Ryder's Salvation: Dragons Fury MC Series Book 4 (Gay Motorcycle Club Romance) (Dragon Fury MC)

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Ryder's Salvation: Dragons Fury MC Series Book 4 (Gay Motorcycle Club Romance) (Dragon Fury MC) Page 2

by M. T. Ossler

  My head is throbbing and spinning. It feels like its wrapped up tight. I’m floating on air. “Sweet baby Jesus, I’ve died and gone to hot guy heaven. Come over here to daddy boys and make me feel better,” I mutter with a dreamy smile on my face. Closing my eyes again, I see a white beach and man candy roaming about.

  When I wake again, my head isn’t as tender as before. My body is at a tolerable ache. I’m still in a soft bed in the brown room with two men.

  “Where am I?” I crack out through my dry mouth, asking the man in front of me. He’s handsome, older, probably close to forty. His hair is longer, past his shoulders, with grey mixed into brown. His eyes are dark, almost black, and scary. No none sense kind of man, way too serious. This man needs to have some fun. You know what they say, ‘all work and no play, makes for a boring man.’

  He brings a cup of water with a straw to my lips for me to drink. I do as so he talks.

  “Cesare, I’m Skully, President of the Dragons Breath Motorcycle Club here in Staten Island. I’m a friend of Beast, your girl Bella’s husband. You’re at our Clubhouse, healing from your injuries. Doc’s been taking good care of you, and when he gives you the all clear to travel, we will take you to your girls in Florida.

  “In the meantime, you’re safe here with us,” Skully says, and I give him a strange look as I release the straw from my mouth.

  Who the hell is Beast? Bella’s husband is Giovanni, Gio. My heart starts to beat faster in my chest. Antonio sent me to these bikers to kill me, I know it. He’s gonna blame it all on Gio. I’m never gonna see my loveys, again after all I’ve been through, am I?

  I toughen up and look straight into his eyes with no fear.

  “Listen, Skully, I don’t know what game you’re playing or what Antonio is paying you, but I am under the Castellani’s protection, the Mafia Family of New York and they will kill you if you harm me. So just dump me on the side of the road somewhere, and I won’t tell anyone about this shit,” I say and lift myself up. Shooting pain radiates from my ribs, stopping me for a second as I lose my breath.

  Skully places his hands on my shoulders and eases me back onto the bed.

  “Son, you’re not going anywhere. We are not going to kill you. I’m a friend of the Castellani’s as well. Dom and I went way back, rest his soul. I’m doing this for his little girl and as a favor to our fellow Club. When Beast called me months ago asking for help, I couldn’t refuse. Beast is Giovanni’s road name, that’s what we go by in the Club,” Skully says and I can see the truth in his eyes. I relax and lay my head on the pillow.

  The other man in the room comes closer to the side of the bed.

  “This here is my VP, Chains, he also was a friend of Dominic’s. You’re safe now, kid, away from that son of a bitch Antonio. We’re gonna get you healed up and take you on a little vacation for a while until all this shit blows over.”

  I watch Skully as he pulls a chair over to the bed and sits. Chains does the same thing. The room stays quiet as they get comfortable. They have questions for me, I just know it. I’m still not sure if I can trust them, yet. I need to know the girls are secure where they are. I heard Antonio say he was close to getting them, and I have no doubts he will beat all three of them. He’s a ruthless monster.

  “Can you tell us anything that might help Beast keep those girls of his safe from Antonio. Did he say anything that may be of use? Did he tell you what he has planned for those girls?” Chains asks me, and my head begins to spin. I close my eyes and take deep breaths to make it stop.

  “Can you please get me proof that my girls are safe, and that Antonio can’t get to them? He’s a conniving, sneaky sonofabitch with access to ruthless men I’ve never met before they held me. I need to know someone has eyes on them at all times,” I pause and all of a sudden as fear sets in me. Fear for the girls.

  “I don’t remember exactly what was said while I was in the basement... It’s just a feeling I’m getting. Like he has some horrible fate planned for them. Especially, my Bella, he wants to... control her, own her, brand her so to speak. He’s always had a sick obsession when it came to her, and now it’s beyond that.” Now the real panic has set in me. I have to see Bella. I don’t care how hurt I am, I need to get to her. I have to see for myself she’s safe. Bella is a part of my heart, and she’s been hurt enough, and I need to hold her in my arms. I can’t let him get his hands on her or Jules and Gigi, he will destroy them.

  “Please, guys, please I need to leave here and see Bella. Please take me to her. She’s in grave danger, I know it. Antonio already brutalized her once, he can’t be allowed to do it again. Oh, dear God, please, you have to help me,” I beg, and the tears spill from my eyes against my will. Fear and panic have set in at an all-time high, and I need to move. Pain be damned.

  I’m hyperventilating. Fuck, I can’t have one now. I hate panic attacks. Jules is usually the only one that can calm me down.

  I bash my fists into the bed and dig my nails in my palms. I can’t deal with any more of this shit. Antonio has to die and soon. Asshole should have cement boots and be dropped in the fucking ocean, today.

  “Cesare, you need to calm your shit. Chains is getting Doc. If you don’t calm your shit he’ll have to sedate you, and you’ll have to wait longer for confirmation on your girls’ safety,” Skully says with his hands on my shoulders.

  I close my eyes and breathe like Jules coached me. I can’t wait to talk to Bella, so I have to calm my shit down myself. I lean back and control my breathing while I go into my happy place.

  I’m with my loveys on Uncle Dominic’s sailboat, cruising the open sea. The wind is in my face, the sun warms my skin, and the smell of salt water assaults my senses. One of our favorite songs, Despacito by Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee and Justin Beiber is playing in the background, and we’re dancing and singing around the deck. Laughter and beautiful voices fill my ears. We’re dancing in a circle, I have Jules on my right and Bella on my left. Life is good, and we’re all happy, safe, and protected.

  My breathing regulates, and my head slowly comes back to Earth. The tension leaves my body, and I sluggishly open my eyes. Skully is still above me with his hands on my shoulders, and Chains is beside him. There is another older gentleman next to Chains. That must be Doc.

  “I’m fine now. Take me to my girls.” I’m at their mercy, so I will take this at their pace. I just need them to give me something and soon before I really lose my shit.

  “You’re not going anywhere just yet, young man. You need rest to heal your battered body. If you’re in pain I can give you another shot?” Doc asks, and I don’t want any meds to cloud my brain yet. The pain is tolerable, so I can wait.

  “I’m good, for now,” I tell Doc then look at Skully as he removes his hands.

  “I’ll call Beast, and you can talk to him. But son, you need to stay calm, or you’re just going to prolong your recovery,” Skully says, and I’ll take it. I just need to know. I nod to him and give him an impatient look to hurry.

  Doc leaves the room, and Skully and Chains resume their positions back in the chairs. Skully removes his phone from the inside pocket of his leather vest.

  Then, I hear ringing come from the speakerphone. On the third ring, the call is answered.

  “Hey, brother, what’s up?” the smooth sexy man’s voice asks through the phone.

  “Beast, Cesare is awake, and he is insisting on checking on Bella. I questioned him, and he doesn’t remember much of his time with Antonio. He’s gettin’ a bad feeling she’s in danger.” I wait for Beast to answer. I hear him sigh loudly before speaking. It also sounds like he’s walking somewhere quieter as the background noise decreases.

  “My girl is safe and protected. I don’t let her out of my sight for long, and I won’t let my girls leave the compound. They’re on lockdown. Gator ordered extra security for the Compound too. That bastard is not going to get anywhere near her or the girls before I put him to ground,” he growls, fuming.

God he has a handle on things. That makes me feel better, I just wish I could hear her voice and know for myself. I look at Skully and point to myself and then the phone, silently asking for permission to speak to Beast. He nods.

  “That’s good. Beast, Cesare would like to speak to you. I’m going to give you two some privacy to talk. I’ll be in touch, brother,” Skully says and hands me the phone as they get up to leave the room.

  “Sure. Thanks, brother,” Beast says as I take the phone from Skully.

  Once they are gone, I take the phone off speaker and place it to my ear.

  “Hi,” I say, not really sure how to speak to this man I’ve never met but that I’ve heard so much about.

  “Hey, Cesare, how are you feeling?” he asks concerned. That makes me feel somewhat better and not so nervous.

  “I’ll be fine, it’s nothing that can’t heal,” I say, and then there is silence for a few heartbeats. I just need to say it and talk to him. If he really is her husband and they are together, then he knows everything.

  “Beast, I know what Antonio did to Bella, and I need to know that she’s truly okay. I need to know how she’s handling all of this and where the guys are.” My heart is broken for my Bells, and I hope what Antonio did to her hasn’t broken her for good. She’s always been a little closed off, burying her pain from the loss of a man she loved dearly. I hope Beast has helped to make her whole again.

  He grumbles then says, “She’s getting better every day, it’s a long process. I have her in therapy, and that seems to be helping. She needs you and her brothers, though. Hopefully, I’ll find them soon.” He pauses for a second before continuing.

  “Cesare, there are a few things that have changed with her. One, you cannot say his name, we call him bastard. Hearing his name sets her off into a panic. Also, do not under any circumstances call her or Gigi or even Jules darlin’ it freaks her out. He called her that during... Another thing is, she doesn’t like to be touched. Don’t come at her, announce yourself to her, or she will attack. Our girl is a fighter, and she’s been in fight mode since that night to survive it.

  “Her light was gone for a long time, and I didn’t think we would get it back. Slowly but surely, it’s coming together, though. I just know when she’s whole again, she’s going to be a force to be reckoned with.

  “Keep this all between us, please. Bella doesn’t want people to know what happened to her. For good reason.

  “I know hearing your voice and having you here is going to help her recover faster. I’d let you talk to her now, but she’s napping. I’ll talk to her, and we’ll call back tonight, so you can talk to her yourself.” My heart just fluttered. Hearing the love in his voice for her warms me inside. He truly does love her and places her first. He’s a real man and a good one at that. I’m so happy my lovey has a man to love her.

  “I’d like that,” I say and hesitate before continuing.

  “Beast, she’s strong, her light will be back to full strength before we all know it, and it will shine brighter than the stars in the sky. Give my loveys and my little Principessa a kiss for me, please. Maybe I can talk to them later too.

  “And Beast... thank you,” I say with tears in my eyes again. I’m so out of sorts, my emotions are all over the place. I don’t know how I’m going to repair myself. I can’t burden anyone with my problems when they have enough of their own to deal with. Hopefully, seeing my loveys soon will help me. Because I too, feel so... broken inside.

  “For what, Cesare?” he asks wondering why I said that. He must think I’m weak for acting this way. I’m not, I just need time to heal and get back to my old self.

  “For protecting my girls and having your friends save me and keep me alive. I don’t know why you saved me, or why I’m still alive, but I’m grateful.

  “Bella may not admit this to you, but she needs you after what he did to her.

  “I know she’s been in love with you for years, and she deserves to be happy. Please keep her safe.” I’m glad she has him now. I just hope I don’t lose her. She will always hold a piece of my heart, though.

  “No thanks needed. Family takes care of family, and you’re our family, Cesare. If anyone should be thanking anyone, it’s me. Thank you for taking care of my girl all these years. You’re her guy, and I won’t come between you two. I can share her with you cause I know how much you mean to her. We’re good, man. We’ll talk later. Get some rest, so you can heal and see your girls soon.”

  “Will do, man. Bye.” I hang up and place the phone on the nightstand by the bed. I’m exhausted after that talk.

  My girls are safe, and I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. She has protection from the evil monsters in the world. Now, it’s time for me to recoup so I get to them and hold them in my arms.

  Chapter 2


  Today, we have one of Beast and Ace’s girl’s friends coming to stay with us. Another guest in the Clubhouse with all the shit going down. I’m always up for a good fight, but these girls are more trouble than they may be worth. What was Beast thinking, bringing the Mafia and Cartel into our lives? I thought the Macks were our only problem, not anymore. Now, we have a whole shit storm coming down on our Club.

  The only reason I’m hanging out in the bar today with the guys, instead of at my shop, is to see my friends. Skully, Black Cat, and Rage, and I go way back. I want to catch up with them since I haven’t seen them in ages. We’ll chat for a while and party tonight, then I’ll leave them to get some pussy. That’s not my thing, and thankfully the guys leave me alone about it, now. When I first started prospecting with the Club, the guys gave me shit for not always wanting pussy in my face or on my dick. I had to do things I’m not proud of, but it was a necessary means to survive. After a while, it got to the point I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror, so I stopped. They finally left me alone, not sure why; maybe they saw me as a lost cause. Doesn’t matter what they think.

  I would never hit on or touch a brother sexually; they are my family, my brothers. None of them are my type, and I have plenty of choices, anyway. I have my secret spots to hide from my brothers, places they would never be caught dead in. So, I don’t have to worry about them knowing my secret. Unless I decide to shout it from the rooftop.

  I take my private trips to different areas of Florida where I know I won’t be found and have some fun. Florida has a pretty decent gay community in different cities. I troll the clubs when I’m out of town and have my fun. It’s always easy to find a sexy bottom willing to go at it once or twice. No commitment, no snuggling, just a quick, dirty fuck in a restroom or my motel room is all I need in my life.

  I’ve been around the Club my whole life. My father was an officer with Gator’s father, Cobra. When he became Prez, my dad, Tank, was his VP for a short time. When I was seventeen, my dad was killed, and my mom took off, leaving me behind. I was in my senior year of high school at the time. Cobra took me in and helped me graduate. His youngest son, Blade graduated the year before. His three sons, Gator, Animal, and Blade, were off serving our country, leaving him home alone. Cobra was a good man, Gator is just like his dad.

  Cobra was also the one to give me my road name when I was prospecting. My first bike was a Honda sports bike. I like to race; it started after Dad passed. I needed the adrenaline rush and the escape from life. I had no fear or care in the world for my safety. So, Cobra came up with Ryder.

  After getting my sports bike, he gave me one of his Hogs (Harley). Bikes are my life, and I own the local mechanic shop with Bull one of my fellow Dragon brothers. We work mostly on bikes, but recently we’ve started taking in some cars.

  Skully, Black Cat, and Rage were once part of our Club before Skully moved up north to take care of his sick mother and Autistic sister. They don’t visit often, so when they do, I like to spend time with them and catch up.

  The girls are pacing the bar and driving me insane. I haven’t spent much time with them since they’ve been here. Today’s been the most we�
��ve talked, and they are cool. Young, but okay in my book. I could get used to their company. And from the vibe, I’m guessing they have no problems with gay men. Not like some of my brothers.

  Things are so different around here these days. This place has changed, and it’s all good. The girls bring a livelier and joyous feel to the atmosphere. My brothers are so out of their element. It’s kinda funny and unexpected, but heartwarming.

  First, Beast claims Bella. The man I never saw settling down is now married and happier than I’ve ever seen him in the four years he’s been with us. Then, Ace goes and claims her best friend Jules. Another one I never saw settling down. Mister control freak has changed for the better because of his girl. She has him calm and wrapped around her little finger. Bella too has her man wrapped up. Things are changing around here, and they’re not so bad. Love is in the air, and it’s actually nice for a change after all the killings and destruction we deal with.

  Kinda has me feeling like I want my own love. After years of fuckin’ random guys, it gets old, it might be nice to have someone by my side all the time. Someone to share things with. Someone not to feel so alone and enjoy life with. I wish that were possible, but if I want to stay with the Club, my brothers, they would never accept me. They’d hate me and disown me, and I’d have to go Nomad.

  Out of nowhere, the girls burst out the doors. Beast is the first one up and out the bar with Ace right behind him. Gator and I follow them out to greet our friends. The guys get their girls under control, and Gator and I go to help our new guest and friends with their things.

  Our guest has a broken leg, below his knee is in a cast. So, Gator and I make our way to the cage to help him out. I give him my arm to get down from the backseat of Beast’s cage. I swear the second my greens meet his blues, the world stops. Time doesn’t exist, it’s just me and this guy, Cesare. I’m drawn into those baby blues and can’t breathe. I can see him, the real him, and he can see the real me. The sadness, pain, shame, hurt, and love inside his soul. I don’t like feeling this exposed to another person. I don’t even know him to be feeling this way, he’s a complete stranger. I haven’t even heard his voice, but there is a pull to him, a strong one. A protectiveness settles inside me for this handsome young man. Yeah, I noticed how cute he is already. I will kill the bastard that hurt him. I will tear the asshole limb for limb. He’s mine and no one touches what belongs to me!


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