It Cannoli Be Murder

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It Cannoli Be Murder Page 14

by Karoline Barrett

  Turns out I didn’t have to worry because Rocco didn’t do anything of the kind. I counted my blessing. “If Piero DiGiovanni, or Lucas Jardine, killed Senator Rydell, or had her killed, it was not because she called in the FBI. If she suspected her husband, and Piero, were committing criminal acts, it was her duty as a United States senator to do just, was it not?”

  I had no idea, but it sounded plausible. At least he was fair. And patriotic, it seemed. “You’re saying he didn’t kill her?”

  He gave me an enigmatic smile. “I didn’t say that, cara.”

  “So, he did kill her?” Oy vey, I was getting confused.

  He cupped my chin in his hand, which was only a slight improvement over chucking it. I wasn’t going to admonish him for doing this, either. I felt goosebumps rise on my arms. I looked into his eyes, and to quote a passage from every romance novel I’d ever read; His eyes captivated me, I drowned in the very depths of his soul. How dare I be worried about Sean and some redheaded woman when I was out here alone with Rocco, thinking of corny romance novel lines? I was a horrible person.

  “This conversation. It stays between you and me. No one else,” he said.

  His words spanked me back to reality. Was that a threat? It sounded like a threat. He certainly wasn’t asking my permission to keep it between us. I remembered what Sean had said; no women, no dogs. I knew he’d been kidding, but still, it was in the back of my mind. Sean! Would Rocco hurt Sean if I didn’t keep this conversation to myself? Alex? My parents? My father at least?

  “You have my word,” I promised him. Did a promise to the mafia even count? Most people would be amenable to whatever a mafia member wanted if they were alone in the almost-dark with them, wouldn’t they? Plus, I wanted to hear what he had to say, and my feet were starting to hurt. I wasn’t used to this 3-inch heel, pointy toe shoe thing. They aren’t de rigueur bakery-owner wear.

  He nodded, accepting my promise, which made me feel a mite guilty, since I wouldn’t be able to keep it. “I suspect that Piero may have killed Senator Rydell but not for the reason you think,” he finally said in a voice so low I had to strain to hear it.

  “Why then?” I asked. He couldn’t bring me this far, informationally speaking, then dump me.

  “Are you cold, cara mia? You’re shivering.”

  I hadn’t realized I was until he mentioned it. And I wished he would stop using endearments. I didn’t want to fall under his spell as Emily had. “It’s the breeze off Destiny Lake. It makes the air chilly even in July and August.” Or, it could be your delicious cologne, I didn’t add.

  “Here.” He took off his tux jacket and settled it around my shoulders. It worked its magic in a matter of seconds. I felt the chill disappearing as I pulled it tighter around me. “You were about to tell me why Piero killed Rachael.”

  “But I didn’t say he did. I said I suspected. Lucas Jardine double-crossed him. I could see Piero killing Jardine’s wife to exact revenge.”

  “Double crossed him how? Surely you must know if you’re both part of the Bellafiori family.”

  The muscle in his jaw tensed, and in the quiet of the grapevines, he looked rather menacing. I held my breath, afraid I’d gone too far, but then his face relaxed. He wasn’t up for smiling, but at least he took the menacing look down a level. “You watch too much TV. We’re associates, that’s true. Piero heard a rumor that Jardine himself tipped off his wife to their scheme in order to get Piero jailed, leaving Jardine with all the money. But unfortunately, it backfired.”

  “I guess Mr. DiGiovanni wasn’t too happy about that.”

  “No, he wasn’t. You don’t do that. It’s not … what’s the word … scrupulous.”

  I bit my tongue before I asked how scrupulous murdering Little Ricky Riccio and Joey “wonder boy” Marino had been. I knew there were boundaries with Rocco I could not cross. Accusing him of murder was number one on the list. “As you said, it backfired. Jardine went to jail. So why kill his wife?”

  His shrug said it was no big deal. “To send a message. It wasn’t personal.”

  It sounded pretty personal to me. “Rocco, you need to tell the police all this. Can you get proof? It might help put away DiGiovanni.”

  “It’s not what I do. Besides, I only suspect, remember? I cannot say one-hundred percent that DiGiovanni, or Jardine, or anyone else killed anyone.”

  “But your money would be on Piero, wouldn’t it?”

  “Ah, cara. I don’t gamble.”

  I thought he was probably lying through his perfect white teeth, but that didn’t matter to me at the moment. I decided to throw caution to the wind. “I’ve read about you. The mafia stuff, I mean. Is it all true?” It was such a surreal feeling standing here, alone with him. I wasn’t even that afraid anymore. Besides, three people at least saw me leave with him. How was he going to explain my disappearance if I didn’t come back?

  He laughed. “I admire you. You have grinta. Grit, determination. Some of it, yes. Some, no. The papers exaggerate, what can you do?” He shrugged again, spreading out his arms, his palms facing the sky. “You and your friends have no need to worry. You’re safe with me.”

  Was it my imagination, or was his accent sounding more Italian every second we spoke? “Did Piero kill Melanie, too?”

  “Lucas Jardine had an affair with Melanie Stewart according to Piero.”

  Was that a yes or no? Why did he just say that? “I read about it. A long time ago.”

  Rocco’s eyes searched my face. “Maybe DiGiovanni killed both women to exact revenge on Lucas. Who knows? There’s nothing more I can say. The police will figure it out.”

  I wondered how he knew about Lucas and Melanie, but I was more concerned with talking to Piero. “Where can the police find Piero? Are you sure you can’t convince Piero to speak to us? To the police, I mean?” I held my breath.

  “Let’s go back inside.”

  I slipped his jacket off and handed it to him. I guess that was a no. I wasn’t going to push him. He was done talking to me, I understood that. I couldn’t believe he’d said as much as he had. “Here, Rocco. I’m warm now. Thank you. And thank you for talking to me.”

  I didn’t exactly understand why he told me what he did and then tell me I had to keep it to myself. Maybe it was something mafia members had to say, sort of like the police giving the Miranda warning.

  He took my hand and kissed the back of it. Our eyes met and for a second I saw something menacing behind them again. Or did I? Maybe it was the moonlight. Best not to think about it too much, I decided.

  Rocco tucked my hand into the crook of his elbow. His body warmth radiated into mine. I thought of Emily and how she did not need to get involved with this man. I had only spent a few minutes with him, alone, and I understood it was easier said than done.

  I debated warning Rocco not to hurt her, but why would he listen? He’d probably pat me on the head and assure me he had no intention of hurting her. I withdrew my hand as we stepped back into the main room. “Thank you, again, Rocco. I appreciate your talking with me.”

  He nodded his head toward me. The way his eyes swept my face made my skin hot. “Anytime. It’s always a pleasure to have the company of a beautiful and smart woman. I hope the police find the killer. May we meet again, cara.”

  That would be a no to meeting again, Rocco. I smiled up at him. “Thank you.” Killer singular? Was he giving me a hint, or was I reading too much into it? I couldn’t wait to tell all this to Alex and Sean. Emily was hurrying toward us, so I headed toward the dessert area. I wasn’t ready to confront her just yet. I was gratified to see that all our desserts had been eaten. We’d given out a bunch of business cards to people who weren’t familiar with us, which was great. Despite who Rocco was, it had been a beautiful night.


  * * *

  “What were you doing outside with him?” asked Kendra.

  “Shhh. Not so loud. Talking about the murders.”

  Olivia stared at me, mouth open.
She finally recovered. “Did he tell you anything good? I can’t believe you weren’t scared to go wandering off with him like that.”

  “I was a tiny bit scared, but I made it back. He talked a little, but didn’t say a lot. Before we wrap it up here, I want to talk to Emily.”

  “Okay, but I think you’re wasting your breath. I can’t believe she’s so smitten with Rocco.” Olivia lowered her voice. “I mean, I can believe it based on his looks, and the way his suit fits him, but she can’t seriously be contemplating a relationship with him based on his lifestyle. At first, I thought you were silly to worry about her, now I think I’m worried, too. And why are you glowing?”

  “I’m not glowing,” I protested. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  “Did he kiss you?” Olivia leaned in, mouth agape once again.

  I took a step back and rubbed my cheek. “Are you serious, Liv? No! Have a little faith in me. I wouldn’t do that to Sean.”

  “You do have a glow,” was Kendra’s helpful input as she sidled up to us.

  “It must be the night air. Now can we stop this inane conversation?”

  “Okay, sorry. Your skin does look dewy though,” Olivia continued.

  “Can we change the subject?” I asked, refusing to be taken in by their teasing smiles.

  “No need to get huffy, Molly. I’m scared for Emily,” said Kendra. “What if she runs away with him?”

  “That won’t happen,” I said with more confidence than I felt. “I just don’t want her hurt. He’s not serious about her. I don’t know what his game is, and I’d rather not know. I’ll be back.”

  I made my way over to where she stood talking to a group of women. “Excuse me. I’m sorry to interrupt. Emily, can I talk to you privately?”

  “Sure. I think Rocco’s busy, anyway.” Her eyes glanced around the room for him.

  Did that mean if he wasn’t that she couldn’t talk to me? We walked out the door that I’d just come in with Rocco moments ago. The air didn’t feel as chilly to me.

  “What is it?” she asked. “Is everything ok? By the way, your desserts were fantastic. You, Olivia and Kendra outdid yourselves. Rocco is so impressed with you guys. Congratulations! I’m so proud of you.”

  “Thanks, I’m glad they were. Speaking of Rocco, that’s what I want to talk to you about.”

  Her smile disappeared as she folded her arms across her chest. “What about him?”

  There was no way for me to dilly dally. I jumped right in. “I don’t like that you’re glued to him. You’re playing hostess like you’re his wife.”

  “What was I supposed to say when he needed my help?” she shot back at me. “I didn’t want to disappoint him. Molly, he’s wonderful.” Her voice softened and her glare faded. “He’s different from any man I’ve been with. Please. No lecture. I know what I’m doing.”

  “Oh Emily, he’s so out of your league. And believe me, you don’t want to be in his league. And of course, he’s different.” I looked around to make sure no one was lurking about. “He’s in the mob! You’re seeing him, aren’t you? As in dating him?”

  She blushed and refused to look me in the eyes. “Only a few times. But I feel something so good between us. He’s such a gentleman. The way he looks at me…”

  Oh brother. I took Emily by the shoulders. “This isn’t a movie, Em. He’s married, remember? M-A-R-R-I-E-D. And, he could be a killer. K-I-L-L-E-R.

  She tilted her chin and looked down at me. “Then you just catered desserts for a K-I-L-L-E-R.”

  I tried another angle. “Do you want to be a comare?”

  “A what? I don’t like squid.”

  Rolling my eyes, I sighed in exasperation. “Not calamari, Em, a comare. It means a mistress. Don’t be dense. It’s so unlike you.”

  She squared her shoulders. “There’s no need to call me names. He’s separated. I’ve told you that already! That’s the real reason that his wife isn’t here. He said he and his wife never speak, but she won’t let him have a divorce. It’s a very difficult situation. My heart goes out to him. You weren’t discussing me with him before, were you? I’m not a child. It’s going to put a damper on our friendship you know, if you were discussing me.”

  I grimaced. This wasn’t going well. I didn’t want to lose her friendship. “Don’t worry. I didn’t say anything about you. We were talking about the murders, but never mind that. What do you mean she won’t let him have a divorce? Well if that’s not the oldest line in the book, for Pete’s sake, I don’t know what is. You can’t stop someone from divorcing you.”

  She gave me look of disgust, which cut me to the core. “You are so wrong. It’s not a line. He’s a grown man, he doesn’t need a ‘line.’ Stop being so negative. You have Sean, Olivia has Anthony sort of, why don’t you want me to be happy? I’ve never felt this way about anyone.”

  Let me say that Emily is not a stupid woman. She graduated in the top five percent of her class in college, and it was a very large school. And, she runs a very successful business, as you know. She was also valedictorian at our high school graduation. I agree she’s taken a temporary leave of her senses, and I was going to do everything in my power to slap her out of it, short of actually slapping her, that is.

  “I do want you to be happy,” I assured her. “I am not being negative. It’s called looking out for one of your best friends. I’m sure you’d do the same if it was me. Emily, there are plenty of men here in Destiny that are in legitimate businesses and who would love to take you out. What about my cousin, Alex? He asked you out and he said your turned him down.”

  She looked at the ground then back at me, embarrassment in her eyes. “I really like Alex. I do, and yes, we’d gotten close, but he can’t compare to Rocco. Alex is a boy compared to Rocco.”

  “A ‘boy’ who would treat you like a queen. Don’t underestimate him. He’s a great guy. And he isn’t a boy. And he isn’t an alleged killer, either.”

  “Well, I—”

  I wasn’t going to allow her to get a word in. “First of all, Rocco’s fifteen years older than you. Okay, he’s gorgeous and sexy now, but what happens when you’re forty-five and he’s sixty?”

  “Sixty is the new forty, haven’t you heard?” she quipped back. “There is no reason why a man, or woman, cannot be sexy at sixty. To think they can’t be is ageism.”

  She had an answer for everything, which I ignored. “Second of all, let’s get back to the killing thing, which should really be the first thing. Doesn’t that sound an alarm bell in your brain?”

  She got a far away, dreamy look in her eyes. Eeesh! Not a good thing. “He’s a gentle soul, Molly. He wouldn’t hurt anyone. He treats everyone with respect. I’ve never heard him talk about hurting anyone, never mind killing anyone.”

  I stared at her, momentarily at a loss for words, which was so unlike me. “Gentle soul?” I finally spat out. “Have you lost your mind? He may have killed Little Ricky Riccio and Joey “wonder boy” Marino. Maybe Rachael and Melanie. And who knows who all else? It’s only a matter of time before they find the body. Or bodies. Naturally, he’s not going to talk to you about that stuff. Why would he? Just do some research before you jump into a relationship, or whatever it is you have with him.”

  “He did not kill Rachael or Melanie. He’s never even been arrested. If he’s so bad, why hasn’t he ever been in prison?” she challenged.

  I flapped a hand, dismissing her comments. “A minor detail. It means he’s a smart criminal, but a criminal nonetheless.”

  “I’m a grown woman. I know you mean well, but I like Rocco and please, do not share this with anyone, I think he loves me. He hasn’t killed anyone, and he’s only married because he can’t get out of it. I am tired of repeating that. Please butt out.”

  I wasn’t ready to quit. “Has he said he loves you?”

  Her smile sagged. Just a smidgen, but I’ve known Emily since grade school, and I saw it. “No, not in words.” She planted her hands on her hips. “But his heart speaks to m
e. He told me he wants me beside him, forever. He calls me his tesoro, which means darling. He sends me flowers every day and he’s invited me to go to Italy.”

  Italy? My heart plunged. I was obviously fighting a losing battle. If she went to Italy with him, I was sure we’d never see her again. He’d plant her in some elegant pastel house overlooking the Amalfi coast, get her pregnant, and move on to the next woman. “This is not someone you should be getting involved with. You’re in over your head. Talk to Serafina. She’ll tell you he’s not a good guy.”

  She widened her eyes and looked at me in disbelief. “Didn’t you just consort with him regarding Rachael’s murder? You don’t seem so repelled by him that you didn’t enter an agreement to provide desserts for this occasion, may I remind you. Isn’t that a little hypocritical?”


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