by Matt Kaplan
Öhman, Arne, 72–73
Old Hag Syndrome, 131–32
Old Man and a Siren, 128–29, 128, 130
Ophiocordyceps genus, 206
Oracle at Delphi, 52
Orestes (Euripides), 63
organ transplants, 169, 180
Orosius, 105–7
Ovid, 65, 76, 102–3, 155–56
Owen, Richard, 183
pack rats, 191–93
Pan, 129
Paolini, Christopher, 115
Papua New Guinea, 126–27
Paranormal Activity (film), 132
Pasiphaë, 52
peacocks, 170–71
Pegasus, 42
Pele, 60, 116
Peli, Oren, 132
Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief (film), 76
Perseus, 64, 65, 73, 74, 76, 88, 89
Perseus and Andromeda (Titian), 90
Perseus with Minerva Showing the Head of Medusa (Nattier), 75
Persians, 127
personality, 4–5
Petronius, 153–54
Pet Sematary (film), 133
Philippines, 104–5
Phineus, 74, 75
Phi um, 132
Physical Journal of Anthropology, 26n
Picasso, Pablo, 73
Pinatubo, Mount, 63
Pindar, 101
Pinnacle Point, 95
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (film), 79
pituitary gland, 18–20
Planet of the Apes (film), 48
Plan of the Faro, or Strait of Messina, 83
Plato, 122, 164
plesiosaurs, 90–91, 96n, 103
Pliny the Elder, 9, 107
Polo, Marco, 23, 27
Poltergeist (film), 133
Pompeii, 65
Poseidon, 52, 60n, 65
postmortem bloat, 141
power, 175–76
Predator (film), 205
Princess Bride, The (film), 7, 29, 46
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 104
Proceratops, 38, 40n
psychogenic shock, 69
pterosaurs, 24–25
puffer fish, 145–46
Pytheas, 103
pythons, 92–93, 104–5
rabies, 151–53, 157, 158
Raiders of the Lost Ark (film), 51, 77
Reign of Fire (film), 118
REM sleep behavior disorder, 130–31
Renaissance, 21, 74, 75, 214
reptiles, 118, 201
Romania, 150–51
Rome, 105–7, 127, 218
Rosa, Rui, 92
Rowling, J. K., 77, 110
Rozin, 2–3
Rubens, Peter Paul, 21–22, 22, 73
Rukh, 23–29, 31, 211–12
Russia, 44
saber-toothed cat, 13, 33
Sagan, Carl, 103–4
’Salem’s Lot (King), 155
Sanders, Chris, 115
Satan, 122, 129
Satyricon (Petronius), 153–54, 156
Scheffers, Anja, 59–60
schistosomiasis, 205–6
Schoedsack, Ernest, 31
Science, 160–61, 199–200
scleroderma, 16
Scott, Ridley, 1, 204, 207, 211
Scylla, 43, 47, 81, 165
Sea of Cortez, 93
seizures, 69
serpents, 100, 106
sexual dreams, 126–30, 132, 134
sharks, 93–98
Shelley, Mary, 167, 180
Shen-lung, 116–17
Shining, The (film), 133
shock, 68–69
Sicily, 82, 83
Sigfried, 99
Sirens, 76, 124–25, 126, 129, 130
Skotino cave complex, 55
sleep atonia, 131–32, 133–34
Smyth, W. H., 82, 83
snakes, 28–29, 35, 36, 44, 51, 69–73, 77, 90, 100–103, 106–7, 116, 117–18, 162, 196
Snakes on a Plane (film), 77
social status, 175–76
speed-dating, 172–73
Sphinx, 2, 42–43
spicy foods, 2–3, 4
spiders, 30
Spielberg, Steven, 77, 93–94, 210, 211
Splice (film), 169–70, 174–75, 181, 211
squids, 91–93
Stargate (film), 203
Star Trek (TV series), 204
status, 175–76
Stegosaurus, 27
Stewart, Charles, 127–28, 135
Stoker, Bram, 151n, 156–57
Stothers, Richard, 107
subduction zones, 55–57, 60–61
succubi, 123, 129, 132–33
sugarcane, 188–89
Sumer, 113
Super 8 (film), 210, 211
Syria, 44, 45
tails, 35–36, 196
Tanzania, 73, 95, 126
tar pits, 40–44, 62
Tasmanian devil, 194
Tasmanian tiger, 194–95
Teiresias, 137
Terminator (film), 177–78, 179–82
Thailand, 132
Theogony (Hesiod), 34, 42n, 63
thermal pools, 61
Theropoda, 27
Theseus, 53
Thompson, Steven, 20
Thorp, Robert Lee, 114
Tiamat, 100–101, 104, 113
Tiamat, 100
Titanoboa, 107
Titans, 14
Titian, 90
Tolkien, J. R. R., 28, 29
tomb fires, 119
tornadoes, 186
Torre Faro, 83
Torres, Roxana, 159
Toxoplasma gondii, 208–9
Triceratops, 27, 38, 201
trout, 190
True Blood (TV show), 159, 161, 163
tsunamis, 57–60, 63, 81, 186
tuberculosis, 148, 149, 153
Tunisia, 105–6
Turkey, 110, 149
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Verne), 91
Twilight series, 153, 155, 159, 161, 162, 163
2001: A Space Odyssey (film), 164, 177–78
Tyrannosaurus, 27, 182–83, 201
Uatchitodon, 70
Umeda, 126–27
Underworld series, 153, 155
vampires, 136–37, 142, 147–53, 155, 214
Vampires, Burial, and Death (Barber), 147
van Vogt, Alfred Elton, 207
Velando, Alberto, 159
Velociraptor, 27, 39, 40n, 104, 214
venom, 28–29, 70, 71n, 187–88
Verne, Jules, 91, 184
Vesuvius, Mount, 65
Vipera ammodytes, 100
viruses, 147, 149n
Vishnu, 28
Volcano (film), 61–62, 63
volcanoes, 55, 60–61, 62–63, 65
Vortigern, 108–9, 111, 123–24
Wallace, Alfred Russel, 217
Wang Ch’ung, 114
Wang Fu, 115
Waorani, 70
War of the Worlds, The (Wells), 202–3, 209
Watkins, James, 132
Wells, H. G., 46–49, 169, 170, 202–3, 211
werewolves, 153–54
whales, 86–87, 90, 91, 97
whirlpools, 80–83
William of Newburgh, 137–40, 147, 148, 155
Wolfman, The (film), 157
wolves, 39, 192–93
Woman in Black, The (film), 132
World Health Organization, 8
Wyatt, Rupert, 48
Xenophanes, 67
X-Files, The (TV show), 132, 208
X-Men (film), 166
Yangtze region, China, 114
Yates, David, 78, 119
Yellowstone National Park, 61, 62, 191–93
Zeus, 115, 122
Zhong, Chen-Bo, 161
Zombieland (film), 157
zombies, 143–47, 158
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