase came out as a sigh. He smiled, thrilled with her honest reaction. She reacted so well to him, so quickly.

  "For that my beautiful princess you deserve a treat. Would you like to undress me?"

  Her eyes snapped up to his, flashing, and then she dropped her gaze subserviently. "Yes, very much." she said in that same breathy voice.

  "Fine but first I would like you to come and kiss me, do not stop till I break the kiss, do you understand? Violet nodded and bent forward. He kissed her gently at first running his hands over her body, fondling her breasts, running his hands down to the indent of her waist. He pulled her closer. He could feel her soften even more as the kiss continued. When she had no resistance to him he smoothed a hand over the curve of her ass. His other hand tangled in her glorious hair cupping the back of her head softly but firmly. The hand on her ass followed the cleft down skimming over the tender pucker. She moaned into his mouth.

  The heat from the fire combined with the burn from the spanking made Violet's ass cheeks feel like they glowed. His hands felt cool in contrast. His kiss was drugging her into helplessness. Her juices ran down her thighs. She purposely widened her stance to keep from rubbing them together knowing that Michael had refused her that option. Her only hope was that he would finish her off later.

  Michael knew she was ready. He slipped his fingers in her sex. She was so wet she was dripping. Michael coated his fingers in her juices slowly drawing the wetness higher up the cleft. Violet was enjoying or oblivious to his intent. She was flexing her hips to increase the contact with his fingers but he made sure to stay just out of reach. Finally he had worked the slick liquid to where he wanted it. His fingers were covered in her essence.

  He increased the pressure on the back of her head just slightly not wanting to betray what he was about to do. She gave no indication she was anything but lost in the kiss. He massaged her anus with his finger making her whimper and then plunged through the tight ring of muscle. She gasped but didn't break the kiss. As he massaged inside her, she threaded her arms up around his neck either to draw him closer or for balance. Soon she was rocking her hips back in time to the rythmn he set. When she did he added his middle finger and continued the massage. She gasped louder and clung to him. He could feel her body starting to tense and let his other fingers tickle the stretched sensitive skin. Her moan sounded more like a wail but she didn't break the contact. She had done so well.

  Michael broke the kiss now. Easing her head onto his shoulder he kept up the stimulation of his fingers inside and around her virgin channel. "Kitten, you have been such a good girl. Come for me now Kitten. It is okay to enjoy this." He looped his free arm around her for support as she started to tremble. She was wailing for real now, her body convulsing around the fingers inside her. The climax built up till the contractions were longer than the releases. He knew she wanted to sink to the floor. He held her up making her ride the waves to their conclusion.

  When there was nothing but the aftershocks left he moved her to the couch to lie on her side. She curled up with her head pillowed on her arms, her eyes closed taking ragged breaths. She was lost to anything but the sensations of her body.

  Violet had dozed off when Michael roused her. "Let me carry you to bed. I'll make you comfortable and you can sleep." He gathered her in his arms and she clung to him. As he moved to the bedroom she snuck her hand under his T-shirt, he had said she could touch him. The thought this might earn her another spanking made her vagina clench with fresh desire. She felt bold and wanton, all of these feelings new and different for her. Michael laid her on the bed where he had already turned back the covers. "Would you like some water? We never got any dinner. I'm sorry, I was so consumed with you I,..."

  Violet stretched like a sleepy cat, languid and at home in her body as never before. "Am I allowed to tell you what I need?" she felt oddly shy asking him such a simple question.

  He smiled down at her. "I'm afraid that I must make that a rule. It will be important to know what you need but I may not always give you it. There may be times you will beg for release or beg to have me touch you and I will deny you. But food, water, warmth, basic necessities, those will always be granted. Pain that leads to pleasure is one thing, but I wouldn't ever want you to be truly uncomfortable, you know that. So what do you need my sweet Kitten?

  "Do you have any fruit? I am craving something ripe and juicy right now. Yes, a glass of water also. Maybe white wine if you have it, although it will go straight to my head without any real food." She looked down and said quietly, "You also said I could undress you..."

  "I will get you cleaned up and then you can rest while I get some food together for us. Would you like a light supper in bed? Then you may undress me, if you wish."

  "Before the food." At his mock glare she shot back, "It is my treat and I need it more than the food at this point."

  "You are bordering
on impertinence, but I will let you get away with it this time." Michael surprised her when he came back with a damp cloth from the bathroom. "Lay back, This will soothe you." The chill on her sensitized sex made her shiver but calmed the overheated nerve endings also. Then he ordered her to roll onto her stomach and tuck her knees under her. Now Michael worked the cool damp cloth over her anus. It felt unbelievably intimate and humbling to be in this position since she couldn't hide anything from him. She hadn't realized she was sore and still sticky till he had finished washing her. As the cool soothed her she moaned reflexively and quaked.

  He caressed her ass when he was done. "There now you should be more comfortable. Pull the covers up and snuggle in while I get the food and drinks." Violet couldn't imagine sleeping but the bed was so soft and she was tired from the roller coaster of both physical and emotional mayhem. She would just close her eyes and relax a little while she waited for Michael.

  Violet woke with a start. She had been having the most vivid dream, but as she tried to sit up she realized it hadn't been a dream at all. She was held tight in Michael's arms. He had burrowed through her hair so his forehead was against the back of her neck, his breath tickling warm between her shoulder blades. She could feel his chest against her back, the soft hair adding to the sensations. She tried to turn over but he had her pinned. The only way she would be able to move was to wake him. "Michael, Michael, I have to get up." she said softly. There was no change in the warm breaths. One of his arms was curled under her neck and she was feeling devilish now that she was more awake. She turned her head and licked at his arm then planted her lips and started to suck hard. After a minute or so Michael woke with a growl.

  "Woman! what the hell are you doing?

  She looked down at the very impressive hickey on the inside of his forearm. "Marking you as mine! I need to get up to pee and you wouldn't wake up." The hand around her waist moved to her ass and pinched her. She screamed and jumped out of bed, turning around to glare at him before she started to laugh.

  "Come back quick, seems lonely without you already." He looked like a naughty school boy.

  In the bathroom she plunked herself down on the toilet. She needed to try to make sense of what she was doing and why. She was a perfectly reasonable woman several hours ago and now she was a willing captive, at least till Monday morning, in a sexually insatiable man's home. She had willingly agreed to this? She must have lost her mind. Of course in her limited sexual experience these last few hours were the most incredible, unbelievable, stuff of fantasies. If she told some of the secretaries at the foundation about this they would think her a very lucky girl. He pursues her pleasure with a single minded devotion terrifying in its intensity.

  He hadn't asked for anything in return and oddly that was the part that bothered her. She knew she loved him, had since the night he had gotten her through the storm in the hospital. Was this just about sex for him? As stunning as he was sexually, she had the odd feeling this wasn't normal for him either. If it was new, would the intensity burn itself out and then he could see there was a real relationship there.

  Oh God! What if it really was just about the sex for him? No, she had seen how jealous he'd gotten when his friend had kissed her. That wasn't just about sex, that kind of anger had to be pulled from his emotions. She knew there was something there, even he wasn't sure what yet. She just needed to keep up with him till he could see it. Was it possible to die from too many orgasms? Now there was a project she'd bet a lot of women would be willing to become research subjects for.

  She should get back in there. Oh, what was he going to do next? She was both thrilled and scared at the idea. He hadn't done anything to hurt her, just shocked her sensibilities. She splashed some water on her face to bring her to her senses again. She looked in the mirror at her reflection and she had never looked better. She was roughed up but looked natural and like she had just come from her lover's bed, which she had. Her cheeks were rosy and her skin glowed. She laughed to herself, depravity looked good on her. The hell with it she was going to take this where it wanted to go. She liked being worshiped/ravished by Michael but she would still be her. Her attention was caught by his shaving kit on the counter. She knew just how she was going to do it too.

  Michael was getting nervous. Was she hiding from him? She had been in there a while when he heard the shower go on. That confused him. Why would she be taking a shower in the middle of the night. He sat up in bed, preparing for her to come out and tell him she had had enough and was leaving. He was surprised she had stayed as long as she had. Could he beg her to stay. Tell her he'd just love her from afar, she could take her sexual pleasure somewhere else. He was lost in thought when he realized the shower has stopped. She walked into the bedroom. her hair was dry, so had she showered?

  "Um, what took so long? I heard the shower."

  "I, ugh, wanted to freshen up and give you something for everything you did..." Then she walked toward him. climbing on the bed to straddle him. His eyes were wide.

  "Um, you shaved."

  "Yep, all of it. Well, what I could do myself. Do you like it?"

  She saw him swallow hard. "You did this just for me?"

  "And me. I wanted to do something to thank you for tonight. Just like I want to do something else for you now. Michael please let me. I won't do anything that will hurt you. Please let me give you as much pleasure as you give me."

  "Later" he growled and rolled pinning her under him. For the first time she fought him.

  "No! Dammit Michael, You want to be dominant, fine, I get it. but I will not let you use it to hide from me. You don't get to lay me out at will and expect me to just take it. I wasn't kidding about getting to touch you. If you can't hold up your end of the deal then I am out of here. It is just too creepy to only be acted on, like I'm some real live sex doll.

  He buried his face in her neck. He had known he would have to deal with this at some point but was hoping he could distract her for a while longer. "There isn't anything you can do for me that will have any effect."

  "What the hell does that mean? "You are paralyzed, not insensate. Watch." With that she pushed him to his back and straddled him again. She started with a gentle kiss, deepening it till they were both nearly panting. "Was that horrible? Did you really feel nothing? I'm not just talking about getting off. I'm talking about affection, caring, Geez, sometimes you can be such a guy." Now she trailed kisses along his jaw adding in little nips. When she got to his ear she sucked his earlobe into her mouth.


  She grinned at his pleasure. "You like that? Now imagine I'm doing this to the head of your cock." Her use of such a coarse word almost made him laugh. Then she started sucking, using her teeth gently, her tongue. It wasn't hard to imagine this was a blow job. He could feel the muscles in his belly start to tighten. His breath was shallower now.

  "Violet I just don't want you to be disappointed!" His words came out almost as a sob.

  "Michael, look at me, you are an amazing lover, even if this ends up being all we can do but it is like you trying to walk, even if it comes to nothing I will not give up this part of you. Do I make myself very clear." What the hell had happened to the terrified girl from the hospital? he thought to himself. This woman was fearless and insistent, yet still willing to be dominated by him, it was such an alluring combination.

  "Fine, I, I don't always have control of what happens. I've heard horror stories of..."



  "Shut up now and let me make love to you. I get the feeling its been awhile so I'll go slow. Nothing to cause a panic, okay?"


  She went back to work on his earlobe. Then she was nibbling on the sensitive tendons of his neck. His hands started roaming her body as she kept kissing him. Her mouth was so warm and soft, so good on his skin. His hands found her breasts. He kneaded them till he heard her sigh and then concentrated on her nipples. She stopped the kisses to stare down at him.

/>   "That feels so good." She closed her eyes and started rocking her hips against his. Even with her over the covers he could still feel the heat of her. She opened her eyes and moved her hands to his chest copying his touch on his nipples. Hell, it was getting hard to breathe.

  "Does it feel good when I do it to you?" She made it sound so normal, so innocent. All he could do was groan back at her. She leaned forward and kissed him trapping their hands between them. When she broke the kiss she started shifting her position.

  "What are you doing? I liked that."

  "Oh, Progress! You'll like this more. I'm getting these covers off you. I need to feel you touching me." The last sentence she stared right into his eyes, daring him to put up a fight. He held his hands up in mock surrender.

  "Michael, what can you feel, there?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "I mean, can you feel hot and cold?"

  "Yeah, everything is sort of dulled but... Can we just not talk about it?"

  "No. If you were doing something you thought I liked and it did nothing for me, you'd want to know, right?"


  "So, We're going to talk about it. I would imagine the sensations get sort of mixed up depending on the nerve damage. Can you feel pressure?"

  "What the hell are you going to do?"

  "I don't know yet." She looked like a mischievous imp sitting, grinning at him. "I'm just going to play. You'll have to let me know what feels good." And with that she whipped the sheets off him. He closed his eyes, not wanting to see her face. No amount of PT was ever going to give his legs real muscle and he found the difference between his torso and his legs stomach turning. "Wow, your legs are long. I realized earlier tonight you were tall, which sort of surprised me. You have nice feet too, most guys don't."


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