Infinite Ties (All That Remains #3)

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Infinite Ties (All That Remains #3) Page 8

by S. M. Shade

  “How am I supposed to concentrate on the road while listening to those sounds?”

  “You got yours, buddy,” Joseph calls, and we grin at each other.

  “Yeah, but now I’m hard again. I believe it’s your turn.” Joseph laughs and we dress quickly when the camper begins to slow. “Hold that thought. It looks like we’re stopping for the night. I’ll have to take a rain check.” Airen grins at me when we join him up front. “You may want to fix your hair if you don’t want the others to know Joseph defiled you.”

  “He’s an animal.” I giggle, glancing at him. “I didn’t even get a kiss.” My remark has the desired effect and Joseph’s lips meet mine for a slow, affectionate kiss.

  Airen smirks as I pull my hair into a ponytail. “Your pink cheeks and glazed eyes will give it away, anyway,” he teases. “Plus, they probably heard you scream.”

  “Shut up, I didn’t scream.”

  Airen scoffs. “My ears are still ringing. Joseph’s lucky he isn’t deaf.”

  “What?” Joseph cups a hand around his ear, and I slap him on the ass before sprawling on the couch. Shit. I really do have to face everyone looking like I’ve been fucked half to death. My neck and chest are red and blotchy from Joseph’s stubble. Oh, well, we’re all adults. I’m sure no one will mention it.

  Troy and Nic lead our little caravan into a park, and Airen guides the camper into a parking space. It’s funny how some things are so ingrained that we just can’t ignore them. We still drive on the right side of the road, still use turn signals and park between the yellow lines.

  “It’s kind of early to stop for the day, isn’t it?” Eric asks as we congregate in the lot.

  “We have a couple hours of daylight left,” Nic agrees, “but we found this place on the way to your house, and it’s a good spot to camp. If we keep going we’ll end up in a grungy parking lot.”

  It does turn out to be a lovely place to spend the night. A brick shelter house filled with picnic tables sits at the edge of an overgrown field. I’m pleasantly surprised to find a huge fireplace smack in the middle, still full of the ashes of long dead fires. A trail leads down to a gurgling creek that narrows before it meanders into the woods. It’s only around four feet deep, but it shimmers with an abundance of rainbow trout. Airen will be thrilled. Opposite the shelter, a dusty baseball diamond bakes in the sun, the backstop fluttering with bleached out scraps of paper and debris.

  Two portable toilets stand side by side like stuffy blue soldiers. They must have been installed just before the sickness took hold of the area. Other than a few spider webs, they’re remarkably clean. A sudden pang of homesickness strikes me at the sight of the playground. Walker and Lane would be in heaven. Swings, see saws, a spiral slide, and a jungle gym, all brightly colored, wait patiently for a child to bring them back to life.

  My melancholy thoughts are interrupted by Jon’s smug voice. “Well, we know what you guys did to pass the boring miles.” He smirks, eyeing my mussed hair and flushed face with disdain.

  “What do you expect when we’re trapped for hours with a beautiful woman?” Airen exclaims, lifting me off my feet as if I weigh nothing. My legs lock around his waist while his hands slide under my ass, supporting me as he steals my breath with a long, passionate kiss. Oh, Jon wants so badly to spit some hateful remark, but he doesn’t dare when everyone is watching Airen’s uncharacteristic display of affection with a smile.

  “Joseph, do you want to help me gather some firewood before it gets dark?” Troy asks, as we divide up to take care of a few chores. Troy obviously wants a moment alone with Joseph, and despite the guarded expression on Airen’s face, Joseph agrees and accompanies him into the woods.

  “Don’t be like that, Air. Troy’s just looking for closure, that’s all. Let’s get the chairs and grill set up,” I suggest.

  “I’m going to pull some fresh fish out of the stream for dinner.” He squeezes my hand before leaving me and Gary to set up.

  “How are you doing, Abs?” Gary asks.

  “Fine, I miss the kids a little.”

  “Already? You’re a glutton for punishment, girl.” He dumps a bag of charcoal into the grill.

  “Give me an hour and a drink, and I’ll probably feel differently.”

  “It can’t be easy having your ex tagging along.” His dark eyes are full of sympathy.

  “And Joseph’s and Airen’s,” I mumble.


  “Nic and Airen were…friends in college.”

  His thick eyebrows climb his forehead. “Oh.”

  “Yeah. The chances of any of them showing up at my front door were slim. All of them in the same week? It’s astronomical. I feel like I’m tiptoeing through a cactus patch rigged with dynamite.”

  His deep melodic laugh makes me smile. “It’s a race between Airen and Joseph to see who is going to strike the match. Joseph glares every time Jon speaks to you, and Airen couldn’t have made his jealousy any clearer a moment ago if he shouted it through a bullhorn.”

  I unfold the last chair and flop into it. “That obvious huh?”

  “I can’t say I blame Joseph. I’m not trying to pile on, but I don’t trust Jon a goddamn bit. He’s up to something.” Crossing his large arms across his chest, he leans against the camper and regards me closely.

  “You have good instincts. You can’t trust him, especially if he goes with you to rescue those people. Don’t count on him to watch your back. The only life he cares about is his own.”

  Gary sighs. “What do you think he wants?”

  “To cause me as much trouble as possible.”

  “I can take care of him for you. No one has to know, Abby. I can get rid of him tonight. Permanently, if that’s what you need to feel safe. Eric’s willing as well.”

  What have I done to deserve the loyalty and care of these wonderful guys? Gary barely knows me and he’s willing to fight for me, even kill for me. “Thank you.” I hug him. “Really, I appreciate it, but I’m not prepared to do anything quite so drastic…yet, anyway.” No matter how desperate I am to keep the tales of my former life from destroying my relationship, I can’t have someone killed in cold blood.

  “Well, keep it in mind. We all have your back.”

  “How are things going with Emma?” I ask, returning to my seat.

  “Good. It’s still new, you know, but I like her. She’s a little high maintenance.”

  “Yeah, but she has tits till Tuesday, so that should help you overlook a few flaws.”

  Straight teeth, as white as piano keys flash when he laughs. “It doesn’t hurt.”

  Troy and Joseph are sitting on a bench in the playground, talking and laughing, when Airen and the others return from the stream an hour later. They’ve mended things between them, and the effect on Joseph is unmistakable. A heavy weight has been lifted from his conscience and he’s almost giddy with relief.

  Unfortunately, that isn’t what Airen sees. His eyes darken and narrow, tracking them closely as they laugh together and walk toward us. Gary grins at me, and shakes his head when Airen approaches Nic and asks for help cleaning and cooking the fish. His game is obvious, at least to us, and it only escalates as the night wears on. Nic and Airen play chess, and spend hours reminiscing about their college days. Loudly. He’s being an ass. Joseph had one conversation with Troy, and Airen’s getting even by ignoring him for Nic.

  Airen’s immature antics are getting under Joseph’s skin, but he does his best to conceal it. “Swing with me,” I suggest, perching on Joseph’s knee in an attempt to distract him.

  “You’ve had a few drinks. Do you promise you won’t throw up on me?” A grin touches the corners of his mouth.

  “Shut the hell up. I’m sober as a nun.”

  “With the mouth of a sailor.” Hands clasped, we walk to the playground. It’s dark, but the moon is full and the stars are bright, illuminating our path. “Sit on my lap,” he insists, when I move to take the swing beside his. Facing him, I grab the chains,
hoist myself up and slide my legs over his hips, straddling his lap. I scoot as close to him as possible before settling down. Why does this feel so much more dangerous than it did when I was a kid?

  “Don’t go too high.”

  He chuckles. “Trust me, ladybug. Just don’t let go of the chains.” We take turns pumping our legs until we get enough momentum. I forgot how much fun this is. Cool night air rushes by, lifting my hair and plastering my shirt to my body. Joseph is soft and warm against me. My face hurts from grinning so hard. “There’s that beautiful smile. I haven’t seen enough of it lately,” he says, running a fingertip across my lower lip.

  His lips find mine in a mid air kiss as we soar, weightless, our feet in the stars. It’s one of those rare moments I know I’ll never forget. When, for a few seconds, there’s nothing but pleasure, and the joy of connecting deeply with another human being. A moment when all of the weight suddenly lifts, and everything in this huge empty world seems right, perfect, alive.

  “We’re going to be all right,” I whisper, certain for no good reason whatsoever.

  Bright green eyes twinkle in the moonlight. “Of course we are, sweetheart.”

  * * * *

  It’s late when everyone splits up to go to bed. Joseph heads inside while Airen dumps sand on the bonfire. They’ve barely spoken all night.

  “Are you finished punishing Joseph for talking to Troy?”

  “Don’t start with me tonight, Abigail.”

  “I’m not starting anything. I’m asking you to let it go and come to bed.”

  He relaxes when I slide my arms around his waist and press my face against his back. “Okay.”

  Joseph sits on the edge of the bed in his boxers, and doesn’t even look up when we walk in. “I thought maybe you were spending the night with Nic.” Goddamn it, Joseph.

  “He had other plans. Maybe if you take Troy into the woods again for a few hours.”

  Joseph’s face hardens. “We just needed to talk! To apologize for how we left things! I left him for you, you idiot! Why are you worried about him now?”

  Airen jerks off his shoes and socks. “I’m not worried about a fucking thing! You sure didn’t like seeing Troy with Nic, though, did you? Why do you care who he’s fucking if you’re happy with us?”

  “I don’t care.” Joseph frowns up at him.

  “Bullshit. You don’t want Troy with anybody else, but I notice it didn’t keep you from eye fucking Nic.”

  Joseph’s face and ears glow red, and he leaps to his feet. “Christ, Airen! Make up your mind! Am I trying to fuck Nic or Troy? You’re jealous of both of them! You don’t want to see anyone with your ex either.” Joseph’s use of the word ‘either’ makes me blanch. He’s essentially admitting that seeing Troy with Nic bothers him.

  “I’m not jealous of a goddamn thing,” Airen snaps. He slams a glass on the table and pours a shot of whiskey. “Nic was a friend, that’s all. Not an ex.”

  “Friends don’t blow each other!” Joseph shouts. Shit. I don’t know what to do. I want to break this up, but maybe they need to have it out and clear the air. I’m sure the others are getting an earful. Our little camper isn’t exactly soundproof.

  “It was one time.” Airen sighs and runs his hands through his hair. “Is that what bothers you? My history with Nic?” Joseph doesn’t respond, only turns to face the wall with a huff. Airen’s voice is low and soft when he speaks again. “It didn’t mean anything, Joey. I told you about him a long time ago.”

  “Yeah, but you didn’t say he was so…”

  “So what? Go on. Finish your sentence,” he dares.

  Cornered, Joseph shakes his head. So gorgeous, that’s what he wanted to say. It’s burning him up, knowing Airen was intimate with a man as attractive as Nic. I know how he feels, how the insecurity gnaws at you, making you feel like you don’t measure up. It’s hard to think about the beautiful women Airen’s had before me.

  Airen throws back another shot and glares at him. “I told you we worked together modeling. What the fuck did you expect him to look like? You’re pissed that Troy moved on, but it doesn’t stop you from drooling over your replacement.”

  Joseph winces at the word replacement, but glares back at him, keeping eye contact. “Fuck you. You’re upset over Troy’s return, but not because of me. Because he’s fucking your pretty boy.”

  Why can’t Airen hear the pain in his voice? He’s hurt and jealous. They both are. Airen doesn’t want Joseph to care who Troy dates. Joseph doesn’t like that Airen had another man before him, especially someone as beautiful as Nic. It has nothing to do with either of them wanting someone else because they don’t.

  “Goddamn it!” Airen shouts. “Just admit you don’t like seeing Troy with him!”

  “Fine! Maybe watching your ex with my ex fucked me up, but you’re no better. Admit you don’t like seeing Nic with Troy.” Joseph crosses his arms. They stand inches apart, scowling at one another. Airen’s hair is wild, and Joseph’s face is fire engine red. Sweat coats their bodies. I can almost taste the testosterone in the air.

  “No, you asshole. I don’t give a shit about Nic! I hate it that Troy’s had you!” Joseph stumbles as Airen shoves him against the wall. “I hate that you’re attracted to Nic! To anyone! When you’re the only man I see!” Joseph gasps, and his jaw falls open in surprise. Airen pins him to the wall and slams their mouths together in a kiss that’s equal parts anger, dominance, and greed. “I think you need a reminder of who you belong to,” he growls, grinding against him. Joseph tugs Airen’s shorts down while Airen strips him of his boxers. A scorching look passes between them before they attack one another.

  Fuck me, but this is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. I curl up on the couch, out of the way, and watch my two passionate men resolve their anger the best way they know how. Low, agonized moans and sharp, biting cries fill the room. Rough hands grope and pinch and squeeze. They’re all brawling tongues, clashing teeth, and sweaty limbs. Biting and cursing, they battle for dominance, consumed with their desire.

  “Fuck!” Joseph shouts when Airen pins his hips to the bed and wastes no time swallowing him to the root. Joseph’s hands fist in his midnight hair while he gasps for breath, overcome at the onslaught. Airen squeezes his ass, digging his fingers in hard enough to bruise. “Goddamn it, Airen!” he shouts as Airen’s dark head bobs between his legs, working him ruthlessly with his mouth, making him come in less than a minute.

  Airen’s lips are at Joseph’s ear before he can recover. “Mine, Joey. Mine to take whenever I want. And I want you now.” His kiss on Joseph’s swollen lips is gentle, lingering, and affectionate. He runs his lips down Joseph’s neck and takes his time licking and caressing the sensitive skin.

  “Yes,” Joseph whispers. Airen will bend me over and fuck me with little to no warning, but I notice he always gets permission first when it’s Joseph.

  Airen grasps his hips and rolls him onto his stomach, all signs of aggression gone. Soft words fall from his lips while he kisses his nape and nibbles at his ear. He reaches into his duffel bag for a bottle of lube and coats his fingers before sliding them between Joseph’s cheeks. His fingers dip and stroke, plunge and circle, stretching and preparing while Joseph groans and writhes beneath him. I can feel his torment. I’ve been a victim of those talented fingers.

  “I’m going to come if you keep that up.”

  “Not yet.” Joseph groans as Airen delivers a sound slap to his ass. Slipping his arm around Joseph’s waist, he pulls him up on his knees. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes, hurry the fuck up.”

  Airen chuckles and eases into him inch by inch, letting him acclimate to his size. This is still difficult for me to watch. Though Joseph swears it doesn’t hurt, and it’s obvious he loves it, I still cringe remembering the agony I felt when Jon took me that way. Airen’s brow is furrowed in concentration as he tries to restrain himself from fucking him senseless, but he doesn’t begin to move until Joseph rocks against him.

/>   Joseph is rock hard and I want so badly to join them. Just slip underneath them and take Joseph in my mouth while Airen fucks him, but I fight the urge. There are times when I just need to be with Airen or Joseph, to feel the one on one connection, and I realize they need that too. Oh, they’re a sight. I adore watching my guys when they make love. The little strokes and caresses, the soft words of encouragement and affection, and the pure bliss that shines on their faces is a joy to witness, so sweet and intimate.

  Joseph slides his knees back until he’s flat on his belly with Airen’s arm beneath his waist, slightly tilting his hips. Airen fucks him steadily, kissing and licking his neck, and trailing his tongue across his shoulder blades. “I never wanted Nic,” Airen murmurs, running his nose through the soft curls on the back of his head. “Trust me, Joey. There’s no replacement for you. You hurt Troy, and he wants you to believe he found someone better, but that’s not possible.” Joseph shivers when Airen licks and nips his earlobe. “Nic doesn’t have anything on you.”

  “Airen,” he pants. “I’m going to…”

  “Yes, come with me.” Shuddering through his release, Joseph smothers his face in the bed as Airen grunts and stills, a look of pained ecstasy on his beautiful face. He falls face up onto the bed and Joseph straddles him, looking into his eyes.

  “I don’t want Nic. I just hate the thought he had you first. I care about Troy, but I’m not in love with him. Just you, Dark Eyes. From the very fucking beginning, it’s been you. Stuck in my head like a bad song.”

  “I love you,” Airen whispers.

  “I love you, beautiful.” Joseph kisses him lightly. “Now let’s go take a dip in that stream.”

  “Please, before the camper smells like a locker room,” I plead, giggling at the surprised look they share. They forgot I was here.

  “Well, we can’t all smell as sweet as you, ladybug,” Joseph says with a grin. I love seeing him so happy.


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