Lessons Learned

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Lessons Learned Page 1

by Amy Lynn Steele

  For my husband and daughter who inspire everything that I do. Thank you for your love and support, always.

  Thank you to all my loyal readers who inspired Allison and Cooper’s story to continue. It is because of all of you that their story is still being told. This one is for you!

  “But for love! Can I help it? You are always new. The last of your kisses was ever the sweetest, the last smile the brightest; the last movement the gracefullest.”

  -John Keats to Fanny Brawne, 1820

  Chapter One


  “Stop staring at me like I’m going to keel over in my pasta primavera.” I growled at Cooper as I slammed my fork down, sending a clattering echo through the intimate Italian restaurant.

  His bright blue eyes looked strained and light sweat beads appeared above his brow. I know he’s concerned. Everyone seems concerned. But, I’ve been home from the hospital for three months and it is time for me to get to go back to school. I need to focus on my high school graduation, which will be taking place in just a few weeks.

  Coop reached across the table and took my hand in his. I couldn’t help noticing that his palm was damp. “Ali, I’m always going to worry about you,” he said while he squeezed my fingers. “I almost lost you.”

  The intense look in his eyes caused my own eyes to fill with tears. He’s right and I know I shouldn’t be so flippant about it. However, I want to move forward and the way people have been treating me prevents me from doing so. It is as if everyone wants to keep me stored away in that hospital bed from three months ago.

  I suffered from an aortic aneurysm that should have taken my life, but it didn’t. I survived because of this amazing man in front of me. If he hadn’t acted as quickly as he did when the weak walls of my heart began to fail, I wouldn’t be here today. It wasn’t just the quick response that made a difference. I believe that Cooper’s love is what really saved me.

  I can remember bits and pieces of that day. I felt so dizzy and unstable watching Cooper coming toward me with wild concern in his eyes. Then, in a blink of an eye, I was on the ground and Cooper’s hands were cradling my head. I remember thinking finally! Finally he is going to hold me again and explain everything. I wanted to say something to him, to touch his anxious face. And yet I couldn’t move.“Ali, listen to me,” Cooper was whispering frantically. “I need you to be okay. I need you to fight.”

  I shuttered involuntarily at the memory. We both could have lost so much, but I was given a second chance. Not only at life, but of a life with the man sitting across from me. I tightened my fingers around his and blinked back the tears that threatened to flood my eyes.

  “But you didn’t lose me,” I reassured him. A genuine smile pulled at his lips and I felt some of the tension release from his grasp. “You won’t ever lose me,” I practically whispered, my voice thick with emotion.

  Suddenly Cooper stood from the table causing his chair to wobble. My hand was still in his, which left me looking up at him in shock.

  “I love you so much Allison,” he said with his voice quivering.

  “I know,” I whispered, mentally urging him not to make a scene. I tugged on his hand, subtly hinting for him to sit back down.

  He shook his head and knelt on the floor in front of me. “I don’t think you understand just how much,” he said and took both of my hands in his. I could feel my cheeks start to burn with color.

  “Cooper,” I sighed, my voice faint.

  “I love you to the point where my heartbeat stops and yours begins. It is a love that can overcome any obstacle and will only grow with the years” Cooper proclaimed. “Allison Starr, I’m asking you for forever. I want you to share a future with me, make babies with me, and grow old with me. I want you for today, for tomorrow, and for the rest of our lives. Marry me Allison. I love you.”

  The restaurant was silent. I didn’t have to look to know all eyes were on us. I swallowed and my throat felt thick. Cooper had asked me to marry him in the hospital and I had said no, at first. I had a change of heart – yes a heart joke – and the nurse brought him into the operating room, where I had told him yes. I hadn’t wanted him to live a life that could end with me dying on the operating table or being sick all the time. After I recovered I thought of it more as a promise between us. I felt that Coop asking had been a gesture of commitment. But, here he was asking me again. Hot tears ran down my heated cheeks. This is what true love feels like.

  “Yes,” I breathed.

  “What did she say,” an older man in a corner booth yelled. A few nervous giggles floated through the air.

  “Yes,” I said louder and got to my feet. Cooper stood with me and pulled me to his chest. “I love you,” I whispered into his ear and realized that I was crying. Rather hard, actually. Cooper took a step back and was crying as well. I glanced around the room and found that nearly everyone had grown misty-eyed.

  “Give me your hand,” he said in a low and very sexy voice. I joyfully did as I was told, watching as he slid a quite large diamond ring on my finger. For a moment, the only thought in my head is sparkly. “Do you like it?” He asked nervously.

  Sparkly. “Oh Yes,” I sighed happily, looking at my outstretched hand. Engaged. I am really going to marry Cooper Ryan Perez. This incredible and wonderful man was going to be my husband. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him fiercely into a kiss. The restaurant exploded with applause. However, I was oblivious to all by the steady beating of Cooper’s heart as I pressed my head to his chest.

  A few short weeks later I walked across the stage in the high school gym and accepted my diploma sans engagement ring. I already received more glances and whispers than I cared to count and wearing the incredible piece of jewelry would draw more attention than I ever wanted. Instead, I wore it on a chain tucked under my graduation gown, close to my heart.

  “We did it,” Christina yelled as she pulled me in for a hug.

  I returned her exuberant embrace and scanned the crowd for my dad. He was talking with Jeremy’s parents, but not far behind him was Cooper. As one of the school’s most favorite teachers, he was here to see his seniors off with a final goodbye. A few parents had contacted him for tutoring after his sudden departure, claiming that he had been the only teacher to get though to their child. Of course, most of the parents were those of female students, but a few were guys too. Only Cooper would be able to quit his job and still remain the most popular teacher. By being here today he was probably unintentionally breaking the hearts of most of the senior girls. I was surprised to see Sean standing next to him. His unruly sandy blonde surfer hair had been combed and his hazel eyes were searching faces in the sea of matching caps and gowns.

  “I didn’t know Sean was coming.” I whispered into Christina’s ear.

  The embrace broke as she quickly spun around simultaneously tearing the cap from her head and combing her fingers through her always perfect blonde hair. I had known they’d been exchanging texts and calls, but hadn’t grasped how much things had progressed in the last few months. Although they had only just met while I was in the hospital, it was obvious that Christina was very into him. Seeing the way Sean’s eyebrows shot up and his eyes sparkled with happiness at the sight of Christina, I would safely bet that the feeling was mutual.

  In a few short strides, Sean was across the sunny quad and in front of Christina. Without a word he pulled her into his chest and kissed the stuffing out of her. Cooper was not far behind him, but kept a tight lid on his composure. He simply glanced at me and smiled. There had been so many rumors about what had actually happened between us, that we didn’t want to fuel the fires. For a brief moment I was jealous of Sean and Christina’s freedom to be together in public, but I quickly remembered that this was the last time w
e would have to hide.

  “Congratulations Miss Starr.” Cooper’s voice was low and uber sexy making my heart skip a beat. His suit and tie weren’t helping me keep my cool much either.

  “Thank you Mister Perez,” I returned in what I hoped was a sultry reply.

  “And to you too Miss Harper,” Cooper said effectively breaking Sean and Christina apart to breathe.

  “Thanks Mister P!” She said easily as Sean took her hand. Cooper looked between them and sighed, his eyes briefly meeting mine.

  “Here comes my dad. He’ll want at least a dozen pictures of us, Christina.” I warned. She, in turn, gave Sean a quick kiss, which was rather chaste considering the performance they had just put on. She turned to me beaming mischievously.

  “Anything for your dad,” she joked with a wink. “You know I love him most.” I swatted her arm as we walked to my dad, the very handsome Robert Starr.

  I let him take as many pictures as he wanted of my best friend and I, and then she returned the favor by taking some of us. I was happy. The happiest I’ve ever been, in fact. Occasionally I would search to see if I could still make Sean and Cooper out in the crowd. I think every single girl in my senior class had arranged to have their picture taken with Mister Perez. I couldn’t blame them. He was definitely swoon worthy. At the moment, Whitney Apperson was standing extremely close to him, touching his shoulder, and laughing. Her parents seemed all too happy to see the two of them together. After all, Cooper had been Whitney’s tutor for months. He had even had dinner with her family a few times. Whitney tried to tell anyone who would listen that they were secretly dating. Growing irritated as I watched her pathetic attempts to flirt, I watched as Cooper took out his phone and tapped away at it. A moment later my phone buzzed in my pocket.

  I can feel you staring at me. I like it.

  I couldn’t help grinning as I typed back. I can’t seem to help myself.

  What are you wearing under that hideous robe?

  Wouldn’t you like to know.

  Yes I would. So very much. I looked up and found his crystal blue eyes glued to me.

  Ditch Whitney and maybe I’ll show you.

  He smiled at my response and the heat rose from deep within my belly.

  Deal. Her parents just invited me to lunch, but I will tell them that I just received a much better offer;)

  Are you coming over for the barbeque at my house with my dad, Sean and Christina then?

  Of course I am. Someone needs to help you take that robe off and get your ring back on your finger. I could feel my skin turn bright red as I slid the phone back into my pocket.

  I watched as Cooper shook Mister Apperson’s hand. Whitney placed her hand on Cooper’s arm and pushed to her toes to whisper something into Coop’s ear. I immediately wanted to attack her, maybe remove her hand permanently from her body for good measure. He frowned and pushed her hand off his arm shaking his head. Good boy Cooper. Jealousy had reared its ugly head and I took a deep breath while pushing it back. I knew Cooper loved me. Logically I knew that. I touched the hidden engagement ring beneath my robe. He loved me. Just no one here could know it yet.

  “To the future,” my dad said as he lifted a glass of lemonade, a few hours later. We all followed suit clinking our cups and cheering. Aunt Trudy and Danielle Perez, Cooper’s mom, had joined us back at the house. My dad had started grilling and I was pleasantly surprised to find Danielle helping him. Cooper took my hand and kissed it smiling.

  “Let me get this for you,” he said reaching to take my necklace off. The tips of his fingers lightly skimmed my throat and chills ran down my arms. He took my left hand in his and kissed my finger before he slipped the ring back on.

  “No more taking that off,” he demanded quietly.

  “Never,” I assured him. I leaned forward for a too-quick kiss – well, you know parents and all that – Cooper didn’t seem as concerned as I did. His hand found its way to the back of my head, securely holding me in place. His kiss seared me for endless seconds and I was lost in it, in him.

  “Food is ready,” my dad announced cheerfully setting a platter of hamburger patties between us.

  “I love you,” Cooper said, kissing my blushing cheek.

  My heart beat healthily fast in my chest as I stood staring at the man in front of me. “I love you,” I responded.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” my dad joked. “Young love and all that. Keep some breathing room between the two of you. Give this old man’s heart some rest all right?”

  “Yes sir,” Cooper saluted, but never took his eyes off me. My graduation was another check in our victory column and another step towards our future together.

  That fall, I started at Woodbury University to study English and pursue my dream of writing. Cooper was hired at San Diego State University and was teaching a course in the dynamics of literature. We were both extremely busy and equally happy. I was living on campus in the smallest dorm room known to mankind and Cooper had a posh apartment located between me and his work. Every spare minute we had was spent together either planning our upcoming wedding or studying. The two years passed in a blissful whirlwind until we finally made it to the end of our second summer. To our wedding.

  It hadn’t been an easy path getting to the church for this important day, but it sure was a thrilling one. From my heart surgery to Cooper quitting his dream job to be with me, then graduation and Cooper finding another position he could love as much as his first, there had been a lot of twists and turns to get us to where we were now. After all of the arguing about where we should live and whether or not if I should transfer schools, and then dealing with his mom’s constant pressure about taking a more active role in the family business, we had finally made it. Today was our wedding day. Cooper and I were finally going bind ourselves to each other.

  I lightly touched the top of a scar that was peaking from the top of my cream lace bridal gown and a faint smiled pulls across my lips. I couldn’t help thinking about Cooper’s very clever fingers brushing against this exact spot last night as he kissed me good night. A knock at the door drew me out of my introspection and demanded all of our attention.

  “Ali-Oops,” Robert Starr, my dad, cracked the door open. “Can I come in?”

  “Is it time?” Christina asked.

  “It is,” he answered, sliding through the small opening Christina had allowed.

  My dad squeezed in the already crowded room filled with pale yellows and dusty pinks and I couldn’t help but notice how dashingly handsome he looked in his traditional black tuxedo. When he turned and made eye contact with me, the emotion was clear on his face. He had almost lost me two years ago and now he was walking me down the aisle. There was fathomless sentiment in his eyes as he scanned over me.

  “Oh, Allison,” he whispered, his voice heavy with tears. “You are stunning.”

  I fought back the tears in my own eyes. “Thank you, Daddy.”

  He got as close to me as he could, not wanting to rumple the organza bottom of my dress. The cream lace bodice cut straight across my chest dipping only to reveal just over an inch of my healed incision. It was important to me to have my scar be part of our day because it is a constant reminder of what love can do, how it can heal. The delicate lace-covered organza skirt of my gown was snug until mid-thigh then gracefully cascaded to a loose mermaid finish. Christina suggested I wear my dark hair up in loose curls and helped me place small yellow and pink rose buds into the style. She, of course, is a genius when it comes to this sort of thing, which also makes her the best maid of honor. Simple pearl stud earrings that were my mom’s and a drop pearl necklace on a delicate chain were the perfect finishing touches. I felt classic and beautiful and, most of all, very blessed.

  Daddy went all out for our wedding, saying he had a lot to celebrate and that this was what my mother would have wanted. I couldn’t help but miss her even more today. I chose the dusty pink in honor of her today. It was her favorite color and seeing it throughout the day would make m
e feel like she is here with me. Daddy’s eyes watched as I lightly touched the pearl earrings my mother wore on her wedding day. I know he couldn’t help but remember her, too.

  “She would be so proud of you,” he said and took my hand. “You look so much like her.” I squeezed my dad’s hand in response because if I knew if I tried to say anything I would turn into a blubbering mess.

  My mom passed away from heart failure when I was eight years old. She and my father were an example of what true love should look like. Their commitment and devotion shaped my expectations in every relationship. Her death was shocking and tragic, leaving both my father and I with an empty hole in our hearts. This is the type of loss from which you never really recover. Mom’s death is the reason why I started spending summers with my Aunt Trudy in San Diego. And, those summers led me to Cooper. In the years since I have met him, I have come to believe that my mom’s hand had guided me into that fateful relationship. Losing her brought me him.

  “Are you ready to give me away?” I jokingly asked my father.

  His grip tightened slightly as he smiled. “Never,” he answered.

  Chapter Two


  The church was filled with more than two hundred people, but I was only interested in seeing one. While everyone was smiling and laughing, happy to see that this day had come, no one was happier than I was. I once believed that I might lose Ali forever, and it felt as if my future had ended. Luckily, my worst fear was never realized because Ali is my everything. My future begins with her and that future starts today.

  “Are you ready?” my best man Sean asked again, his sandy green eyes wide. Standing by my side, he looked a little Daniel Craig-ish in his tuxedo.

  “Yes,” I answered. My voice was strong and sure. Nothing had ever felt more right.

  The sweet melody of Turning Page by Sleeping at Last started and the flower girl, began walking down the aisle. While our guests watched my little cousin toss pink and yellow petals with rehearsed precision, I was suddenly taken back to the first time I saw Ali. She had been sitting in the shade on the beach, her dark hair pulled into a messy knot at the top of her head. The sunglasses she wore were so big they covered half of her face. I smiled, remembering how I had to kick up some sand just to get her to talk to me.


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