Broken by the Alien: A Dark Sci-Fi Romance

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Broken by the Alien: A Dark Sci-Fi Romance Page 6

by Loki Renard

  “No, I’m not fucking jealous, I’m furious. They’re all so happy! They shouldn’t be happy!”


  “Because they’re prisoners! Because they have no choice…”

  “You think they should fight their circumstances, no matter how much they enjoy them, or how fulfilled they are?”

  “Yes! I do!”

  He laughs and I am made even angrier.

  “I hate you! I always will.”

  “You want to hate me,” he says. “You are frightened that soon you will be one of those sweet women who clings to her mate and adores him. Maybe you are frightened because you already feel that way.”

  “Oh, mind reading. Okay. Need to get that calibrated.” It’s hard to be sarcastic when you have a snotty nose, but I pull it off.

  “I don’t need to read your mind. I see your thoughts written on your face. You give everything away, Era. Your scorn, your jealousy, your lust, your need. You have already begun to bond with me. I am already your mate. My seed is inside you. It is only a matter of time before you begin to swell.”

  “Fuck off, Karlo.”

  His eyes narrow and I know he is angry. I don’t care. I want him angry. I’d rather he hit me than say these things to me.

  “You’re a brat. An immature little human who does not want to acknowledge the truth. You were bred to be conquered, Era. You were made to be mine. Why do you think your sex fits mine so well?”


  “There are no coincidences in nature. There are things that work and things that do not work. You and I work. You are mine. Make all the scenes you like, that will not change.”

  I stick my tongue out at him. Yes, it’s immature, no, it changes nothing, but I’m not going to let him get the upper hand here. I’m not going to turn into some Stepford alien bride cooing over my belly. Fuck this, fuck that, and fuck him.

  He picks me up and carries me to the bedroom where he takes me over his knee. Of course. I steel myself for the pain to come, promising myself I won’t cry.

  His palm lands against my bare cheeks. It doesn’t hurt. It’s a tap, maybe a little more, but hardly more than that. He makes my skin sting ever so slightly.

  “Naughty little girl,” he says, his voice deep. “What happened to you that you never grew up?”

  “I am grown up!” I hate the way saying that makes me sound small.

  “You’re practically begging me to whip you,” he says, his palm landing again with one of those embarrassingly soft swats. “Your temper is incredible today.”

  “This is it? My punishment is having you talk at me? Just beat me already. Gag me. Fuck me, I don’t care.”

  “You do care,” he says knowingly. “I think the most effective punishment for you right now is talking to you. Telling you what you don’t want to hear. That you’re mine, and you’re going to stay mine and no, you won’t always be this rebellious little thing. You’re going to be just like one of those women soon, Era. You’re going to be the one thing you don’t want to be.”

  “What? Knocked up by an alien?”

  He leans down and growls into my ear.


  * * *

  She bristles at the word, as if I just insulted her honor.

  If only she knew how much she endears herself to me with these struggles of pride. Her behavior out in the public arena was less than desirable, but she is not the first new mate to act out, and she will not be the last. She saw a few peaceful minutes and decided that it was a mindless utopia. I have, on at least one occasion, seen three Rathkari men chase three different females across the space and back again, only to find they had each caught the wrong mate.

  I spank her bottom lightly, making her cheeks jiggle pleasantly beneath my hand. There is no rush to punish her. She is still in training, after all. I can be harsh later. She expects it now, so now is the time to subvert her expectations, show her that she does not know everything.

  “Naughty little human,” I lecture, watching her as she squirms in embarrassment. “You’re going to spend the next week grounded, learning to behave yourself.”

  “Stop talking to me like that!”

  “Like what?”

  “Like I’m… like I’m some juvenile.”

  “But you acted like one,” I say. “You didn’t want to act with the decorum or dignity of a grown woman. You wanted to yell and kick and curse like a brat with no self-control.”

  I keep spanking her, the swats firmer now, turning her cheeks a satisfying deep pink hue. The plug is still lodged neatly in her bottom. I might fuck her there later. For now, I’m enjoying her embarrassment. She is blushing all over her body.

  “You’re a naughty little girl,” I scold her. “And you’re being treated like one. You’ll be going straight to bed after this.”

  I spank her until her bottom is a perfect pink. Her skin colors so beautifully beneath my palm, but I have to be careful not to mark her. She is delicate, I remind myself. Even in her rebellion I must be careful not to break her.

  When I pick her up, there are tears coursing down her cheeks. I do not know their cause, but I know they are a sign that she has had enough for one day. I pull back the covers of the bed and settle her in, just as I said I would. The plug is still in her bottom. It will not do any harm there in the short term. Perhaps it will have a pacifying effect, reminding her who she belongs to even in her sleep.

  She curls up beneath the blankets as I pull them over her, refusing to look at me. Her eyes close and I turn down the lights, rubbing her back with gentle motions of my palm, soothing her toward sleep. It feels good to do this. I like to take care of my sweet human, even though she has behaved atrociously.

  Sleep does not take long to come. She’s exhausted. Her skin has the pallor it gets when she is at the end of her reserves of strength. She uses everything she has to fight me, and I adore it, but not at the cost of her health. I will keep her contained for the moment, I think. She is too stressed by the wider world and I need her strong for the life that is likely already growing inside her.

  * * *

  When I wake up, I feel better. My butt stings a little when I roll over onto my back, and the plug in my rear is a reminder of all the humiliation I endured yesterday, but I am rested and relaxed and Karlo is there almost immediately with food, telling me to eat.

  It is nice to be tended in bed. I would not admit it to him, but he has increased the quality of rations and no longer gives me the dry crumbly pellets. Instead, he shares his own food with me. A Rathkari rice and pumpkin stew. It is good, and though the principled part of me tells me that this came from the labors of enslaved women down below, I eat because I am starving.

  “Good,” he says, pleased with me. The hard planes of his face can be so handsome when he is pleased. He looks at me with a benevolent happiness, enjoying the simple fact that I am eating. It is so easy to make him happy sometimes.

  “Turn over,” he says when I am done.

  I do as I am told. Perhaps it is the long night’s sleep that makes me obedient, or the good food, or maybe I’m coming to terms with the fact that there’s no point defying him. Karlo will have his way no matter what.

  I feel his fingers on my cheeks, spreading them. Then his fingers on the base of the plug. I had almost forgotten it was there—almost. I let out a little squeak as he twists it slowly, easing it out of my hole with a gentle and patient motion.

  When it slides free, I let out a small sigh of relief. It feels good to be free of it. At least, I think it does. There is a small part of me that liked having my anus clenched around the narrow little neck of his plug. It was something to hold onto… no, that doesn’t make sense. I try to push the thought away. I do not like having my butt plugged by an alien man.

  Karlo rubs my cheeks gently, his palm running up the small of my back and then down again. His touch is so soothing and pleasant I find myself relaxing all the more. He can be so nice, so gentle.

I learned a great deal about you yesterday,” he says, his deep voice floating to me through my happy haze.


  “You are sensitive,” he says. “It is easy to mistake you for a robust female, because you are so given to displays of aggression, but the truth is, you are a delicate little thing, easily upset.”

  “I’m not weak,” I insist, immediately insulted.

  “Weak is not the same as sensitive,” he says. “You are undoubtedly strong, but you are also affected greatly by things. That is why you cannot allow yourself to submit to me as other women submit to their mates. You think too much.”

  “Maybe the other women think too little.”

  “They are happy and you are not,” Karlo says with impeccable logic.

  “What do you care if I am happy?”

  “It would be easier if you were.”

  So he doesn’t actually care. None of this is about my real needs, or what I really want. This is just about how easy it is for him to take me and make me his.

  “Why don’t you just lobotomize me then,” I suggest, pushing up to glare at him.

  His large palm presses me back down. He holds me in place, glowering down at me. “Era. Does absolutely every conversation have to turn into a battle of wills?”

  “As long as you try to own me, yes.”

  The hand between my shoulder blades moves up to my neck. I feel his long, powerful fingers curling around the back of my neck, finding my throat as he leans in, his lips next to my ear.

  “I don’t need to try to own you. I do.”

  I can’t argue with that, because in every meaningful sense of the word, he’s right.

  I lie there, utterly subjugated and controlled, and in spite of the fact I’d like to rip his damn throat out, my body is responding very differently. I can feel the slickness between my lower lips. Every time he does this to me, my pussy betrays me. It’s hot. Hot to be taken, to be owned, to have no choice. And there’s even a freedom in it, to be able to throw my very worst at him and have him keep me anyway.

  He says nothing, but keeps holding me there, pinned in place as my hips start a slow squirm of their own accord. That’s some small mercy, that he’s not pointing out my hypocrisy. He’s not telling me that a woman whose pussy gets wet when she’s held down might just be more submissive and more happy than she admits. Then again, he doesn’t have to. It’s obvious to both of us.

  Karlo is doing nothing besides being there and being himself and my hips are starting to rise off the bed. God. I want him. I want that big, thick cock deep inside me. I want to feel him stretching me wide. I want all of him and I have nothing but the palm on the back of my neck, and goddammit, that’s almost enough as I squirm against the bed, my clit rubbing over the sheets.

  “Don’t come.”

  His voice startles me.

  His fingers close more tightly around the back of my neck. “Don’t come, Era. I don’t want you to come until I’m inside you.”

  He’s going to do it. He’s going to fuck me. My body thrills to the thought, my toes curling in anticipation, my hips lifting from the bed, offering my sex to him. He stands up, his hand sliding from my neck to my arm as he pulls me up from the bed, his strength making it easy for him to pick me up like a rag doll.

  He swings me against his body, arm wrapping around my waist. He is naked and he is erect, his thick cock spearing toward my pussy as he pulls me down on it, impaling me on his cock. It slides in an inch or so and then he holds me atop it, keeping my wet, greedy pussy open.

  “Tell me I own you,” he demands, his eyes flashing gold into mine. “Tell me you’re mine.”

  My pussy clenches against his cock, just the tip of him inside me, promising so much more—but not without my willing capitulation. I want to resist, but my body won’t let me. I need him. I need this. I need to be fucked.

  “I’m yours,” I whisper shamefully, betraying every ideal I hold just to have him inside me.

  There is a light of triumph in his eyes as he pulls me down on his cock, my scream of desire piercing the air as he starts to fuck me just like a toy, lifting me up and down on his cock, my eager pussy slicking his rod, helping him to ravage me.

  I wrap my arms and my legs around him and bury my face in his neck as he bounces my ass on his cock, fucking me toward orgasm that starts with the expansion of his cock inside my cunt and ends with my inner walls utterly soaked in his cum. My pussy is so sensitive. I have to come. I have to.

  “Please, Karlo!” I beg him. “Please…”

  “Come,” he demands, burying his cock deep inside me, his lips crushing mine as I wrap myself around him, my pussy squeezing his hardness desperately. My clit is grinding against his pubic bones, my hips bucking as orgasm tears through me and I am filled both by him and his seed, dripping out of me as he plunges in and out a few more times, drawing out the moment of orgasm, ramming home my shameful submission.

  As soon as my climax starts to fade, my rebellion returns. I put my teeth on him, the sharp edges on his neck. It’s more warning than he deserves. His palm cups my bottom and squeezes.

  “Don’t,” he growls.

  “Don’t what?” I feign innocence.

  “Don’t ruin this with a display of temper. Just be here with me, Era. Please.”

  It’s the first time he’s ever said please. Maybe I like hearing that. Or maybe I’m just tired. I settle into his arms and leave the fight for another day.

  Chapter Six

  Era’s cries of ecstasy ring in my ears. My cock thrusts deep between her wet walls, my balls heavy with cum that rises to fill the creamy tight hole wrapped around my cock in great spurting bursts. Her flesh is perfect for me, the soft but strong lips gripping my cock greedily as I spend myself inside her. She has taken one load already. This is the second of the day—the second of what will be many. She cries out, her pussy quivering around me. She is so much smaller and softer and weaker, but her cunt knows how to handle my hard alien flesh, how to grip and milk it for every drop.

  Breathing heavily, I carefully pull out of her, doing my best not to let any of that precious cargo spill out of the soft chalice of her body. As I look down at her, I feel a rush of possessive pride.

  I have bound her in place across the breeding bench, a soft surface that tilts down at ten degrees, ensuring that her womb is bathed in my cum every time I spend it inside her. I am leaving nothing to chance with this rebellious human.

  “You’re wasting your time, Karlo,” she says, taunting me as she does every time I come inside her. Her cheeks are pink, her eyes sparkling with defiance. She forgets so quickly how she begs me for this, how desperate she is to be taken.

  Her insolence makes me want to take her tight little ass—but that would in fact be a waste of my cum. Every drop needs to go deep inside her pussy, and has every day for the last seven. My hydration levels dip dangerously low sometimes due to the sheer volume of seed I have spilled in her.

  I have not taken her out into public again since she made such a scene, and I will not until she is heavy with child. I am looking forward to her beginning to swell. She will be even more beautiful then—and she will no doubt be much easier to contain. In her current agile state I must bind her every time I need to keep her still for more than two minutes.

  “Don’t move,” I order, just as she clenches her pussy—perhaps involuntarily, perhaps on purpose. My seed comes spilling out over her sex and trickles over her clit.

  My palm meets her bottom in a hard slap. “Bad girl!”

  “I’m not bad, I can’t help it!”

  I fist my cock, which is already at erect attention. I will have to fill her again. That will be no hardship.

  * * *

  Karlo breeds me with an intensity like no other. It feels as though every moment of the day I am either filled with his cum, or about to be. The smell of his seed hangs rich in the air between us. My pussy aches and throbs, slick with his load. There’s so much inside me that there’s no wa
y it matters if I push a little out. I am absolutely drenched in it.

  That doesn’t stop his palm meeting my lewdly exposed ass, punishing me for wasting his cum.

  “Ow! Karlo! It wasn’t my fault! I can’t help what my pussy does!”

  “You will help it,” he growls, his fingers landing across my cum-smeared sex. I screech as he punishes my pussy too, spanking every part of me he can reach as I writhe beneath his bonds, my head tossing back and forth as this cruel alien whips my pussy and bottom holes with equal vigor, his cum intensifying the sting with its viscous wet touch.

  He is ruthless in his punishments, expecting total obedience. I am not capable of it, but he doesn’t care. I gasp against the bench he’s bound me to, squirming in my bonds as my alien captor punishes me harshly yet again, whipping the tips of his fingers against the same hole he just fucked, wasting far more of his precious cum than I ever could.

  “Are you sorry, Era?”


  He snorts and spanks me again. “You are going to have a very sore pussy,” he observes. “I think you like being fucked in a well-spanked pussy. I think you like it when it hurts.”

  “I think you’re an asshole,” I bite back, only to scream out as he slaps my clit.

  “Say sorry, Era,” he orders.

  “Sorry for what?”

  “Sorry for wasting my cum.”

  “You’re the one wasting your cum, dumb ass.”

  It’s not the right answer. His hand begins to whip back and forth, thrashing my ass hard and fast. My sore bottom swells and stings as I shriek for clemency. The intensity is too much. He can do worse to me than I can bear and we both know it—just like we both know this isn’t the beginning of what he could do if he wanted to.

  “I’m sorry!” I gasp the word. “I’m sorry!”

  He does not reply. Forgiveness does not come in words with Karlo. It comes with action.

  He takes a cream salve that will ease the throbbing in my lower lips and spreads it across my pussy through his own seed, his fingers taking special care to treat my clit. I let out a little groan that is more animal than human. Struggling does no good. My arms are trapped behind my back, my legs cannot close. I am his to fuck and he will not rest until he achieves the impossible.


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