Five Reasons To Go (The Risky Hearts Duet Book 2)

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Five Reasons To Go (The Risky Hearts Duet Book 2) Page 15

by Candace Knoebel

  “Either that or Alma is beating the dull out of you,” she added with a laugh.

  I lightly smacked her on the bottom, grateful yesterday’s gloom had been momentarily eased. “Hey, you,” I said with a growl. “A man can grow.”

  She glanced down to my pajama pants with a wicked grin. “That, I know.”

  I lifted her up, her frail protests left near the window as I planted her in the center of her bed where I could reward her in all the best ways. In all the ways she deserved, determined to vanquish every one of his hurtful touches with my powerful kiss.

  She leaned up on her elbows, head slanted to the side, her smile dewy and soft. “Take a bath with me?”

  “What? Now?” I laughed as my hands slid up her thighs, mouth watering to taste her.

  Her head tilted back as my lips played with her milky skin. “Yes, now.” Her tone melted with desire. “What better time to indulge than when we’re alone and finally free?”

  I ran my tongue over the lace of her panties, smiling when she let out a moan. “You sure?” I said against her clit, nipping and sucking. Determined to please her.


  Her hips said otherwise. They lifted, swirling as her hands wound their way into my hair. Her sweet spot. Her body’s way of telling me I had her right where I wanted her.

  I pulled on the edges of her panties with my teeth, moving them to the side so I could devour her. Ran my thumb over her clit slowly, dragging it down to her opening where I rubbed torturous circles.

  “God, yes,” she cried out, her thighs shuddering against every suck and lick. My dick throbbed. I nipped at her thighs. Rested my thumb on the outside of her asshole, just like she liked, applying just the right amount of pressure. Enough to send her over the edge as she rode my face, hips bucking and swaying.

  Crawling on top of her, I spread her legs wide as I sucked her tongue into my mouth. Slid my dick inside her, as far as I could, skin shuddering when she rippled around me.

  She’d told me she was on the pill, but this was the first time I’d ever had sex with her without a condom. Fuck, she felt good. Like the sweet burn of vodka. Her heat thick and rich.

  I lifted her leg, wrapping it around the back of my head as I started moving inside her, slow and decadent, her hands clawing at the back of my skin.

  “You feel so good,” she said, trying to inch closer.

  I couldn’t help it. Every time she moved, I nearly lost my fucking mind. I plunged into her. Harder and harder. Her fingers digging deeper and deeper, just like I liked. She grabbed my hand, placing it on her throat. I squeezed lightly, sending us both into a frenzy as I fucked the fear out of her. It would always be how she wanted it. How she liked it. A fine line of pleasure and pain we both loved teetering on.

  When I came, I collapsed against her chest, slicked in sweat, shuddering in the aftershock. Her fingers grazed against my back, sending chills down my spine. Fuck, she was heaven. Hell. A perfect purgatory I’d gladly spend the rest of my days in.

  I kissed her, drunk on her taste. Brushed my lips over her cheek where her bruise was as I cupped her face within my elbows. Her eyes watered a little, so I kissed them, too, tasting salt, trying to steal her pain.

  “I love you.” I nuzzled my nose against hers.

  “I love you, too.” She wrapped her arms around my neck. “More than I’ve loved anyone.”

  I rested my forehead against hers. Felt the slow tick of her heart beneath her breastbone.

  She sat up. Scooted to the edge of the bed, reaching for her robe. When she stood, she turned my way. “Ready for that bath?”

  I groaned, which warranted a giggle.

  “Bet I can entice you…” She flashed a bit of the inside of her thigh. Winked. Jumped up and headed into the bathroom, leaving a haunting trail of laughter behind.

  Damn it, I thought, following her. Licking my lips as she bent over to turn the water on, bare skinned and still so wet. It only took seconds for me to strip down and get into the tub, waiting for her to join me.

  When she got in, she faced me, hand out, testing the temperature of the gushing water.

  “What now?” This was a little out of my element. The last time I took a bath was when I was a child.

  Her fingers skimmed the water’s surface in slow circles, bubbles dancing under her command. “Why does there always have to be an agenda with everything we do? We relax. That’s what.” She leaned back against the porcelain, her legs sliding against mine. Her hair dipping into the water. She was a goddess. A fucking temptress.

  I grew hard.

  As bubbles filled the tub, I grabbed one of her feet and began rubbing in deep, soothing circles.

  “Mmm,” she moaned, her eyes closed in pleasure.

  I loved that expression on her. Like the key to the center of the universe rested between her delicate lips. The stars poised within the freckles dotting her cheeks. The planets swimming in her eyes. She was warm summer nights and black lace. Sensual smiles and pretty words.

  “You like?” I slipped her other foot between my hands.

  Her eyes were still pinched shut, her sated moan the only answer I needed.

  Mischief rattled in my bones. I let go of her foot with a smirk.

  “Hey!” she shouted, lips parted with a glib scowl.

  “You want more?” I taunted. “Kiss me, and maybe I’ll continue.”

  I wanted her body close to mine. Her lips where I could taste them.

  “No.” She crossed her arms and slanted her gaze, but I didn’t miss the playful smile on her lips.

  “Kiss me, damn it.” I tried to pull her toward me as I chuckled.

  She was giggling when she slipped out of my grip. Her face a happy work of art. “Stop.”

  Then, she grabbed a big palm full of bubbles, and blew them into my face.

  I stilled, covered in bubbles, listening to her wailing laughter.

  “You missed a spot,” she said after I wiped my eyes, pointing to the rest of my face, trying to bite back a snicker.

  Her merriment burst out of her in adorable, carefree sounds. I lunged for her, water sloshing everywhere. Our happiness rose to the ceiling, bubbles coating every surface.

  I couldn’t remember a time when I’d let loose my amusement so vocally, in such an unrestrained manner, as I did in that moment.

  Most of the bubbles ended up on the floor by the time we were finished. The sun peeking in through the window, smiling in approval.

  As we caught our breath, I pulled her close. “That was fun.” My abs hurt from the foreign use of muscles used mainly when joyful. Throat raw, heart still pounding.

  “I like that.”


  “Your laughter.” Her eyes sparkled. “It’s lighter. More boyish and relaxed.”

  “Boyish?” I pulled her onto my lap, already ready for her. Ready to sink into her. “Does this seem boyish to you?” I grazed my thumb over her clit.

  Her head rolled back. A moan escaped her lips.

  It was the only answer I needed.

  Chapter 19


  For the good part of the week, we’d been holed up inside my apartment, retreating into ourselves, creating our own haven.

  Because the kids were on break from school, they stayed with Hank at their grandparents’ house. Though I called them every day, I was able to let my guard down inside the walls of my apartment for the first time in my life. It felt like my feathers were fanning, spreading wide underneath the sun to dry.

  Having Jack by my side was a blessing. Every day, the fear of Hank became less and less. I believed Jack when he said I would be okay. That Hank was just a controlling asshole who wanted to put fear into me. He wouldn’t try to take the kids from me. Especially not after what Ciana had witnessed on her own.

  We had a few hours before we needed to head to the ice cream shop. Since the festival, the foot traffic that passed through the shop had nearly tripled. Word of Project Freedom was spreading
like a wildfire amongst all the Millennials. My phone rang off the hook from various reporters, all asking for an interview.

  I wasn’t sure how I would have coped with it all had Jack not been there. Watching him takeover was like witnessing magic. He handled all the conversations. Set all the dates. Gave out all the information they needed to get their inside scoops. By then end of it all, he had managed to set up a special day when all the reporters could come and see what the shelter was about, and then tour the shop where the very first woman from the shelter had taken her first job.

  Marley was one of many women who came to the shelter, scared and abused. She didn’t have any children of her own. Just a bunch of scars on her heart and a husband on the loose who needed to be put away.

  It took months for a case to be formed against him. Through the lawyers who volunteered at the shelter, and the detectives who regularly came in, they were not only able to help her get the divorce she needed, but were also able to put her abusive husband behind bars.

  Once the threat of him was gone, she flourished. It was like watching a flower bloom, petals spreading beneath hope’s light. She started helping other women around the shelter. Became a leader amongst the group therapy sessions.

  And when it came time for her to step back into the real world, she was more than happy to take on the role as the first woman to work at the shop, rehabilitated from the shelter. She wanted to be an advocate for others in her situation. To show them a future was possible with the right help.

  “You ready for today?” Jack asked, running a finger over the bridge of my nose as we laid side by side in bed.

  We were going to make sure the shop was in tiptop shape, ready for the invasion of cameras and onlooking opinions.

  “I think so.” A slight tingle built at the base of my neck from his touch. Sleep had been a friend I played tag with as of late.

  “Good, because this is going to change everything. All you’ve wanted for the shelter… it will happen with these interviews, Jess. You’re going to soar.”

  I smiled, envisioning his words. Seeing the many faces of the women at the shelter finally finding their footing in this harsh world. Safe inside their skin. Confident enough to take on the world.

  “You think they’ll like the ice cream?” My voice wavered. “It’s November. Winter is our slow season.”

  “This isn’t about the ice cream, though. This is about the project.” He paused. “I mean, sure, they have to taste it, but the biggest draw here is what the ice cream stands for. It’s for the women. Every penny spent on this will be someone giving back.”

  I curled inside his arms, ear pressed against his chest, listening to the slow cadence of his heart. A beat that sang only for me. He always had this way with his words. This ability to rope my dreams and pull them down to me, making them seem more accessible.

  My stomach growled, and his lips quirked. “I’m famished,” I admitted. “You’ve worked up my appetite.”

  He growled, his hands cupping my ass as he pressed his hard length against me. “You’ve done the same.”

  I swatted at him. “You’re always hungry for that.”

  “Can’t help it.” He rolled onto his back with a hand tucked behind his head. “I’m a man, baby.”

  I rolled my eyes. “A man who needs to feed his woman.”

  A short, dismissive snort escaped him.

  “What? You think I’m kidding? I don’t know what world you live in, but in mine, the man’s place is in the kitchen.”

  “Is that so?” Amusement twinkled in his features.

  I nodded assuredly.

  His hands found my stomach, digging in, wiggling around as I squealed in contempt. “I’m the cook, eh?” he said, tickling me like crazy.

  “Yes!” I shouted, refusing to lose this battle.

  “You sure?” He was hitting all the sweet spots.

  “Yes!” I screamed, laughing so hard I nearly peed myself.

  He let me go. Sat up. “Okay then. Peanut butter and jelly it is.”

  “Hey!” My lips rolled into a faux pout. “I said cook! Not slap grapes and peanuts on bread! That’s cheating.”

  “Beggars can’t be choosers,” floated back to me from down the hallway.

  I was smiling when I stood. Started picking up all the garbage on the floor. For the first time in forever, my room was a complete wreck, but I didn’t mind it. I was floating on a cloud as I dropped the garbage into the bin, when a knock came at the door.

  Quick footsteps down the hall. Jack stuck his head in the doorway, an eyebrow quirked.

  “I’ll get it. It’s probably Bailey telling me she’s here, so we can head down.” I was grinning as I opened the door, but that grin was soon replaced with a scowl.

  “Jessica Krause?” a young man asked, a folder in his hands. He was dressed in jeans and a ratty T-shirt. His eyes drooped, and there was a foul odor to him, like he had been plucked from an alley.

  “Yes?” I pulled my robe tight.

  He handed the folder before quickly disappearing down the stairs.

  My stomach wobbled as I shut the door.

  “Who was it?”

  “I don’t know.” My voice was faint as I opened the envelope, then slid the papers out.

  It was a court order. Hank was pursuing custody on the grounds of adultery, claiming me unfit as a mother.

  That motherfuck—

  “Jess?” Jack was behind me. He stilled as he skimmed the documents. “What the—”

  I turned in his arms, the world opening up beneath me. “He really thinks he can take them from me.”

  He wrapped his arms around me. “He’s an idiot. We’ll call my lawyer, okay? Hank is just as guilty of it, and we both know it could be easily proven.”

  I set the papers on the console. “I don’t care about any of that. It’s the kids. I don’t want them dragged through anything.” My hand lifted, clenched into a fist. “He’s so fucking selfish!”

  Jack already had his phone out. Thumbs moving over the screen. “He’s going to meet with us. Everything will be all right. Okay?”

  My head dipped in acceptance.

  It had to be okay, because God help Hank if he kept this up.

  Chapter 20


  We sat in the waiting room of Jack’s lawyer’s office.

  The place was typical of uptown New York. Grand features. Marble. Gold. The works. The woman behind the desk appeared as if she’d stepped straight out of a fashion magazine. The men who strode past us into the offices could have been GQ models.

  “He’s great, Jess,” Jack assured me as I gripped the papers in hand, running his hand up and down my thigh. He was able to get us in shortly after the man handed me the papers. Bailey promised me she’d handle everything.

  All that mattered was stopping this before it started.

  “Jessica?” a woman said a moment later from the doorway.

  We stood, and I followed her. There was a low din of chatter throughout the office. The sound of paper filing through a printer.

  The moment I stepped into his office, my jaw fell on the floor.


  Aaron stood, smiling with a slow nod to his head.

  I turned to Jack, questions forming between my brows. “He’s your lawyer?”

  Jack blanched, rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah, uh, you know him?”

  “Of course she does.” Aaron came around the desk, offering Jack a hand. “I work for her private benefactor.”

  “And he volunteers from time to time.” I gave Aaron a side hug when he opened his arms.

  Jack cleared his throat. “Right. The illusive benefactor. How come I haven’t seen you there?”

  “Probably because I haven’t been as of late. We’ve been so slammed that it’s been hard finding time to volunteer.”

  I patted his shoulder. “Well, you’re always welcome.”

  We took our seats, and then Aaron reached across the desk for the pape
rs. “So… Jack tells me you have a thorn in your side?”

  “More like a dagger,” I muttered.

  He lifted an eyebrow. Skimmed his gaze over the documents, rolling his eyes every few seconds. After a few moments of silence, he raised his head, folding his hands across his desk.

  “I need you to be completely honest with me. This could get hard, but I must know the facts. Does he hit you?”

  The air went stale. I’d done my best to hide the bruise with corrector and concealer. Jack told me I was a magician by the time I was through. It was as if it never happened. No trace of a bruise.

  Jack must have told him. I was grateful for it, because I wasn’t sure I’d have had the courage to say it on my own. Not with knowing the implications it would cause on my children’s father.

  “Yes.” I chewed on the inside of my cheek.

  “And do you have proof?”

  Jack brought up two separate pictures on his phone. The last taken from the other night.

  Aaron pulled in a breath. “This guy’s a real piece of work. It’s moments like these when I wish I would have become a vigilante, so I could beat down assholes’ doors and give them a piece of my mind.”

  I smiled at his kindness.

  “Listen.” He scooted forward. “The problem here is there is no proof Hank was the one to put these shiners on you. Without a police report, it becomes hearsay. We’d need a witness.”

  My stomach churned with uncertainty. Acid clawed up the back of my throat. “There is…” I stopped. Choked on the words. I couldn’t say her name. I’d never ever ask her to testify against her father.

  “Who?” Aaron asked. “This is crucial, Jessica. A witness is a game changer.”

  Jack held my hand. “It’s her daughter,” he said for me. “You understand why it can’t happen, right?”

  Aaron’s gaze shifted to the desk. “That’s usually the case.” Regret piggy-backed on his words.

  “But that applies to his pictures as well, right?” Jack leaned in. “Sure, he has photos of us, but one was of me kissing her on the cheek, and the other was our blurry forms through the curtain to my apartment.”


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