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Back to the Drawing Board Page 22

by L. L. Collins

  “For the record, I also disagree with you cutting off your first born, but that’s not what this is about. Julia disappeared for days. I couldn’t find her. I even went as far as to report her missing. I was sick with worry, but neither of you knew because you fired her, and for what? For loving her brother, her own family? Your son. You don’t even know the whole story there, but that’s not for me to tell you. By the way, I found her, but I’d never seen someone so broken before. That’s on the both of you.”

  “Carter . . .” Mrs. Gibbons had the decency to have tears running down her face, but it wasn’t enough. It was too little, too late for me. I was my father’s son, and I believed in respecting and loving your family, no matter what. “You’re in love with her?”

  I nodded. “When I came here, all I wanted was this internship. Without getting into my past, I was closed off against everything involving relationships. Julia showed me what I was missing; what I could have. She’s an amazing woman, and she has her own hopes and dreams that neither of you have cared about knowing. As long as she was doing what you wanted, she was your prized possession. Now all she is to you is discarded trash, a casualty of your selfish lifestyle. So, respectfully, I quit. Thank you for the time I got to work under the both of you. Julia and Ethan were great mentors. They’re both brilliant at what they do, and I’ll leave here ready to go to another company and continue my growth to be ready to take on a career.”

  When I stopped talking, the door opened and in walked Julia, looking every bit the calm, cool, and collected professional. She was wearing the same outfit she’d been wearing the day I met her, and for a moment I got lost in my daydream about that day. But it was the determined look on her face that I noticed this time. It wasn’t until she reached out her hand for mine that I noticed she was shaking.

  I took it quickly, squeezing it gently so she could feel my strength. I didn’t know what she was doing here or why, but I wasn’t leaving this room without her.

  “I’ve been listening to everything, outside the door,” she said, her voice wavering. “Thank you, Carter. No one has ever stood up for me like that before, well, not since Johnny. I just fell in love with you even more, right here and now.”

  Mr. Gibbons stood up. “You’re quitting? Really?”

  I nodded. “Yes. I was taught to stand up for what I believe in, sir. Right now, I believe in Julia and our love and I don’t believe that working for this company is the right choice. There was a time when I would’ve thought the only thing I needed was to be successful, but that’s no longer the case. Frankly, both of you need a reality check.”

  Julia squeezed my hand, tears shimmering in her eyes. “No crying,” I whispered against her ear. “They aren’t worth it.”

  “I’m not crying for them,” she whispered back. “I love you so much right now.”


  I straightened, looking back at the people that produced the love of my life but also hurt her. “Thank you both. If it weren’t for you, I would’ve never met her. Let’s go, Julia.”

  She smiled, making her dimple pop as I led us to the doorway.

  “Stop.” Her mom called out to us. I could hear her moving towards us. “John, did you hear him? Julia, Carter. I’m sorry. For everything.” I turned back to face her, but Julia stepped partially behind me, shielding her face from them. To me, that was horribly sad and telling.

  John stood, his arms crossed. “I heard every word, Aileen.”

  Julia came out from behind me, straightening her shoulders and looking her mom in the face. “Did you know that my brother is in prison for me?”

  That got both of their attention. “What are you talking about, Julia?”

  “He’s there because the people he was involved with have threatened to hurt me if he tells what he knows. The whole thing is a lie. Johnny was forced to be with those people. He tried to leave. He came back to Colorado years ago when I was in college and lived with me once he realized what they were doing. They sent him pictures of me. They were following me everywhere. So he went back. To keep me safe. Once he was arrested, someone came to visit him in prison and had my house key. He didn’t do this, but he refuses to give the information that will free him because of me. So I hope you can sleep at night, knowing you’ve lost both of your children.”

  I willed one of them, either of them, to say something. When several seconds went by and they both still looked at her like she’d grown another head, I knew it was time to go.

  “Let’s go,” Julia whispered. “Please.” I nodded, turning back and opening the door. She let go of my hand and put her arm around my waist. We walked all the way to the elevators, the entire office watching as we walked out. John and Aileen didn’t come after us.

  When the doors shut, Julia crumpled against me. “What were you doing there, baby? I had it handled. You shouldn’t have come.”

  “You told me love stands up. That was me, standing up with you and showing my support for what you were doing. For me. For us. And for Johnny. It was about time they knew the truth.”

  “Let’s go celebrate.”

  “Celebrate what?”

  “Us, silly! We’re out of the closet!” We laughed together, heading out of GSJ for the last time. Together.

  “I’m so excited!” Julia bounced on her toes as we waited for our luggage. We were home. Well, my home.

  “I’m excited to see that very small bikini you bought. We may have to try that one out privately first.” She laughed, smacking me in the chest. I held my hand over my chest, acting wounded. Julia laughed again, reaching up on her tiptoes and kissing me.

  “I love you, Carter. I can’t believe I get to meet your family soon!”

  I wasn’t nervous about her meeting my family; I was ecstatic. I couldn’t wait to see my sister and brothers again. Logan would probably be huge now since it has been over four months since the last time I held him.

  I grabbed our bags and Julia skipped next to me out of the airport doors. In the weeks since we’d met with her parents as a united front, I’d seen a lighter, more carefree Julia.

  The day I’d interviewed with the CEO of Colorado Cares, Colby had stopped me and apologized for trying to come on to Julia. He’d always had a crush on her I guess, and seeing her with me just made him feel territorial. I could identify with that, for sure. But he knew she didn’t return his feelings, he just didn’t want me, the new guy, to win her. We agreed to start over and let it go. When we put our pissing contest over Julia to the side, we realized we actually had a lot in common. He was even dating someone now. He, Ethan, and I often spent many nights watching sports and drinking beers together.

  Colby was working with the company to get both of us on salary, and we would find out after the first of the year if that opportunity would work out. If not, we had a few other avenues we could explore. I was excited about the future, even though we didn’t know what it would be. As long as I had Julia by my side, it would be okay.

  My mom’s van sat idling at the curb. The second she saw me, she jumped out, followed by my dad. He grabbed me first, hugging me tightly. Mom saw Julia and skidded to a stop.

  “Julia. I’m Liane. It’s so good to finally meet you.” She hugged Julia in true Liane McIntyre fashion.

  “It’s so great to be here. Thank you for having us at your home for Christmas.”

  The van door slid open and my sister flung herself at me. “Carter! You came!” She looked like she’d grown six inches.

  “Gretchen!” I picked her up and turned her around, kissing all over her face.

  “Car-ter! Your face is so scratchy! Julia, do you kiss my brother like that? Yuck! No way!” That got a laugh out of all of us. I put her down, and she walked right up to Julia. “I’m Gretchen. You’re my brother’s girlfriend Julia, right?”

  Julia crouched down, and my mom and I exchanged a look as Julia took out a small Hello Kitty notebook and pen she’d brought for her. “Yes. It’s so great to meet you, Gretchen. This is fo
r you. Someone told me you like Hello Kitty? ”

  “I LOVE Hello Kitty! Mom! Dad! Julia brought me a present! Thank you, Julia. You’re so pretty. I see why Carter likes you.”

  My mom stepped up to me, tears sparkling in her eyes. “Welcome home, son.” She hugged me tightly, whispering in my ear, “She’s wonderful. I’ve never seen you happier. You just have this look about you. I know she’s the one, honey.”

  I nodded, looking over at Julia and then back at my mom, unable to respond. I cleared my throat, swallowing the emotion that threatened. “Where’s Jackson and my buddy Logan?”

  “Passed out in the van,” my dad laughed. “Naptime.”

  “I’m a big girl. I don’t need a nap anymore.” Gretchen grabbed Julia’s hand and led her to the van. “You can sit next to me in the big girl seat. Carter can sit with the babies.”

  Julia looked back at me, and I winked. Oh yes. Gretchen had found herself a new friend.

  Julia laid on my lap, and I sifted my fingers through her hair as we watched the kids play with their new toys. It was Christmas morning, and the kids had gotten us up before dawn, ready for their presents. I held a sleeping baby Logan in my other arm, who had tripled in size since the last time I’d seen him. We hadn’t opened our presents yet, content with watching the kids play and waiting until later.

  In the few days we’d been here, Julia and I had spent every second we could with my siblings and parents. They loved her, and she fit right in. Not that I was surprised. Hayden was coming over later from Fort Lauderdale and bringing his girlfriend, so I was looking forward to us hanging out together as couples and Julia meeting my best friend.

  My mom was cooking Christmas breakfast, and my dad was in there ‘helping her.’ Which meant he was either sampling all the food or sampling her. Maybe both. I decided we better stay out of there, whichever it was. I loved them, but there were some things better left unseen.

  “Julia, want to play with me?” Jackson stood next to the couch, his big eyes focused on hers. “I’ll let you play with my race car.”

  “Oh, that’s a deal I can’t pass up. I love race cars, right, Carter?” She smirked, leaning over and kissing me.

  “Julia loves race cars, Jack,” I teased, tickling his side. She crawled on the floor with him to his collection of cars, several of them new for Christmas. Gretchen looked up from her doll and smiled at Jackson and Julia, crawling closer and into Julia’s lap.

  I sighed, looking down at Logan and then back to Julia. A feeling I’d never had before in my life filled me: contentment. For the first time, I could see a future with someone. I could see us at some point in the future, crawling around on the floor playing with our little ones. I never thought I wanted that or needed to have that kind of connection with someone. But I was wrong. Dead wrong.

  Seeing Julia with my siblings filled in the last crack of my heart that had been made all those years ago. It felt like a lifetime ago now.

  “Carter! Go put Logan in his bed and play with us!” Gretchen, always the bossy one.

  “Yeah, Carter! Come play with us!” Julia’s eyes sparkled. I stood up carefully, balancing Logan so he wouldn’t wake up. I set him gently in his crib and went back to the living room, where Gretchen promptly attacked me.

  “Play dolls!”

  “No, play cars! Carter is a boy, Gretch. He doesn’t want to play dolls.” Jackson could hold his own with his big sister that was for sure.

  “I’ll play with both of you, how about that?” We laughed and played together, Julia and I exchanging looks every few minutes, until my growling stomach reminded me we hadn’t eaten.

  “Breakfast is ready!”

  I stood up and held out my hand so Julia could get up, too. My sister held onto my other hand and Jackson held Julia’s, and the four of us went into the kitchen together.

  “Today was amazing. I can’t wait to meet Hayden and Karrie!” Julia and I were hanging out on the back porch by the pool, waiting for them to arrive.

  “I know. I’m not sure today could be topped. Oh, my mom and dad want to take us over to Sanibel for New Years. They have some friends staying out there, and they’re having a big party at the beach club. They have a babysitter for the kids so it’ll just be us. I want to show you where my parents fell in love. We’ll be headed back to Colorado early the next day, but it’ll be worth the lack of sleep.”

  Julia put her hand over her heart. “Oh, I love their story. Maybe on our way over there they can tell it. There’s nothing better than hearing a couple tell their own love story.”

  “I’m sure they’d love to tell you,” I laughed.

  “I have a gift for you,” Julia said.

  “You do?” I wiggled my eyebrows up and down.

  “Well, not that kind. Not here, buddy.”

  I groaned. “Do I need to get a hotel room just for you to let me have that hot body?”

  “Yes. You do. I’m not . . . you know. Anyway, I have an actual present for you for Christmas. We never got that far.”

  “I have one for you, too,” I said. “I think my parents even have one for you.”

  “Carter!” Julia sat up straight in her chair. “I didn’t get them anything! Oh, my gosh! I’m terrible!”

  I laughed. “Baby, relax. I put your name on my presents.”

  She breathed out. “Thank you. I can’t believe I did that.”

  The patio door opened, and Hayden walked out with someone who must be Karrie. Julia and I both stood. Hayden and I hugged briefly.

  “Hayden! Gosh, it’s been too long. It’s great to see you. This is my girlfriend, Julia. Julia this is Hayden and I assume Karrie?”

  Karrie smiled, reaching her hand out to both of us. “Yes. Great to meet you.” Hayden greeted Julia, and we all settled around the table.

  “Merry Christmas, brother. I thought I’d never see the day.”

  “What day?”

  “The day that you stopped being bullheaded and fell in love.”

  I squeezed Julia’s hand. “This one didn’t give me a choice.”

  She laughed. “I didn’t?”

  “Nope. One look at her, and I was a goner.”

  Karrie looked over at Hayden. “Tell them,” I heard her whisper. She crossed and uncrossed her legs nervously. She was a beautiful woman, petite with dark hair. She had nothing on Julia, but I could appreciate her looks.

  “Tell us,” I joked with Hayden.

  He cleared his throat. “Well, today we got two Christmas presents. One planned, one not.”

  Julia squeezed my hand like she knew what they were going to say. I looked over at her, confused.

  Karrie lifted her left hand and showed us the large engagement ring that Hayden had obviously given her for Christmas. My best friend was engaged. We were growing up.

  I stood up. “Hayden! Congratulations! I’m so happy for both of you!” We hugged both of them.

  “That’s not all,” Hayden continued. “That was my present to Karrie. The present she gave me was . . .”

  The two of them exchanged a look. Julia’s leg jiggled in her seat. Did she have some sort of mind-reading abilities or something? I knew she was pretty good at reading mine, but . . .

  “I’m going to be a dad,” Hayden said, reaching over and caressing Karrie’s flat stomach.

  Julia clapped, her smile so genuine her dimple was on full display. God, I loved how that woman loved. She’d known them all of five minutes, and she was ecstatic for them.

  “Wow. I’m in total shock. That’s amazing. You’ll make great parents.”

  Hayden beamed at me. “Our little bean wasn’t planned, but he or she will change our lives for the better. We’re going to have a short engagement, so plan to come back to Florida in the next few months, okay? I wouldn’t want anyone else to be my best man.”

  My parents came out, and we gave them the good news. I lifted my beer and toasted with them, Karrie sipping lemonade. I saw Julia looking at me out of the corner of my eye, so I turned to lo
ok at her.

  “I love you,” Julia whispered.

  “I love you,” I echoed.

  “Are you going to keep holding out on me, or what?” Julia bounced on my bed. Everyone was long asleep, and it was just the two of us.

  “Uhhh, that depends on what you are talking about,” I said, lifting my eyebrows at her.

  “We watched your siblings open presents. We spent the night hanging out with Hayden and Karrie—whom I love, by the way. We watched your parents open presents. I still can’t believe they got me this infinity bracelet. Give it up, McInytre.”

  I indicated myself. “I am your present, Gibbons.”

  “Let’s play a game,” she said.

  “Oh no,” I groaned. “This always ends with me wanting to explode. And you know exactly what way I mean, too. You aren’t going to give me any, so don’t tease me.”

  “We never finished our twenty questions. I think we only got to like four.”

  “What does this have to do with our Christmas presents?”

  “It doesn’t. It’s just for fun.”

  I laughed. “Well, okay then. You start.”

  “If you could be anyone besides yourself, who would you be and why?”

  Julia settled herself next to me, her chin resting on my chest. She’d seriously stumped me. “I have to think? I just want to have sex with you. Please?”

  “Uh uh,” she said. “Answer.”

  “I’ve never thought about that. I’m okay being me. Especially now.”

  Julia sat up. “That’s not an answer. You must be punished.” Before I could ask what kind of punishment she meant, she straddled my lap and began sucking on my neck.

  “This is punishment?” I gripped her hips, closing my eyes as she reached my lips. “I like it.”

  She climbed off of me and laid back down, leaving my mouth gaping open. “Wha . . . ?”

  “Punishment,” she said, shrugging her shoulders. “You ask the question now.”

  She really was a vixen. “You’re not nice. I’m going to get you back for that. Okay, what’s a habit you have that’s quirky or different?”


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