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Tryst Page 2

by Jordan Silver

  And even though she wasn’t rude to her grandparents, by the time it was time for me to graduate she was making it plain that she was ready for a change. She’s a bit like me when it comes to wanting shit her way, and I hope to fuck nothing like her mother the psycho.

  She was another reason I needed to get back to my kid. After she’d come up pregnant at sixteen it was like she had something to prove. I understood that it was hard for her being the one to carry the baby, and the one to put up with the stigma, but she acted a lot like I was back there in that car alone, like she wasn’t on my dick to get fucked.

  There were times in between when she looked like she wanted me to break her off another ride, but all it took was the memory of her screeching ass voice that one time she lost her mind and threatened to off my kid while she was still in the womb, for my nuts to crawl into my ass crack. No fucking way.

  I’d threatened her ass but good and put my mom on the alert back then, but I never forgot that shit and never quite trusted her ass after that. She seemed to have calmed the fuck down with time, even though she sometimes tried to tell me what I should or should not be doing with my life.

  She’d even tried the custody thing before I let her ass know in no uncertain terms that as long as our kid shared my blood there was no way that was going to happen. I had the escape route already picked out anytime she felt like trying. When she realized I wasn’t kidding, that I would nab my kid and run, she backed the fuck down. Plus her parents let her trifling ass have it for being a conniving bitch.

  She’s had men over the years, but for some fucked up reason got pissed the fuck off when I was in a relationship, which was a bit misleading since I didn’t do those things. The only lesson I learned from the teenage pregnancy was to always keep my shit covered even if the chick said she was on the pill. Something I’ve held to all these years except here lately. Like I said, the thing with me, and Brianna came completely out of left field and blindsided my ass.

  After that first taste of hot pussy wrapped around my dick for the first time in almost twenty years, there was no turning back. Every time since then, I’ve fucked her raw in more ways than one. I don’t think I’ll ever put anything between me and my babygirl, but I’m getting ahead of myself. I had to stop and pat my cock back into place since just the thought of how her silky pussy felt on my cock made me hard as fuck.

  Maybe I will find a way to break one off in her this evening. We’ve been playing it pretty close here lately, taking risk that could get us caught, but she was young, and dick was new, and she was constantly in heat. Me, I was in love for the first time in my life and fucking with that added element was a whole new ballgame for me; my ass was addicted to that gash between her thighs.

  Anyway like I was saying, I haven’t known Bri that long, but shit got heated fast. When Crystal, my daughter turned seventeen a few months ago she just turned up at my door with her shit packed, there was no discussion just, ‘daddy I’m coming to live with you’.

  That was it; up until then she had spent weekends with me. When I was away at college, my parents had taken her every other week, and Priscilla’s family the next. Then when I came home and settled into a job, I would have her on the weekends, she spent summers with my family and I as well, but this was the first time she would be living with me.

  Of course I didn’t turn her away, not only because of my guilt over leaving her alone all those years, but because I genuinely loved her. She was the one thing I was constantly proud of, even more so than my achievements in the work place. She was smart and beautiful and had the biggest heart of anyone I know.

  That’s why I was afraid of hurting her. I don’t know why I was so sure, Brianna seemed to think it would be nothing, but I knew that my daughter still had abandonment issues, and if she knew I was fucking her friend it would not go over well.

  Fuck me, how was I going to do this? I didn’t want to have to keep Bri a secret, she deserved so much more, and her home life was a mess. I needed to be there for her one hundred percent, and the man that I am conflicted with this arrangement, but things had happened so fast and so unexpectedly that I hadn’t been prepared. I didn’t even know the fucking girl existed until roughly a month ago, one week later I had her pinned under me with her blood on my cock.

  I remember that first meeting like it just took place. I think as long as I live the feeling would always be this vivid, this new, this real. I’d come home from a long frustrating day, expecting to see my daughter in her usual sweats and one of my tees lounging around the house until her dad got home to spar with her. That’s what I call our nightly discussions on world events or whatever it was she was into on any given day. Instead I walked into a living room of teenage girls doing some sort of exercise.

  My eyes zeroed in on one particular body. She was short, compact, with a mile of hair, and the biggest tits I’d ever seen on a body that small. At first glance it was almost easy to believe that it was some kind of hoax, that there was no way her little frame could carry all that tit meat, but my body’s reaction assured me that it was more than possible. She moved and those babies jiggled before falling into place, and I barely caught myself before shaking my head to clear it. I tried making sense of what I was seeing, of just what I had walked into.

  They had moved the furniture around to make room and I guess because it was raining buckets outside they had decided to break their damn necks in my living room instead of out on the lawn. I’m pretty sure the handstand thing some of them were doing along with the jumping shit that had brought Brianna to my attention, were meant to be done in wide-open spaces.

  “Oh hi dad.” I dragged my eyes away from the unbelievable tits of the girl in my living room and swallowed hard as I tried to concentrate on my kid. “Hi sweetheart.” I hope my voice didn’t give me away as I tried valiantly to keep my eyes front and center.

  Out the corner of my eyes I saw the little sexpot do some sort of twist and bend. Her shirt which was tight while standing somehow moved away from her body in this position, giving me a good shot at the tops of her creamy tits. My daughter was saying something and I’m ashamed to say that for once I wasn’t hanging onto her every word.

  No, instead I was trying my best to keep my dick under mind control. That shit wasn’t working though and I was afraid if I didn’t get out of there soon, I was gonna have some explaining to do. My daughter is very understanding but I don’t think she would understand why daddy was about to blow a nut in the middle of the living room in front of her friends.

  What the fuck was wrong with me? Since when had I become a cradle robber? I tried talking myself down, tried rationalizing the shit in my head in the few seconds I was standing there, but nothing was working.

  All I could hope was that my daughter and her little friends didn’t notice the massive cock that was trying to fight its way out of my slacks. Of course today had been meeting day and instead of protective jeans I was wearing a suit whose jacket I had long discarded, fuck me.

  I held my briefcase in front of the evidence as my daughter introduced me; I only caught one name, hers. The little dark haired fox with the tits that made me wanna drool and fuck at the same time.

  Her face was like something out of a Hollywood blockbuster, no lie. They didn’t make them like this when I was in school, and I’d fucked the best they had back then. What the fuck are they feeding these kids nowadays anyway?

  As if her tits and that face wasn’t enough, when she turned away to say something to one of the others, her ass was outstanding. Somebody was fucking with me; that’s it. She was probably wearing some sort of padding in all the right places because fuck if she didn’t look like my perfect woman.

  Only problem with that was, she was no woman. This was one of my daughter’s little friends for fuck sake and I was having visions of bending her over somewhere and fucking her raw.

  I remembered that I was a grown man and that the little hottie was probably my daughter’s age, which would make her barely
legal but still a little young for my taste. “Brianna’s a year ahead dad she’s showing us how to do the drills from last year, she’s like a legend at our school.”

  My daughter seemed to be reading my mind with that ready answer. “Oh is she?” I held out my hand for hers as the others seemed oblivious to the fireworks. I didn’t miss the blush or the up and down look she gave me that made my unruly cock start leaking. And I was sure she felt the same jolt of lightning that had just ran through my six- four frame.

  A year ahead, that would put her at eighteen, still a bit young but I could deal with it. Hold it right there partner, what the fuck are you thinking? Your life’s too easy is that it? I had to drag my eyes away from her ass again as the rest of the room came back into focus.

  The other little girls gave me their usual shy ‘hi Mr. Darcy’, followed by the perpetual giggles that seemed to be par for the course with this bunch, but not the fox. Oh no, she was a lot more reserved, more mature in her approach. If I didn’t know better I would think her coy look was a come on, but that couldn’t be, could it? My mouth actually fucking watered at the thought of getting at those babies, and I had lost my fucking mind in the last five minutes.

  What the fuck are you thinking Gabriel? You can’t go there man, no dice, too much trouble. That seemed to bring me back from the brink at least for now. “I’ll leave you ladies to it, it was nice meeting you all.” I kept my head straight and mourned the loss as I headed to the kitchen for a cold one.

  Damn, I think I had her scent in my nose. I looked back over my shoulder just before turning the corner and our eyes collided. That’s when I saw it, the same hunger that was burning a hole in my gut shining in her big brown eyes. Fuck!

  That look practically sealed her fate. Even as I was calling myself all kinds of dog for even thinking of going after my daughter’s friend, I knew myself well enough to know that once I had her scent there wasn’t much that would save her from me.

  She might be younger than my usual, and I was sure that was going to involve some extra care on my part, but no one had gotten that much of a rise out of me in a long time if ever, and I’m not the man to walk away blind from something like that.

  Neither of us seemed willing to look away and the spell was only broken when one of the others called her attention away. But in the few seconds we’d been locked into each other I knew; before long I was going to be balls deep in my daughter’s little friend. My dick complied and I carried on on my way to get that much needed beer. That look, damn, I wonder if she knew what her eyes were saying to me? The message that I had read loud and clear.

  Even then in the first blush of lust when all I could think about was getting my tongue in her little young cunt, my mind didn’t go anywhere near consequences or repercussions. What red-blooded man’s would with something like that on the horizon?

  It’s not like I’m hard up or some shit, I get plenty pussy. And even with my daughter here I find ways to get to the pussy, though not in my house, my kid is one territorial little fuck.

  That right there should’ve given me pause, but nothing was going to get in the way of what I wanted. I would make a way; at least that’s what I told myself.

  For the next few days I found myself coming home earlier and earlier in the hopes of finding her there again, but no such luck. I had the blue balls bearing opportunity to talk to her on the phone when she supposedly mistakenly called while my daughter was at practice one day though.

  Something I was sure she was aware of since these girls seemed to live in each other’s pockets. That conversation hadn’t helped any, if anything it only helped to stoke the fire that was already burning just beneath the surface for her.

  “Oh sorry Mr. Darcy I thought Crystal would be there.” Her voice was breathy and out of breath and I almost asked her if she was touching herself. “No problem Brianna, any message?” I knew damn good and well there wasn’t but I wanted to keep her on the phone.

  Like a green boy I wanted to hear her voice so I could jack off to it in the shower in about ten seconds after we hung up. I was fast losing my shit and this little tease was just begging to be bent over somewhere and get fucked.

  “Just tell her I called; what’re you doing with yourself all alone in that big house Mr. Darcy?” Uh-huh, keep playing, Mr. Darcy is going to tear that little pussy up first chance he gets. I was beginning to sound like a teenage chick flick in my own head, which was sad.

  “I’m going over some work, you?” I decided to play the adult, don’t give anything away; let her come to me. I couldn’t forget that she was barely out of childhood, and that as the adult I couldn’t take advantage, though I have to admit the whole older man younger girl thing had its own appeal. Something I had never given much thought to before that now seemed like the most natural thing in the world.

  “Oh nothing, just a little bored.” I think she was doing that shit to her voice on purpose and wherever she’d learned it they’d taught her well. One look at my crotch and the evidence was plain to see. My dick was hard as fuck from just the memory of her tits bouncing on her chest that day, and now the number her sultry just fucked voice was doing to me.

  “Why would you be bored? a young lady like you should have lots to do on a nice evening like this.” You sound like an ass Gabriel. Yeah but it beats saying what I really wanted to, which was why don’t you come on over and let me fuck the boredom right outta you?

  “Nope, ever since I had to give up cheerleading I really have nothing to do in the evenings.” I hadn’t heard about her having to give up cheering, according to my daughter who sung her praises like she was the cheerleading guru, she was the best. I wonder what kind of trouble she got into to make them bounce her? If she was anything like the cheerleaders of my day I could only imagine.

  “I didn’t know you were suspended from the squad, what happened?” I totally wasn’t expecting what came next. “Oh I wasn’t suspended silly, I just got too…well let’s just say certain parts of my anatomy got in the way.” I still wasn’t sure what she was talking about, silly me.

  “I don’t get it.” Color me stupid, the fuck I know about teenage speak? I have to Google half the shit Crystal says to me as it is. “Well you know with cheering we have to do a lot of jumps and turns and stuff. I was pretty good the first three years or so, but then last summer um, well…my chest kinda started growing and well, now it’s kinda hard and painful…”

  I don’t know what the fuck she said after that because I was too busy looking down at my misbehaving dick. There was a pre-cum wet spot on my sweats and my dick was throbbing like a toothache. I was tempted oh so tempted to take my shit out and stroke it to the sound of her voice, but that would be cheating. Oh no, our first experience should be shared, and my first cum was going in her belly by way of her young cunt.

  “Are you there Mr. Darcy?” Uh-huh I’m here you little cock tease. I wanted to say that but since this was our first real conversation I didn’t want to give too much away. “Yeah I’m here, sorry to hear that you can no longer enjoy something you love so much, must be hard.” Speaking of which. I hope to fuck my kid doesn’t walk in here right now and find me like this. There was no way I could explain the bulge, the stain or the fact that I was on the phone with her little friend when they both happened.

  She rattled off something about really missing cheerleading and some other shit, but at this point I was just really listening to the sultry tone in her voice. She had the sexiest voice I’d ever heard, just the icing on the cake. I can’t wait to hear that voice raised in ecstasy as I plow her pussy from behind. You’ve got to stop Gabe, you’re cracking the fuck up.

  Besides, aside from a very innocent conversation about why she no longer had anything to do in the evenings, and one shared look, exactly what had she done to give you the idea that she was even interested in your old ass? A young hot number like that probably had half the fucking local jocks panting after her. I didn’t like that thought one bit.

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  We stayed on the phone another five minutes I think, and I hung up with a new determination. If I’d harbored any doubts before they were all gone now, that last question took care of that. ‘Did you like my body?’ Fucking A bring it on.

  Like I said, she was of age so I wasn’t worried about traps and shit, my only concern was that she wanted this too. Now with that out of the way the only thing left was to get her here as soon as fucking possible under ideal circumstances.

  I didn’t even bother stroking one out that night even though my shit was hard as a pike. I stuck to my original choice instead to wait for her, because I had no doubt that I would have her soon, I would make that shit happen.

  The opportunity came that following Thursday. My heart damn near ran out of my chest when I saw her again. Crystal was gone for the weekend, it was one of those long things that ran from Thursday to Monday, and I’d knocked off early so that my guys could make the most of the time with their families. I was going to be on my lonesome since my parents were taking my girl to the beach, which she loved, and guess who was heavy on my mind.

  I was settling down to some ball on the screen just as the sun was going down when the doorbell rang. I was dressed in running shorts, no shirt, with beer in hand when I went to the door with half my attention still on the screen.

  “Hey Mr. Darcy.” Fuck me what the fuck was she wearing? I turned at the sound of her voice and was brought up short by her get-up. She was barely wearing some kind of cut-off jeans that left hardly any room for underwear, that’s how short they were, and some stringy shit tied around her neck.

  I took it all in with one thought in the back of my mind. We were alone and she knew this, how do I know this? Because I overheard my daughter telling her of her plans and was bemoaning the fact that I wouldn’t have another opportunity to perv on her tits and ass for yet another weekend. Did I forget to mention her ass? It’s an ass man’s dream; of course I’m gonna try to fit my monster cock in there in the not too distant future; but back to the business at hand.


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