Rush of Darkness

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Rush of Darkness Page 18

by Rhyannon Byrd


  A FEW DAYS AGO, Raine would have never believed it could happen, but now that she was separated from him—she’d come to Italy with Ashe, while Seth had remained behind in Germany—she was missing the human. A lot.

  After they’d made it out of the hotel early that morning, they’d met up with Gideon and headed for the remote Förmyndare safe house located a half hour out of the city. The men had locked Spark in a cell and taken Seton to the basement for questioning about Westmore’s location, while Raine had tried to nap on an upstairs sofa, without much luck. Despite her exhaustion, she’d wanted her chance to question Seton, as well—only Seth wouldn’t hear of it.

  She knew he was still pissed at her for going after the Casus on her own, but his anger hadn’t affected his protective instincts. So she’d been left upstairs to doze…and worry…and think about the human. About how badly she wished things could be different between them. How badly she wanted to hold him. Be close to him. She just…she didn’t see how that could ever be possible, given their circumstances. And so she’d tossed and turned…and seethed with frustration, instead of the hatred that had been her constant companion for so many weeks.

  Just after 9:00 a.m., Ashe had come upstairs to tell her that Seton had finally cracked and given them an address just outside of Venice. Though she’d had her doubts, the information had obviously been valid, considering she and Ashe had finally spotted the Kraven a little while ago, when he’d stepped out onto the balcony of said address with a mug in his hand. They’d had a clear view of him standing there in the golden afternoon sunshine from a table at the café across the street from the luxury flats, their table hidden beneath the café’s dark green awning.

  Raine had thought this moment would feel so satisfying…but it wasn’t the same without Seth. When she’d been told that he would remain behind with Gideon and the prisoners while she went to Italy with Ashe, it’d been impossible not to feel as if the soldier was trying to get rid of her—and though a cold rage had been her first reaction, she was at the point now that she just wanted to see him again.

  The knot behind her ear had healed, as well as the bruises Seton had left on her face—but the rift between her and Seth seemed deeper than ever. He hadn’t even asked to talk to her the few times Ashe had spoken to him on the phone. It was like he’d turned her over to the vamp, and while she found Ashe charming, he wasn’t the one that she wanted.

  Damn it, she wanted McConnell, no matter how illogical it was. No matter how problematic. And she couldn’t stop the raw ache that bloomed within her chest whenever she considered the possibility that it might never happen. Though she’d been fighting against that very thing, Raine couldn’t help but fear that all the fight had simply left her when it came to that particular breathtaking male.

  And he’s going to be here any minute now, she thought, shivering with nerves and excitement.

  Once she and Ashe had confirmed that the address in Italy checked out with Seton’s confession, and they’d talked to people in the building who recognized Westmore’s description, Seth and Gideon had headed down to join them. But since commercial air travel wasn’t possible, considering they’d had to bring the prisoners with them, in case they were needed for further questioning, Gideon had managed to swing it so that they could transport Spark and Seton on a private plane…and land at a private airstrip. The plane had set down an hour ago, and they’d taken the prisoners to another Förmyndare safe house, along with Liam Granger, who had said he could stick around for as long as his cousins needed him. When Gideon had called to let his brother know that the prisoners were secure, Ashe had told him that they’d finally spotted Westmore, and so Gideon had grabbed Seth and the two were currently on their way to the café.

  Fidgeting in her chair, Raine leaned forward to check the time on the historic clock tower just visible at the end of the street, wishing they would hurry up and get there.

  And yeah, she knew it was a bad sign that she was more excited about Seth’s arrival than she was about finding Westmore. What am I doing? I need to get my head on straight. No matter how twisted up she was over the intoxicating human male, she had to remember her true purpose for being there. Had to remember the reasons that were driving her to succeed with her hunt…at any cost.

  Yes, she’d told McConnell that she wasn’t trying to kill herself, and that was the truth. But she was also willing to do whatever it took to succeed…even if the price was her life.

  The only problem was that before, the idea of paying that particular price hadn’t seemed too much of a sacrifice. And now…now Raine couldn’t pretend that there wasn’t something making her want to stay. To survive. It had screamed through her skull when she’d run after Seton, furious that she was willing to take such a risk, when there was suddenly something worth living for.

  She didn’t have a clue what that something was—but every part of her was insisting that it was something she could only find with McConnell. Urging her to find a way to undo the damage she’d done. But she didn’t know how. Not when things were still so freaking complicated between them.

  “Nice place the Kraven’s got,” Ashe murmured, the deep rumble of his voice, with its slightly British tones, instantly pulling Raine from her troublesome thoughts. He slouched back in his chair, his dark glasses concealing his eyes, somehow managing to look both gorgeous and dangerous at the same time. A compelling, seductive type of dangerous that no doubt had women falling at his feet wherever he went. It was said among the clans that the complex nature of the Deschanel was a delicate balance between the light and dark aspects of the world, and the Granger brothers were prime examples.

  After taking a deep swallow of his coffee, he went on. “Westmore must have been saving his pennies for a long-ass time to afford such a prime piece of real estate. Either that, or the Collective bought it for him. And according to Seton, the guy’s got it fitted out with top of the line security.”

  “What is a Kraven’s life span, anyway?” she asked, never having paid much attention to the rumors she’d heard about the strange, secret race.

  He gave a rough sigh. “Hell, who knows? Some of the first Kraven ever born are said to still be living, though their minds deteriorate over time. They can only breed within their own race, and not many of the offspring survive. We’re not even sure how old Westmore is or who his parents are. Gideon’s done a lot of research on him in the Deschanel Court and hasn’t been able to uncover anything that would explain his obsession with the Casus.”

  Before she could ask another question, the café’s buxom waitress stopped by their table, interrupting the conversation…again. She had been vying for the vampire’s attention since they’d arrived. Can I get you anything, signore? More espresso, signore? When Raine knew what she’d really been saying was, Would you like to sleep with me, signore? I’ll do anything you want, signore….

  “So you and Seth, huh?” he rumbled, once he’d finally managed to send the dimpled waitress on her way. “I honestly never thought I’d see the day when a Deschanel hooked up with a former vampire hunter, but Seth’s a great guy. I think he’ll be good for you.”

  Raine sent him an exasperated look. “We’re not a couple, Granger.”

  The vampire gave a gruff bark of laughter, his sensual mouth curved with a cocky smile. “Is he aware of that?” he asked in a slow drawl, and she had no doubt that if she could have seen his eyes, they’d be glittering with humor.

  “A relationship would be…impossible.” She washed the bad-tasting words down with a mouthful of coffee and tried to stop glancing at the doorway that led into the café.

  “Hell, if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that nothing is ever impossible. Especially when it comes to a man who’s found his focus.”

  “His focus?” Her gaze flicked to Ashe’s dark lenses. “I don’t understand.”

  “That one thing he needs. That he cannot do without.”

  “It isn’t like that,” she ar
gued, but instead of sounding adamant, her voice had gone kind of soft and dreamy. “You’re…wrong,” she whispered, hating how badly she wished the vamp was right.

  “I’m not wrong, Raine.” His smile was lopsided. “But you can tell yourself that if it’s easier.”

  “I can’t be his…his focus, or whatever you’re calling it. McConnell hates vampires.”

  His shoulders lifted in one of those rolling kind of shrugs that only a guy with a killer bod could pull off, muscles rippling beneath the dark cotton of his shirt. “Hey, things change.”

  “No, they don’t.” She sounded tired now, not to mention embarrassingly bitter. “At least, not for the better.”

  Again the waitress returned to their table, and this time Ashe ordered them two more coffees, along with an assortment of pastries, his easy smile damn near giving the woman heart palpitations. Raine stared at the gorgeous vamp from the other side of the table, wondering why she couldn’t have fallen for him instead of the soldier. He was funny, sexy and exceptionally easy on the eyes. Everything would be so much simpler if she could just look at him and feel that breathtaking spark that lit her up whenever McConnell walked into a room. Ashe wouldn’t have made her yearn for things she couldn’t have. Wouldn’t have twisted her into emotional knots. She could have used him for a fling…and happily let herself be used in return.

  Leaning his head back, his gaze apparently focused on the café’s rustic awning, he said, “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but don’t even think about it.”

  She laughed softly, and didn’t bother to deny the direction her thoughts had been taking. “Too pathetic?” she asked.

  He ran his tongue over his white teeth as he lowered his head. “No…and that’s the problem. I’d happily take you, and no doubt end up keeping you. Then the soldier would have my head for it.”

  Her mouth twitched with a grin. “Wow. I never thought I’d see the day that a Förmyndare was afraid of a Collective soldier.”

  He gave a deep, husky laugh, then slid her a wry smile. “I’m not too arrogant to be smart. There aren’t many humans I’d be wary of in a fight, but Seth is at the top of that list.” His head tilted a bit to the side, and even though Raine couldn’t see his eyes, she knew he was watching her. “But, if you really wanted me, I’d take my chances. Problem is, I’m not the one you want, sweetheart. You’re just running from the inevitable.”

  “And how do you know what I want?” She didn’t like feeling so transparent.

  His voice gentled. “I can see it in your eyes. Every single time you look at him.”

  “Then I must be a masochist,” she said in a strained voice, “falling for a guy who hates what I am.”

  “McConnell doesn’t hate you, Raine. And you’re wrong about things not changing. I don’t think his hangups about blood will last after seeing the way he watched you feed from my wrist. The poor guy damn near turned green with envy.” He took another drink of his coffee, then scratched his jaw as he said, “What’s happening between the two of you might not be expected, but I can’t say that I’m surprised.”

  Her forehead scrunched with confusion. “You aren’t?”

  “Naw. The human was weird about you from the beginning. After your rescue from that compound, we were all worried about you, but he…well, you could tell it was personal for McConnell.”

  “I think you’re exaggerating,” she murmured, even though she knew he was right.

  “You know,” Ashe drawled, “you were weird about him, as well.”

  She blinked with surprise, then frowned. “I was not.”

  “Yeah?” He paused as their coffees and pastries were delivered, but the second the waitress walked away, he said, “Then tell me why you refused to feed from any of the other males in our group. The idea drove Seth crazy, but he was willing to deal with it in order to make you better.”

  Breathlessly, she asked, “How do you know that?”

  “Because when you were at your worst, he all but begged me to force you to take my vein,” he told her. “He only gave up when Juliana explained that her blood was just as potent as any that we could give you, and you were already feeding from her.”

  Juliana Sabin was one of the Deschanel who’d been exiled to the Wasteland, along with her family. She was also the reason they’d been able to make it out of that horrid place, and they all owed her a tremendous amount of gratitude. Not that Ashe would ever admit it, considering he and the little vamp constantly bickered.

  “I didn’t know,” she said in a hoarse voice, wondering what Seth’s behavior had meant. “I just didn’t want to get that close to a man after what had happened.”

  Ashe gave her a gentle smile. “But you let McConnell get close to you.”

  She wet her lips, then spoke in a husky rush. “Maybe that was only because I knew what he was—a man who hated vampires. Maybe I knew there wasn’t a chance he’d ever be tempted to touch me.”

  His chest shook with a breathless laugh. “Yeah, and maybe I’m a fucking fairy princess. Face it, Spenser. You would have had to be blind not to notice the way he looked at you. But even then, you trusted him.”

  “And if I did?” she snapped, her emotions in chaos. “What the hell does it mean?”

  “Only you know the answer to that one. But I’d figure it out fast. A guy gets a certain look about him when he’s at the end of his patience.” As if summoned by his words, Seth and Gideon walked through the café door, onto the patio. Ashe took one look at the soldier’s face and smiled. “And, honey, McConnell’s definitely got that look.”

  As they headed toward the table, both men appeared exhausted, their eyes tired and dark, but she could see what Ashe was talking about. Seth’s expression seemed particularly grim, as if he was stuck in a difficult situation with no viable solution. But he was still the sexiest, most mouthwatering thing she’d ever set eyes on. The dark smudges beneath his hard gaze only accentuated the mesmerizing green of his eyes, the gilded stubble on his jaw glinting in the Italian sunshine, begging for the touch of her fingers. And that firm mouth…God, she wanted to kiss him so badly she could hardly sit still, the desire to taste his lips like a physical need pulsing through her body.

  For the first time since they’d met, Raine suddenly found herself asking why they couldn’t have met earlier, before she’d been broken into pieces. Before the parts of her that had known how to seek happiness and pleasure had been scarred with hatred and this consuming need for revenge.

  And yet, she’d enjoyed what had happened between them in that hotel room in Berlin. But honestly, who was she trying to fool? She enjoyed it every time he touched her. Every time he kissed her… But being beneath him, with his wicked mouth turning her inside out with ecstasy—that had been the best. And she’d wanted more. She’d wanted it all, everything he could give her…everything he could do to her. At least that’s what she’d wanted right up until the moment her fangs had released and she’d caught his heartbreaking look. Though Raine had known it would hurt to find herself in such a horrid situation, the pain that flooded through her body had been shocking, as if someone had reached into her chest and squeezed, leaving her heart bloody and pulverized.

  God, she thought, shivering with confusion. I am such a mess.

  Just before Gideon and Seth reached the table, she said, “By the way, I happen to know that I’m not the one you want, either. So, no, you wouldn’t have really been tempted, Ashe. But it was nice of you to say so.”

  The vampire tensed at the soft words, and she knew he was wondering just how much she knew about his personal life—but he didn’t have time to question her before his brother was slapping his shoulder and taking the seat on his right, while Seth dropped into the one on his left.

  Seth gave her a gruff hello, then started relaying the new information that he and Gideon had been able to get out of Seton about the security on Westmore’s apartment, acting as if he wasn’t at all affected by her presence. But Raine knew he wasn’t as calm as he s
eemed. She could hear the rush of his pulse, his heart beating hard and fast, his body burning with feral waves of heat. And then there was the way that he kept flexing those big, scarred hands on the arms of his chair, as if he was trying to keep them from fisting…or grabbing on to something. To someone…

  Though Raine knew it was wrong, she would have given anything at that moment to be able to read his mind, but he remained stubbornly blocked to her. It was so frustrating, never being able to see into the ones she most wanted to read, and her muscles cramped with frustration.

  “I can’t believe this is the place,” he muttered, taking a long swig of the beer he’d carried outside with him, obviously having picked up the icy bottle at the café’s bar. “Garrick and I were in this town three weeks ago, looking for Westmore, but the trail stopped cold. Then we heard he was seen in Budapest, so we headed that way.”

  “Speaking of Garrick,” Ashe murmured, “what’s going on with him? Kierland told me he’d had some kind of family emergency.”

  “His dad had a heart attack, so he had to head home. When I talked to him this morning, he said the doctors didn’t think his dad was gonna make it.”

  “That’s terrible,” she said, feeling awful for Garrick.

  “Yeah. His dad’s a good guy. I’m hoping he pulls through.”

  Raine could tell by the tone of Seth’s voice that he was genuinely worried. Her fingers itched to reach out and stroke his arm, offering comfort, but she fought the impulse, feeling too unsure of herself. Impossible not to second-guess everything she thought…everything she felt, since all of it was still so new and unfamiliar.

  Of course, it didn’t help that his mere presence had her on the knife’s edge of desire, her senses drenched in him, as if she was absorbing the sensual data through her skin. She felt trapped, restless, her foot tapping as she tried to just calm the hell down.

  “So,” Gideon said around a mouthful of pastry, nodding toward Westmore’s building. “How hard do you guys think it’s gonna be to get to the Kraven?”


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